Types of Meloidae (Coleoptera: Tenebronoidea) housed at the Museo de La Plata entomological collection(Argentina)

Material tipo de Meloidae (Coleoptera: Tenebronoidea) depositado en la colección del Museo de La Plata (Argentina)

Campos Soldini, Paula M. *, Sonia M. Suárez** and Analía A.Lanteri**

*Laboratorio de Entomología CICyTTP-CONICET, Matteri y España, Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina; e-mail: mariapaulacampos@gmail.com
**División Entomología, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque. 1900 La Plata, Argentina; e-mail: alanteri@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar

ABSTRACT. This contribution provides information on the type material of 36 species (eight genera) of Meloidae housed at the Museo de La Plata collection, collected in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. The types herein stated mainly correspond to species described by the Coleopterist Pedro Denier (20 spp), from 1930 to 1940, but also by the specialists Fritz Borchmann (6 spp), Federico G. C. Berg (7 spp) and Antonio Martínez (3 spp). We have examined almost 200 specimens regarded as types, but after the comparison of their label information with the original descriptions of the species, only 70 can be considered as true types (they are holotypes, allotypes, paratypes and syntypes). For each species we give the following information: original name; bibliographic references; category of types; sex of the specimens when it is indicated; data on the labels (exact transcription); code number according to the Museo de La Plata rules; and additional information on the type specimens.

KEY WORDS. Type material; Meloidae; Museo de La Plata; Argentina.

RESUMEN.  El presente trabajo provee información acerca del material tipo correspondiente a 36 especies (ocho géneros) de Meloidae, que fueron recolectadas en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay, y depositadas en la colección entomológica del Museo de La Plata. Los ejemplares tipo aquí tratados corresponden mayormente a especies descriptas por el especialista Pedro Denier (20 spp) entre 1930 y 1940 y en menor número por los especialistas Fritz Borchmann (6 spp), Federico G. C. Berg (7 spp) y Antonio Martínez (3 spp). Se examinaron más de cien especímenes que supuestamente revestían la condición de tipos, sin embargo, después de comparar la información de sus etiquetas con las descripciones originales, resultó que sólo 70 de ellos fueron reconocidos como verdaderos tipos (holotipos, alotipos, paratipos y sintipos). Para cada especie se provee la siguiente información: nombre original de la especie, referencias bibliográficas, categoría de tipos, sexo de los ejemplares (cuando está indicado), datos mencionados en las etiquetas (trascripción exacta);número de código de acuerdo con las reglas del Museo de La Plata y datos adicionales sobre los ejemplares tipo.

PALABRAS CLAVE. Tipos entomológicos; Meloidae; Museo de La Plata; Argentina.

Recibido: 27-06-2008;
Aceptado: 16-09-2008


Meloidae is a family of beetles currently including about 120 genera and 2500 species. It is virtually cosmopolitan, occurring throughout the world except in New Zealand and certain isolated oceanic islands (Pinto & Bologna, 1999). This family has attracted the attention of several entomologists since ancient times and it is counted among the most important insect taxa inhabiting the arid and semiarid zones of the world (Lowe, 1968; Bologna, 1991). Commonly referred to as blister beetles, these insects are of particular interest because of their paramedical, veterinary and agricultural importance (Parker and Wakeland, 1957; Capinera et al., 1985; Blodgett et al., 1995).
The main goal of this paper is to provide information on the type material of 36 species of Meloidae housed at the Museo de La Plata (MLP) entomological collection. They belong to eight genera of two tribes according to the classification of Selander (1991): Acrolytta Kaszab (1 sp), Epicauta Dejean (22 spp), Picnoseus Solier (2 spp), Pyrota Dejean (2 spp), Parameloe Denier (1 sp), Pseudomeloe Fairmaire & Germain (6 spp), and Wagneronota Denier (1 sp) (Cerocomini), and Tetraonyx Latreille (1 sp) (Tetraonycini).
Most of the types are of Epicauta, one of the largest genera of Meloidae in the world with about 360 recognized species. The greatest concentration of this genus is in the United States and Mexico (Pinto, 1991). Adult are phytophagous, feeding on leaves, stems or flowers of a large variety of angiosperms and their larvae are predators of grasshopper eggs (Selander, 1986). Of the remaining genera treated here, Pyrota and Tetraonyx are restricted to the New World, and all the others are endemic to South America.
Contributions   regarding   type   material housed at different Museums and other Scientific Institutions are recommended by the 4th edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Article 72 F 4, ICZN, 1999).


For each species we provide the following information:

Name of the species

Bibliographic references

Category of the types

Sex of the specimens when it is indicated

Data on the labels

Code number of the MLP, followed by a slash and another number that indicates the category of type, according to the present status and rules of the MLP collections: /1 holotype or neotype; /2 allotype; /3 and subsequent numbers, paratypes; /1 and subsequent numbers, syntypes.

Additional information on the type specimens (remarks).

All the specimens examined are pinned and in good condition. The majority of the identification labels are pink color; those corresponding to Denier`s species are handwritten. We have used brackets to separate data of different labels and slashes to indicate different lines within the same label.
The labels of each specimen were compared with information in the original descriptions of the species, to certify the type status of the material. Several specimens examined were labelled as cotypes. As the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature points out, the term cotype is ambiguous and was formerly used for either paratype or syntype. All specimens itemized below with an original cotype label have been
determined to represent syntypes. Specimens whose type status was not indicated in the original publication were also considered syntypes (most Borchmann species).
We exclude from this museum catalogue 34 specimens of Epicauta labelled as types but which are only specimens compared with types. We also remove from the type collection of the MLP the nomina nuda (e.g. Epicauta fidelis Brèthes and E. testaceicornis Pic) and the specimens labelled as types but with localities that do not agree with those in the original publication of the species (e.g. E. luciati Brèthes and E. pluvialis Borchmann). According to the literature, some types of species of Meloidae should be in the MLP collection, but we were unable to locate them. These species are E. borschmanni and E. yungana described by Denier (1935a) and Pseudomeloe hornioides Denier 1921.

Acrolytta Kaszab

- griseopubescens, Lytta. Denier, 1935a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 7: 163.
Holotype female: [Rep. ARGENTINA/ A. Breyer] [Patquía/ 1922/ La Rioja] [Lytta/ griseopubescens/ Denier 1934/ HOLOTIPO] [MLP 603/ 1].
Remarks: The sex of the holotype is not indicated on the label, but the original description states that it is a female. It also indicates that Patquía belongs to La Rioja province, although this information is not written on the label. This species was transferred to Acrolytta by Kaszab (1959).

Epicauta Dejean

- avellanea, Epicauta.
Denier, 1934a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6: 274.
Holotype male: [Coll. Frers/ N° 757] [Valle de los/ Reartes/ Córdoba/ A. G. Frers] (opposite side) [17.I.1921] [Epicauta/ avellanea/ Denier/ HOLOTIPO] [27.II.49] [MLP 551/ 1].
Remarks: The original publication indicates that a male paratype was deposited at the "Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales" (MACN), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

-  aymara, Epicauta. Denier, 1935a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 7: 152.
Holotype male: [Perú. Puno/ Dr. E. Escomel] [Epicauta ♂/ aymara/ Denier 1935/ HOLOTYPUS] [MLP 552/ 1].
Paratypes female and male (2): [Vilcanota/ Perú] [Coll. Kraatz] [Ep. leoni/ Dugès] [Borchmann det.] [Deuts. Ent. Inst../ dedit 1935] [Epicauta/ aymara/ Denier 1935/ PARATYPUS ♀] [MLP 552/ 3]. [Perú- Puno/ Dr. E. Escomel] [Epicauta/ aymara/ Denier 1925/ PARATYPUS ♂] [MLP 552/ 4].
Remarks: The original publication indicates: Puno, 3800m and Vilcanota, 5300m, but altitude is not written on the labels. The author also said that the allotype was deposited at Deutsche Entomologische Institute, Berlin, and that more paratypes, males and females, are in Escomel´s collection.

borgmeieri, Epicauta. Denier, 1935a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 7: 153.
Holotype male: [Est. Matto Grosso/ Campo Grande/ 30.XII.1921/ Lane] [Epicauta/ borgmeieri/ Denier/ HOLOTYPUS] [MLP 554/ 1].
Allotype female: [Est. Matto Grosso/ Campo Grande/ 30.XII.1921/ Lane] [Epicauta/ borgmeieri/ Denier/ ALOTYPUS] [MLP 554/ 2].
Remarks: The original publication indicates that other specimens from the type series were deposited at the "Sección de Entomología Agrícola, Instituto de Biología Vegetal, Río de Janeiro" (Agricultural Entomology Section, Plant Biology Institute, Rio de Janeiro). The date of collection in the original publication is 27-30.XII.1921.

- bosqi, Epicauta. Denier, 1935a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 7: 153.
Holotype male: [Rosario de S. Fe/ parque a la luz/ Denier 19.II.32] [Epicauta/ bosqi/ Denier/ HOLOTIPO] [MLP 555/ 1].
Paratype female: [Santa Fe/ Rafaela/ I.1933] [Coll. Bosq] [♀] [Epicauta/ bosqi Denier/ PARATIPO] [MLP 555/ 3].

- breyeri, Epicauta. Denier, 1934a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6: 272.
Holotype, sex not determined: [REP. ARGENTINA/ PATQUIA] [Epicauta/ breyeri/ 1934/ HOLOTIPO] [MLP 556/ 1].
Paratypes males (2): [REP. ARGENTINA/ PATQUIA] [Epicauta/ breyeri/ Denier 1934/ PARATIPO] [MLP 556/ 3-4].
Remarks: The original publication indicates that there are other paratypes in Breyer`s collection.

- clericalis, Cantharis. Berg, 1881. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 42: 308.
Holotype, sex not determined: [Misio-/ nes] [Lytta/ clericalis/ Berg] [com. tipo/ comparat] [MLP 561/ 1].
Remarks: This species was transferred to Epicauta by Borchmann (1917). The author indicated that the type material is from Misiones province, Argentina, and it was deposited in his collection. According to Adams & Selander (1979: 257), the specimen from Misiones in the Berg collection of the MLP, labelled as "Lytta clericalis Berg", is perhaps the holotype. Based on this statement we consider this specimen as the probable holotype.

-costipennis, Epicauta. Borchmann, 1930. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 3: 93.
Syntype male: [Rca. ARGENTINA/ Prov. Jujuy/ 1.IV.1920/ C. Bruch] [C. Bruch/ dedit. 1931] [♂] [Epicauta/ costipennis/ Borchmann/ PARATIPO] [MLP 562/ 3].
Remarks: The author indicates that he examined eight specimens collected in Jujuy, Troquero, 1.IV.1920 (Weiser leg.), but he did not provide any information on the type status of these specimens or on the institution of deposition. In the MLP collection there is a single specimen, clearly from the original series, labelled as paratype. Given the information in the original publication, it should be considered a syntype.

- exclamationis, Lytta. Berg, 1889. Anales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires 6: 120.
Syntypes, sex not determined (3): [Typus] [Tandil] [Foto Bruch] [Lytta/ exclamationis/1889] [MLP 564/ 1]. [Typus] [Uruguay] [MLP 564/ 2]. [Typus] [Banda/ Oriental] [MLP 564/ 3].
Remarks: In the original publication the author indicates that he studied three specimens from Tandil (Argentina) and from Uruguay. Based on this information we conclude that the types deposited at the MLP are syntypes. This species is listed as a junior synonym of Epicauta bella Mäklin 1875 by Blackwelder (1945).

- fourcadei, Epicauta. Denier, 1940. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 129: 179.
Syntypes male (3): [Las Lomitas/ 12.XII.36] [♂] [Epicauta/ fourcadei/ Denier 1939/ COTYPUS] [MLP 566/ 1-3].
Remarks: In the original publication the author states that he studied three cotypes from Las Lomitas (Formosa Province), 12.XII.1936, collected at artificial light by Carlos Ferreira Fourcade and Carlos Denier. This information agrees with that on the labels. A holotype was not designated. Although labelled as cotypes, the three specimens are clearly syntypes.

- franciscana, Epicauta. Denier, 1935a. Revista de Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 7: 155.
Holotype: [Rosario S. Fé/ P. D. 15.III.32] [Epicauta/ franciscana/ Denier/ HOLOTIPO] [MLP 567/ 1].
Paratype, sex not determined: [Rosario S. Fé/ Saldaña] [Epicauta/ sp (una possidée/ desire)] [Epicauta/ franciscana/ Denier/ PARATIPO] [MLP 567/ 3].
Remarks: According to the original publication, the type series includes specimens from Argentina, Sta. Fe (Rosario), La Rioja and Buenos Aires provinces, and also from Uruguay (Cuchilla de Melo). It is also indicated that the holotype and the allotype are in the author`s collection, but the former is currently in the MLP collection. The location of the allotype is unknown.

langei, Epicauta. Borchmann, 1930. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 3: 95.
Syntype, sex not determined: [Rca. ARGENTINA/ Prov. Catamarca/ 20.III.1907/ C. Bruch] [Epicauta/ langei/ Borchamnn 1930/ PARATIPO] [MLP 569/ 1].
Remarks: The author states that the type series consists of three specimens from Argentina, Catamarca, La Rioja and Salta provinces, but he did not provide any information on their type status. The type in the MLP collection is labelled as paratype, but should be considered a syntype.

- lizeri, Epicauta. Denier, 1934a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6: 271.
Holotype male: [Lagunillas/ Bolivia/ XI.1917] [Epicauta/ lizeri Denier/ 1934/ HOLOTIPO] [MLP 571/ 1].
Allotype female: [Lagunillas/ Bolivia/ XI.1917] [♀] [Epicauta/ lizeri mihi Denier/ 1934/ ALOTIPO] [MLP 571/ 2].
Paratypes (7), sex not determined (4) and females (3). [Lagunillas/ Bolivia/ XI.1917] [E. lizeri Den./ PARATIPO] [MLP 571/ 3-6]. [Lagunillas/ Bolivia/ XI.1917] [♀ del abdom. de la/ cual ha sido/ sacado del forceps/ descripto. P. D] [E. lizeri Den./ PARATIPO] [MLP 571/ 7]. [Lagunillas/ Bolivia/ XI.1917] [♀] [E. lizeri Den./ PARATIPO] [MLP 571/ 8-9].
Remarks: The type series comes from Bolivia (Lagunillas) and several provinces of Argentina (Catamarca, Chaco, La Rioja, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero y Tucumán). The author indicates that these types are in his collection (part of it now in the MLP) and one paratype was deposited at the "Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales" (MACN), Buenos Aires.

-   missionum, Cantharis. Berg, 1881. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 42: 306.
Holotype female: [Typus] [Misio-/ nes] [Foto Bruch] [Lytta/ missionum/ Berg] [MLP 575/ 1].
Remarks: In his original publication Berg indicates that the species is based on a single female from Misiones, deposited in his collection. Since part of this collection is now at the MLP, we conclude that this specimen labelled as type is the holotype.

- monachica, Lytta. Berg, 1883. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 15: 68.
Syntypes, sex not determined (2): [Typus] [Men-/doza] [Foto Bruch] [Lytta/ monachica/ Berg] [MLP 576/ 1]. [Typus] [Men-/doza] [MLP 576/ 2].
Remarks: In the original publication there is no indication of the type status of the specimens examined by the author, for this reason we consider them as syntypes.

- montei, Epicauta. Denier, 1935a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 7: 157.
Paratype, sex not determined: [Epicauta sp/ Pimentao] [B. Horizonte/ 20.XII.1932/ O. Monte-Minas] [Epicauta/ montei Denier/ PARATYPUS] [MLP 577/ 3].
Remarks: The type series comes from Brazil (Goyaz, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul) and Uruguay. According to the original publication, paratypes were deposited at the "Sección de Entomología del Instituto de Biología Vegetal, Rio de Janeiro" (Entomology Section of the Plant Biology Institute, Rio de Janeiro) and at O Monte´s collections, but one of them is at the MLP. Holotype and allotype were deposited in the author's collection; their present location is uncertain.

- pullata, Lytta. Berg, 1889. Anales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires 6: 121.
Syntypes, sex not determined (2): [Typus] [Chacab./ F. Lynch] [Foto Bruch] [Lytta/ pullata/ 1889 Berg] [580/ 1]. [Typus] [Men-/ doza] [MLP 580/ 2].
Remarks: In the original publication there is no indication of the type status of the specimens examined by the author; for this reason we consider them syntypes.

- purpureiceps, Lytta. Berg, 1889. Anales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires 6: 123.
Holotype,   sex   not   determined:   [Typus]
[Córdoba] [Foto Bruch] [Lytta/ purpureiceps/1889 Berg] [581/ 1].
Remarks: In the original publication the author indicates that he studied only one specimen from Córdoba (Argentina). Based on this information we conclude that the individual deposited in the MLP is the holotype.

- rosilloi, Epicauta. Martínez, 1952. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 153: 255.
Syntype, sex not determined: [ARGENTINA/ SALTA/ Dto. Gral. San Martín/ Tablillas/ Coll. Martinez] [Epicauta/ rosilloi/ sp.n/ A. Martínez - Det. 1952] [MLP 582/ 1].
Remarks: The author indicates that the type series includes 62 males, all from different provinces of Argentina (Catamarca, Jujuy, Salta and Tucumán). He provides detailed information about localities, collectors and repositories (several institutions of Argentina and Harvard University, USA).

- rubella, Epicauta. Denier, 1940b.
Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 129: 182.
Holotype male: [Paraguay/ Puerto Max] [♂] [Epicauta/ rubella/ Denier/ A. Martínez-det. 1953] [MLP 5245/ 1].
Allotype female: [Salta/ Esteco/ II.1938] [♀] [MLP 5245/ 2].
Remarks: Previous to this contribution the holotype and allotype of E. rubella were not placed in the drawer of the type material deposited at the MLP, but were misplaced along with specimens in the general collection. Based on the information included in the original publication and that on the labels, we consider these specimens as true types.

- rutilifrons, Epicauta. Borchmann, 1930. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 3: 92.
Syntype, sex not determined: [Rep. ARGENTINA/ Prov. Jujuy/ C. Bruch] [C. Bruch/ dedit 1931] [Epicauta/ rutilifrons/ Borchm. / PARATIPO] [MLP 583/ 3].
Remarks: According to the original publication, the type series includes several specimens from Jujuy, all of them with the same type status. The specimen at the MLP is labelled paratype, but we consider it a syntype.

solaniperda, Epicauta. Denier, 1940a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 10: 422.
Holotype male: [N 62-31/ Huancayo/ 20.XI.1931] [J. E. Wille coll.] [♂] [compare aux types/ du Musie de Berlin/ par J. Korschefsky:/ "riapartient pas a/ L. hypoleuca Kl"] [Epicauta/solaniperda/ Denier 1939/ HOLOTYPUS ♂] [MLP 584/ 1].
Allotype female: [Huancayo/ 20.XI.31/ J. E. Wille] [Epicauta/ solaniperda/ Denier 1939/ ALOTYPUS ♀] [MLP 584/ 2].
Paratypes (10), females (5) and males (5): [Huancayo/ 20.XI.31/ J. E. Wille] [Ep. solaniperda/ Denier 1939/ Paratypus ♀] [MLP 584/ 3-7]. [Huancayo/ 20.XI.31] [J. E. Wille coll] [¿I1] [Ep. solaniperda/ Denier 1939/ Paratypus ♂] [MLP 584/ 8-12].
Remarks: The original publication indicates that the holotype and the paratypes are deposited in Pedro Denier´s collection, now in part at the MLP. He also states that the specimens were collected in Peru, on Solanum tuberosum.

-  willei, Epicauta. Denier, 1940a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 10: 422.
Holotype male: [N 254-32/ Sicuani/ Cuzco/ I.1932] [J. E. Wille coll.] [♂] [Epicauta/ willei Denier/ 1939/ HOLOTYPUS ♂] [MLP 591/ 1].
Allotype female: [N 254-32/ Sicuani/ Cuzco/ I.1932] [J. E. Wille coll.] [♀] [Epicauta/ willei Denier/ 1939/ ALOTYPUS ♀] [MLP 591/ 2].
Paratypes male and female: [N 254-32/ Sicuani/ Cuzco/ I.1932] [J. E. Wille coll.] [¿I1] [Epicauta/ willei Denier/ 1939/ Paratypus ♂] [MLP 591/ 3]. [Sicuani/ Cuzco/I.1932/ J. E. Wille] [Ep. willei Denier/ 1939/ Paratypus ♀] [MLP 591/ 4].

Picnoseus Solier

-  gajardoi, Picnoseus. Denier, 1937.
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 40: 288.
Syntype male: [Chile/ Prov. Coquimbo/ Dr. Rob. Gajardo T./ XI.34] [♂] [Picnoseus/ gajardoi/ Denier/ COTYPUS ♂] [MUSEO DE LA PLATA/ LECTOTYPE/ Picnoseus/ gajardoi/ Denier/ Det. Selander] [MLP 611/ 1].
Remarks: The species P. garjardoi was described from two syntype males from Coquimbo, Chile. Richard Selander studied the single syntype deposited at the Museo de La Plata and added a label of lectotype. Since this nomenclatural action was not later published, the specimen remains a syntype.

rubrofasciatus, Picnoseus. Denier,
1934b. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 38: 116.
Holotype, sex not determined: [CHILE/ Prov. Santiago/ Dep. La Victoria/ El Volcán/ C. E. Porter leg.] [Porter 16/ El Volcán] [Picnoseus/ rubrofasciatus/ Denier 1934/ HOLOTIPO] [MLP 613/ 1].
Remarks: According to the original publication, this species was based on a single type specimen.

Pyrota Dejean

proseni, Pyrota Martínez, 1967. Segundas Jornadas de Entomoepidemia Argentina 1: 84.
Paratype, sex not determined: [Estado de Bahía/ Brazil/ G. Bondar leg.] [Pyrota proseni/ sp. Nov/ A. Martinez - Det. 1965] [MLP 599/ 3].
Remarks: The type series includes 41 specimens that come from different Brazilian states. The holotype was originally deposited in the author's collection, now at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (MACN). Allotype and 9 paratypes were collected in Paraiba. The single paratype deposited in the MLP is from Bahía state (locality of Jiquié according to the original publication).

- wagneri, Pyrota. Denier 1934c. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6: 69.
Paratype male: [S. del Estero/ Río Salado/ Wagner col.] [Pyrota wagneri/ Denier 1934/ PARATIPO ♂] [MLP 601/ 3].
Remarks: The type series includes several specimens from Misiones, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba and Buenos Aires provinces, Argentina. In the original publication the author indicates that the holotype and the allotype are in his collection.

We are unaware of their current location.

Parameloe Denier

alatus, Parameloe. Denier, 1935b. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 37: 245.
Paratype sex not determined: [Perú/ Puno/ E. Escomel leg] [Dr. E. Escomel/ dedit 1932] [Parameloe/ alatus n. sp/ P. Denier, 1933/ PARATYPUS] [MLP 616/ 3].
Remarks: In the original publication the author indicates that the holotype and allotype were deposited in his collection and other paratypes placed in the National Museum of Natural History, Paris, and Escomel's collection. We are unaware of the current location of the holotype and allotype.

Pseudomeloe Fairmaire & Germain

araneipes, Pseudomeloe. Borchmann, 1930. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 3: 100.
Syntypes (3), sex not determined (2) and male (1): [R. Argentina/ Gob. Río Negro/ Choele Choel/ Lizer y Trelles] [Río Negro/ 1914] [Lizer y Trelles/ leg. sobre/ jarilla/ (Larrea/ divaricata)] [Ing° Lizer/ dedit 1931] [Pseudomeloe/ araneipes] [COTYPO] [MLP 617/ 1-3].
Remarks: The syntype male has a label with the genitalia (aedeagus) glued on it.

caligatus, Pseudomeloe. Borchmann, 1930. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 3: 99.
Syntype, sex not determined: [Punta Balasto/ Catamarca] [V. Weiser/ legit.] [COTYPUS] [Pseudomeloe/ caligatus/ Det. Borchm/ R. B. Selander 1989] [MLP 619/ 1].
Remarks: The author indicates that he studied ten more specimens from the same locality.

porteri, Pseudomeloe. Denier, 1934b. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 38: 114.
Holotype sex not determined: [Chile/ Pov. Aconcagua/ Curimón/ C.E. Porter leg] [Pseudomeloe/ porteri/ Denier 1934/ Holotipo].
Remarks: The original publication indicates that Curimón is located 14 km west of "Santa Rosa de los Andes", and at 679 m of altitude, but these data are not on the label.

rotundicollis, Pseudomeloe. Denier, 1934a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6: 270.
Paratype, sex not determined: [Bolivia/ Yungas/ Bolivia] [TYPUS] [Pseudomeloe/ rotundicollis n. sp/ Denier, 1934/ PARATYPUS] [MLP 624/ 3].
Remarks: Holotype and allotype come from the same locality and were deposited in Denier´s collection; their current location is unknown.

superbus, Pseudomeloe. Denier, 1934a. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6: 268.
Holotype male: [Rep. ARGENTINA/ Prov. Catamarca/ C. Bruch] [C. Bruch/ dedit 1931] [Travesía entre/ Punta Balasto/ y Hualfin/ C. Bruch] [Pseudomeloe/ superbus/ Den. / HOLOTYPUS ♂] [Denier] [626/ 1].
Allotype female: [La Ciénaga (Belén)/ Catamarca/ Weiser Wolters leg.] [Pseudomeloe/ superbus / Den. / ALLOTYPUS ♀] [MLP 626/ 2].

- vianai, Pseudomeloe. Martínez, 1951. Comunicaciones del Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales 2(7): 97.
Paratypes (2) male and female: [Río Negro/ San Antonio/ XII.937 M. J. Viana] [PARATIPO ♂] [Pseudomeloe/ vianai ♂/ sp.n/ A. Martínez - Det. 1950] [MLP 627/ 3-4]. [Río Negro/ San Antonio/ XII.937 M. J Viana] [PARATIPO ♀] [Pseudomeloe/ vianai ♀/ sp.n/ A. Martinez - Det. 1950] [MLP 627/ 4].
Remarks: Several additional paratypes were deposited in United States and other Argentinean collections.

Tetraonyx Latrellie

- seminiger, Tetraonyx. Borchmann, 1930. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 3: 97.
Syntypes (2) sex not determined: [SGO. DEL ESTERO/ RÍO SALADO/ WAGNER COL.] [Tetraonyx/ seminiger/ Borchm/ SINTIPO] [MLP 610/ 1-2].
Remarks: The author indicates that other syntypes were deposited in the C. Bruch and J. B. Corporaal collections.

Wagneronota Denier

- aratae, Lytta. Berg, 1883. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 15: 66.
Holotype male: [Typus] [Mendoza] [Foto Bruch] [Lytta/ aratae Berg] [MLP 605/ 1].
Remarks: This species was originally described as Lytta aratae and later designated as type species of the genus Wagneronota by Denier (1935a).


We wish to express our acknowledgements to Micke Thomas from Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, EE.UU for his commitment to locate and return the type material of the MLP borrowed by the specialist Richard Selander; to the anonymous referees for their very useful comments and suggestions, to María Guadalupe del Río for the critical reading of the manuscript; to the librarian of the Sociedad Entomológica Argentina for her commitment to locate some papers; and to "Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)"  for   its   continuous   support.


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18.  DENIER, P. C. L. 1940b. Descripción de dos especies nuevas de "bichos moros" del gran Chaco (Coleoptera Meloidae). An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 129: 179-185.

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21.  INTERNATIONAL CODE OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE (ICZN) (Edition 1999) Adopted by International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS). The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature c/o The Natural History Museum, London, 306 pp.

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23.  MÄKLIN, F. W. 1875. Neue Canthariden. Ac. Soc. Sci.Fennicae 10: 597-632.

24.  MARTÍNEZ, A. 1951. Notas sobre Meloidae: uma nueva especie del género Pseudomeloe. Comunicaciones, Inst. Nac. Inv. Cs. Nat. (MACN) 2(7): 97-101.

25.  MARTÍNEZ, A. 1952. Notas sobre Meloidae II. An. Soc.Cient. Argent. 153: 254-258.

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