First records of four species of the genus Americabaetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) for Argentina

Primer registro de cuatro especies del género Americabaetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) para Argentina


Bardavid, Sofía* and Carolina Nieto*/**

* Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical (IBN). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Miguel Lillo 251 (4000) Tucumán. Argentina
** CONICET- E-mail:

Recibido: 11-IV-2012
Aceptado: 14-V-2012


ABSTRACT. The family Baetidae is the most diverse family into the Order Ephemeroptera and it has an almost cosmopolitan distribution. The genus Americabaetis Kluge was described in 1992 and actually it has 19 known species with a clearly Neotropical distribution. Although this genus is very common in lotic aquatic systems, it has been poorly studied in Argentina. Herein, we report four species for this country originally described from Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay: A. labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, A. longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, A. mecistognathus Salles & Raimundi, A. titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty.

KEY WORDS. Neotropical; Distribution; Aquatic insects; Mayflies.

RESUMEN. La familia Baetidae es la familia más diversa dentro del orden Ephemeroptera y tiene prácticamente una distribución cosmopolita. El género Americabaetis Kluge fue descripto en 1992 y, actualmente, presenta 19 especies conocidas con una distribución claramente Neotropical. Este género es muy común en los sistemas acuáticos lóticos, sin embargo, ha sido pobremente estudiado en Argentina. Aquí reportamos 4 especies para Argentina, originalmente descriptas para Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay: A labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, A. longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, A. mecistognathus Salles & Raimundi, A. titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty.

PALABRAS CLAVE. Neotropical; Distribución; Insectos acuáticos; Efímeras.


The family Baetidae is the most diverse family into the order Ephemeroptera and it has an almost cosmopolitan distribution (Barber-James et al., 2008). This family was described in 1815 by Leach and it currently has nearly 100 genera and 900 species.
Americabaetis Kluge was originally described in 1992 as a subgenus of Baetis Leach, and it included a single species from Cuba. Later, Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty (1996) revised Americabaetis and gave it generic status. In the same paper, they
transferred to this genus a few species previously assigned to Acerpenna Waltz & McCafferty and described several new species from South America.
Americabaetis has 19 species described and it has a clear Neotropical distribution with an only exception, A. pleturus (Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty) which extends its range of distribution to the Nearctic region in the state of Texas (USA) (Wiersema & McCafferty, 1999).

Although this genus is very common in lotic aquatic systems, it has been poorly studied in Argentina. Only seven species have been reported from this country, one of which is actually nomen dubium, five of which are poorly described and known only from adults and only one, A. alphus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, is well described and known from adults and nymphs (Domínguez et al., 2006).
In order to improve the knowledge of Americabaetis in Argentina we report four species from this country originally described from Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay: A. labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, A. longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, A.mecistognathus Salles & Raimundi, A. titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty. We include a brief diagnosis of each species. A key to Argentinean species is presented. The material is housed at Instituto Miguel Lillo,   Tucumán, Argentina (IML).

Key to the species of the genus Americabaetis from Argentina


1. Meso and metasterna with paired setose projections (Fig. 51: Lugo-Ortiz & McCaferty, 1996) ..............................................  A. titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty
1´. Meso and metasterna without projections............................................................  2

2. Mouthparts (labrum, mandibles and maxillae) distinctly elongate (Fig. 2: Salles et al., 2010a).......................... A. mecistognathus Salles & Raimundi
2´. Mouthparts not elongate or only labium elongate ..............................................  3

3. Distomedial projection of segment II of labial palp poorly developed (Fig. 21: Lugo-Ortiz & McCaferty, 1996), posterior margin of terga with rounded spines (Fig. 22: Lugo-Ortiz & McCaferty, 1996) .......................... A. labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty
3´. Distomedial projection well developed (Fig. 31: Lugo-Ortiz & McCaferty, 1996), thumblike; posterior margin of terga with pointed spines (Fig. 32:   Lugo-Ortiz &
McCaferty, 1996) ..................................  4

4. Body elongate; with medial band along abdominal segments; lingua rounded apically (Fig. 27: Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996) ..................................................... A. longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty
4´. Body not elongate; without medial band along abdominal segments; lingua pointed apically (Fig. 2: Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996) ..................................................... A. alphus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty


1. Meso and metasterna with small setose paired protuberance (Fig. 2: Salles et al., 2004) ...................................................... A. titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty
1´. Meso and metasterna without paired protuberance  ......................................  2

2. Forceps with segment I constricted medioapically (Fig. 17: Salles et al., 2010a) ............................................................  3
2´. Forceps with segment I without constriction ............................................ A. alphus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty

3. Posterior margin of subgenital plate with a small rounded projection (Fig. 17: Salles et al., 2010a); length of body relatively small (4.0 mm) ................................................. A. labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty
3´. Posterior margin of subgenital plate without a small rounded projection (Fig. 4: Salles & Boldrini, 2008); length of body relatively long (6.3mm) ............................. A. longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty

* The species: A. bridarolli, A. jorgenseni, A. oldendorffi, A. peterseni, A. weiseri are poorly described and it is not possible to include them in the key.

Americabaetis labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996

Americabaetis labiosus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996: 164; Waltz & McCafferty, 1999: 39; Francischetti et al., 2003: 69; Salles et al., 2004: 23;Domínguez et al., 2006: 70; Salles et al., 2010a: 23; Lima et al. 2010: 728; Boldrini et al., 2012: 92.

Diagnosis. Americabaetis labiosus, known from nymphs and male imagos, can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters. In nymphs, 1) frontal keel absent; 2) lingua broadly pointed apically; 3) glossae 0.6 times length of paraglossae; 4) paraglossae with 3 rows of pectinate setae; 5) segment II of labial palp with a small distomedial projection; 6) posterior margin of abdominal terga with rounded spines. In the male imago, 1) turbinate eyes anteriorly divergent and widely separated from each other; 2) forceps with segment I constricted medioapically; 3) posterior margin of subgenital plate with a small rounded projection; 4) terga light whitish brown, lateral margin darker; 5) length of body relatively small (4.0 mm) (Salles et al., 2010 adapted).

Distribution. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Material examined. 11 nymphs: ARGENTINA, Misiones, Parque Provincial Urugua-i, Aº Uruzú, S 25º 51´29´´, W 54º 10´10´´, 322 m, 25/ 11-12/ 2001, Domínguez, Orce & Nieto col. 266 nymphs: Misiones, Cuartel Victoria, 11 km del INTA S. Vicente, 2nd arroyito, S 26º 55´59.7´´, W 54º 25´04.2´´, 21/ 11/ 2009, Domínguez & Nieto cols.

Americabaetis longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996

Americabaetis longetron Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996: 165; Waltz & McCafferty, 1999: 39; Francischetti et al., 2003: 69; Salles et al.,2004: 23; Domínguez et al., 2006: 70; Salles & Boldrini, 2008: 565; Salles et al., 2010a: 25; Salles et al., 2010b: 300; Boldrini et al., 2012: 92.

Diagnosis. Americabaetis longetron, known from nymphs and adults, can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters. In the nymphs, 1) frontal keel present; 2) lingua rounded apically; 3) glossae 0.8 times length of paraglossae; 4) paraglossae with 3 rows of pectinate setae; 5) segment II of labial palp with a strong distomedial projection; 6) posterior margin of abdominal terga with pointed spines; 7) general color pattern with a distinct medial long band from head to abdomen. In the adults, 1) turbinate eyes uniformly separated from each other, upper surface ellipsoidal; 2) forceps with first segment distinctly constricted medioapically; 3) posterior margin of subgenital plate without a small rounded projection; 4) terga with a light yellowish brown band along midline; 5) length of body relatively long (6.3mm) (Salles et al., 2010 adapted).

Distribution. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Material examined. 18 nymphs: ARGENTINA, Misiones, Depto. La Candelaria, río del camping, 2 km al E de Bompland, 18/ 11/ 1998, Domínguez, Molineri & Nieto col. 11 nymphs: Misiones, Parque Provincial Urugua-i, Aº afluente de Tateto, Paraje María Soledad, S 25º 51´39´´, W 53º 58´56´´, 410 m, 30/ 11/ 2001, Domínguez, Orce & Nieto col.

Americabaetis mecistognathus Salles & Raimundi, 2010

Americabaetis mecistognathus Salles et al., 2010a: 17.

Diagnosis. Americabaetis mecistog-nathus, known from nymphs, can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: 1) frontal keel absent; 2) mouthparts strongly elongate; 3) lingua broadly pointed apically; 4) glossae 0.6 times length of paraglossae; 5) paraglossae with three rows of pectinate setae; 6) labial palpi with a moderate distomedial projection; 7) posterior margin of abdominal terga with rounded spines.

Distribution. Argentina and Brazil.

Material examined. One nymph: ARGENTINA, Misiones, Parque Provincial Urugua-i, Aº Uruzú, 17/ 01/ 2004, Domínguez col. One nymph: same locality, 24/ 11/ 2009, Dominguez & Nieto col.

Americabaetis titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996

Americabaetis titthion Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996: 167; Waltz & McCafferty, 1999: 43; Francischetti et al., 2003: 69; Salles et al., 2004: 23; Domínguez et al. 2006: 72; Salles et al., 2010a: 26.

Diagnosis. Americabaetis titthion, known from nymphs and female imagos, can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters. In nymphs, 1) paired setose protuberances on meso- and metasterna; 2) frontal keel absent; 3) lingua broadly pointed apically; 4) glossae 0.8 times length of paraglossae; 5) paraglossae with 3 rows of pectinate setae; 6) segment II of labial palp with a moderate distomedial projection; 7) posterior margin of abdominal terga with rounded spines. In the female imago, 1) meso and metasterna with small setose paired protuberance; 2) forewings with costal area reddish-brown; 3) posterior margin of head dorsally projected (Salles et al., 2010 adapted).

Distribution. Argentina and Brazil.

Material examined. One nymph: ARGENTINA, Misiones, Parque Provincial Urugua-í, Aº Uruzú, S 25º 51´29´´, W 54º 10´10´´, 322 m, 26/ 11/ 2001, Domínguez, Orce & Nieto col. Four nymphs: Misiones, INTA Cuartel Victoria, 11 km del INTA San Vicente, 2nd arroyo, S 26º 55´59.7´´, W 54º 25´04.2´´, 21/ 11/ 2009, Domínguez & Nieto col. Three nymphs same locality, 20/ 11/ 1998, Domínguez, Molineri & Nieto col. Two nymphs: Misiones, 3 km W. Ma. Magdalena, Puerto Mado, Aº Yacutinga, 19-20/ 11/ 1998, Domínguez, Molineri & Nieto col. One nymph: Misiones, 2nd arroyo a la salida del Parque Provincial Esmeralda, S 26º 38´47.8´´, W 53º 59´54.9´´, 478 m, 23/ 11 /2009, Domínguez & Nieto cols.


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