
ISSN 1668-298X
online version
ISSN 0327-6244
printed version

About this journal


Basic Information


AgriScientia is an open access journal of scientific academic character,  managed by the Science Communication Department of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences – National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

The goal of this publication is the communication of results arising from agricultural research. It is open to submissions from researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, professionals from the agricultural sciences and the general public interested in these subjects.

AgriScientia is a biannual journal which publishes scientific and short communications and reviews, in Spanish and English.

These can be submitted throughout the year.  



Information Services


The articles published in Agriscientia are indexed:

  • Abstracts del C.A.B. International

  • Field Crop Abstracts

  • Horticultural Abstracts

  • Grasslands and Forage Abstracts

  • Plant Breeding Abstracts

  • Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts

  • Review of Agricultural Entomology

  • Review of Plant Pathology

  • Seed Abstracts Wheat, Barley & Triticale


  • Scopus

  • DOAJ

  • Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas de CONICET


  • Google Schollar

  • MIAR

  • EuroPub


The journal is included in LATINDEX system catalog.





Open Access Policy

AgriScientia is an open access journal, which means that all of its contents are available for users free of charge. Users can search for, read, download, copy, distribute, print and link the complete articles as long as it includes its citation, and use them for any legitimate purpose, without asking the journal or the author for their permission. The acceptance of the article implies the author’s agreement not to simultaneously submit it to other publishers and the author’s license of copyright to AgriScientia. The author signs a non-exclusive license agreement with AgriScientia which enables us to publish and use the article after its postprint, under license:

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
This license grants the public permission to share, copy, distribute, alter, transform, build upon, perform or display publicly the work as long as two conditions are met: a) that the user attribute the original creator and its original publisher; b) that the user distribute all derivative works under the same license as the original work. The license of distribution rights to AgriScientia grants the editors authorization to include the work in the National University of Córdoba Digital Repository (RDU) and publicise through the databases considered appropriate for its indexation and through social media in order to foster the visibility of the author and their work.

Publication charges for articles are U$D15.00 per final page layout. This charge is waived for those publications that have as first author a FCA-UNC faculty member, or a fellow directed by a FCA-UNC faculty member, and listed as co-author of the paper (OHCD 8/2017).

Self-archiving policy

Agriscientia, by complying with the National Law 26.899 (Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories) and its adaptation by Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (RHCS 1365/2017) as it also applies Creative Commons to all its content, allows the self-archiving of the post-print (edition version) by the authors. On the other hand, for the pre-print and post-print versions (corrected and expanded author version that did not go through the layout process) self-archiving is not allowed


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2023 Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Félix Marrone 746
Ciudad Universitaria
Córdoba (5000)


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1668-298X&lng=es&nrm=iso