ISSN 0002-7014
printed version
ISSN 1851-8044
online version

Instructions to Authors


Scope and policy

  The Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA) publishes the quarterly journal Ameghiniana. Original articles and notes on all aspects of palaeontology are considered for publication. Papers on living organisms may be published if their conclusions have palaeontological relevance.
Manuscripts conforming precisely to the instructions below will receive immediate editorial processing, whereas manuscripts which do not follow the prescribed format will be returned to authors for correction before entering the editorial process. Manuscripts are received on the understanding that they are original works, not previously published and not simultaneously submitted to another publisher. All authors must be members of the APA to publish free of charge; non-members are required to pay proportional page costs.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

1. Text

Ameghiniana publishes articles and palaeontological notes. Notes should not exceed 3000 words, whilst articles may be up to 12000 words. Longer manuscripts are considered for publication only if authors pay the excess page costs. Only papers written in Spanish, English or Portuguese will be accepted. Text should be double-spaced throughout, with ample margins and no right justification. All pages should be numbered.
First (title) page. Contains: 1. Title (in upper and lower case, as appropriate; should be short and informative; if a generic taxon name is included should have reference to one or two higher taxa; do not end with a full stop). 2. Name(s) of author(s) (only surname written in all capital letters). 3. Authors' addresses (should include e-mail or Fax number). 4. Total number of pages (text + references), illustrations, tables, appendixes. 5. A short proposed running head (not more than 60 characters and spaces). 6. Name of corresponding author.
Second page. Abstracts in two languages are required for articles; notes do not require abstracts. One abstract should be written in the same language as the article, the other in English or Spanish. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and contain only one paragraph. They should include all new taxa names and the main conclusions of the paper, but should not contain bibliographic references. Two sets of not more than eight Key words/Palabras clave should be included after the abstracts. Please refer to Ameghiniana 33(3): 242, 1996 for further details concerning abstracts.
Organization. The article should be divided into sections, each with a short title. Example of main sections: Introduction, Methods, Systematic palaeontology and descriptions, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.
Systematic descriptions must contain data about types, repositories, geographical and stratigraphical provenance, and stratigraphical age of the described materials. Rules and recommendations of international codes on biological nomenclature and of the Código Argentino de Estratigrafía must be followed. New taxa should include diagnosis in the language in which the paper is written and also in English. Footnotes are not allowed. References within the text may be direct or indirect, and all must be included in the reference list. If several papers are mentioned, these should be arranged in chronological order and separated by a semicolons. All words written in a language different from that of the main text should be underlined.

2. References

Include here all papers mentioned in text, figures, tables and appendices. Particular care should be given to reference order and format, please refer to the following example:

  • Be, J.L. 1958. Plioceno de Santa Cruz. Acta Geológica Lilloana 2: 5-33.

  • Be, J.L. 1984. Late Cretaceous floral provinces. En: P. Brenchly (ed.), Fossils and Climate, Wiley Editors, New York, pp. 127-164.

  • Be, J.L. 1996. Coniferae. En: D. Maddison y W. Maddison (eds.), Tree of Life. World Wide Web: http: //www.nmnh

  • Be, J.L. y Ce, M. 1981. El género Botrychiopsis. 2º Congresso Latino-Americano de Paleontología (Porto Alegre, 1981), Anais 1: 157-159.

  • Be, J.L., Ce, M. y Ele, T.A. 1980. Macroflore du Crétacé de l' Espagne. En: P. Taquet (ed.), Ecosystèmes continentaux du Mésozoîque, Memoires de la Société Géologique de France 139: 5-9.

  • Be, J.L., Ae, N.S. y Ele, T.A. 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 405 pp.

  • Be, J.L., Ae, N.S. y Zeta, R.B. 1986.[Estratigrafía de la región del río Genoa, provincia del Chubut. Informe Dirección de Minas y Geología, Buenos Aires, 35 pp. Inédito]

3. Figures

Full-page size is 17 x 24 cm (one column width is 8.2 cm). One full page of figures will be published without charge for each 2500 text words. Individual elements of figures should be identified with capital letters. Figures should be numbered in the sequence of their first appearance in the text. All illustrations must be submitted as near to publication size as possible, reductions of more than 50% are not possible. Make sure that the final magnification of the figure, as stated in the figure caption, takes account of any reduction that the printer will have to make. Specimens figured should be duly identified in the figure captions. Each figure should be clearly labelled with its number, author's name and paper title; if not obvious also indicate orientation of figure with an arrow. Digital figures should be printed on good quality paper with a laser printer and also submitted in diskette (PC formatted), CD-ROM or Zip as EPS or TIFF files (600 dpi).
Lines, patterns and letters. Use black lines preferably no less than 1 pt thick at finished size. Avoid ornaments of close patterns made of dots as these may produce moiré, if necessary; use large points with plenty of white space in between. Largest lettering in a figure should not be more than two or three times the size of the smallest, letter size should be proportional to the figure, standard fonts (non-serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica) should be used.
Photographs. Black and white photographs should be submitted at publication size printed on glossy paper, and should have sharp focus and good contrast. Whenever possible, each element should be illuminated from top left. Photocopies or scanned photographs will not be accepted as originals. If a figure contains several individual photographs, these should have even contrast and tone. Do not mix photographs with line drawings or photomicrographs. Quadrangular photographs should have all margins parallel to page margins. Individual photographs should be cut carefully to eliminate background and mounted on white or black cardboard. Numbering, arrows, graphic scales or any other indication on the photographs should be of even size and same style. Digital photographs can be submitted as TIFF or EPS files (600 dpi).

4. Reprints

The editors will provide 25 free reprints of each article. Authors can order 25 or 75 extra reprints when they return the corrected proofs.


Sending of manuscripts

All correspondence should be sent to:

Director de Ameghiniana, Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Maipú 645, 1er. Piso, C1006ACG Buenos Aires, Argentina.


All manuscripts will be subject to at least two peer reviews. Submit three copies, including all illustrations (high quality laser photocopies of photographs are acceptable at this stage). Send also a diskette or CD-ROM containing the original version of the whole manuscript (text and figures). Do not include original illustrations, which should be retained by the authors until acceptance of manuscript for publication. Figures may be returned to authors for correction if their quality does not meet the journal standards. One complete copy of revised version of manuscript should be submitted, together with originals of all illustrations and a diskette or CD-ROM containing only the last version. Following satisfactory review, one hard copy of each figure, reduced to final publication size, should also be included. Original illustrations will be sent back to authors at their request within three months of publication.


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© 2009 Asociación Paleontológica Argentina

Maipú 645
(C1006ACG) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel.: (54-11) 4326-7463
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