
ISSN 1851-1694
online version
printed version

Instructions to authors

Scope and editorial policy


Work is accepted in the form of original articles, essays or reviews, in Spanish or in Portuguese.



Format and preparation of manuscripts


Work is accepted in the form of original articles, essays or reviews, in Spanish or in Portuguese.
Format and preparation of manuscripts
Work must not exceed 25 A4-size pages, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12. The number of pages includes notes, tables and bibliography. This should be accompanied by an abstract (approx. 150 words) and key words in Spanish and English. Reviews must be no longer than eight pages. Manuscripts (articles or reviews) that do not meet these requisites will be rejected.

  • Two (2) copies must be presented on paper and one on a floppy disk or CD in Word 95 or 98.
  • Authors must include in a footnote their personal and professional details: institution name, position, telephone, address and e-mail address.
  • Notes must be at the foot of the page, not at the end of the document.
  • Bibliographical references in the body of the text must appear with the following format: Author’s surname-year published-page. E.g.: (Todorov, 1991: 237).
  • The bibliography must be in alphabetical order at the end of the text, with the following format
  • For a book :

Sahlins, Marshal
1985 Islands of History. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

  • For an article in a book or journal

Bourdieu, Pierre
1996 "Marginalia. Algunas notas adicionais sobre o dom". In: Maná Vol II, issue 2, Río de Janeiro: PPGAS.
Meeker, Michael
1994 "Oral cultura, media cultura, and the Islamic resurgence in Turkey". In: E. Archetti (Ed), Exploring the written. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press

  • For an unpublished academic thesis:

Arach, Omar
1998. La lucha sobre un río. Master’s thesis, Mimeo. Posadas: Programa de Postgrado en Antropología Social-UNaM.

  • Received work will be sent to members of the Review Committee made up of Argentinian and overseas academics. The review process is anonymous and takes 30 days. The Review Committee’s decision is final.
  • If the Review Committee does not reply to authors two months after sending the article, the authors are entitled to withdraw their work, after contacting the editors, and present their work to another publication.
  • Once the article has been approved by the reviewer, authors will be notified of the decision to publish. From this moment, authors have 20 days to make any necessary changes and may not present the articles to other publications without the authorisation of the Editorial Committee. Authors cede the copyright to the Avá journal and work will be published free of charge. By way of compensation the authors will receive two copies of the journal, at no charge.
  • The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make any style changes they deem necessary.
  • When work is rejected by the reviewer, authors will be notified of the decision but the work will not be returned.
  • In sending work, authors accept the norms and conditions of publication.

Texts with all the characteristics listed above will be accepted until 20 August 2004 and authors will be notified of their acceptance or rejection after 30 days, once the work has been reviewed.

: Autorization: http://www.ava.unam.edu.ar/images/docs/lic_y_acuerdo.doc



Sending manuscripts


Sending manuscripts
Work (articles or reviews) must be sent to the following postal address:
Comité Editorial Revista Avá
Programa de Postgrado en Antropología Social
Secretaría de Investigación y Postgrados.
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
Tucumán 1605 (ex 446) C.P. 3300-Posadas-Misiones.Argentina
Tel/fax: 54-3752-426341
e-mail: revistava@hotmail.com




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Correo electrónico: avarevista.ppas@gmail.com
© Programa de Postgrado en Antropología Social
Secretaría de Investigación y Postgrado
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Tucumán 1605 (N3300BSI). Posadas, Misiones. República Argentina.
Tel/Fax: (54 376) 442-6341

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-1694&lng=en&nrm=iso