
ISSN 2422-6580
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


Avances del CESOR is dedicated to promoting academic productions regarding Regional and Social History without excluding other fields of academic knowledge such as anthropology, sociology and art. The journal receives articles about Argentine, Latin America and Europe. It encourages comparative studies and it is directed to researchers, teachers, graduates and students from History and from other social sciences.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Manuscripts must be original and unpublished contributions and may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. They should be prepared with a word processor like Word. The page must be configurated with upper and lower margins: 2.5 cm.; left and right margins: 3 cm. The font to be used is Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Contributions should be sent to journal e-mail:
or through the platform of the journal:
Personal and professional information (Author/s name/s, title of the article, address, phone numbers, University, institutional affiliation) should be sent in a separate sheet.

Articles should be not exceed 11.000 words in length (including the abstract, footnotes, charts, diagrams, illustrations and bibliography).
On the first page, there should be an abstract of no more than 200 words (Times New Roman font, type size 9) and a list of no more then six key Words. The abstract, key words and title should be presented in English as well as Spanish.

C- General presentation of book reviews
Book reviews should be not exceed 1900 words in length including footnotes.
The books reviewed must be recent works which are not exceeding two years from the publishing date.

Footnotes must be at the end of the page, in Times New Roman font, type size 10 and single-spaced. They must be numbered correlatively throughout the work using automatic format from Microsoft Word.
General features: Author’s last name must be in capital letters and first name after a comma (Do not use initials), Book tittle in italics, article tittles between quotation marks and journal title in italics, name of publisher, place and date of publication, Volume, Tome (V., T.) in Roman characters and number (Nº) in Arabic numerals, page/s (p./pp.), when appropriate.
The following examples show the description given:
KARUSH, Matthew, Cultura de clase: Radio y cine en la creación de una Argentina dividida (1920-1946), Ariel, Buenos Aires, 2013, p. 23.
Book chapters:
BURKE, Peter, “Historia popular o historia total”, en SAMUEL, RAPHAEL (editor) Historia popular y teoría socialista, Crítica, Barcelona, 1984, pp. 71-77.
Journal articles:
FOGELMAN, Patricia, “El culto mariano y las representaciones de lo femenino Recorrido historiográfico y nuevas perspectivas de análisis”, en La Aljaba, Luján, 2006, V. X, pp. 175-188.

                  E - BIBLIOGRAPHY
The Bibliography must be placed at the end, written in Times New Roman font, type size 11, single-spaced. It must be presented in alphabetic and chronological order (from oldest to most recent). Norms for citation are the same it is used for footnotes.





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Centro de Estudios Sociales Regionales ISHIR /CONICET

Bv. 27 de febrero 210 Bis (Ocampo y Esmeralda)  Rosario - Santa Fe - Argentina - S2000EZP

  Tel. +54-341-4851890 Int. 251


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2422-6580&lng=en&nrm=iso