
ISSN 0327-9545
printed version
ISSN 1667-5746
online version

About the Journal


Basic Information

Biocell (Mendoza) welcomes original articles, short communications, minireviews and reviews for publications in the areas biological structure and function, cell and molecular biology, developmental biology, histochemestry, cytochemestry, inmunocytechemestry and electron microscopy. Brief reports are also accepted for publication as well as review papers (being the latter only requestes by the Editorial Board).

Frequency: four-monthly (3 issues/year).

Its abbreviated title is Biocell (Mendoza, en línea) and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.



Information Services

Biocell (Mendoza) is indexed by:

  • Medline
  • SCI (web of science)
  • Biological Abstracts
  • Zoological Record
  • Scopus
  • CAB Abstracts
  • BIOSIS Previews
  • CC/Life Sciences
  • Index Medicus
  • Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases
  • Veterinary Bulletin
  • EMBASE (Amsterdam)

The journal is included in LATINDEX system catalog. See achieved parameters




Information on copyright: Institute of Histology and Embriology / Instituto de Histología y Embriología "Dr. Mario H. Burgos" (IHEM-CONICET).




The publication of this journal is sponsors supported by:

  • CONICET - National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Argentina.



[Home] [Editorial Board] [Instructions to Authors] [Subscription]

© 2010 Instituto de Histología y Embriología "Dr. Mario H. Burgos" (IHEM-CONICET)

Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, U.N.Cuyo
C.C. 56 (5500) Mendoza, Argentina
Fax: (54 261) 449-4117


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0327-9545&lng=es&nrm=iso