
ISSN 0373-580X
versión impresa
ISSN 1851-2372
versión on-line

About this journal


Basic Information


The Journal of Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot.) is the research dissemination service of the Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (SAB), a non-profit civil association. It publishes original scientific works and reviews of the entire spectrum of Plant Biology (structure, anatomy, development, taxonomy, systematics, physiology, cytology, genetics, evolution, phytogeography, ecology, paleobotany, palynology, phytogeography, ethnobotany, etc.) in the different plant organisms and related groups (mycology, ficology, lichenology, briology, etc.), both in basic and applied aspects. It is published quarterly in electronic and printed format.

Focus and scope: Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. publishes original scientific works from the whole spectrum of Plant Biology (structure, anatomy, development, physiology, cytology, genetics, evolution, ecology, paleobotany, palynology, ethnobotany, etc.) in the diverse vegetable organisms and related groups (mycology, ficology, lichenology, briology, etc.), both in basic and applied aspects. Taxonomic works (of systematics, phylogeny, monographs, revisions, lectotypifications, nomenclatural acts, descriptions of taxa), phytogeographic and phytosociological works (survey and classification of vegetation at different spatial scales and without restriction of methodological approaches) are considered for publication. Contributions that address complete phytogeographic units or sub-units and those that fill gaps in knowledge of vegetation in little-known territories are especially welcome. Extensions of geographical areas are published only when it comes to new citations for a country. Checklists and lists of annotated plants are not published. Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to another publisher or previously published (print or electronic format). Submissions of papers already published in another language will not be accepted (autoplagio for translation).Contributions accepted will be in the form of articles or reviews, in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Original research and studies will comprise 85% of the journal's content. The remaining % may include review articles, techniques or obituaries. The Bol. Soc. Argent.Bot. does not publish works of divulgation, for which the SAB has the publication "FOLIUM".

Audience: It is aimed at a wide audience of researchers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate university students and people with interest in all areas of plant biology and related groups or who develop their activities in these areas.

Frequency of publication: Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (Bulletin of the Argentine Botanical Society) is a quarterly scientific journal with four issues per year: March, June, September, December.

As from Vol. 55 (4) of the year 2020, the Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica offers continuous electronic publication through an online version of the accepted papers (full articles already assigned to a forthcoming issue); those that will be available before the final version of the issue (printed and online on a quarterly basis). The Online Version (also called On line first) includes those articles that have already completed the entire editorial process, are the final version of the manuscripts and already have Volume and Issue. They can be cited using the publication date and unique DOI number. If errors are identified in this version, then they will only be corrected by the use of errata publication (as is the case with any article already published). The only change in the Online Version of the papers in relation to the final version will be the inclusion of the definitive page numbers.



Information Services


The articles published in The Journal of Sociedad Argentina de Botánicaare indexed or summarized by:

  • Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas de CONICET

  • Science Citation Index Expanded

  • Current Contents (Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences)

  • Scopus


  • Index to American Botanical literature

  • Periódica

  • Excerpta Botanica

  • The Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature

  • CAB (Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International)

  • Biosis Previews

  • Biological Abstracts

The journal is included in LATINDEX system catalog.





Open access policy, copyright and self-archiving

The Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot:
Provides immediate OPEN and free OPEN ACCESS to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which fosters greater global knowledge exchange.

It allows authors of published papers to maintain their copyright without restrictions. The material published in Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. More information at http://oca.unc.edu.ar/derechos-de-autor/

It adheres to the open access definition of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, BOAI https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org, providing free availability through the Internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of its articles. The only limitation on reproduction and distribution and the only role of copyright in this domain should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.
Allows free of charge the partial or total reuse of its content and illustrations, attributing the original source to the author(s) and the journal.
Allows and recommends the self-archiving of contributions in their final version (post-print), immediately after their on-line publication, both on authors' personal websites (Facebook, ResearchGate, Academia.edu, etc.) and on institutional websites.

Preservation and safekeeping policy (or Deposit Policy)

The journal Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica is hosted in the Portal de Revistas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, a site intended for the university community to disseminate all its scientific, academic and cultural contents in free and open access. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar.
The materials published in this journal are deposited in the Repository of the National University of Córdoba, which ensures automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are carried out through the repository. All submissions made to the portal's journals are stored in duplicate on servers belonging to the University's Information Technology Prosecretariat, located in the Argentina Pavilion (or Data Center). These servers have strict access and are protected with facilities adapted for their safekeeping and durability.
The UNC is part of the National System of Digital Repositories of the Argentine Republic. It has adhered to the system, both the University Digital Repository and the Journals Portal. It also complies with the Guidelines for content providers of the National System of Digital Repositories of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. More information at http://oca.unc.edu.ar/normativas.
The Argentine Republic adheres to the Open Access Policy through Law No. 26899: "Creation of Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories, Own or Shared", December 2013. https://www.argentina.gob.ar/normativa/nacional/ley-26899-223459. This Law and its regulations determine that researchers, professors, postdoctoral fellows and master's and doctoral students whose research activity is financed with public funds, must deposit or expressly authorize the deposit of a copy of the final version of their scientific-technological production published or accepted for publication in the open access digital repositories of their institutions, within a period not exceeding six (6) months from the date of its official publication or approval (Art.5º). Primary research data must be deposited no later than five (5) years from the time of collection, according to the policies established by the institutions.


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2023 Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

Casilla de Correo 495, X5000ZAA Córdoba, Argentina
Télefono: (54) 351 - 4331056, 4332104


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-2372&lng=es&nrm=iso