
ISSN 1852-5768
online version
ISSN 0326-551X
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Cuadernos deHerpetología is a multi-disciplinary scientific journal leading in Argentina publishing scientific articles related to Amphibians and Reptiles, including issues as: systematic, taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, embryology, evolution, ecology genetics, behavior, conservations, paleontology, etc. The journal includes the following sections: Full Length papers, Reviews, Notes and Zoogeographic News. The accepted languages are Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Cuadernosde Herpetología is published twice a year and freely available online.  


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Contributions must be original and should not have been submitted or accepted simultaneously to other journals. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two external referees. Publication in Cuadernos de Herpetología are provided free of charge
Manuscript. Manuscripts should be double spaced, with tabs at the beginning of each paragraph, wide margins, and all pages numbered. Beginning in the abstract, lines should be numbered continuously up to the tables and figure legends. Scientific species names should be italized, and the higher taxonomic groups (e.g., Squamata: Teiidae) and geographic references should be capitalized. The title and subtitles should be capitalized and on the left margin.
The first page should indicate: 1) Title; 2) Complete author names (First, second, and last name) with numerical superscripts for addresses; 3) Author addresses including an e-mail address for the corresponding author; 4) Abbreviated name of the Authors for page heading (if there are more than two authors indicate the initials and last name of the senior author followed by et al.) followed by a Short running title (not longer than 40 characters, including spaces).
Full Length papers. Should be structured as follows : Title, Author or Authors , Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results ( may be Results and Discussion, or Results, Discussion and Conclusions) , Acknowledgements (optional), Literature Cited , Legends of Tables and Figures and Tables and Figures ( both with numbers corresponding to the legends)
Reviews. Can be structured in the same way as Full Length papers although it is considered by the authors to organize the manuscript otherwise including other sections or excluding some except the abstract, acknowledgments and literature cited that should have the format shown below.
Notes. should not be divided into sections, except Abstract, Acknowledgments and Literature cited that should have the format shown below.
Title: Should be short, and self explanatory.
Abstract: Should be short but outlining the main results and conclusions; bibliographic citations should be avoided. It must be written in English . Should take the extent of 300 words for Full Length papers and Reviews, and 150 words for the Notes.
Key words: up to five preferentially not included in the title. Each one capitalized and separated by a semicolon.
Resumen: Should have the same content as the abstract but written in Spanish. Before the text should bear the title of the manuscript translated into English. If the manuscript has been written in English authors may opt for a summary in the other accepted languages ​​(Spanish or Portuguese) . This option does not apply in the case of Notes.
Palabras Clave: Should be the same as the key words but written in Spanish.
Literature citations within the text: should be as follows: last name/s (first letter capitalized) and year of the paper (in parentheses). For two authors the last names will be separated by “and”: Reig and Limeses (1963). Within the text, authors list should be chronologically ordered (separated by “;”), while the species list should be alphabetically ordered.
Acknowledgements: Keep them short and specific to direct contributions to the paper and the research involved. Use the initials and the surname of the people you acknowledge, but do not include their institutional affiliation. Include in this section all acknowledgments to institutions, positions and grants that you consider appropriate
Cited Literature: Should be in alphabetical order, without numbering. Last names should be in small caps and first names abbreviated. For periodic journals the format is: Last name of senior author, comma, abbreviated first name; then last names of following authors, and abbreviated first name, separated by semicolons. The last author separated by “&”. Year of publication. Title of paper. Complete journal name (italized), volume number: page range separated by a hyphen. Example:
Vega, L.E.; Chañi, J.M. & Trivi de Mandri, M. 1988. Observations on the feeding habits of Ameiva ameiva (Sauria: Teiidae). Herpetological Review 19: 53-54.
For books or non-periodical publications the format is: Author, year, title, publisher, place (city, state) where published. Example:
Pisanó, A. & Barbieri, F.D. 1977. Anatomía Comparada de los Vertebrados. Eudeba. Buenos Aires.
For book chapters the format is: Author, year, chapter title, page range of chapter, «In:» Editor names (followed by «ed/s. »), Book title, publisher, place (city, state) where published. Example:
Campbell, H.W. & Christman, S.P. 1982. Field Techniques for Herpetofaunal Community Analysis: 193-200. En: Scott, N. J. Jr. (ed.), Herpetological communities: a symposium of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and Herpetologists’ League, August 1977. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service research report, 13. Washington, D.C. USA.
If a resource is published on the Internet, and sufficiently recognized as valid material for consultation should be: Author, year. Title. Version (date of release if any) followed by  «Available at: » (http address). Last acessed: (date of last visit to the web page). Example:
Frost, Darrel R. 2011. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.5 (31 January, 2011). Disponible en: http://research.amnh.org/vz/herpetology/amphibia/. Último acceso: 12 mayo 2011.
Summaries of congresses, seminars or meetings that have not been published in periodicals or Annals of Congress who have ISBN or ISSN should not be considered a cite and should be in the body of the text as personal communications or unpublished data.
Tables and figure legends: Should be included on a separate page following the Literature Cited.
Tables: include numeric or alphanumeric data. Tables should be numbered and cited within the text (Table 1).
Figures: include drawings, maps, photographs, etc. Digitalized figures (in TIF or JPG format with a minimum of 300 dpi) are acceptable. The final size of figures should not exceed 30 x 20 cm; preferred proportions are 1.5 x 1. In the text, should be cited as (Figure 1).
Notes: should not be subdivided to include subtitles, except the Literature Cited (which should be in the same format as that for Full papers).
Zoogeographic news: should have the following format:
Title: including Scientific name (mentioning the taxon’s author(s) and year of description). Author(s): Name, professional address, e-mail.
Locality: Country, Province, Department, locality name, geographic coordinates (of the locality or a nearby known locality). Collector’s name and date. Voucher specimen. Collection name and number (preferably using the acronyms suggested by Leviton et al. (Copeia, 1985 (3): 802-832). Authors are responsible for the correct identification of the specimens.
Comments: should be short, related to biogeography (range extensions), or complementary to the biogeographic data (microhabitat, behavior, etc.), and related literature (e.g., last revision). Literature cited: should be in the same format used for full papers.
It is the policy of Cuadernos de Herpetología and the Asociación Herpetológica Argentina to make specific reference to the biological material examined; for this reason, at least reference material (Voucher) and public institution where it is deposited must be consigned. Acronyms should follow when possible Leviton et al. (op.cit.)
The main author or the one indicated as the corresponding author will receive a PDF file of their work for personal use. It is possible that the authors put freely available on their personal web sites an exact copy of the PDF version of the article submitted by the Editor.
Is a fundamental condition that submitted manuscript has not been published elsewhere previously and has not been submitted simultaneously elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript the author agrees to maintain their rights and licenses for articles published in Cuadernos de Herpetología are open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license.



Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts must be sent by the Online Submissions system of the Scientific and Technical Publications Portal (PPCT). For this, it is necessary to register and identify yourself in order to send manuscripts and to check the status of them. Go to the following address http://ppct.caicyt.gov.ar/index.php/cuadherpetol/user/register and follow the registration instructions. You must register under the role of Author in order to send manuscripts.
The manuscripts will be received by the Director / Editor (director.cuadherpetol@gmail.com) who will distribute them among the Associate Editors. Manuscripts that do not follow the editorial style will not be considered for publication and will be returned to the authors. Recent issues of Cuadernos de Herpetologia can be consulted before sending a manuscript. The latest version of Author Standards is available at: http://ppct.caicyt.gov.ar/index.php/cuadherpetol/about/submissions#authorGuidelines



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2014 Asociación Herpetológica Argentina

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Alberdi 47
(Y4600DTA) San Salvador de Jujuy, Pcia. de Jujuy
República Argentina

Tel./Fax: (54 388) 4221554


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1852-5768&lng=es&nrm=iso