
ISSN 1852-7337
online version
ISSN 0328-1310
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Since May 2022

DIAETA is a scientific journal owned by the  Asociación Argentina de Dietistas y Nutricionistas-Dietistas (AADYND) de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its mission is to disseminate scientific knowledge in the area of ​​food and nutrition both nationally and regionally, through the publication of research in the field of human nutrition.
The format is digital, with continuous publication, that is, the articles are published continuously once the editorial management process is completed, with the consent of the authors and the Editorial Committee. Accepts original articles, review and update articles, short communications and other articles that comply with appropriate scientific research methodology. In addition, it publishes letters to the editor from its readers. The proposed thematic axes are: clinical nutrition, diet therapy, community nutrition, food and public health, food and nutritional epidemiology, basic nutrition, education in nutrition and food, food technology and food science, sociology and anthropology of food, in short, all areas related to human nutrition. Access is free and open and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution/Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License — CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To know the scope of this license, you can visit the site: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode.es . The language of the article is in Spanish. Only the abstract is published in English. The DIAETA journal and AADYND do not charge authors for the services of evaluation, correction, editing, publication, communication and dissemination of accepted manuscripts.
Authors who decide to publish in DIAETA transfer to the journal the authorization for publication in digital format and to AADYND the publication and dissemination on its digital networks as deemed by the AADYND Board of Directors. Responsibility for the content, claims and authorship of the published articles belongs exclusively to the authors who send a letter of authorship accepting their responsibilities as authors. Articles that have been accepted and published in DIAETA may be shared in any format with the obligation to record, at the bottom of the new reproduction, the bibliographic reference corresponding to the original publication.
Currently, DIAETA is part of the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (proyecto de CONICET Argentina) s part of the catalog of scientific journals of the EBSCO scientific information database and is indexed in LILACS, where the summary can be accessed in Spanish and English. The SciELO online version of DIAETA is prepared with a methodology developed by the “ FAPESP/BIREME Electronic Newspapers Project ”. All materials published on this site are available free of charge.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to judge manuscripts for acceptance. Those accepted will be sent to 2 (two) reviewers, external to the DIAETA Editorial Committee, for a double-blind peer evaluation (the authors will not know who evaluates them, as the evaluators will not know the authors). If the reviews are totally different, a new reviewer will be consulted. The time of the evaluation process is very variable because many actors participate in it. An average of 10 months (9-12 months) may pass from receipt of the manuscript to final approval. The peer review process is a part of management that depends on the response times of the people involved and can delay the total time.

The Editorial Committee will inform the authors about the acceptance or not of the manuscript, the corrections of form and style for its acceptance if considered, the suggestions made by the reviewers and the pre-publication version for final acceptance by the the authors. The Editorial Committee reserves the right, in any part of the management, not to accept manuscripts that do not strictly comply with the indicated regulations and not to publish manuscripts that do not have the minimum level of quality required according to the hierarchy of the journal; They have not modified the writing with the suggestions sent or they have not given the correct reasons for not doing so.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


For the preparation of manuscripts, the journal has adapted to the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), in its most recent update, available at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/translations/spanish2016.pdf (reviewed August 9, 2020).
Manuscripts must be sent in Word format , on A4 size paper, with margins of at least 2.5 cm. The pages will be numbered consecutively. Each manuscript must be submitted along with:
Letter of Authorship: It can be accessed on the DIAETA website. It will be sent in a separate document. This will be a declaration by all authors, agreeing to the publication of the manuscript in DIAETA, knowing and accepting the current regulations of the journal. Likewise, it will be stated that all authors have had an active participation in the submitted manuscript, the manuscript has not been published in any other scientific journal nor has it been sent for consideration to another journal at the same time. Just as it does not present duplicate paragraphs. Also, it must be declared that they have requested authorization from the highest authority of the participating organizations or institutions, giving permission to publish the contents of the article sent to DIAETA.
When the model letter suggested by DIAETA is not signed, the authors are requested to include the following text in the letter:

“In the event that the aforementioned manuscript is accepted for publication, we transfer the publication rights to the DIAETA journal, who assumes the rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute paper, electronic or multimedia copies and include the article in indexes or national and international databases. We know that articles published in DIAETA cannot be subsequently published in another journal, and in such case, the bibliographic reference corresponding to the original publication will be recorded at the bottom of the reproduction. Responsibility for the content and statements that appear in the manuscript belong exclusively to the undersigned authors." In addition, declare that the requirements of the previous paragraph are met.
The letter must be signed by all the authors, clarifying the signature and number. of document.

Letter addressed to the Director of the Journal: It requests consideration of the manuscript for publication, clarifying in which category of article it is presented and who will be the author with whom the correspondence is maintained.

All manuscripts to be presented at DIAETA have the following information in common:
Title and Authors Page: The first page will contain the title of the article in Spanish and English; the last name and full names of the authors , their highest academic degree , their ORCID persistent digital identifier number (you can obtain it by entering https://orcid.org/ ), institution(s) participating in the research study or article presented; and about the author responsible for receiving the communications : email address, telephone number (optional) and social network (optional). Author names should only appear on this first page. If published, the order of the authors presented will be respected. Make sure that all this information is always present in all the manuscripts you send throughout the process. The Declaration of ethical aspects and conflict of interest
must be made . “[…] Economic aspects (such as employment, consultations, ownership of shares or options, fees, patents and remuneration of experts) are the most easily identified conflicts and the most likely to undermine the credibility of a journal, of the authors and science. However, there may be other reasons, such as personal relationships or rivalries, academic competitiveness, and intellectual beliefs. Whether they are for-profit or not, […]. When authors submit a manuscript of any type they must declare any financial or personal relationship that could bias or suggest that it could bias their work.” (ICMJE 2016). The authors must declare conflicts of interest for the period involved in the study process from its planning, execution and writing of the manuscript. It must always be declared that authors who carry out their professional activity in a private or for-profit Institution, Organization or Industry participate; when the authors receive subsidies, subsidies or sponsorship from private companies even if they were not for activities referred to in the manuscript; and when private or for-profit companies are direct participants in the research study or are sponsors, providing total or partial financing, or some collaboration to carry out the tasks described in the manuscript or in scientific dissemination or scientific transfer/ technological or secondary to an activity carried out by one of the authors. Funding Source
: When applicable, clearly declare the sponsors or financiers, public or private, indicating the name of the granting entity(ies). And the function of the money received: in the design of the study, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the results, writing the report, decision to submit the report for publication. If you have not received funding, declare that you did not have it or that it was the responsibility of the authors.
Summary: in Spanish and English . It will not exceed 300 words and must include the main findings presented in the manuscript, as well as its conclusions. We recommend ordering the summaries: Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Method, Results and Conclusions. Because abstracts are the only substantive part of the article indexed in electronic databases, and the only portion that many readers read, authors must ensure that they accurately reflect the content of the article. Key words must appear at the bottom of each summary : 4 or 5 words that describe the topic of the article, also in English.
Acknowledgments: all collaborators who do not meet the authorship criteria must appear in this section. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the permissions of the people mentioned in the acknowledgments, since readers can infer approval of the data and conclusions presented by the grateful people. It will be located at the end of the manuscript, before the bibliographic references.
Bibliographic References: The recommended style for references is based on the National Information Standards Organization, which are illustrated with the examples below. More information about how to cite other types of publications can be found at: http://www.icmje.org. A numerical sequence system is used. They are numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text. The citation is identified with Arabic numerals between (1) or [1]. It is suggested not to use superscript1. Bibliographic references are arranged according to the order of their appearance in the text, at the end of the manuscript. If you cite the same bibliography, in different parts of the manuscript, use the number of the first mention. When there is more than one quote for the same paragraph, they must be separated by commas, but if they are correlative, the first and last are mentioned, separated by a hyphen. When an author is mentioned in the text, the reference number is placed after the author's name. If it is an article written by more than two authors, the first of them is cited (Last name, initials of the names) followed by the abbreviation “ et al.” when it is in Spanish or “ et al. ” when it is in another language and its reference number. References to tables, graphs and illustrations must follow the numerical order according to the text. The words “volume” and “number” (or their abbreviations) are usually omitted when citing journal articles, but are included in book references. Magazine titles can be abbreviated, while book titles CANNOT. Cite the version you used. For example, do not cite the printed version if you have used the electronic version. Do not include a heading, such as "original article", "case report", as part of the article title, unless it is part of the title. It is suggested not to use different fonts or highlight in bold or italics, or use quotation marks, in parts of a bibliographic reference. Up to 6 authors, are written in full. If there are more than 6 authors, indicate the first 3 and after their names, add “ et al. ” for articles in Spanish and “ et al. ” for articles in English.

Article in scientific journals:

  • Santoro KB, O'Flaherty T. Children and the ketogenic diet. J Am Diet Assoc. 2005; 105(5): 725-726.

  • Veiga de Cabo J, Martín-Rodero H. Open Access: new models of scientific editing in web 2.0 environments. Collective Health. 2011; 7(Suppl 1): S19-S27. 

  • Alorda MB, Squillace C, Álvarez P, Kassis S, Mazzeo M, Salas G. et al. Compliance with pharmacological treatment in adult women with primary hypothyroidism. Rev Argent Endocrinol Metab. 2015; 52:66-72.

Organization as author

  • Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002;40(5):679-86.

Both personal authors and organizations as authors (list everything as it appears on each line):

  • Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS); European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation; Reiner Z, Catapano AL, De Backer G, Graham I, Taskinen MR, Wiklund O, Agewall S, Alegría E, Chapman MJ. ESC/EAS guide on the management of dyslipidemia. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2011; 64(12): 1168.e1-e60.

The author is not mentioned:

  • 21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ. 2002;325(7357):184.

Indication of the type of article when it is a letter, editorial, summary

  • Rivas Otero B de, Solano Cebrián MC, López Cubero L. Fever of unknown origin and aortic dissection [letter]. Rev Clin Esp. 2003;203;507-8.

  • Castillo Garzón MJ. Communication: medicine of the past, present and future [editorial]. Rev Clin Esp. 2004;204(4):181-4.

  • Vázquez Rey L, Rodríguez Trigo G, Rodríguez Valcárcel ML, Verea Hernando H. Respiratory functional study in patients candidates for liver transplant [abstract]. Arch Bronconeumol. 2003; 39 supp. 2:29-30

Article before the printed version (in digital version):

  • Yu WM, Hawley TS, Hawley RG, Qu CK. Immortalization of yolk sac-derived precursor cells. Blood. 2002 Nov 15;100(10):3828-31. Epub 2002 Jul 5.

Digital article in publication by numbers:

Digital article in continuous publication:

  • Chesini F, Orman MC. Health policy in the Argentine climate agenda. Rev Argent Public Health. December 2, 2021; 13. (Revised January 19, 2022). Available at: https://rasp.msal.gov.ar/index.php/rasp/article/view/717


  • Longo E, Navarro E. Dietotherapy Technique. 2nd Edition. Buenos Aires. The Athenaeum, 2002.

Chapters of books:

  • Guerrero Lozano R, Alvarez Vargas D. Development of the digestive system. In: Rojas Montenegro C, Guerrero Lozano R. Clinical Nutrition and Pediatric Gastroenterology. Bogota. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 1999. P 19-29.


  • Law No. 18,962. Constitutional organic law on education. Official Gazette of the Republic of Chile. Santiago, March 10, 1990.


  • IRAM/IACC/ISO E9000. Standards for quality management and quality assurance. Guidelines for its selection and use. Buenos Aires, Argentina, IRAM/ISO, 1991.

Scientific or technical report:

  • World Health Organization. Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: new areas of research. Report of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1994. Technical Report Series: 841.

Doctoral Thesis:

  • Zamora, MC. Combined action of plastic films and chemical preservatives in the storage of refrigerated beef [Doctoral Thesis*]. Buenos Aires' University. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences; 1985. *in English: [dissertation]

Direct textual quote: The one that is transcribed verbatim.
Example: “The short textual quote, of less than five lines, is inserted within the text between quotation marks, and the corresponding number is placed at the end, after the quotation marks and before the punctuation mark” (3).
“The textual quote of more than 5 lines is inserted in a new paragraph, leaving a greater indentation than the rest of the text. The corresponding number is located at the end of the text” (4).
Indirect textual quote: Mention of an author's ideas with the words of the person he writes. It is written within the text without quotes, the reference number is written after the author's last name and before citing his idea.
Example: As Londoño C. (5) says, infant mortality leads to worsening the quality of life in Medellín.
Tables, figures and illustrations are self-explanatory units, that is, they must be understood by their own reading, without the need for the body of the manuscript. Tables are series of verbal or numerical data distributed in columns and rows. In the figures, the image predominates over the text (bar graphs, pie graphs, trend graphs, flowcharts or flow diagrams, decision trees). Illustrations are any material that cannot be written (photographs, line drawings, sketches or maps). They must be numbered and their number must be mentioned in the text when referring to the information they provide. The title must be complete, anticipating the information shown. At the bottom, general notes, clarification of acronyms and abbreviations, called explanatory notes, will be incorporated with a font size smaller than the text. They may be presented in color or black and white (although DIAETA reserves the right to modify the colors to maintain the design line of the magazine). Tables or figures can be sent as Excel images, in Word format, and illustrations in jpg format. They should be presented at the end of the manuscript on sheets separate from the text.
In the case of reworking a table, graph or illustration that was previously published, whatever the format, or reworking them based on data from different sources, the legend "Modified based on […]" or "Modified from [ …]" and then the names of the authors or institutions following the same citation system as in the body of the text, including the complete publication data in the bibliographic references.
If a table, graph or illustration is reproduced as it was published in other text, the original source must be mentioned and you must have permission from the copyright owner to reproduce the material. Permission is requiredexcept in the case of public domain documents. Along with the submission of the manuscript, permission to reproduce the included table, graph or illustration must be attached. It is the responsibility of the authors of the manuscript to request this permission .

Categories of articles that can be submitted:
Original articles
Original articles are understood to be manuscripts that respect the steps of the scientific method. The original articles must be unpublished, that is, they must not have been published in another format. If your results were partially communicated, in scientific societies in the form of summaries, it must be mentioned in the Letter to the Director of the Journal.
In addition to the common content written above, it will have the following sections: Introduction, objective/s, materials and method, results, discussion and conclusion, and bibliographic references. They will have a minimum length of 6 and a maximum of 17 pages, including graphics, illustrations, tables. When an abbreviation appears for the first time it will be preceded by its full name.
Introduction : include a brief review of the problem to be treated, its background, the justification that motivated the conduct of the research study, the methodology applied and the analysis of the results. The problem statement must reflect the content of the research. This part does not include data or conclusions of the study to be presented.
Objectives : they can be written at the end of the introduction or as a separate section. They must be consistent with the results, clear, precise and feasible.
Materials and method : This section should be detailed enough so that others with access to the data can reproduce the results. Describe the study design, type of sampling, inclusion, exclusion and elimination criteria. Explain the techniques, equipment, and materials used in sufficient detail so that others can reproduce the results. The analyzed variables and their values, if necessary with bibliographic references. Whether an organization was paid or contracted to help carry out the research (examples include data collection and analysis). Mathematical terms, formulas, abbreviations, units and measurements will be consistent with those used in reference publications. All units of measurement will be expressed in the metric system. How the data analysis was carried out will be described so that the reader can judge its relevance and the conclusions drawn. Identify the software and version that was used. The evaluation by a Research Ethics Committee and the signing of informed consent by the participants will be made explicit or whether it is exempt from the need for review by said Committee. If a formal ethics committee is not available, a statement indicating that the research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki should be included.
Results: Present the results following a logical sequence using text, tables and figures. They must maintain coherence with the stated objectives. Avoid repeating data from tables, graphs or illustrations in the text, nor duplicating information between tables and graphs. Only the important observations found therein should be highlighted or summarized. Additional materials and technical details may be placed in an appendix at the end of the manuscript so as not to interrupt the flow of the text.
Discussion and conclusions : It is useful to begin the discussion by briefly summarizing the main findings and exploring possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings. It is suggested to emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and put them in context with all the relevant evidence, that is, mention the agreement or disagreement of the results with other published articles. Do not repeat in detail the data or other information given in other parts of the manuscript, such as in the Introduction or Results. Indicate the limitations of the study and the implications for future research and for nutritional practice or policy. Link conclusions to the objectives of the study, but avoid discredited statements and conclusions that are not adequately supported by the data presented.
Bibliographic References : consult at least 20 updated bibliographic sources. They must be written as previously described

Bibliographic review and update articles
These are understood as those that involve a critical analysis of selective publications, related to a topic of relevance to the profession, in a period of time considered according to the topic and that allow logical and rational conclusions to be reached. Its length will be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 13 pages. It should include as many bibliographic citations as the topic requires (no less than 20 citations) and in a period of time that reaches the present day. The bibliography will be an important part of the manuscript. The more exhaustive the search strategy, the more likely you are to find all the important articles on the topic. Ideally, one should use: a) one or more bibliographic databases, including which keywords were used and how; b) an investigation of the references of all relevant publications on the topic; c) personal communication with researchers or organizations in the area, especially to ensure that no important published articles or unpublished communications have been omitted. In addition to the common sections, the following will be included:
Introduction : Justify the relevance of the topic and the need to review or update it. The current knowledge and divergence of the research problem that justifies the revision or update can be described. State the objectives set to begin the review or update.
Methodology or Materials and method : describe how the bibliographic search was carried out, which libraries, scientific publication bases or other sources were consulted, search criteria, keywords or descriptors used, languages ​​and the period of time taken for the search; How the selection of the publications to be analyzed was carried out: inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection and elimination of publications.
Results and Discussion : a description of the information collected and analyzed will be made. It can be presented in written and/or table form (Authors, Study design, sample size, etc., and results), any of them that favor enjoyable reading. Emphasize new and important aspects of the review or update and put them in context with the totality of relevant evidence. Briefly mention the agreement or not of the different results. Indicate the limitations of the reviewed publications, as well as limitations for revision or updating and implications for future research.
Conclusion : it should be brief, linking the conclusions with the objectives of the review or update. An opinion or suggestion from the authors may be added, but they must be adequately supported by the information presented.
Bibliographic References : they must be written as previously described. And in such a number that it validates the review and update.
Tables and figures : The sample selection methodology can be described using a flow chart. Individual or summary information can be presented through tables and figures. These must be numbered and must have a complete and understandable title in relation to the information they contain, even when the results are presented only in this format. The full names of the abbreviations and clarifications will be located in footnotes. Figures that are not those of the authors must mention the source and have their authorization for use.

Brief Communications
It is understood as short articles communicating activities or programs in the area of ​​nutrition, education, social behaviors or any other branch of interest to our magazine, which provide a methodology or technique, with innovative results or of interest to professionals. . Its maximum length will be 7 pages with references or bibliographic consultation.
It must include the common sections; Introduction and objectives; Text; Conclusions and bibliographical references or Bibliography. Whenever possible, present the text according to the methodology or materials and method, results and discussion sections.
Clinical cases
They include the description of one or more cases that have certain diagnostic interest, or strange clinical forms or that present anomalies in the evolution or in the therapeutic response, which are a significant contribution for nutrition professionals.
Its length will be a maximum of 3 pages and a bibliography must be included.
It must contain the common sections; Text and bibliographical references or Bibliography. 1 table, graph or illustration may be included.
Letters to the editorial committee
They will refer to an opinion, discussion or comment on the articles included in a previous issue of DIAETA. They will not exceed 1300 words. The written text must be adequately supported by no less than 3 bibliographic citations of very good scientific quality. The editorial committee will evaluate the relevance of the content prepared prior to its publication and the author will be informed of the result of said evaluation. Letters to the editor that have an aggressive tone or are a mere criticism of the authors and not of the results or content of the published writing or that do not support the criticism of the results with bibliographic sources will not be published. 

Other categories of articles or original articles that are meta-analyses or systematic reviews must have the relevant methodological and scientific rigor to be accepted.



Sending of manuscripts


A copy of the manuscript in Word format, along with the Letter of Authorship and the Letter to the Director of DIAETA, will be sent electronically to the email: revistadiaeta@aadynd.org.ar
The order of the manuscripts will be as follows:

  1. Title, in Spanish and English.

  2. Authors: Surname and full names. ORCID of each author. Highest academic degree achieved. Workplace. Email adress. 

  3. Institution(s) participating in the research study.

  4. Author's contact information: email, optional contact phone number or social network.

  5. Declaration of conflict of interest of each of the authors.

  6. Source of financing of the study presented.

  7. Summary and Abstract; keywords in Spanish and English under each one.

  8. Introduction and objectives.

  9. Materials and method or methodology.

  10. Results.

  11. Discussion and Conclusion.

  12. Thanks.

  13. Bibliographic references.

  14. Annex (if applicable)

  1. Tables, figures and/or illustrations




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