
ISSN 1852-7329
online version
ISSN 0327-9375
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy





Form and preparation of manuscripts



The manuscript is to be submitted in triplicate (original and two copies) directly to Editor.
Use doble spacing, one side of the paper, and leave wide margins. The article extention should be approximately be of 3500 words (10 pages). All pages must be numbered, and all identified. The work should be sent in a diskette, use standart word procesor.

Title, Name

Provide the title in full; the author´s name, affiliation, and present address (to receive the proofs).


Articles in other native languaje must include an extense abstract in Spanish.


All articles must include an summary of 100-200 words.


The general required structure follows: Introduction, material and method, results, discussion, conclusions (optional), acknowledgements, bibliography (only those mentioned in the text).

Headings & sub-headings

In Spanish and English, must be short and clear.

References and notes

References in the text follow the scientific standart format. An author with more that one publication in the same year, must indicate it with letters.


Number all tables in the text with Roman numerals. The title (short) must be sent in a separate sheet.


Number all figures in the text with Roman numerals. The title (short) must be sent in a separate sheet.
All figures must be suitable for reproduction. Check that all lettering and lines support the reduction to fit the dimension of the page (12x 18 cm). Write your name and the figure/table number on the back, and indicate it left margin of the text (with red line) te most appropiate location.


Only in black and white, if possible photographs must be changed by figures.


Avoid using footnotes.


The metric system is to be used.


A correct example of bibliography: ROIG, F. y E. MARTINEZ CARRETERO, 1990. La vegetación del Valle de Uspallata (Mendoza, Argentina) durante los últimos 4500 años a través de restos botánicos arqueológicos. Bamberger Geographische Schriften Bd. 11: 283-294.



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2014 Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas. Unidad Botánica y Fitosociología (IADIZA-CONICET)

C.C. 507
(5500) Mendoza
República Argentina


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1852-7329&lng=en&nrm=iso