ISSN 1851-8893
online version
ISSN 1515-6877
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


This magazine offers a space for different interdisciplinary experiences -national and internationally- related to issues concerning guidance, employment, and work at the individual, institutional and community levels, both in the preventive and the assistance aspects. It also seeks to share new approaches related to the production of theory and the transmission and transfer of knowledge. All articles are published in two languages -Spanish and English- and in every section, i.e., Core, Research Advance Section, University Extramural Transfer and Research Summaries, a summary in Portuguese is also provided.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Two copies shall be submitted in A4 paper size, double space, both in Spanish and English. The material shall be supplied in a diskette. Word processor: Word.
2. Papers shall not exceed 30 pages; developed researches shall not exceed 15 pages and the research abstracts shall not surpass 200 words. Bibliography shall be 4 pages maximum. Times new roman 12, or a similar font shall be used.
3. Charts, graphics and images shall be included separately from the text and they shall have titles and numbers.
4. Footnotes shall be correlatively numbered and they shall have the following order:
• Author’s name and surname
• Title in italics
• Volume, etc.
• Place and date of publication
• Publishing house
• Number of pages
5. The bibliography shall be included in the text according to the system of author and year. At the end of the text, a list of all the bibliography mentioned in it shall be included; such list shall be alphabetically ordered and in accordance with the rules set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 4th Edition. For example:
5.a. Books: Super, D. (1962). Psicología de la vida profesional, Madrid: Rialp.
5.b. Magazine articles: Watts, A (1999). An International Perspective. Revista Internacional “Orientación y Sociedad”, Edición Especial Nº 1 (pp 197-216) La Plata: Editorial de la Universidad.
5.c. Chapter from a book or a non-periodical collective publication: Rodriguez Moreno (2000). La Orientación profesional de las personas adultas: fundamentos, principios y servicios. En Sobrado Fernández (Ed), Orientación Profesional Diagnóstico e Inserción Laboral (pp 5-38). Barcelona: Estel.
6. On a separate sheet of paper, the author shall very briefly include a synthesis of the most relevant data concerning his/her current professional activity and address.
7. Paper abstracts not exceeding 200 words, written in Spanish, English and Portuguese shall be provided. The reading committee shall be responsible only for the changes needed to meet the formal requirements to present in Spanish papers written by foreign authors.
8. Each abstract shall be preceded by key words.
9. The papers shall be submitted to evaluation on the part of the Publishing Committee and anonymous evaluator’s, according to topic contents; once the report is make known, the author shall receive the pertinent information.



Sending of manuscripts


Mirta Gavilán

Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Facultad de Psicología
Calle 48 e/ 6 y 7
(1900) La Plata - Pcia. de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel.: (54 221) 4895646(54 221) 4895646



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© 2009 Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Calle 48 e/ 6 y 7
(1900) La Plata - Pcia. de Buenos Aires
República Argentina

Tel.: (54 221) 4895646

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