
ISSN 1669-3299
printed version
ISSN 2314-0208
on-line version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Peer review process

The works received will be submitted to the consideration of the Editorial Board for a first review of formal and thematic requirements; If they are not in the requested format, they will be returned for adaptation.

Once these requirements have been fulfilled, the works will be sent for evaluation by external experts for approval and acceptance for publication.

The confidentiality of the evaluation process is assured, as it is a double-blind process, in which the evaluator does not know the author, nor does the author know his evaluators.

Two evaluators are involved in the evaluation process. In case of discrepancy, the article will be sent to other evaluators.

The final result of the opinion may be:

  1. Accepted

  2. Accepted with modification

  3. Refused

If the article is accepted with modifications, the observations indicated by the evaluators will be sent to the author(s). A new deadline for delivery of the updated version will be agreed upon with the author(s).

The final decision regarding the publication of the article corresponds to the Editorial Committee of the Journal.

If the evaluation process has been successfully passed, the Editorial Committee will send the work to the author(s) for final correction. The author(s) must accept the conceptual corrections as well as the editorial corrections suggested after the arbitration process. If the suggestions are not accepted, the author may withdraw the article from the journal. The deadline for sending the work in its final version may not exceed 2 months; After this period, the work will be cancelled. Pampa magazine does not assume responsibility for unpublished works.

Authors whose works are favorably evaluated must sign a note of authorization for their publication.

The selection of the evaluation panel of external experts for each work is carried out by the Editorial Board of the Journal, with 2 (two) being the minimum number of arbitrations involved for each work, and in the event that the result of the opinion is tied, it is raised to a new one. evaluation for tiebreaker.


Articles and research advances


Interoperability policies

Pampa, Revista Interuniversitaria de Estudios Territoriales uses Dublin Core interoperability metadata.

Plagiarism detection policy

The content of each work is the exclusive responsibility of its author. If works, data and/or words from other authors are used, they must be properly cited. Any content that is detected as fraudulent will be submitted to the magazine's Editorial Board for review, who will evaluate the case and determine the steps to follow.

To detect plagiarism, the Plagius software (plagius.com.es) is used. This control stage is in charge of the Editorial Board.

Preservation policy

Pampa: Revista Interuniversitaria de Estudios Territoriales is archived in PKP-PN provided by OJS, and has the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS options enabled.

Its digital version is located at http://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar . 

The information present in the “Periodic Publications System” (SPP) is preserved in different digital media on a daily and weekly basis. The media used for the “backup copy” are hard disks and magnetic tapes.

- Backup copy on hard drives: two hard drives are used. The hard drives are configured with a RAID 1 scheme. Additionally, another copy is made to a remote backup server that is located in a different physical location than the primary SPP server. This copy is made every 12 hours, without compression and/or encryption.

For backup copies on magnetic tape there are two schemes: daily and weekly backup copies.

- Daily backup copy on magnetic tape: a total backup copy of the SPP is made every 24 hours. For this process, there is a total of 18 different magnetic tapes in a rotating scheme. One magnetic tape is used per day, and the magnetic tape that has the oldest backup copy is overwritten. It gives a total backup time of up to 25 days back.

- Weekly backup copy on magnetic tape: every week (every Saturday) another complete backup copy is also made on magnetic tape. For this backup copy, there are 10 magnetic tapes in a rotating scheme. Each new backup copy is made on the magnetic tape that contains the oldest copy, which gives a total backup time of up to 64 days back.
Files on magnetic tape are stored in “zip” format, compressed by the backup management system. In the event of a possible failure of the magnetic tape reading/writing equipment, there are two reading/writing devices that can be exchanged. The magnetic tapes of the daily and weekly backup copies are kept inside a fireproof container (safe).

- Database backup: a daily backup copy (dump) of the system database and backup copy of the entire database engine with failover capacity is applied up to five (5) minutes prior to the fall. Additionally, the database server is replicated on two nodes, and both have RAID 1.

Code of Conduct

Pampa Magazine adheres to the Code of Conduct and Guide to Good Practices for scientific editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):  http://publicationethics.org/



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Rules for publication


The work must comply with the following recommendations:


PAMPAS. Interuniversity Magazine of Territorial Studies, published biannually, calls for applications to receive papers on a permanent basis. However, it establishes March 15 of each year as the closing date for receiving works for the editions corresponding to the next two issues.

The articles, research advances, book reviews and other scientific communications proposed for publication must be original, unpublished and must not be simultaneously published in other publications; They may be presented in Spanish or Portuguese.

Articles may have a maximum of four authors


The works received will be submitted to the consideration of the Editorial Board for a first review of formal and thematic requirements; If they are not in the requested format, they will be returned for adaptation.

Once these requirements have been fulfilled, the works will be sent for evaluation by external experts for approval and acceptance for publication.

The confidentiality of the evaluation process is assured, as it is a double-blind process, in which the evaluator does not know the author, nor does he know his evaluators.

Two evaluators intervene in the evaluation process. In case of discrepancy, the article will be sent to other evaluators.

The final result of the opinion may be:

1. Accepted
2. Accepted with modification
3. Rejected

If the article is accepted with modifications, the observations indicated by the evaluators will be sent to the author(s). A new deadline for delivery of the updated version will be agreed upon with the author(s).

The final decision regarding the publication of the article corresponds to the Editorial Committee of the Journal.

If the evaluation process has been successfully passed, the Editorial Committee will send the work to the author(s) for final correction. The author(s) must accept the conceptual corrections as well as the editorial corrections suggested after the arbitration process. If the suggestions are not accepted, the author may withdraw the article from the journal. The deadline for sending the work in its final version may not exceed 2 months; After this period, the work will be cancelled. Pampa magazine does not assume responsibility for unpublished works.

Authors whose works are favorably evaluated must sign a note of authorization for their publication.

The selection of the evaluation panel of external experts for each work is carried out by the Editorial Board of the Journal, with 2 (two) being the minimum number of arbitrations involved for each work, and in the event that the result of the opinion is tied, it is raised to a new one. evaluation for tiebreaker.



The jobs to be applied for must be presented in Word format and must have the following characteristics:

* Simple line spacing.

* A4 size sheet (210x297 mm) with 25mm margins on each side.

* The main text developed in Times New Roman font, size 12.

* The titles developed in Times New Roman font, size 14, and the subtitles in Times New Roman bold font size 12.


* Articles and research advances must be between 15 (fifteen) and 20 (twenty) pages – including: title (in original language and English), authors and summary (in original language and English), introduction, development , methodologies, graphs and figures, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliography.
*Reviews should not exceed 3 pages.


* Title: must be short, concise and clear, in Spanish or Portuguese, and English

* Subtitle: at the discretion of the author/s

* Author/res details:

- Name and surname of the author/s

- Institution to which they belong (indicating academic unit, university and country)

- Email address

- ORCID code of each of the authors (if you do not have this code, you can obtain it at https://orcid.org/)

* Reviews must indicate the full name of the book, author(s), publisher, place, year, number of pages.

In the rest of the manuscript (including the list of bibliographic references) the authorship, self-citation and institutional reference marks must be replaced with the following paragraph: "data extracted for evaluation purposes". If the article is accepted for publication, the authors will be asked to complete the omitted data. In addition, it is requested to avoid phrases such as "In previous works we have shown..." that could lead to the identification of the author(s).

Summary and keywords:

It must be presented in the language of origin of the work (Spanish or Portuguese) and English. It should be precise and give a broad idea of ​​the content of the article. It may not exceed 150 words.

Keywords (descriptors) must be included. They cannot exceed 5 keywords and must be presented separated by semicolons with the initial in capital letters.

Plans, figures and tables:

-The plans and photographs will be sent in gray scale, in image format, in files with a jpg or tif extension with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in final size; They must be sent separately, in the indicated format, and will be included where the author mentions it in the text file with the title and respective source.

-Graphics generated from Excel or other programs with a gif or tif extension must respect the same resolution and will be indicated with correlative Arabic numbers.

-The tables will be indicated with Roman numerals, and their place of insertion in the manuscript must be indicated. Each table must have an appropriate legend at the top.

-In all cases they will be attached in their original extension separately from the Word file with express indication of the place where they should be inserted into the text.

- Reviews must be accompanied with an image of the book cover. With the graphics features mentioned above.

Citations and bibliographical references

They must be incorporated in APA format

Reviews may not have citations and/or bibliographic references.


  • How to cite: Author's last name, Author's name initials (Year). Title in italics. City and country: Editorial.

  • Example: Harvey, D. (2007).  Spaces of capital. Towards a critical geography . Madrid Spain: Akal Editorial.

Book Chapter:

  • How to cite: Last name, AA, and Last name, BB (Year). Chapter or entry title. In AA Surname, Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.

  • Example: Foucault, M. (1976). Questions to Michel Foucault about geography. In M. Foucault, Microphysics of Power . Madrid, Spain: La Piqueta.

Magazine article:

  • How to cite: Last name, AA (Date). Article title. Name of the journal , Volume (Number), pp-pp.

  • Example: Capel, H. (February 5, 2016). The social sciences and the study of the territory. Bibliographical Magazine of Geography and Social Sciences , XXI (1,149).

  • IMPORTANT: whenever it is a publication in digital format, DOI or URL must be added


Pampa, by agreement between the universities that co-publish it, has designated the Centro de Publicaciones de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral as the responsible publisher. Submissions of works for publication must be sent to the journal's email address: revistapampa@gmail.com

Postal mail of the Journal:
Revista Pampa
Lisandro de la Torre 2520- S3000CPF - Santa Fe – Argentina
For questions, contact the number:
Tel/Fax: 54 - 342 – 4585610 ext. 170-171


In the event that the article sent to the journal has more than one author or has required the participation of other collaborators, the work must include, at the end, a declaration of the roles of authorship and participation. The taxonomy of academic collaboration networks (CRediT) lists the different collaboration roles such as data curation, conceptualization, writing (review and editing) or supervision, among others ( https://hdlab.space/taxonomia ). This taxonomy has the objective of providing credit to all the roles involved in a research process and guaranteeing that they are visualized and recognized during the communication of the results.

When there are no collaborative roles beyond authorship and the authors have shared the writing of the work, it may be declared: “X. and Y. jointly contributed to the writing of this article.”


Authors who send articles to the journal must ensure the availability and preservation of the data used in them, in accordance with Law No. 26,899 on Digital Repositories. If the article is accepted, it is recommended that the data generated be deposited in one of the research data repositories (such as SciELO Data), prior to publication, so that the complete citation of the deposited data can be included in the article. The citation of the deposited data set must appear in the bibliographic references section of the resulting publication. Citing the data set allows authorship to be recognized and facilitates its location, validation and reuse, facilitates the metrics and impact of the data and favors the transparency of scientific research. Each data set and subset of data must be cited independently with its own DOI or similar.



Sending of manuscripts


Pampa, by agreement between the universities that co-publish it, has designated the Centro de Publicaciones de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral as the responsible publisher. Submissions of works for publication must be sent to the journal's email address: revistapampa@gmail.com

Postal mail of the Journal:
Revista Pampa
Lisandro de la Torre 2520- S3000CPF - Santa Fe – Argentina
For questions, contact the number:
Tel/Fax: 54 - 342 – 4585610 ext. 170-171



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2024 Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Universidad de la República

Lisandro de la Torre 2520
(3000) - Santa Fe
República Argentina
Tel. +54-0342-4585610 int. 170/171


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2314-0208&lng=es&nrm=iso