
ISSN 2683-7226
online version
ISSN 0004-4881
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


1. Mission
The Rev AsocOdontol Argent is the official publication of the Asociación Odontológica Argentina. The aim of the Journal is to update and disseminate in Spanish language the scientific knowledge of dentistry and health sciences to encourage and support initiatives that increase regional production and general access to quality scientific literature through the publication of unpublished refereed articles.

2. Scope
The Rev AsocOdontol Argent is an open access online scientific journal, available on the website www.raoa.aoa.org.ar and on the page of the Argentine Dental Association (www.aoa.org.ar). From May 2022 the Journal has adopted the continuous publication model keeping the edition of three
annual issues, January-April, May-August, September-December. It accepts scientific research articles, systematic reviews, clinical case reports, narrative reviews, and short communications. The review of the manuscripts received is performed by peers under the double-blind modality.
Articles can be found on the Internet by means of the usual search engines and in regional databases. Rev AsocOdontol Argent is included in the Latindex (category 1) and the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinascatalogs and is indexed in the LILACS database of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (BIREME), EBSCOhost, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Dialnet, Malena and Road.

The Journal has received the following distinctions:

  • Grand Prize: III Dental Congress, Brazil (1929).
  • F. Antonio RizzutoAwardsgrantedbyAsociación de la Prensa Técnica y Especializada Argentina (APTA):

"Best Scientific Work" (1965; 1995; 2000)
"First Runner-up - Scientific Publications Category" (1999).


3. Publication policies
The Editorial Board of the Journal adopts the recommendations established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

3.1.Continuous publication
Starting with issue 2, Vol. 110, the Rev AsocOdontol Argent adopts the continuous publication model so that each article is published once it has been approved and edited without waiting for the issue to be completed, which reduces publication times.
This modality speeds up the process of communication and publication of articles with innumerable advantages for users of scientific information, contributing to early reading and citation.
In this modality, each article is treated as an independent object and receives a unique identification in the journal's collection. Its identifier will be formed by the letter e followed by a sequential identification number.The pagination of the article changes, the initial page will be 1 and the final number will be the total number of pages.
The publication flow adopted by Rev AsocOdontol Argent will be continuous publication within each issue. 

3.2.Open Access Policy
The publication and dissemination of Rev AsocOdontol Argent complies with the definition of open access of theDirectory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Free and immediate access of the work to the network is permitted, as well as reading, downloading, copying, distributing, and printing, searching, or linking the full texts of the articles, crawling them for indexing, passing them as data to software or using them for any other legal purpose under the terms of the Creative Commons 2.5 Argentina Attribution-Non-Commercial License.

3.3. Peer review process
Refereeing is an altruistic, non-remunerated process and represents a personal contribution to the development of science. The evaluation is performed double-blind by expert peers in each discipline to ensure its quality and scientific rigor. In all cases, evaluators external to the publishing entity of this publication are used. The editorial team complies with the obligation to keep confidentiality and is impartial and objective in managing the selection of reviewers.
The review process involves the following steps: a. Editorial evaluation of compliance with publication standards. If a manuscript does not comply with these standards, it will be requested to adapt it before sending it for review. b. Invitation to expert reviewers according to the discipline. c. Sending the manuscript to the reviewers who are given 4 weeks to complete the report. d. According to the reportsthe Editorial Committee will decide to either accept the manuscript, request major modifications, request minor modifications, or reject the manuscript. In case of discrepancy, a third-party evaluation will be requested. If major modifications were indicated, corrected manuscripts will be resubmitted to the reviewers to determine if they have been satisfactorily implemented. e. Accepted manuscripts will receive a style correction and will be edited and layout through a process that requires the participation of the authors to avoid possible misprints. f. Authors will be asked to approve the final version to be published. 

3.4. Ethical standards in publishing
Rev AsocOdontol Argent is committed to comply with ethical standards at all stages of the publication process and adheres to the principles of transparency and best practices in scholarly publishing jointly proposed by TheCommittee on Publication Ethics (COPE), theDirectory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), theOpen Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the WorldAssociation of Medical Editors (WAME). 
In case of identifying misconduct in the publication related to an article, the COPE guidelines will be followed.
The editors do not pursue any commercial interests, nor do they sponsor or endorse commercial products or diagnostic or treatment procedures mentioned in the articles. 
The Editorial Board of the Journal adopts the international ethical guidelines for human health-related research established by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

3.5. Repository and pre-prints policy
Rev AsocOdontol Argent authorizes authors to deposit the accepted version, as well as the finally published version, in a national or international institutional repository (as appropriate), web pages or academic networks without commercial purposes, respecting the integrity and image of the Journal. It is mandatory for the published version to include information on how to cite the document, the URL or DOI assigned to each article respecting and indicating the terms of the Creative Commons license under which it was published.
Rev AsocOdontol Argent authorizes authors to submit manuscripts for publication that have been deposited in reliable pre-print servers (national or international as appropriate). This information should be included in the letter to the editor. Authors may make use of these pre-print servers until the time of publication.

3.6 Supporting data of the research
National authors should take into account that according to Law Nº 26.899 "Creación de Repositorios Digitales Institucionales de AccesoAbierto, Propios o Compartidos” in the event that their research results published,  if the article have been financed or co-financed with public funds, they are obliged to publish their work and primary data in institutional repositories, own or shared.
The citation of the deposited dataset must appear in the bibliographic references section of the resulting publication. Citing the dataset allows authorship to be acknowledged and facilitates its localization, validation, and reuse, facilitates the metrics and impact of the data, and favors the transparency of scientific research. Each dataset and subset of data should be cited independently with its own DOI or similar.


3.7 Archiving for preservation

The Rev AsocOdontol Argent uses the Internet Archive digital library for electronic backup and digital preservation of its content.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Updated on 1/11/2022

Other publication policies can be read in the section About the Journal (Continuous publication, Open access policies, Peer review process,Ethical standards in publishing, Repository and pre-prints policy, Supporting data of the research, Archiving for preservation)


1.Manuscripts accepted for publication
Rev AsocOdontol Argent only accepts manuscripts that have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication in another journal.
To corroborate originality, the following strategies are adopted: a) authors are asked to declare that the article has not been previously published or sent to other journals for evaluation; b) Internet programs and tools are used to detect plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplication, and fragmentation (Plagiarism detectorDupliCheckerPlagiarismChecker).
Submission of the material is considered an authorization for publication. Submission of scientific research manuscripts implies agreement to participate in the "Annual Prof. Dr. Margarita Muruzábal Award" for the best scientific research published article, unless expressly stated otherwise. 

2.Intellectual Property
By submitting a manuscript, authors agree that, once the article is accepted for publication, the copyrights of reproduction, distribution and public communication of their article will be transferred to the publisher, and they also accept the terms under which the Journal is shared publicly. All articles approved for publication will be property of the Asociación Odontológica Argentina and express only the opinion of the authors.
Rev AsocOdontol Argent is an open access publication, shared publicly, under the terms of the Creative Commons License 2.5 Argentina Attribution-Noncommercial, which allows sharing, copying, distributing, altering, transforming, generating a derivative work, performing and publicly communicating the work, as long as the corresponding authorship is acknowledged: a) the authorship and the original source of its publication (Journal, URL and/or DOI of the article; b) the same terms of the license are maintained and it is not used for commercial purposes.


Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts should be sent by e-mail to: raoa.buzon@aoa.org.ar 

Texts should always be submitted in Spanish, in a Word (Microsoft) or other compatible program, in Times News Roman font, in size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, justified alignment and 3 cm margins on all four sides. All pages should be numbered. Tables should be diagrammed with Excel (Microsoft) or similar. Tables and images with their captions should be included at the end of the Word file and should also be sent as attachments.

A letter addressed to the editor-in-chief, signed by the responsible authors (and subsequently scanned or photographed), must be attached to the submissionincluding the following texts:
in accordance with the open access policy: "We, the authors of this article, declare our agreement to publish it, to include it in the institution's website, and to make it available, in the digital environment (indexes and/or databases) where the journal is hosted, with open access, under theCreative Commons 2.5 Argentina Attribution-NonCommercial License". And a declaration by the authors stating that the article has not been previously published or sent to other journals for publication.
Authors of scientific research articles must also include the following statement "All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and are able to vouch for all aspects of it" and must complete the declaring their roles of participation according to ICJME (see document al the web site of the Journalwww.raoa.aoa.org.ar).

Before submitting the manuscript, authors should verify compliance with the main requirements by consulting the Submission Checklist available in the "Manuscript Submission" tab in the web page of the Journal (https://raoa.aoa.org.ar/revistas/envio). 

With the result of the evaluation, the authors will be notified of their: a) acceptance; b) need for revision (the corrected version must be sent within six months); c) return without publication.
Once the paper has been accepted, modifications of form may be requested, according to the criteria of the editorial body.Errata introduced in the text by the authors themselves will not be considered errata.

After its final acceptance, the article will be published in continuous publishing flow.The choice of the respective table of contents is the responsibility of the journal's editorial staff.

4.Publication costs
Manuscript processing and publication is free of charge for authors. 

5.Ethical considerations

5.1 Authorship and acknowledgments
Authors submitting a paper should note that the paper must have been read and approved by all signatories and that each of them must agree to its submission to the Journal.
Rev AsocOdontol Argent adheres to the ICMJE definition of authorship.  Authorship should be based on 1) major contributions to the idea and design of the study or to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; and 2) drafting of the article or critical revision of the substantial intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors of original research articles must declare authorship and participation roles according to ICMJE.
Contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria should be included in the Acknowledgements section. Examples of this are: people who have collaborated only with technical help, who have aided in writing, who have helped with the experimental design, with the statistical processing of data or in any other way.All academic collaboration roles are described in the CRediT taxonomy (https://hdlab.space/taxonomia).

5.2 Ethical approval and consent/assent

a.Research Studies
Studies conducted on human subjects, animals or human specimens must be certified by an institutional research ethics committee. In the Materials and Methods section, authors should mention the ethics committee that approved the research protocol and, in addition, attach the corresponding certificate.
When describing research involving human subjects, it should be stated that the procedures followed complied with the ethical standards of the Committee on Responsible Human Experimentation and those of the Declaration of Helsinki(https://www.wma.net/es/que-hacemos/etica-medica/declaracion-de-helsinki)and it should be made clear that the authors obtained informed consent/assent, as appropriate, from the study participants. Studies involving freely available information that is in the public domain (e.g., published biographies, newspaper accounts) or analysis of data sets - open source or from other investigators - that are anonymized and in which consent was obtained at the time of original data collection do not require approval by an institutional ethics committee.
When experimental animals are used, it should be clearly indicated that the necessary measures and care were taken to minimize pain and discomfort. Experiments should be conducted according to guidelines for the care and use of experimental animals, stating which of them were considered.

b.Case reports and case series
When the case report or case series describes clinical findings during the normal course of treatment or observes the course of events documenting a new aspect, it should be indicated that the patient or legally responsible person signed the consent/assent, as in any clinical protocol, without requiring the approval of a research ethics committee. If the work includes the results of data analysis, a specific hypothesis or treatment or data collection, beyond what is part of routine clinical management, it qualifies as research and must have approval from a research ethics committee.
The editorial staff reserves the right to reject the submission when there are doubts as to whether proper procedures have been used.

5.3 Recommended methodological standards
Clinical trials should follow CONSORT guidelines(www.consort-statement.org) and, when applicable, should have the approval of the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT), according to the provisions of this agency.
Observational studies should follow the recommendations of the STROBE guidelines(www.strobe-statement.org). Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should follow the PRISMA(www.prisma-statement.org) or Cochrane protocol(www.cochrane.org). Reports and case series should be guided by the CARE guidelines(www.care-statement.org/writing-a-case-report).

5.4. Conflict of interest statement
All authors must express any financial or other conflict of interest that could be interpreted as influencing the results or interpretation of their manuscript.

5.5. Sources of Funding 
Rev AsocOdontol Argent requires that all sources of institutional, private and corporate financial support be acknowledged in writing.

5.6. Patient anonymity.
Patient anonymity must be preserved. Photographs should be cropped sufficiently to prevent subjects from being recognized (e.g., black bars over the individual's eyes are not sufficient). When it is essential for scientific purposes to make descriptions or include photographs of the patient's face or body parts that may allow identification, the authors must have the individual's informed consent, attach it to the submission, and make it explicit in the body of the paper.

6. Structure and format of the manuscripts

Articles received that do not strictly conform to these instructions will be returned for correction before being reviewed.
The first page should contain the title of the article (less than 120 characters, including spaces) and then the following data for each author: full name (First name/s - avoid initials - Surname/s, i.e.: First name/s,Surname/s,), e-mail, his/her ORCID identifier with the full URL, full name of the place of work, institution, city, country. In addition, full postal address, a cell phone number, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The second page should contain a summary of the study in Spanish and its translation into English (abstract). The abstract should not contain bibliographic citations nor, if possible, abbreviations; on the other hand, the symbols corresponding to the units of measurement can be used. It should not refer to tables or figures. In addition, a maximum of five "Key words" in Spanish and English should be included. It is suggested that these words or short phrases be included in the MEDLINE MeSH(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh) and LILACS DeCS(https://decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm) standardized term lists.
From the third page, the paper must contain the text of the article and comply with the requirements according to its typology, as indicated in the fifth point of these rules.

7. General considerations

7.1. Tables
The following presentation instructions should be considered:
a. Submit the tables as separate files, with editable cells in Word or Excel, and also include them at the end of the Word document.
b. Order the tables with Arabic numerals and indicate in the text, in parentheses, their precise location; for example: "(table 1)".
c. At the top of the table, assign a brief title (Table 1. Title). At the bottom, include the abbreviations used, in alphabetical order. In addition, the tables should contain the statistical measures of central tendency and dispersion (variability) according to the type of data presented.
The tables should contain all the necessary information and be understandable independently of the text.

7.2 Figures
All types of images, whether photographs, graphs, or diagrams, are considered under this name. Figures should strictly illustrate the content of the paper; those considered secondary should be avoided. The following instructions should be taken into account:
a. Send the figures as independent files, in "jpg" or "tif" format, high definition (1200 pixels wide at least), correctly framed and, in addition, include them at the end of the Word document.
b. Order the figures with Arabic numerals and indicate in the text, in parentheses, their precise location; for example: "(fig. 1)" or "(figs. 2 and 3)".
c. Each figure should have a caption (Figure 1. Caption)
d. In the case of micrographs, they should contain internal scale indicators.
e. When the figures are diagrams or graphs, editable files must be submitted.
If figures or diagrams are not their own, they must be free and open access, or they must have the proper authorization for their publication.In both cases the source must be referred.
Finally, it should be considered that the figures may not include data that allow the patient's identity to be recognized, unless it is essential for scientific purposes and the patient's consent is obtained, which must be provided together with a written document.

7.3. Origin of materials
Regarding the origin of the materials in the abstract/abstract, only if it is necessary to compare products, indicate the commercial name. In the body of the paper, indicate trade name and company only if relevant and respecting the following criteria: in the Introduction, only the company (without city and country) and only in the first mention; in the sections Materials and methods, Case report, Report and Development, all data (company, city and country) should be clarified in the first mention (if the material is mentioned again, nothing should be clarified in parentheses), and if two materials share origin, only in the first of them should the complete detail be given; finally, in the other sections of the work, the origin of the materials should not be clarified.

7.4.Units of measurement.
The International System of Units (SI) will be used, using the comma as decimal separator in the Spanish texts.

7.5.Abbreviations, acronyms, and abbreviations.
They should be avoided, as far as possible, both in the title and in the abstract. In addition, the first time they are used, they should be preceded by the complete name (clarifying the abbreviation in parentheses), and from the second time they are used, the abbreviated form should be used. As for the symbols, if they are SI units, they may be used without restrictions.

7.6. References
Authors are requested to provide direct references to the original research source whenever possible, to avoid citing articles from predatory or pseudo-journals, and it is recommended that bibliographic citations correspond mostly to publications within the last ten years. They should be ordered with Arabic numerals, in a correlative manner, according to their appearance in the text, in which they will be referred to by means of superscripts next to the word (or punctuation mark) that precedes them or next to the surname of the author of the cited study if this is referred to in the text. Citations should follow the uniformity requirements for ICMJE writings(https://metodo.uab.cat/docs/Requisitos_de_Uniformidad.pdf).

a. Books
 Surname followed by first initial (without comma after the surname or period after the initial) of the author(s), separated by commas. Book title (in italics), edition number, city of publication, publisher, year, page range of text to be noted (Example: Braun J, Smith T. Dentistry, 3rd ed., Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1987, pp. 219-22). // Example of a book chapter: Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. "Radiographic examination", in: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW (eds.). Diagnosis of pulpal and periapical disease, 2nd ed, New York, McGrawHill, 2002, pp. 93113).

b.Journal articles
Surname followed by initial of the first name (without comma after the surname or period after the initial) of the author(s) (the first six are mentioned; then -if applicable- should read "et al."), separated from each other by commas. Title of the paper. Abbreviated title of the journal (in italics) followed by the year of publication; volume: range of pages consulted (Example: Braun J, Twer P, Jali T, Nebot JL, Janet F, Herrera S, et al. Restoration of fractured teeth. Rev AsocOdontol Argent 1998;70:12034). As for the journal titles, these should be abbreviated according to the list of MEDLINE indexed journals published by the NLM on its web page: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/journals.
In the case of articles in electronic version, the DOI or URL must be included.

Articles with DOI: The DOI must appear in its complete version with https://doi.org/. Example: Caviedes-Bucheli J, Moreno GC, López MP, Bermeo-Noguera AM, Pacheco-Rodríguez G, Cuellar A, et al. Calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor expression in alternatively activated monocytes/macrophages during irreversible pulpitis. J Endod 2008;34:945-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joen.2008.05.011

Articles with URL: The citation date should be added in square brackets after the year of publication. Example: Kaul S, Diamond GA. Pretty good: an introduction to the analysis and interpretation of noninferiority trials. Ann Intern Med 2006 [cited 2007 Jan 4]; 145:62-9. Available from: www.annals.org/cgi/reprint/145/1/62.pdf
When an article number is given in place of the page range, it should be cited: Example: Nisa L, Von Büren T, Tiab A, Giger R. Giant plexiformschwannoma of the tongue. Case Rep Otolaryngol 2011;2011:762524. https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/762524
When the article has neither page range nor article number, the number of screens should be indicated in square brackets. Example: Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs 2002 [cited 2002 Aug 12]; 102:[approx. 3 p.]. Available from: www.nursingworld.org/AJN/2002/june/Wawatch.htm

c.Journal articles published electronically ahead of print (Epub ahead of print)
This should be clarified, and the day and month of electronic publication should be indicated (Example: Schinini G, Sales D, Gómez MV, Romanelli HJ, Chambrone L. Healing of donor sites of connective tissue grafts harvested by the single incision technique. A randomized clinical trial evaluating the use of collagen hemostatic sponge with or without sutures. J Periodontol 2020; November 21. https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.20-0645. Epub ahead of print).

d.Article initially published electronically that has been printed.
The citation should clarify the date on which it was published electronically (Example: Schinini G, Sales D, Gomez MV, Romanelli HJ, Chambrone L. Healing of donor sites of connective tissue grafts harvested by the single incision technique: A randomized clinical trial evaluating the use of collagen hemostatic sponge with or without sutures. J Periodontol 2021;92:629-36. https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.20-0645. Epubahead of print November 21, 2020).

The order is as follows: Surname followed by the initial of the author's name. Title of the thesis. Doctoral thesis. Country of publication: university or institution; year of publication (Example: Abreu R. Applicability of recycled aggregates for concrete manufacturing. Doctoral thesis. Venezuela: Universidad Central de Venezuela; 2011).

f.Internet pages
the following should be indicated: Author/s (subject/s or institution) -if known; if not, omit the data-. Title. Year of publication -if known- [cited on the day of month of year]. Available at: URL of the website. (Example: International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Recommendations on biochemical and organic nomenclature, symbols, and terminology. 2006 [cited 2007 Feb 22]. Available from: www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb).

g.Supporting data sets
The following should be indicated: Author(s): last name and first initial. Title of the dataset and then in brackets [dataset]; then indicate the date of publication of the version. Name of the repository where they are hosted. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as hyperlink. (Example: Reyes-Mendy F, Valenzuela M, Chaura C. How to think about environmental challenges in the face of a new Constitution: environmental concerns in times of constitutional change [dataset]; May 5, 2020 version. Center for Global Change. https://doi.org/10.7764/datasetUC/CCG-UC.11534/29397)

Other examples of reference formats can be found at www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html

8.Types of works
According to their content, articles are classified under the following headings: scientific research papers, systematic reviews, clinical casereports or case series, narrative reviews, short communications, and letters to the editor.

8.1. Scientific research papers.
They are the result of experiences or observations that imply a contribution to a specific area of dental science.
Its maximum length is 5,000 words, from the first page to the end, excluding tables only. Up to a maximum of 40 bibliographical references will be accepted. The first page of the document must be in accordance with the section on the structure and format of the manuscripts. The second page should contain an abstract of the paper, of no more than 250 words, in Spanish and English, structured according to the following subtitles: Aim/s (Aim/s), Materials and methods (Materials and methods), Results (Results), Conclusion/s (Conclusion/s), Key words (Key words). The text of the article will be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/s, Contribution of authorship roles, Declaration of conflict of interest, Sources of funding, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
See at the web page of the Journal for the checklist on the items that should be included in this type of articles.

8.2. Systematic reviews
They consist of a carefully formulated question, from which an objective search of the scientific literature is conducted, explaining the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the analysis of all the available evidence -which may include the application of the statistical technique of meta-analysis-, conclusions are reached that summarize the current state of knowledge in relation to that question.
The maximum length of this type of work is 5,000 words from the first page to the end, excluding tables only. Up to a maximum of 40 bibliographical references will be accepted. The first page of the document must be in accordance with the section on the structure and format of the manuscripts. The second page should contain an abstract, of no more than 250 words, in Spanish and English, structured according to the following subtitles: Aim/s (Objectivo/s), Materials and methods (Materiales y and metodos), Results (Resultados), Conclusion/s (Conclusione/s), Key words (Palabras clave). The structure of the article should be as follows: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/s, Contribution of authorship roles, Declaration of conflict of interest, Sources of funding, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
At the web page of the Journal a checklist can be accessed on the items that should be included in this type of articles.

8.3. Clinical case/sreport/s
This is the description of unusual clinical situations or of special interest in their relationship. It is essential to detail the novelty of the case(s) to justify its publication.
The maximum length is 3,000 words. Up to a maximum of 40 bibliographical references will be accepted. The first page of the document should be in accordance with the section on the structure and format of the manuscript. The second page should contain a summary of the paper, of no more than 250 words, structured in Spanish and English, according to the following scheme: Aim/s (Objectivo/s), Clinical case (Casoclínico), Key words (Palabras clave). The article will be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Clinical case/s, Discussion, Conflict of interest statement, Sources of funding, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
At the web page of the Journal a checklist can be accessed ontheitems that should be included in this type of articles.

8.4. Narrative reviews
They report on the current state of knowledge on a given topic, with a review of the bibliography, without the need to systematize the methods to obtain and select the information presented.
The maximum length is 5,000 words from the first page to the end, excluding tables only. Up to a maximum of 40 bibliographical references will be accepted. The first page of the document must be in accordance with the section on the structure and format of the manuscript. The second page should contain a summary of the paper, of no more than 250 words, in Spanish and English, unstructured. The "Key words" should be included in both languages. The structure of the article should be as follows: Introduction, Development, Conclusion/s, Declaration of conflict of interest, Sources of funding, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
At the web page of the Journal a checklist can be accessed onthe items that should be included in this type of article.

8.5 Short communications
They consist of preliminary results that, due to their interest, justify their early dissemination. They describe significant improvements in clinical practice, for example, the report of a novel technique, technological advances, or practical approaches.
The maximum length is 2,000 words, excluding tables only. Up to a maximum of 40 bibliographical references will be accepted. The first page of the paper should be in accordance with the section on the structure and format of the manuscript. The second page should contain a summary of the article, of no more than 150 words, in Spanish and English, unstructured. In addition, the "Key words" should be included, in both languages. The article should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Report, Discussion, Conclusion/s, Declaration of conflict of interest, Sources of funding, Acknowledgements (if any), References.
At the web page of the Journal a checklist can be accessed on the items that should be included in this type of article.

8.6. Letters to the editor
These are observations and comments on papers previously published in the journal or the communication of observations or experiences that may constitute a brief text.
The maximum length is 1,000 words. Up to six references may be cited. One figure and one table are allowed. 

8.7. Other sections
Rev AsocOdontol Argent has other sections, such as the editorial and bibliographic comments, which are written at the invitation of the editors. Those who wish to participate should send their proposal accompanied by a summary of the contents and the main references.

Any contingency not foreseen in these instructions will be resolved by the editorial staff of the Journal and the Board of Directors of theAsociación Odontológica Argentina.

10. Contact.
If you would like to request more information, please contact the Executive Editor, Ms. Violeta Kurlat, by whatsapp +54 911 2497-4414, or by email at: violeta.kurlat@aoa.org.ar


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© 2023 Asociación Odontológica Argentina

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Fax: (+54-11) 4961-6141


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