
ISSN 1852-8724
printed version
ISSN 1853-810X
on-line version

About this Journal


Basic Information

Publication of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, Argentina
On-line ISSN 1853-810X
The Revista Argentina de Salud Pública and its COVID-19 Supplement publish original articles on research, reviews, health interventions, epidemiological analyses and social studies with a clinical or Health Science perspective about different aspects of Public Health, including those related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its health responses with the purpose of disseminating Public Health scientific evidence to health decision makers, health professionals, researchers and educators.
The Revista Argentina de Salud Pública is an Open Access continuous publication, allows depositing articles in preprint repositories and does not charge any fee for editorial processing.

The abbreviation of its title is Rev Argent Salud Pública (online), which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes, citations and bibliographic references


Indexed in

  • Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas – Caicyt/Conicet (Argentina)
    [Basic Nucleus of Argentine Scientific Journals]
  • LILACS Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences
  • LATINDEX – Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (México) [Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal] (Mexico)
  • REDIB – Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (España) [Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge] (Spain)
  • Periodic - Index of Latin American Journals in Sciences
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Virtual Health Library Regional Portal
  • BINACIS – National Bibliography in Health Sciences

The journal is included in the catalogue 2.0 of the LATINDEX system. 




The ARGENTINA JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH (RASP) maintains its commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research financed with public funds must circulate on the Internet freely, free of charge and without restrictions by Consequently, it adheres to the Open Access publication model that promotes access to scientific literature through the Internet free of economic barriers, that is, free and of copyright restrictions (Budapest Declaration, 2002; Bethesda Declaration, 2003; Berlin Declaration, 2003). This paradigm allows for greater visibility and increases the ability to disseminate the results of scientific research through quality articles with peer review or scientific editors of the Editorial Committee itself.
According to this model, all the works published in the RASP are freely available so that readers can read, download, copy, distribute and make derivative works with the obligation to acknowledge the authorship of the work and the primary source of publication.
RASP does not charge any fees to the author for the submission or editorial processing of articles.
The Argentine Public Health Journal (RASP) adopts the Creative Commons Attribution Licensing system (ALCC) for all published works. According to these licenses, the authors retain the copyright over their work, but authorize any person to copy, distribute, make derivative works from the original work, provided that they attribute authorship of the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor of the work. However, the RASP recommends that its authors register their works in order to protect intellectual property against possible misuse or misuse.
Therefore, those submitting scientific articles for publication in the RASPgive their consent to the following conditions:

1. According to this model, all the work published in the RASP becomes available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, meaning that the authors retain their copyrights and readers can share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (combine, transform and create based on the material) it provided the authorship of the work and the primary source of publication are acknowledged, supplying a link to the license and indicating if changes have been made. Readers cannot use the material for commercial purposes. If derivate works are created, they should be distributed under the same license as the original.

2. The authors retain Copyright and guarantee to the RASP the unpublished and original character of the material for publication.

3. The authors can establish separate additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, deposit it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), acknowledging the initial publication in the RASP.

4. Submitting an article to the RASP implies accepting the above-mentioned terms and conditions.


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© 2022 Ministry of Health, Argentina

Av. 9 de Julio 1925 5th Floor
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina


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