
ISSN 1852-1479
online version
ISSN 0325-2221
printed version

About this journal


Basic Information


“Relaciones” is a biannual journal edited by the Argentine Society of Anthropology (SAA) dedicated to publishing unpublished articles, notes and comments based on research that provide original information about the various specialties of Anthropology (Archeology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Bioanthropology, Etnohistory, Linguistics and Disciplines), which provide relevant and useful conclusions for the scientific community. The journal has three main sections: synthesis articles, results of several years of research on theoretical and / or methodological topics with a high degree of progress in the main thematic areas of anthropology, archeology, ethnohistory, folklore and biological anthropology. The NOTES should be oriented to brief presentation of problems or findings relevance for the discussion of general topics. According to that, it is sought that Relations present complete panoramas of the current research topics in the country that are useful to the local and international public. The NOTES on specific topics will be considered of the same hierarchy as the articles and sent to evaluate as the previous ones. COMMENTS correct errors about previous publications, or provide new data considered important in relation to other works previously published in this journal. Also can be included thematic sections (witch cannot occupy more than one-third of the journal), book reviews and/or symposia and obituaries. All of them will be requested in due time by the Editorial Committee.



Information Services


The Relaciones is indexed:

  • Indexes, catalogs and repositories where is found:

    • Latindex Catalog
    • Dialnet
    • EBSCO
    • CiteFactor
    • DOAJ
    • Handbook of Latin American Studies
    • REBIUN Collective Catalog
    • CSIC Library Catalog
    • Anthropological Literature, Harvard
    • Naturalis, FCNyM-UNLP
    • Basic Nucleus of Scientific Journals, CAICyT - CONICET
    • SeDiCi, UNLP

The journal is included in LATINDEX system catalog. See achieved parameters





“Relaciones” magazine adheres to the Budapest Initiative for Open Access (2002) because in that way "allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or add a link to the full text of [their] articles, track them for their indexation, to incorporate them as data in a software, or to use them for any other purpose that is legal, without financial, legal or technical barriers, apart from those that are inseparable from the same access to the Internet "(http://www.Budapestopenaccessinitiative.Org/translations/spanish-translation).

To strengthen our open access policy, Relaciones magazine is published under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which allows you to share (copy and redistribute material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, Transform and create from the material), under the condition that the corresponding credits are given and commercial use of the materials (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.es).


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