
ISSN 1851-9628
online version
ISSN 0325-1217
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Runa journal, file for the human sciences, is a biannual publication of the Institute of Anthropological Sciences-ICA-Faculty of Arts at the University of Buenos Aires. Publishes original articles, lectures, interviews, translations, reviews, and discussions. It is open to national and foreign authors to develop their research in the field of biological anthropology, social anthropology, ethnology, ethnohistory, and folklore, looking to strengthen academic exchange as part of the Social Sciences and Humanities. You receive items throughout the year. The publication of the work is subject to external evaluation process to the Editorial Board, ensuring the anonymity of authors and reviewers.
The articles must meet the following requirements: a) be unpublished, may not be simultaneously under evaluation in another publication, and they were manufactured during shipment, b) make a contribution to the areas of publishing the journal, clearly demonstrating how the problems and provide data to the lines of current debate in these areas, c) present original results derived from studies completed or significant progress status, d) contain a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of data, and e) include a conceptual discussion and a bibliography relevant and current in its subject matter.
Those items that do not meet the editorial guidelines of the magazine will not be accepted for evaluation.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. The texts of the papers must be typed in the word processor type Word or another, accepting formats doc, rtf, odt (OpenOffice.org). We recommend the use of Spanish keyboard or, failing that, write the letters with accents and ñ in ASCH code.
2. The articles must have a maximum total of 8500 words (including notes and bibliography), A4 size paper with margins of 2.5 cm (top, bottom, right and left), double-spaced letter Times New Roman 12 pt. The reviews must not exceed 1100 words including title and notes.
3. Item title centered in normal use upper / lower case as appropriate, without underlining or bold.
4. Author / s: name in the right margin, with final grade (type *) indicating title, position, workplace and / or institutional affiliation, email address, date of completion and delivery date of the article. This note should be placed immediately after the subtitle notes, and before the rest of the notes numbered from 1, if any.
5. Summaries in English, Spanish and Portuguese, up to 150 words each. Include translation of the article title and five (5) keywords in three languages, uppercase / lowercase and separated by commas. Keywords: Mapuche People, Development Policy, Poverty and Stigma, Neuquén.
6. Subtitles left margin, in upper / lower case, without underlining or bold. Subtitles primary and secondary typeface pt 12 pt and 11 respectively.
7. The pictures, graphics, photos and illustrations must be sent in separate file (TIF, JPG or PNG) numbered according to order of appearance in the text (which must clearly indicate their location and include the relevant section). The minimum resolution file should be 300 dpi, or else be enclosed in the mailing original or good quality copy for later digitization.
8. The verbatim transcripts as author interviews and excerpts from field notebooks, not exceeding three lines are kept in the main text, without quotation marks and italics or bold. If references of more than three lines, will be presented separately from the main body of text with a space at the beginning and another at the end, without using quotation marks, italics or bold.
9. The citations placed in the main text body must maintain the following reference form: (Last author, date) in the case of adding quote: page / s. Example: (Alonso, 1988:49). If more than one appointment will be ordered chronologically by year of publication from oldest to most recent. Ex: (Garcia Canclini, 1992, 1995). In case of more than three authors, citing the first and add et. al. Do not use expressions op. and ibid.
10. The bibliography should be at the end of the article without using indents, referencing only that cited in the article (if necessary specify other data-original edition, changes in the editions, etc.-should be added at the end of the quotation). Citations should follow the format: Name of author capitalized full name in upper / lower case. Examples:
Sahlins, Marshall. 1985. Islands of History. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
GORDILLO, Gaston and LEGUIZAMON, John Martin. 2002. The river and the border. Aboriginal protests, public works and Mercosur in the Pilcomayo. Buenos Aires: Biblos.
Blache, Martha (Ed.). 1999. Urban Folklore. Validity of the legend and traditional accounts. Buenos Aires: Colihue.
Book chapters
CANDAU, Joel. 2002. "Memory and practical reason." In: Anthropology of memory. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión. pp. 36-55.
Carnese, Francisco, CARATINI, Alicia and Goicoechea, Alicia. 2002. "Interethnic Relations in Native-American populations of Argentine Patagonia: A Genetic Analysis Demographc. In C. Brown and J.L. Lanata (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on the Native Peoples of Pampa, Patagonia, and Tierra del Fuego. Living on the Edg. London: Bergin and Garvey. pp. 121-134.
Article in journal
MORENO, Francisco. 1874. "Description des préhistoriques cimitieres et whereabouts of Patagonia. Revue d'Anthropologie, 3:72-90.
Academic thesis
CROCKER, Cristopher. 1967. Social Organization of the Eastern Bororo. Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University.
Articles online
CROUSSE DÍAZ, Carlos. 2005. The killing of Rincón Bomba. In: www.legalmanía.com.ar / April 2005.
Dreyfus, Hubert 1996. "The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment". The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 4. http://ejap.louisiana.edu/EJAP/1996.spring/dreyfus.1996.spring.html.
11. The text you want to highlight should be in italics. Do not use underlining or bold in any case.
12. The note numbers placed on the body of the text should be superscript. If you go to the end of a sentence or with a punctuation mark should be placed below it.
13. Notes should be typed at the end of the article (before the bibliography) following the same rules as for the main text and footnote numbers superscript. Do not use the Word command to add "footnotes" or "endnote".
14. Acknowledgments and any extra clarification on work (collaborators, etc.) may be included under the heading "Acknowledgments" in a post notes and prior to the bibliography.



Submission of manuscripts


Authors should send an e-mail digital version of the magazine (runa.revista@gmail.com), including separate file a brief curriculum vitae of no more than 3 pages, to appropriate the work and publications of the last five years, personal address, phone and email address. They also must submit an original and two copies through the mail to the following address (this indication is not valid for persons residing abroad):
Institute of Anthropological Sciences
Puan 470, 4th floor, room 464 and 467
C1406CQJ Buenos Aires

The Editorial Committee will verify that the articles conform to the objectives and guidelines of the journal editorial, the proposal number and publication standards in force, and sent to external refereeing. Not be considered for assessment items that do not meet the guidelines established by the journal.
For inquiries:
Phone: (54 11) 4432-0606, ext. 164 and 148
Email: runa.revista @ gmail.com




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© 2010 Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas

Puán 470, 4to.piso Of.464
(C1406CQJ) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina

Tel.: (54 11) 4432-0606 int. 148 –164


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-9628&lng=es&nrm=iso