
online version

About this journal

Basic Information

Approach and Scope
SaberEs is devoted to disseminate original technological and scientific production covering the fields of those disciplines related to Economic Science (Administration, Accountancy, Economy, Taxation, etc.) and Statistics. Moreover, it may include short communications, summaries, thesis recensions, etc.
It is mainly addressed to researchers, university teachers, specialists in the topics the journal is about, postgraduate students, professionals in kindred disciplines, etc.
The journal is biannually issued. It is printed and also published in electronic formats. Its e-edition is open access.
Scientific and technological contents within the Articles Section will undergo a double-blind refereeing, to be admitted they require approval of at least two referees external to the National University of Rosario Editorial Committee.
The journal does not undertake to meet any paper refereeing and publication deadlines. The Editorial Director reserves the right to include the articles admitted for publication in whichever issue he deems most suitable and to keep from refereeing, at his sole discretion, the papers which do not comply with set up regulations, and also to make modifications of form to the original text admitted.
No modifications or additions to papers already submitted shall be allowed, except when suggested by the referees, in which case the authors will have 30 calendar days to send a new version.
Authors are responsible for the scientific content and viewpoints expressed, which may not necessarily agree with those of the editorial team.


Peer Review


Scientific and technological content within the Articles Section will undergo a double-blind refereeing. In order to be admitted they require approval of at least two referees external to the National University of Rosario Editorial Committee.

The journal does not undertake to meet any paper refereeing and publication deadlines. The Editorial Director reserves the right to include the articles admitted for publication in whichever issue he deems most suitable and to keep from refereeing, at his sole discretion, the papers which do not comply with set up regulations, and also make modifications of form to the original text admitted.


Indexed in

SaberEs is indexed or abstracted by:

De la versión digital
Catálogo de LATINDEX, folio 19707, Categoría I
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
e-Dialnet - Universidad de La Rioja, España
e-Revistas - Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas del CSIC de España
Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas
Digital Version
LATINDEX Catalogue, page 19707, Category I
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
e-Dialnet- University of La Rioja, Spain
e-journals-  Open Access Platform for Spanish and Latin-American Electronic Science Journals (CSIC, Spain)
Core Collection of Argentine Scientific Journals.




Open Access Policy
This is an open access journal, which means its entire content is available with no restrictions, free of charges for users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for or link the full text of the articles contained in this journal. No prior authorization from the publishing house or authors is required. Such guidelines comply with the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
SaberEs is a property of Rosario National University.




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Dirección postal: Boulevard Oroño 1261 - S2000DSM Rosario - República Argentina

Tel. +54 (341) 4802791 al 99 #121 - Fax +54 (341) 4802795

Correo-e: saberes@fcecon.unr.edu.ar - URL: http://www.saberes.fcecon.unr.edu.ar

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1852-4222&lng=en&nrm=iso