
ISSN 1514-6871
online version
ISSN 1514-6871
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Trabajo y Sociedad is thematically, theoretically, and methodological open, but it focuses mainly on the areas of sociology of work, cultural studies and the relationship between sociological and literary narratives

Work is accepted in the form of original articles, essays or reviews, in Spanish or in Portuguese.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Guidelines for presenting selecting articles.
Trabajo y Sociedad will publish original, unpublished work on matters of Social and Human Sciences. Work can be:

    1. Scientific research articles.
    2. Articles that reflect on a particular problem or topic.
    3. Review articles.
    4. Notes.
    5. Reviews or comments on books, publications or scientific events.

Articles should be presented according to the following guidelines:

    1. Scientific research articles, reflections on a problem or a particular topic and revisions should have a maximum length of 20 pages, notes up to 15 pages (letter size, Times New Roman 11, 1.5 spaced) and reviews or comments on books, publications or scientific events up to 3 pages. The latter should be on recent publications of interest to the journal.
    2. Send an original on paper and two copies, written in MS Word, and a copy on a floppy disk or via e-mail.
    3. Each article should be headed with the Title and the author’s full name. Include an abstract in Spanish and English of no more than 200 words and 6 keywords, also in Spanish and English.
    4. The title page should include the title, name of author(s), a short CV of each author (including the following details: professional title, institution the author belongs to, academic position, postal address and e-mail address).
    5. All pages should be numbered, including the bibliography, graphs and charts. Notes and critical references should go at the foot of the page and respect the international norms for publishing scientific articles.
    6. The bibliography should appear at the end of each article and follow the following conditions:
Book: Author’s surname and name in lowercase, publication year in parentheses, book title in italics, place of publication, publisher.
Journal article: Author’s surname and name in lowercase, publication year in parentheses, article title in inverted commas, journal title in italics, volume, issue of journal, date of publication, pages on which the article appears in the journal.
If charts, graphs and/or images are included, add in the text a title and number: “Graph nº 1: xxxx”, a blank space where the table would go, graph and/or image (but without putting this in the text), and the source: “Source: xxxx” (if the graphic is the author’s own, put “Source: Author’s own work”). Charts, graphs and/or images should be sent as a file separate from the text, in any support format.


Sending of manuscripts


Work (articles or reviews) must be sent to the following e mail address:
czurita@unse.edu.ar con copia a cvzurita@hotmail.com



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2014 Trabajo y sociedad

Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Avenida Belgrano (sur) 1912

(4200) Santiago del Estero
República Argentina

Tel.: (+54 085) 421-4098


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1514-6871&lng=es&nrm=iso