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Latin American applied research

Print version ISSN 0327-0793

Lat. Am. appl. res. vol.37 no.1 Bahía Blanca Jan. 2007


Cryptographic applications in FPGA

J.-P. Deschamps

Electronic Engineering Department, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Abstract — This paper describes circuits for executing the most complex operations of public-key cryptography and gives estimations of their execution time within field programmable devices. The following operations are considered: mod n exponentiation, mod p division, mod f(x) multiplication of polynomials, mod f(x) division of polynomials and point multiplication over an elliptic curve.

Keywords — Public-Key Cryptography. Finite Fields. Arithmetic. Programmable Devices. FPGA.


The designer of systems including cryptographic algorithms - ciphering / deciphering, digital signature, authentication - is often faced with the following apparent contradiction: on the one hand, in many cases cryptographic algorithms are used within real time systems, so that their response time must be short; on the other hand, the security is related to the algorithm complexity. In order to make compatible those apparently contradictory characteristics, a possible solution is the use of specific hardware, that is, circuits specifically designed for executing those complex algorithms: they implement the particular computation primitives of the algorithms and take profit of their inherent parallelism. Among the technologies at hand for developing specific circuits are the field programmable devices, for example the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). They constitute an attractive option for small production quantities as their non-recurrent engineering costs are much lower than those corresponding to Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC). Furthermore, in order to reduce their size, and so the unit cost, an interesting possibility is to reconfigure them at run time so that the same programmable device can execute different predefined functions.

This paper describes circuits for executing the most complex operations of public-key cryptography and gives estimations of their execution time within field programmable devices. It is organized in the following way: section II briefly describes the main public-key cryptographic algorithms and deduces a list of complex computation primitives that should be implemented in hardware. Section III to VII propose generic algorithms and circuits for executing the mod n exponentiation, the mod p division, the mod f(x) multiplication of polynomials, the mod f(x) division of polynomials and the point multiplication over an elliptic curve, respectively. The adjective "generic" alludes to the fact that particular characteristics of the underlying algebraic structure, for instance special values of n, p or f(x), are not taken into account (except the case p = 2). Actually, a lot of improvements can be obtained if particular values of p and f(x) are chosen, but their description falls beyond the scope of this paper.


The most time-consuming operations correspond to public-key cryptography, that is, encryption / decryption schemes using different keys for ciphering (public key) and deciphering (private key). Among the most used are the RSA and the Discrete Logarithm systems.

In the first case (RSA, Adleman et al., 1978), two primes p and q are chosen. The public key is a pair (n,e) of naturals where n = p.q, e belongs to the interval 0 < e < (p-1)(q-1) and e is relatively prime with (p-1)(q-1). The private key is d = e-1 mod (p-1)(q-1). It can be shown that xe.dx mod n, for any natural x. The encryption / decryption algorithm is the following: giving a message mes represented under the form of a natural belonging to the interval 0 < mes < n, compute the ciphered text c = mese mod n. In order to decrypt c, compute cd mod n. Observe that knowing the public key (n,e), the computation of the private key amounts to decompose n under the form n = p.q and then calculate d = e-1 mod (p-1)(q-1). Nowadays, the factorization problem is intractable for key sizes greater 1024 bits.

In the second case (Discrete Logarithm), a finite group (G,*,1) is defined and some element g of G is chosen. Let n be the order of g. Thus, the set {1, g, g2,..., gn-1} is a cyclic subgroup of G. The private key is a natural x belonging to the interval 0 < x < n, and the public key is the element y of the cyclic subgroup defined by y = gx. The message mes must be represented under the form of an element of G. The encryption algorithm is the following: randomly choose a natural k belonging to 0 < k < n, compute c1 = gk and c2 = mes*yk. The ciphered text is made up of c1 and c2. In order to decrypt the message, compute c2*(c1x)-1. Observe that knowing the public key y, the computation of the private key x amounts to calculate loggy, presumably a very hard problem.

In the basic version of the Discrete Logarithm scheme (ElGamal, 1985), G is the set of natural {1, 2, ..., p-1}, where p is a prime, so that all operations are performed modulo p. Nevertheless, other groups can be used. Consider for example an elliptic curve E, over the binary extension field GF(2m), defined as being the set of elements (x,y) of GF(2m)xGF(2m) such that y2 + xy = x3 + ax + b, where a and b are elements of GF(2m). It can be demonstrated that the set of points of E, plus the so-called point at infinity ∝ , is a group (E, +, ∝ ) whose basic operation (under additive notation, with neutral element ∝ ) is defined as follows:

(x , y) + ∝ = ∝ + (x , y) = (x , y); (1)
(x1 , y1) + (x1 , x1+ y1) = ∝ ;
in particular, (0 , y1) + (0 , y1) = ∝ ; (2)
if x1 ≠ 0, then (x1 , y1) + (x1 , y1) = (x3 , y3) where
x3 = λ 2 + λ + a, y3 = x12 + λ x3 + y1,
λ = x1 + y1/x1; (3)
if (x2 , y2) ≠ (x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2) ≠ (x1 , x1+ y1), then
(x1 , y1) + (x2 , y2) = (x3 , y3) where
x3 = λ 2 + λ + x1 + x2 + a, y3 = λ (x1 + x3) + x3 + y1,
λ = (y1 + y2)/(x1 + x2). (4)

A Discrete Logarithm scheme can be defined by choosing a point P of E whose order is equal to n so that the set {∝ , P, 2P, ... , (n-1)P} is a cyclic subgroup of E. The private key is a natural d belonging to the interval 0 < d < n, and the public key is the element Q of the cyclic subgroup defined by Q = dP. A simple encryption / decryption algorithm would be the following: giving a message mes represented by a point M of E, randomly choose a natural number k belonging to 0 < k < n, compute C1 = kP and C2 = M + kQ. The ciphered text is made up of C1 and C2. In order to decrypt the message, compute C2 - dC1. Actually, other encryption / decryption schemes are used, avoiding among others the embedding of mes within E. Nevertheless, the operations to be performed are similar. Observe that knowing the public key Q, the computation of the private key amounts to looking for a natural d such that dP = Q, presumably a very hard problem. Nowadays, this problem is intractable for key sizes greater than 160 bits.

As a matter of fact, elliptic curves can be defined over any field. The group operation definition depends on the particular field, but they always amount to combinations of basic arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, square and divide) over the chosen field.

Among all the mentioned operations, the most time-consuming are the following:

z = yx mod n, where x and y are naturals included between 0 and n (RSA, ElGamal),

z = x.y-1 mod p, where p is prime, and x and y are naturals included between 0 and p (ElGamal, elliptic curve over GF(p)),

z(x) = g(x).h(x) mod f(x), where f is a polynomial of degree m over GF(p), and g and h are polynomials of degree less than m over GF(p) (elliptic curve over GF(pm)),

z(x) = g(x).h-1(x) mod f(x), where f is an irreducible polynomial of degree m over GF(p), and g and h are polynomials of degree less than m over GF(p) (elliptic curve over GF(pm)).


Let x be represented in base 2, that is, x = xm-1.2m-1 + xm-2.2m-2 + ... + x1.2 + x0, with mlog2n. Then z = yx mod n can be computed according to the following computation scheme:

to which corresponds the following algorithm:

Algorithm 1 - base 2 mod n exponentiation (complete program available)

If n is odd, so that 2 has an inverse mod n, a more effective algorithm uses the Montgomery reduction concept (Montgomery, 1985). Consider two naturals a and b belonging to {0, 1, ... , n-1} and define the functions T and MP (Mongtgomery product) as follows: T(a) = a.2m mod n, MP(a, b) = a.b.2-m mod n. Obviously, T(a.b) = MP(T(a), T(b)) and T-1(a) = a.2-m mod n = MP(1, a). Then, in algorithm 1 substitute 1 by T(1) = 2m mod n, y by T(y) = y.2m mod n = MP(y, 22.m mod n ), the product by the Montgomery product, and replace the last step by z = T-1(e) = MP(1, e).

Algorithm 2 - mod m exponentiation, Montgomery algorithm (complete program available)

The Montgomery product is computed as follows (Montgomery 1985; chapter 8 of Deschamps et al., 2006):

Algorithm 3 - base-2 Montgomery product (complete program available)

The efficiency of the algorithm comes from the fact that it does not include any mod n reduction. Observe that if product is smaller than 2.n, then a < 3.n, and the new value of product is smaller than 4.n/2 = 2.n. Thus, as initially product = 0, all along the algorithm execution product is an (m+1)-bit number and a an (m+2)-bit number. The part of the data-path corresponding to the execution of one step of the Montgomery product is shown in figure 1. It is made up of an (m+1)-bit conditional adder followed by an (m+2)-bit conditional adder, so that its computation time is equal to m+3 full-adder delays. The number of iteration steps of algorithm 3 is m, so that the computation time of one Montgomery product is equal to m.(m+3) full-adder delays. The number of iteration steps of algorithm 2 is m and every step includes at most two Montgomery products. Thus the total computation time of yx mod n is approximately equal to 2.m3 full-adder delays being m the size of the operands.

Figure 1 Montgomery product: basic step

With nowadays FPGAs including very fast carry-logic circuitry, delays smaller than 0.2ns per adder-bit are obtained (chapter 11 of Deschamps et al., 2006), so that the computation time is smaller than 0.4m3 ns. As an example, for m = 1024, the computation time is less than 0.5s.


There are two main types of division algorithms. The first type consists of extensions of algorithms for computing the greatest common divider (gcd) of two numbers, in particular the extended Euclidean algorithm (chapter 2 of Hankerson et al., 2004) and the binary algorithm (Brent and Kung, 1983). The second type includes those that are based on the Fermat's little theorem and use field multiplication as primitive operation. The latter ones are conceptually simple: given x in GF(p), then y.(x.yp-2) mod p = x.yp-1 mod p = x, so that z = x.yp-2 mod p. The former ones are based on the fact that the greatest common divider of y and p is equal to 1, so that any algorithm for computing the gcd of two naturals y and p based on the generation of sequences of naturals a(0), a(1), a(2), ..., b(0), b(1), b(2), ..., c(0), c(1), c(2), ..., and d(0), d(1), d(2), ..., such that gcd(a(i), b(i)) = gcd(y, p), a(i) < a(i-1), a(i).xc(i).y mod p and b(i).xd(i).y mod p, eventually generates a(n) = 0 and thus b(n) = 1, xd(n).y mod p, that is, z = d(n) mod p. An example is the extended Euclidean algorithm. Another is the binary algorithm based on the following obvious properties:

if a is even and b is odd, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a/2, b),
if a is odd and b is even, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(b/2, a),
if a is odd and b is odd and ab, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a-b, b),
if a is odd and b is odd and a < b, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(b-a, a);

furthermore, if a.xc.y mod p and b.xd.y mod p, then

(a/2).x ≡ (c.2-1 mod p).y mod p,
(b/2).x ≡ (d.2-1 mod p).y mod p,
(a-b).x ≡ (c-d).y mod p,
(b-a).x ≡ (d-c).y mod p.

Initially define a(0) = y, b(0) = p, c(0) = x and d(0) = 0, so that a(0).x = c(0).y and b(0).xd(0).y mod p. In the next algorithm the function divide_by_2(c, p) returns c.2-1 mod p, that is, c/2 if c is even and (c+p)/2 if c is odd.

Algorithm 4 - mod p division, binary algorithm (complete program available)

A drawback of the preceding algorithm is the necessity of detecting whether a is smaller than b, or not. The plus-minus algorithm is a modified version of the binary algorithm avoiding the time-consuming comparison of a and b when large numbers are considered. Variables a and b are allowed to be negative integers and, instead of comparing their actual values, logarithmic bounds are used, namely α and β, such that

-2α < a < 2α, -2β < b < 2β.

The algorithm is based on the following observation: if a and b are odds, then both a+b and a-b are even, and their sum (a+b) + (a-b) = 2.a cannot be a multiple of 4 (a is odd), so that either (a+b) mod 4 = 0 and (a-b) mod 4 = 2, or (a-b) mod 4 = 0 and (a+b) mod 4 = 2. Thus, either a+b or a-b is divisible by 4. The following obvious properties are used:

if a is divisible by 4 and b is odd, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a/4, b),
if a is even and b is odd, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a/2, b),
if a is odd, b is odd and a+b is divisible by 4, then
gcd(a, b) = gcd((a+b)/4, b) = gcd((a+b)/4, a),
if a is odd, b is odd and a-b is divisible by 4, then
gcd(a, b) = gcd((a-b)/4, b) = gcd((a-b)/4, a).

When a is odd, the new value of b (could be a or b) is chosen in function of α and β : if α ≥ β choose b, and if α < β , choose a. As regards c and d, they are updated accordingly: the new value of c is c.4-1 mod p, c.2-1 mod p, (c+d).4-1 mod p or (c-d).4-1 mod p, and the new value of d is d or c. Actually, all decisions can be taken in function of the difference dif = α - β . In order to update the values of α and β , the value of min = minimum(α , β ) must be known. In the following algorithm the functions divide_by_2(c, p) and divide_by_4(c, p) return integers equivalent to c.2-1 mod p and c.4-1 mod p, respectively: c/2 or (c+p)/2 in the first case; c/4, (c+p)/4, (c+2.p)/4 or (c-p)/4, in the second case (in function of c mod 4 and p mod 4). During the execution of the algorithm the values of a, b, c and d remain included between -p and p. Thus, if p is a k-bit number, a, b, c and d can be represented as (k+1)-bit 2's complement integers. More details can be found in Deschamps and Sutter (2006).

Algorithm 5 - mod p division, plus-minus algorithm (complete program available)

At each step of algorithm 5, a is substituted by either a/4, a/2, (a+b)/4 or (a-b)/4, and c by either c.4-1 mod p,c.2-1 mod p, (c+d).4-1 mod p or (c-d).4-1 mod p. The most time-consuming operations are those corresponding to c. They can be executed by the circuit of figure 2. The control unit defines the operation (add or subtract) in function of the two less significant bits of a and b (according to algorithm 5), and the correction term (0, p, 2.p or -p) in function of the two less significant bits of c and d (according to the definition of functions divide_by_2(c, p) and divide_by_4(c, p)).

Figure 2 Plus-minus algorithm

The maximum delay corresponds to the computation time of a (k+2)-bit adder-subtractor followed by a (k+3)-bit adder, that is, k+4 full-adder delays. An upper bound of the number of steps is 2.k, so that the total computation time is approximately equal to 2.k2 full-adder delays, being k the size of p. Thus, if a delay smaller than 0.2ns per adder-bit is assumed, the total computation time is smaller than 0.4k2 ns. As an example, for p = 2192 - 264 - 1, so that m = 192, the computation times should be less than 14.8μs. Actually, a computation time of 11.5μs has been reported (Deschamps and Sutter, 2006).


Let f(x) be a polynomial of degree m over GF(p), and a(x) and b(x) polynomials of degree smaller than m over the same field. The multiplication of a(x) by b(x) can be performed according to the following computation scheme:

a(x).b(x) mod f(x) = (( ... (((0.x + a(x).bm-1).x +
a(x).bm-2).x) + ...+ a(x).b1).x + a(x).b0) mod f(x).

In the following algorithm, the functions multiply_by_x(a,f), add(a,b) and product(a,coeff) return a(x).x mod f(x), a(x) + b(x) and a(x).coeff, respectively.

Algorithm 6 - mod f(x) multiplication (complete program available)

Assuming that f is a monic polynomial (fm= 1), the computation of a(x).x mod f(x) can be performed as follows:

a(x).x mod f(x) = a(x).x - am-1.f(x) = am-2.xm-1 + am-3.xm-2 + ... + a0.x - am-1.(fm-1.xm-1 + fm-2.xm-2 + ... + f0).

The corresponding circuit is shown in Fig. 3. The circuit corresponding to the iteration step of algorithm 6 is shown in figure 4.

Figure 3 Computation of a(x).x mod f(x)

Figure 4 Multiplication mod f(x)

The delay of the circuit of figure 3 is the sum of the computation times of a mod p multiplier and a mod p subtractor, so that the delay of the circuit of figure 4 is the sum tmult(p)+tsub(p)+tadd(p) of the computation times of a mod p multiplier, a mod p subtractor, and a mod p adder, respectively, and the total execution time of algorithm 6 is equal to m.(tmult(p)+tsub(p)+tadd(p)). In the binary case (p = 2), the multiplication is an AND function, and both the subtraction and the addition are XOR functions. Thus, the total delay of the circuit of figure 4 is equal to one AND-gate delay plus two XOR-gate delays. Assuming that every two-input Boolean function is implemented within an FPGA's look-up table (LUT), an approximation of the total computation time is 3.m LUT-delays. With nowadays FPGAs, LUT-delays smaller than 2ns are obtained, so that the computation time is smaller than 6.m ns. As an example, for f(x) = x163 + x7 + x6 + x3 + 1, so that m = 163, the computation times should be less than 1 μ s.


As in the case of the mod p division, there are two main types of algorithms: reduction to products of polynomials and inversion over GF(p), and extensions of algorithms for computing the gcd of two polynomials. The algorithms of the first type are based on the fact that, given a polynomial h(x), then hr(x), where r = (pm-1)/(p-1), is a polynomial of degree zero (Koblitz, 1994), that is, an element of GF(p), so that the computation of z(x) = g(x).h-1(x) mod f(x) = g(x).(hr(x)) mod f(x) amounts to an inversion over GF(p) and products of polynomials. The second type includes the extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomials (chapter 2 of Hankerson et al., 2004) and the binary algorithm for polynomials (Deschamps and Sutter, 2005). The latter is similar to the binary and plus-minus algorithms over GF(p): the concept of an integer being divisible by 2 (i.e. least significant bit equal to 0) is now replaced by the concept of a polynomial being divisible by x (i.e. degree-zero coefficient equal to 0). Four sequences of polynomials are generated: a(0), a(1), a(2), ... , b(0), b(1), b(2), ... , c(0), c(1), c(2), ... , and d(0), d(1), d(2), ... , such that gcd(a(i), b(i)) = gcd(h, f), degree(a(i)) < degree(a(i-1)), a(i).gc(i).h mod f and b(i).gd(i).h mod f. After a finite number of steps, say n, degree(a(n)) = 0. If a(n) = 0, then degree(b(n)) = 0 and z = d(n).b0(n)-1 mod f, and if a(n) ≠ 0, then z = c(n).a0(n)-1 mod f. The following properties are used:

if a is divisible by x, then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a/x, b),
if a is not divisible by x, then gcd(a, b) = gcd((a - b.a0.b0-1)/x, b) = gcd((a - b.a0.b0-1)/x, a);

furthermore, if a.gc.h mod f and mod f, then

(a/x).gc.x-1.h mod f,
((a - b.a0.b0-1)/x).g ≡ (c - d.a0.b0-1). x-1.h mod f.

At each step, upper bounds α and β of the degree of a and b are calculated:

degree(a) ≤ α and degree(b) ≤ β .

Initially define a = h(x), b = f(x), c = g(x) and d = 0. In the next algorithm, the function shift_one(a) returns a/x, the function divide_by_x(c, f) returns c.x-1 mod f = (c - f.c0.f0-1)/x, the function subtract(a,b) returns a-b, the function invert(coeff) returns coeff-1 mod p, and the function product(a,coeff) returns a.coeff. As in the case of the binary algorithm, all decisions can be taken in function of the difference dif = α - β , and the value of min = minimum(α , β ) must be known.

Algorithm 7 - mod f(x) division, binary algorithm (complete program available)

At each step of algorithm 7, a(x) is substituted by either a(x)/x or (a(x)-a0.b0-1.b(x))/x, and c(x) by either c(x).x-1 mod f(x) or (c(x)-a0.b0-1.d(x)).x-1 mod f(x). The most time-consuming operations are those corresponding to c(x). A circuit for multiplying a polynomial a(x) by x-1 mod f(x), that is, for computing (a - f.a0.f0-1)/x, is shown in Fig. 5, and the complete circuit for computing the new value of c(x) in Fig. 6.

Figure 5 Computation of a(x).x-1 mod f(x)

Figure 6 Binary algorithm

The computation times of all blocks, but the mod p inverter, are proportional to k, while the computation time of the mod p inverter is approximately equal to 2.k2 full-adder delays (section IV). The number of executions of the main loop (while min > 0 loop) is smaller than two times the degree m of f. Thus, for great values of k, the computation time is approximately equal to 4.m.k2 full-adder delays, being k the size of p and m the degree of f. For small values of k, the conclusion is different. In particular, in the binary case (p = 2), the algorithm can be simplified: the computation of a(x).x-1 mod f(x) amounts to substituting every coefficient ai of a(x) by (ai+1 + a0. fi+1) mod 2, for i = 0, 1, ... , m-2, by (ai+1 + a0. fi+1) mod 2, for i = 0, 1, ... , m-2, and am-1 by a0. fm; the corresponding delay is the sum of an AND-gate delay and an XOR-gate delay; the mod p inversion is trivial (b0-1 = b0); the mod p multiplication is an AND function and the mod p subtraction an XOR function. Thus, the total delay of the circuit of figure 6 is equal to three AND-gate delays plus two XOR-gate delays. Assuming that every two-input Boolean function is implemented within an FPGA's look-up table (LUT), an approximation of the total computation time is 10.m LUT-delays. If LUT-delays smaller than 2ns are assumed, the computation time is smaller than 20.m ns. As an example, for m = 163, the computation times should be less than 3260 ns. Actually, a computation time of 2445 ns has been reported (Deschamps and Sutter, 2006).


Point multiplication is the basic operation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (section II): given a point R of an elliptic curve E and a natural s belonging to 0 < s < n, it computes sR = R+ R+ ... + R. Generally n has the same order of magnitude as the number of field elements, that is pm. In particular, if a curve E over GF(2m) is considered, then s is an m-bit number s0 + s1.2 + ... + sm-1.2m-1, and the point multiplication can be executed according to the following computation scheme:

sR = 2( ... (2(2∝ + sm-1R) + sm-2R) ... ) + s0R.

In the following algorithm the function addition(U,V) returns the sum of points U and V of E (relations (1) to (4)).

Algorithm 8 - Point multiplication

Every execution of the iteration step includes at most one point doubling (A+A, relation (3)) and one addition (A+R, relation (4)), that is, at most two field divisions and five field multiplications. Thus (sections V and VI) the iteration step execution time is less than 2x10m + 5x3m = 35m LUT-delays, and the total execution time less than 35m2 LUT-delays. If 2ns LUT-delays are assumed, the point multiplication execution time is less than 70m2 ns. As an example, for m = 163, the total computation time should be less than 2 ms.


Among all the considered operations, the most time-consuming is the exponentiation modulo n, with an order of magnitude of the delay proportional to m3, being m the size of n, and a proportionality constant approximately equal to two per-bit-adder-delays. The second more time-consuming operation is the division modulo p, with an order of magnitude of the delay proportional to k2, being k the size of p, and a proportionality constant approximately equal to two per-bit-adder-delays. As regards the operations modulo f(x) over a binary field, their time complexities are proportional to m, being m the degree of f, that is the size of the field elements, and proportionality constants approximately equal to three LUT-delays (multiplication) and ten LUT-delays (division), respectively. As a matter of fact, the delays could be reduced if some of the FPGA's dedicated AND and XOR gates were used, instead of general purpose LUTs.

Regarding the other (not considered here above) operations, notice that the addition and subtraction modulo n amount to two successive integer additions, so that their computation time is proportional to the size m of n. The multiplication modulo n can be realized with an m-by-m-bit parallel multiplier (a basic block of many FPGAs), whose computation time is proportional to m, followed by some modulo n reduction circuit, for example a circuit based on the Barrett algorithm (Blake, 2002; Hankerson, 2004) whose computation time is also proportional to m. The addition and subtraction modulo f(x) are carry-free operations, so that their computation time is practically independent of the operand size.

To summarize, if specific circuits are used, all field operations have (at most) linear computation times, but the exponentiation modulo n (proportional to (log n)3), the division modulo p (proportional to (log p)2), and the point multiplication (proportional to m2 = (log q)2, where q = 2m is the number of field elements).

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Received: April 14, 2006.
Accepted: September 8, 2006.
Recommended by Special Issue Editors Hilda Larrondo, Gustavo Sutter.

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