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Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina

Print version ISSN 0373-5680On-line version ISSN 1851-7471

Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent. vol.77 no.2 La Plata June 2018


Trabajo científico

A catalogue of the type specimens of Heteroptera (Insecta) housed at the Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo (Tucumán, Argentina)

Catálogo de los tipos de Heteroptera (Insecta) depositados en el Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo (Tucumán, Argentina)


MELO, María C.1*, ZAMUDIO, María P.2 & DELLAPÉ, Pablo M.1

1 Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CONICET, División Entomología, Museo de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque s/n B1900FWA, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. *E-mail:
2 Fundación Miguel Lillo. San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina.

Received 11 - X - 2017\ Accepted 04 - V - 2018\ Published 28 - VI - 2018

ABSTRACT. This catalogue contains information about the type material of the suborder Heteroptera housed at the Entomological Collection of the Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo (IFML-Tucumán, Argentina). We listed 60 holotypes and 453 paratypes belonging to 20 families, and three species and one subspecies that were not found in the collection but, according the original description, should be deposited in IFML. Finally, we listed 15 species that are labeled and coded as types but that are no part of the original type series. Nevertheless, they were included in this contribution because the associated information could be useful for future taxonomic research.

KEYWORDS. Heteroptera. Holotype. Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo. Paratype.

RESUMEN. Este catálogo reúne los ejemplares tipo del suborden Heteroptera depositados en la Colección Entomológica del Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo (IFML- Tucumán, Argentina). Se listan 60 holotipos y 453 paratipos pertenecientes a 20 familias, y se mencionan tres especies y una subespecie que no se encuentran en la Colección, pero que deberían estar depositadas en ella según la publicación original. Finalmente, se listan 15 especies rotuladas y codifcadas como tipos que no forman parte de la serie tipo original; se las incluye en este trabajo porque la información asociada podría ser útil para futuros estudios taxonómicos.

PALABRAS CLAVE. Heteroptera. Holotipo. Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo. Paratipo.



With more than 40,000 described species, Heteroptera (Hemiptera), or true bugs, are part of the most successful radiation of nonholometabolous insects (Weirauch & Schuh, 2011). Heteropterans live on many different habitats: terrestrial, aquatic, intertidal and associated to other arthropods; and they include groups of phytophagous, predators and blood-sucking bugs.

Many species of heteropterans are known for their economical and/or medical concern, like species of the genus Triatoma Klug, vectors of the Chagas-Mazza disease (Schaefer & Panizzi, 2000).

The entomological collection of the Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo (IFML - Tucumán, Argentina) is one of the most important in South America, including about 5 million specimens and type specimens of ca. 5,500 species (Aranda et al., 2016); for a brief historical Two previous works dealt with the type entomological collection at IFML, Hayward (1963) and Hayward (1967) that include true bugs families; both included a total of 67 species and subspecies of Heteroptera. In this contribution, we studied the type material of the suborder Heteroptera housed at the entomological collection of the IFML, increasing considerably the numbers given by Hayward and in many cases fxing misunderstandings and errors.


Table I
review of the collection see Aranda et al. (2016).

Prívate collection

Actual collection

Bachmann, A.O.


Birabén, M.


Bosq, J.M.


Carayon, J.


Carpintero, D.J.


Carvalho, J.C.M.


Daguerre, J.B.


Duret, J.P.

Probably MACN


Probably MACN

Froeschner, R.


Hussey, R.L.


Kormilev, N.


Lizer y Trelles, C.A.

Probably MACN

Lutz, J.C.


Maldonado Capriles, J.


Martínez, A.


Piran, A.A.


Polhemus, J.T.



Probably MACN

Rolston, L.H.

North Dakota State University

Slater, J.A.


Uhler, P.R.


Walz, F.

Probably MACN

Wygodzinsky, P.

AMNH (at least Reduviidae)

Misión de Estudios de Patología Regional Argentina (MEPRA)

Probably MACN

Instituto Sánchez Labrador (ISM)

MACN and Museo de Cs. Naturales de Salta (Argentina)

Instituto Medicina Regional (IMR)

IFML (partially)



The original combination of the type names is presented. The code THEM[number], provided by the IFML collection, refers to each type specimen of Hemiptera. The species are arranged alphabetically by genus following the classifcation of the suborder of Schuh & Slater (1995) and in the case of Lygaeoidea of Henry (1997). When the original description of the species has more information about the collecting data that is missing in the labels, it is given between brackets.

In the cases where more type material is deposited

in other institutions or private collections, we mention them according to the data in the original description of the species. The acronyms used for the institutions are: Museo de La Plata, Argentina (MLP); Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Argentina (MACN); Instituto de Medicina Regional, Argentina (IMR); Instituto San Miguel, FCNGM, Argentina (ISM); Misión de Estudios Parasitológicos de la República Argentina, Argentina (MEPRA); Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México (UNAM); Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Uruguay (MNHNM); Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile (MNNC); Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia, Brazil (MZSP); Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil (CEIOC); Coleção de Triatomíneos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil (CTIOC); Museu Paraense "Emilio Goeldi", Brasil (MPEG); Museo Nacional Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (MNRJ); Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas de Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil (IMPA); Museuo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Maracay, Venezuela (MIZA); Hungarian Natural History Museum, Hungary (HNHM); Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France (MNHN); British Museum of Natural History, England (BMNH); Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden (SMNH); Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Germany (ZMHB); Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria (NMW); Zoologisches Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands (ZMUA); Rijksmuseum Van Naturlijke Histoire, Netherlands (RNHL); Museum of Natural History, Helsinki, Finland (MZH); Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland (NHMB); Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (ZIN); National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA (USNM); American Museum of Natural History, USA (AMNH); California Academy of Sciences, USA (CAS); Cornell University, USA (CUIC); Department of Entomology, University of Kansas (UKANS); Carnegie Museum of Natural History, USA (CMNH); University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology, Berkeley, California, USA (EMEC); Florida State Collection of Arthropods, USA (FSCA); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, USA (MCZ); Texas A&M University, Texas, USA (TAMU); Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA (SEMC); and 25 private collections. Many of these collections are known to have been purchased or donated, at least partially, to scientifc institutions as indicated in the table I.

As the result of our revision we listed 60 holotypes and 453 paratypes corresponding to 122 specifc and subspecifc Neotropical and Andean taxa belonging to 20 families that are deposited in the Heteroptera type collection of the IFML. These numbers make this collection one of the most important in Argentina, including a high representation of southern South American fauna of Heteroptera since most of the specimens are from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

In addition to the type specimens, we also mention three species and one subspecies that were not found in the collection but should be deposited in IFML according to data included in the original publication. Finally, we listed specimens of 15 species that are labeled as types but that are no part of the original type series and, therefore can not be recognized as such according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999). However, these were included in the catalogue because the associated information could be useful for future taxonomic research and to avoid further mistakes due to the wrong labeling.



Cryptostemma haywardi Wygodzinsky 1951a: 52–58.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, San Pedro de Colalao, [Dep. Trancas, bajo piedras a la orilla del río

Tacanas], 8-XI-1948, [P.] Wygodzinsky col., THEM121.

Paratype: 1♀, same data, THEM122.

Comments: Additional 32 paratypes (21 adults and 11 nymphs) were deposited in Wygodzinsky's collection.


Membracioides zschokkei Wygodzinsky 1951a: 61–64.

Paratype: 1♂, Panama, Gatun Lake, Tres Rios Plantation, 1931, T.O. Zschokke col., THEM430.

Comments: The holotype and eight paratypes were deposited in CAS, and two paratypes in Wygodzinsky's collection.

Nannocoris descoleiWygodzinsky 1951a: 58–61.

Holotype: ♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Tucumán [pie de la sierra de San Javier, bajo piedras grandes en el pasto al lado del camino], 30-VIII-1948, [P.] Wygodzinsky col., THEM428.

Paratype: 1♀, same data, 24-VI-1950, THEM429.

Comments: Additional six paratypes were deposited in Wygodzinsky's collection, and 16 paratypes in Wygodzinsky's and J. Carayon's collections.

Schizoptera monrosiWygodzinsky 1951a: 65–68.

Holotype: ♂ (slide) [Argentina], Tucumán, San Pedro de Colalao, [dep. Trancas, bajo una piedra a la orilla del río Tacanas], 8-XI-1948, [P.] Wygodzinsky col., THEM427.

Comments: Additional three paratypes were deposited in Wygodzinsky's collection.

Schizoptera willinkiWygodzinsky 1951a: 68–71.

Holotype: ♂ (slide), R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Tucumán [camino al cerro de San Javier, bajo piedras grandes al lado del camino], 24-VI-1950, [P.] Wygodzinsky col., THEM426.

Paratype: 1♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, Sierra de San Javier [camino al cerro de San Javier, bajo piedras grandes al lado del camino], 30-VIII-1948, [P.] Wygodzinsky col., THEM425.

Comments: Additional six paratypes were deposited in Wygodzinsky's collection.




Lethocerus mazzaiD e Carlo 1961 : 21–23.

Paratypes: 1♀ [Argentina], Tucumán, Monteros, I-[1]957, Z. Tomsic [col.], THEM479; Lethocerus mazzai De Carlo, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; 1♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, San Pedro de Colalao, Lethocerus mazzai De Carlo, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, THEM484; 2♂, [Argentina], T ucumán, cerro San Javier, Ciudad Universitaria, 4-III-[1]960, A. Willink [col.], THEM476, THEM477, Lethocerus mazzai De Carlo, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; 5♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, cerro San Javier, Ciudad Universitaria, 4-III-[1]960, A. Willink [col.], THEM478, THEM480, THEM481, THEM482, THEM483, Lethocerus mazzai De Carlo, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales.

Comments: The male holotype and additional nine paratypes were deposited in MACN, and one paratype in Bachmann’s collection. One female paratype from "Tucumán, cerro San Javier" is missing in IFML.




Ectemnostegella quechuaBachmann 1961: 19–20.

Holotype: ♂ [Argentina], Jujuy, Abra Pampa, 3400 m, 5-6/III/1960, R. Golbach leg., THEM093.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), same data as holotype, THEM094; 3♀, same data, THEM095; 1♂, [only one wing, one leg and part of abdomen glued to two separated cardboards], same data, THEM096; 3♀, same data, THEM097.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN (three specimens), MLP (three specimens), and Bachmann's collection (three specimens). The author also mentioned four nymphs at IFML that were not found.

Sigara (Tropocorixa) argentiniensis chichinal Bachmann 1960: 38–39.

Paratypes: 2♂, [Argentina], Río Negro, G[ene]ral. Roca, 20-II-1959, [A.] Bachmann leg., THEM108; 2♀, same data, THEM109.

Comments: The male holotype and four paratypes were deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MLP (three specimens), and Bachmann's collection (six specimens). Abdomen and genitalia of each male specimen glued to a separate cardboard.

Sigara (Tropocorixa) argentiniensis vuriloche Bachmann 1960: 39–40.

Paratypes: 2♂ [Argentina], Río Negro, Bariloche, 19-IV-1954, [A.] Bachmann leg., THEM110; 2♀, same data, THEM111.

Comments: Bachmann (1960) stated that the paratypes deposited in IFML are from the same locality than the holotype and several paratypes: "Río Negro, lagoons between Nahuel Huapi and Moreno lakes". The male holotype and 15 paratypes were deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MLP (fve, specimens), and Bachmann's collection (eight specimens).

Sigara (Tropocorixa) tucma Bachmann 1961: 21–22.

Holotype: ♂ [Argentina], Tucumán, S[ierr]a. [de] S[an] Javier, 1200 m, 3-III-[19]60, [A.] Willink col., THEM107.

Paratypes: 1♀, Tucumán, S[ierr]a. S.[an] Javier, 1200m, [A.] Willink [col.], 3-III-1960, THEM106; 2♀, Tucumán, S[ierr]a. S.[an] Javier, 1200m, [A.] Willink [col.], 3-III-[19]60, THEM112; 1♂ (two cards, one with head and thorax and the other with abdomen), [Tucumán], Raco, VI-1930, THEM113; 1♀, same data as THEM113, THEM114.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN (three specimens), MLP (two specimens), and Bachmann's collection (six specimens).

Sigara (Tropocorixa) yala Bachmann 1979: 339-341.

Paratypes: 1♂, Argentina, Catamarca, Hualfn, 15-XII-1973, L. Stange col., [170 m] THEM098; 1♂, Argentina, Catamarca, La Ciénaga de Belén, [1450 m], 15-XI-[1]969, [L.] Stange, [A.] Teran, [A.] Willink cols., Entomofauna subandina, Inst. M. Lillo, THEM099; 3♂ 3♀, same data, THEM100, THEM101, THEM102, THEM103, THEM104, THEM105.

Comments: The male holotype and three paratypes were deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MLP (two specimens), UKANS (two specimens), and Bachmann's collection (three specimens).


Tenagobia carapachayBachmann 1961: 22–24.

Paratypes: 2♀, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Delta del Paraná, 24-25/II/1934, THEM115; 1♂ (only head, thorax and wings), same data, THEM116; 1 slide mounted abdomen and posterior legs belonging to THEM116, same data, Doello-Jurado, Daguerre & Viana cols., THEM117.

Comments: The male holotype and ten paratypes were deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MLP (three specimens), and Bachmann's collection (fve specimens). According to the original description all specimens were collected by the same person.


Ambrysus (Ambrysus) kolla Lopez Ruf 2004: 98–101.

Holotype: ♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, La Hoyada, 23-II-1999, leg. E. Domínguez, THEM217.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, La Hoyada, 23-II-1999, leg. E. Domínguez, THEM218; 1♀, same data, THEM210; 1♀, same data, THEM215; 1♀, same data, THEM214; 1♂, same data, THEM216; 1♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, ruta 34, A.[rroyo] Los Berros, 9-XI-1992, Lopez Ruf col., THEM213; 1♂, same data, THEM211; 1♂, same data, THEM212.

Comments: We found some disagreements between the publication and the type material in IFML. According to the publication there are six female paratypes from "La Hoyada, Tucumán" and one male; and three females and two males from "Jujuy, Arroyo Los Berros". Additional paratypes were deposited in MLP (two specimens) and MACN (two specimens).

Ambrysus gemignaniiD e Carlo 1950: 24–26.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, Capiazutti, VII-[19]44, R. Golbach col., THEM219; 1♂, same data, THEM220; 1♂, same data, THEM221; 1♂, same data, THEM222.

Comments: The male holotype and 16 paratypes were deposited in MACN. The original description mentions two males and two females for the date "VIII-1944"; we found four males with the date "VII-[19]44".




Pseudosaldula aurea Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 26–27.

Paratype: 1♂, Argentina, Tucumán Prov.[ince], 16 km W of Tafí del Valle, on R[ou]t[e]. 307, 26º 46.11' S, 65º 43.85' W, 2900 m., 21-II-1993, R.T. Schuh & J.T. Polhemus cols., AMNH_ENT 00023288, THEM444.

Comments: Male holotype and nine paratypes were deposited in AMNH.

Pseudosaldula penai Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 47–50.

Paratypes: 1♂, Argentina: Jujuy Prov.[ince], El Quemado, below summit Abra Potrerillo on R[ou]t[e]. 52, 23º 41.63' S - 65º 39.96' W, 4170 m, 16-II-1993, R.T. Schuh, J.T. Polhemus & E. Dominguez cols., AMNH_ENT00023145, THEM445; 1♀, same data, AMNH_ENT00023160, THEM447; 1♀ same data, AMNH_ENT 00023159, THEM448; 1♂, Argentina: Jujuy Prov.[ince]: Cuesta de Lipan, 28 km W of Parmamarca [Purmamarca] on R[ou]t[e]. 52, 23º 40.89' S - 65º 37.60' W, 3825 m., 16-II-1993, R.T. Schuh, J.T. Polhemus & E. Dominguez cols., AMNH_ENT00023144, THEM446; 1♂, Argentina: Salta prov.[ince]: just NW of Santa Rosa de Tastil on R[ou]t[e]. 51, 24º 26.49' S - 65º 58.01' W, 3215 m, 18-II-1993, R.T. Schuh & J.T. Polhemus [cols.], AMNH_ENT00023025, THEM449; 1♀, same data, AMNH_ENT00023006, THEM450; 1♀, same data, AMNH_ENT00023005, THEM451.

Comments: Male holotype was deposited in AMNH,

additional paratypes ¡n AMNH (172 specimens); MACN (fve specimens); USNM (four specimens); MNNC (four specimens); Polhemus’ collection (20 specimens). According to the original description there should be a female with the data "9 km E of Iturbe, 22.21666° S - 65.16666° W, 3460 m, 15-11-1993, R.T. Schuh, J.T. Polhemus [cois.], AMNH_ENT00020877” that is absent in the IFML collection.

Pseudosaldula pilosa Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 52-55.

Paratypes: 2?, Argentina: Tucumán, 15 km NW Tafí del Valle, 2800 m, 02/03-1-1982, R.T. Schuh & B. Massie [cois.], large permanent seep, densely vegetated, AMNH_ENT00022834, THEM456; 1?, same data, AMNH_ENT00022835, THEM 457; 1c?, same data, AMNH_ENT00022903, THEM452; 1a1, same data, AMNH_ENT00022902, THEM453; 1?, Argentina: Tucumán Provpnce]., Infernillo on R[ou]t[e] 307, 31 km E of Amaicha del Valle, 3030 m, 21-11-1993, R.T. Schuh & J.T. Polhemus [cois.], AMNH_ENT00022876, THEM458; 1?, same data, AMNH_ENT00022877, THEM459; 1a1, same data, AMNH_ENT00022860, THEM454; 1a1, same data, AMNH_ENT00022859, THEM455.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in AMNH, additional paratypes in MACN (four specimens), AMNH (171 specimens), and Polhemus’ collection (ten specimens), USNM (six specimens), MNNC (12 specimens), EELM (one specimen). In the original publication the date of the paratypes from "Infernillo" were stated as 1983.

Pseudosaldula saxícola Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 57-61.

Paratypes: ^S, Argentina: Jujuy Prov.[ince]: bet.[ween] Laguna de Ya I a/ R[ou]t[e]. 9, just NW of Jujuy, 1835 m, 10-11-1993, R.T. Schuh, J.T. Polhemus & E. Domínguez [cois.], AMNH_ENT00023514, THEM461; 1a1, Argentina, Salta Prov.pnce]: just ab.[ove] Escoipe on R[ou]t[e]. 33, 25°10.44' S- 65°45.87'W, 2120 m, 19-11-1993, R.T. Schuh & J.T. Polhemus cois., AMNH_ENT00023512, THEM462; 1?, same data, AMNH_ENT00023526, THEM466; ^S, Argentina, Tucumán, 36 km NW of Monteros, 1300 m, 3-1-1982, R.T. Schuh & B.M. Massie [cois.], on boulders in rushing forest stream fowing into Río Los Sosa, AMNH_ENT00022960, THEM460; ^S, Argentina, Tucumán, 27 km NW of Monteros, 1000 m, 3-1-1982, R.T. Schuh & B.M. Massie [cois.], on boulders in rushing forest stream fowing into Río Los Sosa, AMNH_ENT00022969, THEM465; ^S, same data, AMNH_ENT00022971, THEM463; ^S, same data, AMNH_ENT00022968, THEM464.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in AMNH, and additional paratypes in AMNH (62 specimens), USNM (four specimens), and Polhemus’ collection (30 specimens). The original publication mentions only one male from "Monteros" deposited in IFML, the other two males are mentioned as deposited in USNM.

Pseudosaldula vulgaris Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 61–66.

Paratypes: 1♀, Peru, Cajamarca, 2 km W of Llacanora, n[ea]r. Cajamarca, 2530 m, 19-I-1976, R.T. & J.C. Schuh [cols.], sandy river margin, AMNH_ENT00019798, THEM468; 1♂, Peru, Ancash, between Huaraz and Punta Callán, 3440 m, 16-I-1976, R.T. & J.C. Schuh [cols.], seep area, AMNH_ENT00019765, THEM473; 1♂, same data, AMNH_ENT00020375, THEM472; 1♂, Peru, La Libertad, 14 km SW of Huamachuco, Rio Bado, 3050 m, 21-I-1976, R.T. & J.C. Schuh [cols.], sandy river margin, 10-70% veg[etation]. cover, AMNH_ENT00019987, THEM470; 1♂, same data, AMNH_ENT00019988, THEM471; 1♀, same data, AMNH_ENT00019719, THEM469; 1♀, same data, AMNH_ENT00019720, THEM467.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in AMNH, additional paratypes in AMNH (919 specimens), MACN (fve specimens), USNM (fve specimens), EELM (fve specimens), MNNC (six specimens), SEMC (four specimens), and Polhemus’ collection (27 specimens).

Pseudosaldula yungas Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 66–68.

Paratypes: 1♀, Bolivia. Cochabamba. Chapare, El Palmar, 1000 m, 10/18-I-1958, Monrós & [P.] Wygodzinsky cols., AMNH_ENT00023463, THEM475; 1♂, same data, AMNH_ENT00023462, THEM474.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in USNM, additional paratypes in AMNH (fve specimens), and Polhemus’ collection (20 specimens).


Brontostoma oglobiniWygodzinsky 1951c: 49–50.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Misiones, Loreto, Dr. A.A. Oglobin col., THEM297.

Paratype: 1♀, [Argentina], Misiones, Loreto, THEM298.

Comments: These specimens were originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML. Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN (one specimen), MNRJ (one specimen), MCZ (one specimen), and Wygodzinsky's collection (three specimens).

Brontostoma oglobini minorWygodzinsky 1951c: 51.

Paratype: 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, Pocitos, I-1950, THEM299.

Comments: This specimen was originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML; the male holotype was deposited in Wygodzinsky's collection.

Pothea wygodzinskyCarpintero 1978: 238–254.

Paratypes: 1♂, Argentina, Tucumán, Quebrada de Lules, XI-[19]26, THEM333; 1♂, Argentina, Tucumán, Dep.[artamento] Trancas, VII-[19]46, Bellomo col., THEM334; 1♂, Argentina, Jujuy, Dique de Cienaga, 25-II-[1]962, col. Weirauch, ex col. Weirauch, THEM335; 1♀, Argentina, Tucumán, Dep.[artamento] Trancas, XI-[19]47, [R.] Goldbach, THEM336; 1♀, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Tucumán, Sierra del Nogalito, 1100 m, 27-V-[1]963, col. Weirauch, THEM337; 1♀, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Jujuy, La Cienaga, 23-XII-1964, col. R.F. Laurent, Weirauch; ex col. Weirauch, THEM338.

Comments: The male holotype and one paratype were deposited in MACN, one additional paratype in Carpintero's collection.

Rhiginia aimaraCarpintero & Maldonado Capriles 1990: 452–453.

Holotype: ♂, Peru, Tingo María, 670 m, leg. Weirauch, THEM346; (genitalia pinned separately THEM347).

Paratype: 1♀, WKW 2572; Yurai, Perú, 300 m; ex col. Weirauch [valle Chanchamayo, 800m, 1939, leg. Weirauch], THEM345.

Comments: The info between brackets is absent in the original publication.

Rhiginia willinkiCarpintero & Maldonado Capriles 1990: 449–452.

Holotype: ♂, Peru, Central, Pichica Coluga, 2150 m, 18-IX-[19]60, ex col. Weyrauch; THEM348; (genitalia pinned separately THEM349).

Paratype: 1♀, Peru, Sinchono, Cordillera Azul, 1300 m, V-[19]47, leg. Weyrauch, ex col. Weyrauch, THEM344.


Bergemesa kuscheliWygodzinsky 1950a: 44.

Holotype: ♀, Peru, Tingo María, [1946], Kuschel col., [IMR] THEM295.

Comments: This specimen was originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML. The specimen is broken and glued to a cardboard.

Bergemesa proseni Wygodzinsky 1950a: 40–41.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Salta, Sta. Victoria, 20-X-[19]48, Prosen col., [IMR740] THEM296. Paratype: 1♂, same data, THEM301. Comments: These specimens were originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML.

Ghilianella mariae Wygodzinsky 1953: 292–295.

Holotype: ♂, [Peru], Berg bei Pachacamac, 350 m, 15-II-1952, 35 km suedlich von Lima, [unter Steinen auf Lehmboden], WKW 8346-C, M. & F. Monros & Weirauch cols., THEM324.

Paratype: 1♀, same data, THEM325.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in Wygodzinsky's (17 specimens) and Maldonado Capriles' (one specimen) collections.

Malacopus schubarti Wygodzinsky 1950b: 248-249.

Paratype: 1♀, [Brasil], S[ao] Paulo, Mun. Pirassununga, Faz. Graciosa, 31-V-[19]47, Schubart col., THEM328.

Comments: This specimen was originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML. The male holotype was deposited in CTIOC, and three additional paratypes in Wygodzinsky’s collection.

Metapterus docilisWygodzinsky 1951d: 120.

Holotype: ♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, San Pedro, THEM326.

Paratype: 1♀, Argentina, Córdoba, Los Reartes, 13-VIII-1940, L.P. Rosas Costa col., IMR769, THEM329.

Comments: These specimens were originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML. Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN (three specimens), MLP (one specimen), and Wygodzinsky's collection (two specimens).

Metapterus rosascostai Wygodzinsky 1951d: 120–122.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, San Pedro de Colalao, 22-V-1948, J.A. Rosas Lola[?] col., IMR769, THEM327.

Comments: These specimens were originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML.

Polauchenia marcapata Wygodzinsky 1966: 298–299.

Paratype: 1♀, Peru, Valle de Chanchamayo, [Oreja de Capelo], 1400 m, 1939, Weirauch col., THEM399.

Comments: The female holotype was deposited in BMNH.

Polauchenia schubartiWygodzinsky 1950c: 81–84.

Paratype: 1♀, [Brazil], Pirassununga, na luz, cerca 20, 26-VII-1947, Schubart col., THEM340.

Comments: This specimen was originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML. The male holotype was deposited in CEIOC, and two additional paratypes in Wygodzinsky's collection. The date in the original publication is 26-II-1947.

Stenolemus calilegua Wygodzinsky & Abalos 1950: 103.

Holotype: ♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, Calilegua, XII-[19]45, IMR 838, THEM356.

Comments: This specimen was originally deposited in the IMR, and then transferred to the IFML.

Stenolemus huali Wygodzinsky & Abalos 1950: 105–106.

Holotype: ♂, Bolivia, Chapare, Zischka col., IMR 838, THEM352.

Comments: This specimen was originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML.

Stenolemus vianai Wygodzinsky & Abalos 1950: 109.

Paratype: 1♂, Argentina, Córdoba, Los Cocos, I-1947, Leg. Viana, THEM355.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in MACN; this paratype was originally deposited in IMR.


Apiomerus costalimai Prosen & Martinez 1955: 43–46.

Paratype: 1♂, [Argentina], Buenos Aires, Tandil, 21-XII-[19]51, THEM286.

Comments: The male holotype and fve paratypes were deposited in MEPRA, additional paratypes in CTIOC (two specimens), Prosen's (four specimens), Martinez's (four specimens), Pirán's (two specimens), Forster's, and Francisco Walz's collections (several paratypes without indication of the exact quantity). The specimen deposited in IFML is probably a paratype belonging to one of these private collections.

Atopozelus omalusElkins 1954a: 47.

Paratypes: 1♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, city, 24-IV-1946, Abalos col., IMR517, THEM288; 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, 29-VI-1944, THEM287; 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Capiasuti, 5-VIII-[19]44, THEM289; 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Urundel, 30-XI-[19]48, Monros & [P.] Wygodzinsky cols., IMR749, THEM291; 1 without abdomen [♂], Guay[a]colac, Formosa, Argentina, II-1949, Atopozelus omalus Elk., det. J.C. Elkins '57, IMR, THEM290.

Comments: The male holotype and two additional paratypes were deposited in ISM; and additional paratypes in Wygdzinsky's (one specimen), Pirán’s (three specimens), and Elkins's collections (one specimen). The specimens THEM288, THEM290 and THEM291 were deposited in the IMR, and then were transferred to IFML.

Atrachelus (Phorobura) malaisei Elkins 1954b: 114–115.

Paratype: 1♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], Dep.[artamento]

Famaillá, San Ramón, V-[19]47, B.L. García col., THEM285.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria, Universidad de Buenos Aires; additional paratypes in CUIC (one specimen), ISM (one specimen), Elkins' (one specimen), and Lizer & Trelles' collections (six specimens).

Ecelenodalus dyseuretus Elkins & Wygodzinsky 1957: 206–208.

Paratype: 1♂, Brazil, São Paulo, Onda Verde, Faz. São João, I-1946, F. Lane col., THEM320.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in CTIOC, additional paratypes in Hussey's (one specimen), Elkins's (two specimens), and Wygodzinsky's collections (one specimen).

Ecelenodalus maderus Elkins & Wygodzisnky 1957: 208.

Holotype: ♂, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, IX-1917, [Lizer & Trelles col.] THEM323.

Paratype: 1♀ (allotype), same data as holotype, THEM322.

Comments: Two additional paratypes were deposited in Elkins's and Wygodzinsky's collections.


Rasahus argentinensisCoscarón 1983: 91–92.

Paratype: 1♂, Argentina, Salta, Abra Grande, 4/ 15-XII-[1]967, [R.] Golbach col., THEM350.

Comments: The male holotype and one additional paratype were deposited in Martinez's collection.


Macrocephalus argentinus Kormilev 1950: 581–582.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], [El] Cadillal, 9-XII-[19]20, THEM248.

Paratype: 1♀, Arg.[entina], Tucumán, XII-46, T. Araoz col., THEM259.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in ISM (one specimen), MLP (one specimen), Bosq's (two specimens) and Martinez's collections (one specimen).

Phymata argentina montanaKormilev 1951: 98–99.

Paratype: 1♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], La Rioja, 1928, THEM252.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MACN (12 specimens), MLP (three specimens), Duret’s (one specimen), Bachmann’s (three specimens), Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola, UBA (one specimen).

Phymata carinata pampeana Kormilev 1951: 71–72.

Paratypes: 2♂, B[ueno]s. A[ire]s., Tornquist, 24-I-[19]47, [A.] Bachmann & Rossi cols., THEM254; 2♀, Argentina, B[ueno]s. Aires, Tornquist, 24-I-[19]47, [A.] Bachmann & Rossi cols., THEM255.

Comments: The male holotype from "Buenos Aires, Sierra de la Ventana, Tornquist, A. Bachmann & Rossi leg., 24-I-[19]47"; and 18 male and 19 female paratypes (one mentioned as allotype) are missing. Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN (19 specimens) and Bachmann’s collection (eight specimens).

Phymata delponteiKormilev 1950: 583.

Holotype: ♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Mis[iones], Bemberg, 14-30/III/1945, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM249.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in CEIOC (one specimen), ISM (one specimen), MACN (three specimens), MLP (nine specimens), Bosq's (six specimens), and Martinez’s (one specimen) collections.

Phymata haywardiKormilev 1950: 585.

Holotype: ♂, Arg.[entina], Misiones, Iguazú, 1-III-[19]45, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM282.

Paratype: 1♀, [Argentina, Misiones], P[uer]to. Iguazú, Alto Paraná, II/III-[19]45, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM283.

Comments: Additional paratypes in MACN (one specimen) and Bosq's collections (two specimens).

Phymata monrosiKormilev 1950: 585–586.

Holotype: ♂, Arg.[entina], [Tucumán], Anta Muerta, 11-I-[1]948, Monrós & [A.] Willink cols., THEM250.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), Argent.[ina], [Tucumán], Anta Muerta, 11-I-[19]48, [A.] Willink & Monrós cols., THEM251; 2♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], Anta Muerta, 11-I-[19]48, Monrós & [A.] Willink cols., THEM263; 1♂, Arg.[entina], [Tucumán], Anta Muerta, 11-I-[19]48, Monrós & [A.] Willink cols., THEM260; 1♀, [Argentina, Tucumán], Siambón, XII-[19]44, THEM261; 1♀, same data, THEM264; 1♂, same data, THEM267; 1♀, same data, THEM271; 1♀, same data, THEM272; 1♂, same data, THEM274; 1♀, same data, THEM276; 1♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], Dep.[artamento] Tafí, El Siambón, XII-[19]36, THEM262; 1♂, same data, THEM275; 1♂, same data, THEM278; 1♂, same data, THEM280; 1♂, Arg.[entina], Tucumán, Tafí, [El] Siambón, 21-X-[19]45, [A.] Willink col., THEM268; 1♀, Arg.[entina], Tucumán, Tafí del Valle, 9-XII-[19]45, [K.J.] Hayward col., THEM266; 1♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], Dep.[artamento] Tafí, Villa Noug[u]és, XII-1937, THEM277; 1♀, same data, THEM279; 1♀, Arg.[entina], Tucumán, Aconquija, III-[19]46, [R.] Golbach col., THEM265; 1♀, Argent.[ina], Tucumán, 19-II-[19]46, M. Córdoba col., THEM269; 1♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, 1-5/II-1947, J. Córdoba col., THEM273; 1♂, Arg.[entina], S[an]tiago del Estero, La Banda, San Ramón, 9-IV-[19]46, Briones col., THEM270; 1♀, Arg.[entina], Salta, Quebrada Río Blanco, 20-I-[19]48, Monrós & [A.] Willink cols., THEM281.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN (two specimens), MLP (two specimens), Bosq’s (two specimens), and Arnau’s collection (four specimens).

Phymata orfilaiKormilev 1950: 584.

Paratype: 1♀, [Argentina, Tucumán], Villa Nougués, 21-I-1931, THEM253.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in ISM, additional paratypes in MACN (one specimen), and MLP (one specimen).

Phymata simulans explanata Kormilev 1960: 346–347.

Paratypes: 2♀, [Misiones], P[uer]to. Iguazú, Alto Paraná, II-[1]945, THEM257.

Specimen: Paratype 1♂, [Misiones], P[uer]to. Iguazú, Alto Paraná, II-[19]45, THEM256.

Comments: According to the original description two female paratypes from "Misiones, Iguazu" are deposited in Kormilev’s collection and in ISM but none of them are indicated from “Alto Parana” and with a date. The holotype and three additional paratypes were deposited in Kormilev's collection, and one paratype in HNHM.


Zelurus abalosi Lent & Wygodzinsky 1951: 585–587.

Holotype: ♂, IMR748, [campamento Standard Oil, Aguas Blancas, Dept. Orán, Salta, Argentina, á luz, Wygodzinsky col., 24-XI-1948] THEM405.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), IMR748, (same data as holotype), THEM406.

Comments: The holotype and fve paratypes were originally deposited in IMR, only one paratype is actually found in IFML; additional paratypes in CTIOC (two specimens), MACN (three specimens), and Wygodzinsky's collection (one specimen).

Zelurus delpontei Lent & Wygodzinsky 1951: 587–589.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Sumampa, S.[antiago] del Estero, 15-I-1947, A.M. Alvarado, THEM409.

Comments: A male paratype with same data as holotype but with date "23-V-1944, IMR215" in IMR, additional paratypes in MACN (one specimen) and MLP (one specimen).

Zelurus femoralis intermedius Lent & Wygodzinsky 1954: 422–427.

Holotype: ♂, IMR 748 (without more data) [“Aguas Blancas, Camp. Standard Oil, Dep. Orán, na luz,

Wygod[zinsky]. col. 24-XI-1948” according to the publication] THEM386.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), IMR 748 (without more data, should be same as holotype according to the publication) THEM387; 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, [capital], II-[19]42, THEM413; 1♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, La Isla, THEM414.

Comments: According to the original description, in IFML there should be two more paratypes: "1♀ from Jujuy, La Isla", and "1♂ from Salta, capital, II-1942", but they are actually missing. Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN, IMR and MEPRA, and CTIOC (number not specifed).

Zelurus femoralis longispinus Lent & Wygodzinsky 1954: 420–422.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina, Santiago del Estero], Colonia Dora, IX-[19]48, M. Gomez, THEM388.

Paratype: 1♀ (allotype), [Argentina], Colonia Dora, S[antia]go. del Estero, X-[19]48, Manuel Gomez, THEM389.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in MACN, MEPRA, CTIOC, IMR, ISM, Duret's and Bosq's collections (numbers not specifed).

Zelurus lilloiLent & Wygodzinsky 1954: 438–440.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, Cerro San Javier, 1000 m, 25-XI-[1]946, THEM408.

Paratypes: 9♂, same data as holotype, THEM393-THEM396, THEM398, THEM401-THEM404; 1♀, [Argentina], Cuesta Anfama, 2000 m, XI-[1]932, THEM400; 2♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, Tafí del Valle, 10-XII-[19]47, R. Golbach [col.], [2000 m], THEM392, THEM397;

Specimen: 1♂, (paratype) [Argentina], Tucumán, Cerro San Javier, 9-I-[19]46, THEM399.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in CTIOC, IMR, and Wygodzinsky's collection (number not specifed). The specimen THEM399 is not listed among the studied material. The original description mentions three male paratypes from "Tafí del Valle".

Zelurus romanai Lent & Wygodzinsky 1951: 583–585.

Holotype: ♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], S.[an] P[edro de]. Colalao, Tucumán, II-[19]49, Arnau [col.], THEM390.

Paratypes: 1♀, IMR 790 [Parque Aconquija, Tucumán, bajo una piedra, [P.] Wygodzinsky col. 22/ 2/[1]949], THEM391; 1♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], Quebrada [de] Lules, 21-XI-[19]26, THEM411.

Comments: One additional paratype was deposited in CTIOC, and another one in Wygodzinsky's collection. According to the original description at least one male paratype from "Las Estancias, Catamarca, 1700 m, Maila M. Lamb col., 12-I-[1]949" should be in IFML.

Zelurus weyrauchi Lent & Wygodzinsky 1951: 591–594.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), Quebrada Verde, Lurin Lima, Peru, bajo piedras, 150 m, 18-VI-[19]50, leg. Pedro Aguilar, FC 280, THEM410; 1 nymph, Quebrada Verde, Lurin Lima, 150 m, bajo piedras, 18-VI-[19]50, leg. Pedro Aguilar, FC 280, THEM412.

Comments: This paratype was originally deposited in IMR; the male holotype was deposited in CTIOC, and additional paratypes in CEIOC (one specimen) and Wygodzinsky's collection (eight specimens). In the original description there is no indication of where the nymph was deposited.


Seridentus latissimusGiacchi 1998: 31–32.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Misiones, Iguazú, 30-I/ 13-III/[19]45, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach, THEM366.

Stenopoda guaraniticaGiacchi 1969: 19–21.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Argentina], Jujuy, Calilegua, XII-1945, D. Poole [col.], THEM357; 1♀, Argentina, Jujuy, Calilegua, XI-[19]45, D. Poole [col.], THEM364; 1♂, [Argentina], Mendoza, XII-[19]46, THEM359; 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, Metan, II-[1]941, THEM361; 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, La Candelaria, 20-III-[19]28, THEM358; 2♂, [Argentina], Salta capital, III-1942, THEM360, THEM365; 1♀, Uruguay, Artigas, Sepulturas, 15-I-[19]52, THEM363.

Specimen: 1♂, Bolivia, S[an]ta. Cruz, El Cidral, I-1962, R. Golbach [col.], THEM362.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in MACN; the author did not mention the place where additional paratypes were deposited. The specimen labelled as THEM362 is not mentioned in the list of studied material.

Stenopoda lativentrisGiacchi 1969: 15.

Paratype: 1♂, Bolivia, Chapare, Cochabamba, El Palmar, 1000 m, 10/18-I-1958, Monrós & [P.] Wygodzinsky [cols.], THEM351.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in ISM. The author did not mention the place where the additional seven paratypes were deposited.

Zylobus monrosiWygodzinsky 1959: 312–316.

Holotype: ♂, El Palmar, Chapare, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1000 m, [a la luz] 10/18-I-1958, [Villavicencio] Monrós & [P.] Wygodzinsky [cols.], THEM415.


Belminus peruvianusHerrer, Lent & Wygodzinsky 1954: 91–94.

Holotype: ♂, Peru, Cuenca del Rio Marañón, [IMR]


Paratype: 1♀, same data, [IMR] THEM294.

Comments: These specimens were originally deposited in IMR, then transferred to IFML. Additional paratypes were deposited in USNM (one specimen), CTIOC (one specimen), Instituto de Higiene de Lima (Perú) (16 specimens), and Wygodzinsky's collection (two specimens). In the original publication three different localities near "Rio Marañon" are mentioned for the holotype and two paratypes, one of each corresponds to the one mentioned above (Jaen, 750 m, Yamón, 1100 m; and Lonya Grande, 1300 m).

Panstrongylus herreri Wygodzinsky 1948: 198–202.

Holotype: ♂, IRM715, THEM368.

Paratype: 1♀ (allotipus), IMR715, Panstrongylus herreriTHEM380.

Comments: According to Wygodzinsky (1948) the specimens are from the Northern forest of Perú and were reared in the laboratory. Four male paratypes that were originally deposited at IMR are missing.

Triatoma guasayanaWygodzinsky & Abalos 1949: 55–60.

Holotype: ♂, IRM 714, THEM367.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), IRM 714, THEM379; 1♂, [Argentina], Villa Giménez, Río Hondo?, S[antia]go. [del] Estero, 25-X-[19]46, THEM369; 1♂, [Argentina], Villa Giménez, Río Hondo?, S[antia]go. [del] Estero, 25-X-[19]46, THEM370; 1♂, IMR716, THEM371; 1♂, IMR714, THEM373; 1♂, IMR716, THEM374; 1♀, IMR714, THEM375; 1♂, [Argentina], Catamarca, XI-[19]46, THEM372; 1♀, [Argentina], La Rioja, Cuayapa, 4-X-[19]54, K.J. Hayward [col.], THEM376; 1♂, [Argentina], S[antia]go. del Estero, Mal Pago, 26-X-[19]46, THEM377; 1♀, [Argentina], S[antia]go. del Estero, Mal Pago, 26-X-[19]46, THEM378.

Triatoma delponteiRomaña & Abalos 1947: 80–83.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], El Mojón, S[antia]go. del Estero, 17-III-[19]45, 344.2, THEM382.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), [Argentina], El Mojón, S[antia]go. del Estero, 17-III-[19]45, 344.1, THEM381; 1♀, IMR373, [Argentina], Tapso, Catam.[arca], 24-IV-[19]45, Romaña y Abalos cols., THEM383; 1♀, IMR373, [Argentina], Tapso, Catam.[arca], 24-IV-[19]45, Romaña y Abalos cols., THEM384; 1♀, IMR359, [Argentina], Puente Negro, S[antia]go. del Estero, R. y A. colec., THEM385.

Comments: Additional eight paratypes were deposited in IMR.




Prepops subandinusCarvalho & Wallerstein 1978: 527–529.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Tucumán, 4300 m, 1-XI-[19]64, leg. W. Weyrauch, ex col. Weyrauch, THEM177.

Comments: One paratype was deposited in Carvalho’s collection.

Prepops notabilisCarvalho & Fontes 1968: 31–32.

Paratypes: 1♀, [Argentina], Córdoba, Diquesito La Calera, 10-I-[19]58, A. Willink col., THEM196; 1♀, [Argentina], La Rioja, Guayapa, 4-X-[19]54, K.J. Hayward [col.], THEM189; 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, Ruiz de los Llanos, II-[19]47, R. Golbach col., THEM190; 1♀, same data, THEM182; 3♂, [Argentina], Río Negro, Choele Choel, XI-[19]46, THEM193, THEM194 and THEM200; 1♀, same data, THEM203; 2♂, [Argentina], Catamarca, [El] Rodeo, 25-I-[1]958, R. Golbach col., THEM180 and THEM201; 7♂, [Argentina], Catamarca, [El] Rodeo, 28-I-[19]58, R. Golbach col., THEM183, THEM186, THEM191, THEM192, THEM195, THEM199, THEM204; 4♀, same data, THEM178, THEM197, THEM198, THEM202; 5♂, [Argentina], Catamarca, Quebrada de Cebila, 8-X-[19]54, K.J. Hayward col., THEM181, THEM184, THEM185, THEM187, THEM188; 1♀, same data, THEM179.

Comments: According to the original description the male holotype and one female paratype from "Santiago del Estero" should be deposited in the IFML collection. There is no indication of the depository of the other paratypes. However, if we assume that all of them should be in IFML: four ♂ and two ♀ paratypes from Santiago del Estero; one ♂ and one ♀ from Río Negro; two ♂ from La Rioja; two ♂ and three ♀ from Catamarca; two ♀ from Salta; and two ♀ from Córdoba are absent in the collection.

Stenodema golbachi Carvalho and Carpintero 1989: 1106.

Holotype: ♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Jujuy, La Quiaca, 3400 m, 9-11/II/1960, col. R. Golbach, THEM209.

Comments: The paratypes were deposited in Carvalho’s and Carpintero’s collection.

Stenodema noaensis Carvalho and Carpintero 1989: 1103–1104.

Paratypes: 3♀, Arg.[entina], Tucumán, [El] Infernillo, 2800 m, I-[19]86, Carpintero col. THEM170; 3♀, same data, THEM171; 3♂, same data, THEM172; 3♂, same data, THEM173.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in Carpintero’s collection; additional paratypes in USNM, and authors’ collections.


Chileria andinaForero 2009: 15–20.

Paratypes: 1♀, Argentina, Tucumán Prov.[ince], Ampimpa, 17 Km E of Amaicha del Valle in R[ou]t[e]. 307, 2755 m, 21-II-1993, R.T. Schuh & J.T. Polhemus cols., adults and nymphs on: Flourensia febrigii Blake (Asteraceae), AMNH_PBI00194737, THEM441; 1♀, same data, AMNH_PBI00194738, THEM442; 1♀, same data, AMNH_PBI00194739, THEM443; 1♂, same data, AMNH_PBI 00194761, THEM438; 1♂, same data, AMNH_PBI00194762, THEM439; 1♂, same data, AMNH_PBI00194763, THEM440.

Comments: According to the original description the male holotype should be deposited in IFML coded as AMNH_PBI 00195153 but it was not found in the collection; additional paratypes in AMNH (62 specimens) and USNM (83 specimens).

Hadronemisca saltensis Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978: 524–525.

Holotype: ♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Salta, Tacuil (2400 m), 23/27-I-1968, [R.] Golbach, [A.] Terán & [A.] Willink cols., Entomofauna Subandina, THEM175.

Comments: One paratype deposited in Carvalho’s collection.

Melanotrichus bonaerensisCarvalho & Carpintero 1986: 618–619.

Paratypes: 2♀, [Argentina], Prov.[incia] B[ueno]s. A[ire]s., San Justo, XI-[19]83, Melanotrichus bonaerensisn . sp. det. J.C.M. Carvalho, THEM176.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in Carpintero’s collection. The original description listed 74 paratypes from "San Justo" deposited in the authors' collection, probably these two females are part of this series.


Corythaica pavoniaAjmat 2000: 214–215.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Córdoba, La Falda, 28-I-1992, Col. M.V.A. [de] Toledo, s/ Pavonia hastata, THEM431.

Paratypes: 1♀ (allotype), Argentina, Córdoba, La Falda, 28-I-1992, Col. M.V.A. [de] Toledo, s/ Pavonia hastata, THEM432.

Corythaica misioneraAjmat 2000: 216–217.

Holotype: ♂, R.[epública] Argentina, Misiones, Puerto Rico, 30-III-1986, H. Erb col. THEM433.

Paratype: 1♀ (allotype), R.[epública] Argentina, Misiones, Puerto Rico, 30-III-1986, sobre Solanum

Corytucha tapiensisAjmat 1991: 143–144.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Tucumán, Tapia, 1-IV-1986, M.V.A. de Toledo col., s/ Celtis pubescens [(H.B.K.) Spreng (Ulmaceae)], THEM435.

Paratype: 1♀ (allotype), Argentina, Tucumán, Tapia, 1-IV-1986, M.V.A. de Toledo col., s/ Celtis pubescens [(H.B.K.) Spreng (Ulmaceae)], THEM436.

Comments: The specimen THEM436 is considerably destroyed and only the abdomen is present.

Corythucha rolstoniAjmat 1991: 140-141.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Misiones, Acaragua, 19-X-[19]69, G.M.R., THEM437.



Cimex tucmatianiWygodzinsky 1951b: 190–192.

Paratypes: 1♀, R.[epública] Argentina, Tucumán, El Chorrillo, 31-XII-1948, Sra. de Gimenez col., THEM057; 1♀ (microscopic slide), [Argentina], Tacanas, Trancas, 22-28/II-1947, [R.] Golbach col., sobre murciélago, THEM056.

Comments: The female holotype, two paratypes, and fve nymphs are deposited in the IMR. The female from "El Chorrillo" is mentioned from 1948 and deposited in the IMR in the original description.



Aneurus (Iralunelus) bergi Kormilev 1980: 55–56.

Holotype: ♀, Argentina, Corrientes, Paso de la Patria, 2-XI-1970, C. Porter & L. Stange cols., THEM006.

Aneurus         (Iralunelus)         monrosi Kormilev

1980: 54–55.

Holotype: ♂, Arg.[entina], Salta, Cabeza de Buey, 18-III-1957, Monrós & [Z.] Tomsic cols., THEM002.

Paratypes: 1♀, same data, THEM003; 3♀, same data, 16-III-[19]59, THEM004 and THEM005.

Comments: Additional three paratypes were deposited in Kormilev’s collection.

Mezira formosaKormilev 1953b: 243.

Holotype: ♂, Arg.[entina], Formosa, Sombrero Negro, 2-VI-[19]48, [R.] Golbach col., THEM007.

Paratype: 1♀, same data as holotype, THEM008.

Comments: Two additional paratypes were deposited in MLP.

Neuroctenus subandinus Kormilev 1953b: 249–251.

Paratypes: 1♂ 1♀, T ucumán, IX-[19]46, R. Golbach col., THEM015; 1♂ 1♀, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Tucumán, V.[illa] Padre Monti, Burruyacu,17-I/7-II-1948, R. Golbach col., THEM026; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM020; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM021; 2♀, same data, THEM028; 2♀, same data, THEM029; 2♂, same data, THEM030; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM031; 2♀, same data, THEM035; 2♀, same data, THEM036; 1♂ 1♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, S.[an] P.[edro] de Colalao,16-VIII -[19]46, A. Willink col., THEM038; 2♀, same data, THEM037; 2♀, same data, THEM052; 2♂, same data, THEM051; 2♀, same data, THEM055; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM049; 2♂ same data, THEM027; 2♀, same data, THEM034; 2♀, same data, THEM032; 1♂ 1♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, San P.[edro] de Colalao, I-[1]950, R. Monrós col., THEM013; 2♀, same data, THEM012; 2♂, same data, THEM009; 2♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, Lacavera, 28-XI-[19]51, Aczel. & [R.] Golbach col., THEM014; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM016; 1♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, Cerro Perales, 27-I-[19]48, [A.] Willink & Monrós col.[s], THEM011; 2♂, [Argentina], Salta, Tartagal, 21-VII-[19]44, R. Golbach col., THEM054; 2♂, same data, THEM018; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM048; 1♀ 1 nymph, same data, THEM017; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM019; 1♂ 1♀, Arg.[entina], Salta, Urundel, 25-I-[19]50, R. Golbach col., THEM053; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM041; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM024; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM023; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM046; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM022; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM047; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM033; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM025; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM043; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM044; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM045; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM042; 1♂ 1♀, same data, THEM050; 3♀, Arg.[entina], Salta, Urundel, 25-I-[19]12, [R.] Golbach col., THEM039; 1♂, Arg.[entina], Mendoza, Tunuyán, 11-X-[19]47, Ares col., THEM040; 1♀, no data, THEM010.

Comments: The male holotype and two paratypes were deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MLP (14 specimens), HNHM (three specimens), Prosen's (13 specimens), Bosq's (six specimens), Biraben's (two specimens), Duret's (seven specimens), Lizer & Trelles' (31 specimens) and Kormilev's (11 specimens) collections.

In the original description the female from "Jujuy" is referred from "Ceno Pezales"; there is one nymph instead of one male among the specimens from "Tartagal"; one female from "San Pedro de Colalao" collected by Monrós is missing; the material from "Burruyacu" is mentioned as collected in "20-I-948" and the material from "Lacavera" "22-11-51"; the specimens from "San Pedro de Colalao" collected by Willink are listed as deposited in IFML, MACN and Kormilev's collection. Finally, the female without data identifed as THEM010 is not mentioned in the publication.


Onalips completusFroeschner 1960: 418–420.

Paratypes: 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Aguaray, X-[19]46, Buohn col., THEM118; 1♀, [Argentina], Formosa, Misión Laishi, 17-XI-[19]50, [A.] Willink-Monrós cols., THEM119.

Comments: The male holotype is deposited in USNM, additional paratypes in MCZ (one specimen), CMNH (one specimen), Lutz's (one specimen), and Froeschner's (one specimen) collections.

Dallasiellus (Dallasiellus) alutaceus Froeschner 1960: 598–599.

Paratype: 1♀, Bolivia, Beni, Rurrenabaque, Oct. 1921, W.M. Mann col., Mulford Biol. Expl., 1921- 1922, THEM120.

Comments: The male holotype is deposited in USNM, additional paratypes in USNM (three specimens), CMNH (three specimens), Lutz's (one specimen), Carvalho's (one specimen), and 17 specimens in USNM and Froeschner's collections. In the original description there are no types deposited in IFML. Eight females with the same collection data were deposited in USNM and Froeschner's collection. Therefore, probably the specimen we found at the IFML belonged to Froeschner's collection.


Supputius subtropicalisPirán 1956: 2–4.

Paratypes: 1♀, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Corrientes, Manantiales, XI-1946, T. de Apóstol col., THEM245; 1♀, same data, THEM246.

Comments: The male holotype and seven paratypes were deposited in Pirán's collection, one paratype in Daguerre's collection, one paratype in Duret's collection, one paratype in ZMHB, three in MNHNM, and three in the Laboratorio de Entomología de la Dirección de Agronomía de Montevideo.


Lincus repizcusRolston 1983: 24–26.

Holotype: ♂, Perú, Valle Chanchamayo, 800 m, 13-VIII-1951, leg. Weirauch, THEM226.

Comments: One paratype was deposited in USNM.

Neoadoxoplatys haywardiKormilev 1956: 5–6.

Holotype: ♂, Arg.[entina] Misiones, P[uer]to. Bemberg, 15-I-1945, THEM234.

Comments: According to the publication, the

holotype corresponds to a male from "Misiones, Iguazú, Hayward, Willink & Golbach cols., I-1945".


Agroecus reticulatus Rider & Rolston 1987: 430–432.

Holotype: ♀, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Tucumán, [El] Siambón, XII-[1]944, Olea col., THEM223.

Comments: One antennae is glued to a separate cardboard.

Berecynthus monrosiPirán 1963: 219–220.

Holotype: ♀, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Santiago, 8-13/II/1958, Monrós col., THEM225.

Mecidea pampeanaSailer 1952: 495–497.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, XI/XII-[19]44, R. Golbach col., THEM232; 1♂, same data, THEM229; 1♂, same data, THEM227; 1♂, same data, THEM231; 1♀, same data, THEM230; 1♀, same data, THEM228; 1♀, [Argentina], Tucumán, capital, IV-1932, THEM233.

Comments: The male holotype and six paratypes were deposited in USNM; additional paratypes in MACN (63 specimens), MLP (16 specimens), and BMNH (one specimen). According to the original publication three males and three females are missing in IFML.

Pallantia macunaimaGrazia 1980: 26–27.

Paratypes: 1♀, Paraguay, Carumbé, Dep.[artamento] San Pedro, 28-I/10-III-1965, R. Golbach col., THEM236; 1♀, same data, THEM238; 1♀, same data, 1-II/ 8-III-1966, THEM237.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in the MNRJ, additional four paratypes in the MZSP. According to the original publication there should be four paratypes, a female from "28-I" missing in IFML.

Solubea ornataSailer 1944: 124–126.

Paratypes: 2♂, P.[uerto] R.[ico], Hormigueros 1549, 11-X-[19]43, Oryza sativa, J. Brunet coll. Lot. No41-208/ 4, THEM241 and THEM242; 2♀, P.[uerto] R.[ico], Hormigueros 1549, 11-X-[19]43, Oryza sativa, J. Brunet coll. Lot. No41-208/4, THEM243 and THEM244.

Comments: The male holotype and 72 paratypes were deposited in USNM, additional paratypes in AMNH (17 specimens) and Uhler's collection (81 specimens). The original publication mentions 69 paratypes, none from IFML.

Stictochilus barbatusRolston & Rider 1986: 79–81.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Salta, Abra Grande, 4-15/ XII/[1]967, [R.] Golbach col., THEM239.

Comments: One paratype was deposited in AMNH, another paratype in Rolston's collection.

Stictochilus bituberculatus Rolston & Rider 1986: 81–82.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Tucumán, San Ramón, XI-1947, García col., THEM240.

Comments: One paratype was deposited in AMNH.

Thyanta acuminataRuckes 1956: 63–65.

Paratype: 1♂, [Argentina], Salta, Ruiz de los Llanos, II-1947, [R.] Golbach col., THEM247.

Comments: The holotype and 4 paratypes were deposited in AMNH; additional paratypes in CUIC (fve specimens), and USNM (5 specimens). The original description stated "Paratype...Ruiz de Los Llanos, May 7, 1920 (Goldbach) one male in the Wygodzinsky's collection".



Ischnodemus paramoides Slater & Wilcox 1969: 232–233.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Santa Fe, Villa Ana, II-[19]45, [K.J.] Hayward & [A.] Willink cols., THEM124.

Paratypes: 2♀, same data, II-[19]46, THEM126; 1♂ 1♀, same data, II-[19]45, THEM127; 2♀, same data, II-[19]45, THEM128; 2♀, same data, II-[19]46, THEM129.

Comments: Additional 16 paratypes were deposited in MLP, SMNH, BMNH, USNM and Slater's collection.

Ischnodemus pullusSlater & Wilcox 1969: 236.

Holotype: ♀, [Argentina], Catamarca, El Rodeo, I-[19]59, 1500 m, R. Golbach col., THEM125.

Patritiodemus minutus Slater & Ahmad 1969: 135–136.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Misiones, Caraguatay, 23-V-1954, Wittmer col., THEM 139.

Comments: The type locality is wrongly spelled in the publication as Caragnaty.

Reticulatodemus nitidus Slater & Wilcox 1966: 71–72.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Catamarca, El Rodeo, I-[19]59, 1500 m, R. Golbach col., THEM141.

Comments: One paratype was deposited in Slater's collection.

Riggiella vianaiKormilev 1949a: 6–11.

Paratypes: 1♀, [Argentina], Misiones, Puerto Bemberg, 22-I-[19]45 [K.J. Hayward, A. Willink & R. Golbach cols.], THEM142; 1♀, same data, THEM143; 1♀, same data, THEM144; 1♂, same data, 12-29/I/1945, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink y [R.] Golbach cols., THEM145.

Comments: The male holotype and two paratypes were deposited in MACN, one additional paratype in

MLP. According to the original description there should be two male and fve female paratypes from Puerto Bemberg, Misiones in IFML. The male specimen has the hemelytra glued to a separate cardboard.


Peruda monrosiKormilev 1949b: 378–382.

Holotype: ♂, [locality unknown] THEM058. Comments: According to the author the holotype was probably collected in Perú or Ecuador.



Lygaeus ashlockiBrailovsky 1978: 146–148.

Paratypes: 1♀, Perú, Tarma, 1-XII-[19]42, 3000 mts., W. Weirauch col., THEM132; 1♀, same data, THEM133.

Comments: The male holotype and two paratypes were deposited in AMNH, additional paratypes in MNHN (one specimen), and UNAM (two specimens).

Lygaeus froeschneriBrailovsky 1978: 127–128.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Peru], Puno, 3900 m, XII-[19]40, ex col. Weirauch, THEM131; 1♀, same data, THEM130.

Comments: Male holotype and nine paratypes were deposited in USNM, six paratypes in AMNH, and three paratypes in UNAM.

Lygaeus peruvianusBrailovsky 1978: 136–137.

Paratypes: 1♀, Peru, Rio Luria, 27-I-[19]55, THEM134; 1♀, Peru, Huanuco, 1900 m, 1-III-[19]47, W. Weirauch col., THEM135; 1♀, same data, THEM136; 1♂, Peru, Recuay, 3400 m, V-[19]40, Weirauch col., THEM137; 1♀ (without abdomen), Peru, Valle Chanchamayo, 15-VIII-1957 [800 m], leg. Weirauch, THEM138.

Comments: According to Brailovsky (1978), the male holotype and four paratypes were deposited in CAS; three paratypes in UNAM, and three in IFML. We found some disagreements between the publication and the paratypes examined in IFML, there is only one paratype from Río Luria, it is a male specimen and was deposited in UNAM. He also mentioned only male paratype/s from Huanuco deposited in IFML, but he did not mention the number of specimens, on the other hand the specimens THEM135 and THEM136 are from "Huanuco" and agree with the label data but are females.

Oxygranulobaphus willinki Brailovsky 1982: 267–269.

Paratypes: 1♂, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Salta, Aguaray, XI-1946, [O.] Budin col., THEM148; 1♂, same data, XI-[19]46, O. Budin col., THEM155; 1♂, same data, THEM161; 1♀, Argentina, Salta, Aguaray, XI-[19]46, [O.] Budin col., THEM160; 1♀, same data, THEM163; 1♀, same data, THEM157; 1♂, Chaco, Resistencia, 12-XI-[19]56, [A.] Willink & Monrós cols., THEM150; 1♀, Argentina, Chaco, Pampa del Indio, 16-XI-1950, [A.] Willink & Monrós cols., THEM152; 1♂, Misiones, P[uer]to. Aguirre, 3-4/II/[19]45, THEM167; 1♂, Argentina, Misiones, Bemberg, 14-30/III/1945, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM151; 1♀, Argentina, Salta, Oran, Abra Grande, 10/I-1/III/1967, R. Golbach col., THEM162; 1♀, same data, THEM146; 1♂, same data, THEM165; 1♀, same data, THEM166; 1♀, same data, THEM153; 1♀, same data, THEM164; 1♀, same data, THEM156; 1♀, same data, THEM149; 1♂, same data, THEM158; 1♂, same data, THEM169; 1♂, same data, THEM168; 1♀, same data, THEM159; 1♂, Paraguay, Isla Paranambú, I-1945, THEM154; 2♀, Bolivia, T arija, Ing. Bermejo, 14-28/II/1969, R. Golbach col., THEM147.

Comments: The male holotype and three paratypes were deposited in USNM; additional paratypes in AMNH (two specimens), BMNH (two specimens), MNHN (eight specimens), ZMHB (seven specimens), UNAM (12 specimens), and IFML (31 specimens). Brailovsky (1982) mentioned seven male and nine female paratypes from "Salta, Oran, Abra Grande"; and four male and four female paratypes from "Salta, Aguaray" deposited in IFML.


Robinsonocoris tingitoidesKormilev 1952: 10–11.

Paratype: ♂, [Chile], J.J. Fernandez [Miradero del Selkirk], 31-XII-[19]51, G. Kuschel col., THEM140.

Comments: The male holotype and four paratypes were deposited in Investigaciones Entomológicas, Universidad de Chile, one paratype in MACN, and four paratypes in Kormilev’s collection; probably one of these paratypes is the male deposited in IFML.



Stenomacra tungurahuanaBrailovsky & Mayorga 1997: 5–6.

Paratypes: 1♂, Ecuador, Baños, 1800 mts., Prov.[incia] Tungurahua, 4-IV-1958, W. Weyrauch [col.], THEM485; 1♀, same data, THEM486; 1♀, same data, 5-IV-1958, THEM487.

Comments: The male holotype and one paratype were deposited in UNAM, additional paratypes in MNHN (two specimens) and USNM (one specimen). The original publication stated that two males and two females form "Ecuador: Provincia Tungurahua: Banios (1800 mts.), 4/5-IV-58, W. Weyrauch" are deposited in IFML and UNAM.

Thaumastaneis nigricans Dellapé & Melo 2007: 22–24.

Paratype: 1♀, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Santiago, 8-13/II/1958, Monrós col., Thaumastaneissp. Det. M.V. Ahmat 1982, THEM123.

Comments: The male holotype was deposited in MACN.



Cydamus delponteiKormilev 1953c: 62–63.

Paratype: 1♂, Argent.[ina], Formosa, Clorinda, 22-27/ XII/[19]48, [R.] Golbach col., THEM001.

Comments: The male holotype and one paratype were deposited in MACN, additional paratypes in MLP (one specimen) and Duret's collection (four specimens).



Althos cribatissimusBrailovsky 1990: 34–35, 55.

Paratypes: 1♀, Argentina, Tucumán, Alto del Tio, km 94 ruta Tafí-Amaicha, 2700 m, 6-III-[19]68, A. Willink col., THEM062; 1♂, same data, THEM063; 1♂, same data, THEM064; 1♀ (without genitalia now) [Argentina], Jujuy, Tres Cruces, 3600 m, 20-XI-1979, [A.] Willink, [P.] Fidalgo & [E.] Dominguez cols., THEM065.

Comments: Female holotype and two paratypes were deposited in AMNH, additional paratypes in BMNH (three specimens) and UNAM (fve specimens). The original description mentioned only one female from "Alto del Tio" deposited in IFML.

Althos tucumanensisBrailovsky 1990: 79–80.

Holotype: ♂, Argentina, Tucumán, Aconpuija (sic, should be Aconquija), XI-[19]46, R. Golbach col., THEM059.

Paratypes: 2♀, same data as holotype, THEM060, THEM061.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in BMNH (one specimen), FSCA (one specimen), NMW (two specimens), and UNAM (fve specimens). According to the original description the holotype is a female.

Cebrenis chapadanaBrailovsky 1995: 52–54.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Brazil] Paracatu, M.[ato] G.[rosso], VI-1960, -86-60, Exp. Formosa col., THEM081; 1♀, same data, THEM080.

Comments: The male holotype and 26 paratypes were deposited in CMNH; additional paratypes in AMNH (one specimen), IMPA (fve specimens), MNRJ (one specimen), MPEG (two specimens), and UNAM (eight specimens).

Cebrenis cautaBrailovsky 1995: 75–81.

Paratypes: 1♂, [Argentina], Misiones, THEM070; 1♂, Argentina, Misiones, Iguazú, X-1980, col. Dr. Carpintero, THEM072; 1♂, Argentina, Mendoza, Uspallata, 15-I-1947, [K.J.] Hayward & [A.] Willink cols., THEM071; 1♂, same data, THEM074; 1♂, Argentina, Misiones, Iguazú, 30-I-13-III-[19]45, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM075; 1♂, same data, THEM066; 1♂, same data, THEM069; 1♀, same data, THEM078; 1♂, Misiones, Puerto Iguazú, Alto Paraná, III-[19]45, A. Willink col., THEM077; 1♂, same data, THEM067; 1♂, Argentina, Misiones, Iguazú, 28-II-[1]945, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM073; 1♀, Argentina, Misiones, P[uer]to Iguazú, 24-XI-[19]80, A. Willink col., THEM076; 1♀, same data, THEM079; 1♀, Argentina, Misiones, Iguazú, 10-IX-[19]81, R. Foerster col., THEM068.

Comments: The male holotype and 36 paratypes were deposited in UNAM, additional paratypes in AMNH (nine specimens), BMNH (seven specimens), CAS (nine specimens), CMNH (four specimens), EMEC (four specimens), IRNB (two specimens), MACN (seven specimens), MIZA (six specimens), MLP (one specimens), MNHN (two specimens), MNRJ (six specimens), MPEG (two specimens), MZH (fve specimens), NHMB (six specimens), TAMU (fve specimens), USNM (three specimens), ZIN (37 specimens), and Slater’s collection (fve specimens). One specimen deposited in IFML is missing.

Eubule nigraBrailovsky 1992a: 203–207.

Paratype: 1♂, Peru, Matucana, Rio Rimac, 23-VI-[19]57, 2400 m, W. Weyrauch, THEM082.

Comments: The male holotype and one paratype were deposited in USNM, additional paratypes in BMNH (two specimens), UNAM (two specimens), and ZMUA (one specimen). Pygophore glued to a separate cardboard.

Paryphes pullulusBrailovsky 1986a: 108–110.

Paratype: 1♀, [Brasil], Para, R.[ío] Cumina, Cach. Tronco, 24-VIII-[19]36, Almeida [col.], THEM083.

Comments: Male holotype and 22 paratypes were deposited in CMNH, additional paratypes in CAS (one specimen), INPA (two specimens), MNRJ (three specimens), MPEG (one specimen), MZSP (two specimens), and UNAM (seven specimens). According to the original description this paratype was deposited in CMNH.

Petersitocoroides similis Brailovsky 1992b: 195, 198.

Paratype: 1♀, Brasil, Santa Catarina, Pinhal, XII-[1]952, Anton Maller col., THEM084.

Comments: The male holotype and one paratype were deposited in RNHL, additional paratypes in AMNH (one specimen), MPEG (one specimen), and UNAM (fve


Piezogaster bolivianusBrailovsky 1993: 113–114.

Holotype: ♂, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Santiago, 8-13/II/1958, Monrós col., THEM085.

Comments: One female paratype was deposited in UNAM.

Scamurius bachmanniBrailovsky 1986b: 37–38.

Holotype: ♂, [Argentina], Santa Fe, 5-III-[19]46, THEM086.

Paratypes: 1 (without genitalia), same data, THEM087; 1♀, same data, THEM088.

Comments: Two additional paratypes were deposited in UNAM.

Sethenira malloiPirán 1962: 166–167.

Paratype: 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Los Toldos, [2400 m], 21-III-[19]60, R. Golbach col., THEM092.

Comments: The female holotype was deposited in MLP, additional paratypes in Pirán's collection (seven specimens) and Instituto de Patología Vegetal (INTA) (one specimen). In the original description the author lists a male paratype with the following data: "Los Perales, Jujuy, 3-II-1950, col. F. Monrós- A. Willink" also deposited at the IFML; but aparently this specimen was not deposited in the collection as it is also not mentioned in Hayward (1963).

Sundarus sheilaeBrailovsky 1988: 582–583.

Holotype: ♂, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, El Cidral, I-1962, R. Golbach col., THEM090.

Paratype: 1♀, same data, THEM089.

Comments: Additional paratypes were deposited in AMNH (one specimen) and UNAM (one specimen).

Vazquezitocoris catamarcanus Brailovsky 1990: 132–133.

Holotype: ♀, Argentina, Catamarca, El Rodeo, 28-I-[19]58, R. Golbach col., THEM091.

Comments: According to the original description the holotype was deposited in UNAM.


Jadera chopraiGöllner-Scheiding 1979: 53–55.

Paratypes: 1♂, Bolivia, Dep[ar]t.[amento] Santa Cruz, Prov.[incia] Cordillera, Las Juntas, II-1947, Peredo col., THEM423; 1♀, same data, THEM424; 1♂, Bolivia, Dep[ar]t.[amento] Santa Cruz, Prov.[incia] Cordillera, Cabezas, I-1947, Peredo col., THEM421 (head and pronotum separated); 1♀, same data, I-1947, THEM422.

Comments: The male holotype and additional three paratypes were deposited in ZMHB.

Jadera golbachiiGöllner-Scheiding 1979: 56–57.

Paratypes: 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Oran, Abra Grande, 10-I/1-III/[19]67, R. Golbach col., THEM416; 1♂, Argentina, Catamarca, El Alto, 11-I-1960, [A.] Willink & [Z.] Tomsic cols., THEM417; 1♀, same data, THEM418; 1♀, same data, THEM419; 1♀, same data, THEM420.

Comments: The male holotype and one additional paratype were deposited in ZMHB.


Phymata fortificata patagonica Kormilev 1953a: 89–91.

Comments: In the original description of this species the following specimens are mentioned as paratypes: "1♂ 1♀, Neuquén; 9♂ 5♀, Río Negro, Río Colorado, Hayward & Willink cols.". We found the following material that could be part of the type series: "1♂, Arg., Río Negro, Río Colorado, 13-XI-46, Hayward & Willink cols.; 3♂ 7♀, Río Colorado, Gob. Río Negro, 16-XI-46; 1♂ 1♀, same data, 7-XI-46; 1♂, Neuquén, 21/29-XI-46, Hayward & Willink cols.". This last specimen is the only one labeled as paratype; but as it does not match exactly with the data given by the author, the condition of the specimen as paratype is doubtful.



Trichocorixa milicorumBachmann 1979: 326–329.

Paratypes: 3♂ 3♀, Río Negro, Jagüel de los Milicos, 20 km N Villa Regina, cuerpo de agua hipersalino con sales cristalizadas en el fondo, 5-X-1964, A. O. Bachmann legit.


Pseudosaldula salina Schuh & Polhemus 2009: 55-57.

Paratypes: 2♂ 1♀, Jujuy: 9 km W jct Rts 40 & 52 on E side of Salinas Grandes, 23.56666° S; 65.83333° W, 3440 m, 16-II-993, R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus.


Zelurus quiquin Lent & Wygodzinsky 1954: 434–437.

Paratypes: 1♂, Gua[ya]pa, Patquia, La Rioja, 28-I-1947; 1♂, Yacanto, Breyer col. (IMR).

Zelurus sororius guarani Lent & Wygodzinsky 1954: 428–430.

Paratype: 1♂, Paraguay, Colonia Independencia, Foerster col. (IMR1244).



Atopozelus omalusElkins 1954a: 47.

Specimen: Paratype ♂, [Argentina], Salta, Tartagal, 21-VII-1944, THEM292.

Comments: The specimen is not listed among the type material.

Atrachelus (Phorobura) ignobilis Stål 1859: 368.

Specimen: Homeotype, 1 without abdomen, R.[epública] A.[rgentina], Mis.[iones], Iguazú, 30-I/13-III/ 1945, [K.J.] Hayward, [A.] Willink & [R.] Golbach cols., THEM284.

Comment: The term “homeotype” refers to a specimen that has been compared with the holotype, but does not have the status of type.

Pothea amoenaMiller 1956: 8–9.

Specimen: Paratype, 1♀, Misiones, arroyo Yacutinga, 29-XI-[19]51, vv: ii: N.K. Monrós; Pothea amoena (Miller 1956) det. Dr. Carpintero, THEM330.

Comments: Miller described this species based on a male from "Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul" deposited in Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. Carpintero (1978) redescribed the species and designated a female paratype, an invalid action.

Daraxa (Daraxacera) annulipes Carpintero 1980: 18.

Specimen: Metatipo, 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Anta, Segunda sección, El Dorado, VI-[1]948, A. Luna col., THEM321; 1♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, Los Perales, 3-II-[19]50, [A.] Willink & Monrós cols., THEM315; 1♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, ciudad, XII-[19]47, THEM314; 1♂, [Argentina], Jujuy, ciudad, I-[19]48, THEM318; 1♀, [Argentina], Jujuy, Mision, 5-V-[19]48, THEM316; 1♂, [Argentina], Jujuy, 27-I, THEM317; 1♀, [Argentina], Salta, Cafayate, 5-III-1950, [K. J.] Hayward col., THEM311; 1♂, [Argentina, Tucumán], [El] Siambón, [1]946, Oleh col., THEM319.

Comments: This species was described based on a male holotype from "Córdoba, Argentina" deposited at Carpintero’s collection, and a female paratype from "Tucumán, Argentina" deposited in the MACN. The term “metatype” (or “metatipo” in Spanish) refers to a specimen identifed by the author of the species after the year of publication of the name.

Daraxa (Daraxa) breddini Carpintero 1980: 15.

Specimens: Metatipos: 1♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, Tacanas, Trancas, I-[19]49, [P.] Arnaud col., THEM312; 1♂, [Argentina], Tucumán, San Pedro de Colalao, I-[19]51, P. Arnaud col., THEM310; 1♂, same data, THEM313.

Comments: This species was described based only on a male holotype from "Salta, Argentina" deposited in Carpintero's collection.

Pseudodaraxa littoralisCarpintero 1980: 20.

Specimen: Metatipo, 1♂, [Argentina], Entre Ríos, Concordia, [19]79, Viana col., THEM341.

Comments: This species was described based on a male holotype from "Entre Rios, Argentina" deposited in Carpintero's collection, and ten male paratypes from the same locality than the holotype, from which eight were deposited in MACN and two in Carpintero's collection. Although the localities match with the type specimens the collector is different.

Brontostoma nanusCarpintero 1980: 12–13.

Specimen: Metatipo, 1♀, Bolivia, Santa Cruz, El Cidral, I-1962, R. Golbach col., THEM300.

Comments: This species was described based only on a male holotype from “Paraguay” deposited in Martinez's collection.

Cricetopareis paraguayaCarpintero 1980: 28–29.

Specimens: Metatipos, 1♂, [Argentina], Misiones, San Pedro, 16-XI-1973, Escobar & Claps cols., THEM302; 1♂, same data, THEM303; 1♂, same data, THEM304; 1♂, same data, THEM305; 1♂, same data, THEM306; 1♂, same data, THEM307; 1♀, same data, THEM308 (brachypterous); 1♂, same data, THEM309.

Comments: This species was described based on a male holotype from “Paraguay” deposited at Carpintero's collection; and 13 paratypes from “Paraguay and Argentina (Misiones)” deposited in MACN, ISM and Martinez's collection.

Pothea vianaiCarpintero 1978: 224–238.

Specimens: (all labeled as paratypes) 1♀, Paraguay, Departamento San Pedro Carumbé, I-[1]971, col. R. Golbach, THEM 331; 1♀, Argentina, Misiones, San Javier, 21-XI-1973, Escobar-Claps [cols.], THEM 332.

Comments: This species was described based on a male holotype and 13 paratypes from Argentina and were deposited in MACN and MLP; none of them match with the data of the specimens in IFML.

Rhiginia ruficoriaMaldonado Capriles 1972: 49–51.

Specimen: Paratype, 1♂, V. Hermoso, Córdoba, III-1966; Rhiginia argentina n. sp. det. Dr. Carpintero; Rhiginia rufcoriadet. Maldonado C. 1972, THEM343.

Comments: This species was described based on a male holotype from "Argentina, Tucumán" deposited at the AMNH, and paratypes from "Santiago del Estero and Chaco provinces" in Argentina all deposited at AMNH and in Maldonado Capriles’ collection.

Stenolemus decarloiWygodzinsky 1947: 137–139.

Specimen: Paratype, [Argentina], Jujuy, I-1948, THEM353.

Comments: This species was described based on a female holotype from "Córdoba, Argentina" deposited in MACN and a female paratype from “Bolivia” deposited in USNM.

Stenolemus saileriWygodzinsky 1947: 139–142.

Specimen: Paratype ♂, Chapare, Bolivia, Zibclika col., THEM354.

Comments: This species was described based only on a female holotype deposited at the USNM.

Spiniger arnaui Costa Lima & Costa Leite 1950: 146.

Specimen: Paratype ♀ (allotype), [Argentina], Tucumán, XII-[1]945, THEM407.

Comments: This species was described based only on a male from "Tucumán, Argentina"; but in 1954, Lent & Wygodzinsky redescribed the species and designated one female from "Tucumán" as allotype of the valid name Zelurus arnaui(Costa Lima & Costa Leite).


Arocera contralineataPirán 1955: 82–84.

Specimen: Paratype ♀, [Argentina], Salta, Cafayate, IV-1946, K.J. Hayward col., THEM224.

Comments: This species was described based on a male holotype from “Corrientes, Argentina”, and paratypes from “Corrientes, Jujuy and Salta (Argentina), and Paraguay”, the only specimen mentioned as deposited in IFML is a male with the following data: "Calilegua, Jujuy, leg. Ing. F. Monrós". The holotype and paratypes were deposited in Pirán’s collection, additional paratypes are in the MLP and the Colección de Zoología Agrícola del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Argentina.


Piezosternum thunbergiStål 1860: 28–29.

Specimen: Paratype ♀, [Argentina], Misiones, Aristóbulo del Valle, 28-I-[19]51, Monrós & [A.] Willink cols., THEM235.

Comments: This species was described based on a male from "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" almost a century before the specimen labeled as paratype was collected.

We thank the staff of the Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo for their support during our visits to the collection. This study was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científcas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina, and the following grants: PIP 0249 (2013-2015), and UNLP grant N784.


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Brailovsky, H. (1990) Revisión del Complejo Althos con descripción de géneros nuevos y especies nuevas (Hemiptera-Heteroptera-Coreidae-Coreini). Publicaciones especiales del Instituto de Biología, UNAM, N°5, 156 pp.

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Brailovsky, H. (1992b) Un género y tres especies nuevas de coreidos neotropicales (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Coreini). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, serie Zool. 63(2), 185–199.

Brailovsky, H. (1993) Género nuevo y especies nuevas de Coreidos neotropicales (Hemiptera-Heteroptera-Coreidae: Acanthocerini, Chariesterini, Coreini, Discogastrini, Leptoscelidini y Nematopodini). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, serie Zool. 64(2), 109–127.

Brailovsky, H. (1995) Revisión del complejo Cebrenis (Hemiptera-Heteroptera-Coreidae-Coreinae-Coreini). Publicación especial del Instituto de Biología, UNAM, 15, 1–124.

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