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Visión de futuro

Print version ISSN 1668-8708On-line version ISSN 1669-7634

Vis. futuro vol.20 no.1 Miguel Lanus June 2016


Human Management: an Organizational Strategic Partner

(*) Montoya Agudelo, César Alveiro; (**)Boyero Saavedra, Martín Ramiro; (***) Guzmán Monsalve, Verónica Tatiana

(*)Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Afines
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

(**)Escuela de Administración
Fundación Universitaria CEIPA - Institución Universitaria Escolme
Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

(***)Facultad de Ciencias Financieras y Contables
Institución Universitaria Escolme
Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Reception Date: 10/07/2015 – Aprpoval Date: 10/30/2015


This document is a reflection against the value that represents human management as a strategic partner for organizational success. This paper aims at presenting to the academic community descriptively actions developed by this area and its contribution to corporate development. The methodology used to develop this document was based on the literature review of secondary sources which has emphasized human management as a strategic process in achieving the objectives and goals of the company.
As a result of this reflection, a document in which the possibility of proposing a vision for the management of human resources in any organization argues is presented that is based on the design of different strategies such as process management and competency management, whereby human capital that meets the needs of the corporation can be achieved. Today organizations are required to have an area of ​​human resource management in the past to stop the operational functions and becomes manager of value to the organization, coordinating its work with organizational strategy and moving from being a simple executor area to an area advises that supports decision-making.

KEY WORDS: Strategic Direction; Competency Management; Competencies; Human Resources Management.


The current context has meant for organizations a set of transformations product of social, economic and political complex processes that have pushed reconsidered in order to meet the challenges of a globalized world, with flows accelerated information and a growing demand for higher levels of competitiveness and productivity. This crisis has schemes with traditionally thought of human management and has led to a set of restatements seeking, among other things, conceived as a strategic component of the company.
Such changes are reflected in the development of activities of employees within the organization, including those pertaining to the construction of knowledge, for which there needs to be a greater construction and maturity of teamwork, all once the human capital of the organization is the only one who can participate in the construction, hence it is considered as the most important asset available to the organization, bearing in mind that knowledge constitutes an intangible value that impacts so directly on tangible results as the gain or profitability of the organization.
Employees are the ones who ensure business competitiveness, thanks to their commitment and work, they are the agents responsible for innovation, change and knowledge management that takes place in it. This makes it essential that the organization will have an area within its administrative structure that is directed towards the development and welfare of each of the partners.
For some organizations, the area of human management is a department that aims to work operatively, ie providing traditional human resources services to employees and has even been considered a source of unavoidable operating costs for the company, which should be minimized or whose investment is, in the worst case, accessory or optional previous. What makes it necessary that this area pass the operative to the strategic and to achieve this, requires a model of human resource management function as a strategic partner, to thereby contribute to the achievement of the objectives. Therefore, we present in this paper some elements to be taken into account that can lead to human resource departments to be a strategic support department within the organization (Montoya, 2013).
In this sense this article reflects on the value that represents have a comprehensive human management model that can serve as strategic support for the fulfillment of the objectives in the organization, purpose, therefore, is presented by way of consideration some postulates related to process management and competence and usefulness for developing the area. Similarly, it is a warning of explicit processes analysis and job design way, selection, recruitment and induction, training and development, performance evaluation, health occupation and occupational hygiene, as essential processes for linking employees and would help to achieve the strategic objectives in the organization (Snell and Bohlander, 2013).


A generalized problematic mode

Undoubtedly, for an institution to grow and be competitive it requires not only the design of strategies that are aimed at achieving its objectives, but must venture into organizational models, for example, process management. It is important to note that the latter is achieved only if it has a human capital to ensure there is compliance with the mission objectives, which are achieved through their work. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations have in its organizational structure with an area or department that is responsible for managing the human enterprise. This area must transcend in their operation and become a department that is responsible not only for all the human capital that makes up the organization, but it is necessary to have clear value representing an articulation of the work that develop in it with institutional strategies. The development of the above, would transcend the idea of ​​an executing task area to become a department that advises and supports decision-making processes in the organization.
It is important to note that for some organizations such as micro and small enterprises human management has gone from being an operating process that does not add value to the institution and such, its development has been slow, ignoring the enormous possibilities that can result from its execution and its position as a strategic area.
This is based on that in organizations, department or human resource departments only serves to conduct operational activities such as recruitment, hiring, welfare and occupational health, leaving aside the strategic activity that contributes to the achievement or compliance with institutional objectives set from the management level (Chiavenato, 2002). It is from the above that those organizations that have not yet given the value that should represent the area in charge of the management of people in the institution, must develop a comprehensive model of human management to establish their contribution to the strategic processes. It is for this reason that in the following lines are presented some important aspects to consider when it comes to develop a human resource management process in the organization.

Method and results

For the development of this work, it has resorted to the systematic search for information on secondary sources in order to generate a discussion paper to turn around the value it represents for the organization have a process of human management characterized by quality and support to lead this area to establish itself as a support department management processes and decision making for any organization.
As a result of this literature search, this document is presented as a reference and reflection for the generation of future research processes aimed at strengthening human management of the organization as essential for organizational development and corporate competitiveness.

A theoretical approach

By having an approach to conceptualizing given by some authors about what is a company, we have a common denominator in that concept that the human as essential to fulfill the goals defined axis is present. For the above organizations have been concerned to seek improvements in the work, personal and family of his colleagues from the requirements of globalization and competitiveness conditions. On the other hand, today has given a competency approach to the issue of human resources, as this methodology has offered organizations a new proposal on the effective and efficient management staff. To clarify more precisely what was presented above, some key concepts that will be the starting point for the breakdown of the issue of human management as a strategically in the organization from the competence approach are retaken.

¿And what is understood by company?

By making a conceptual tracing, you can detect various definitions as there are types of companies. It is for this, which are some concepts of companies focused on economic, legal, philosophical and administrative, among others. Now, without going against the concepts developed by theorists with expertise in the subject, to this document the company is understood as an initiative that integrates human, financial, physical, technological and market, with the aim of achieving a self-sustaining through the sale of products or services (Chiavenato, 2001).
Furthermore, should be noted that today companies can be classified as social entities with characteristics and lifetime, insofar as it is made up of people, which facilitates and promotes human development as the primary purpose, since it allows personal growth and professional of each of its members and influences in a direct way in the economic environment of the social environment acts.

¿How to understand the company as a system?

According to Serrano, a system is made up of a number of elements that are interrelated and are designed to achieve a specific goal. In other words, systems in the organization are composed of entries that may be those inputs from the surrounding environment, which then require processing or transformation for an output, which is one result of the operation of the system, which requires a feedback to keep their balance. It is necessary to emphasize that systems so that they can exist and function, require an environment that provides them with sufficient resources for its existence, as accurate to dump their results.
The systems have two classifications: closed and open. The closed ones are characterized by having few entries and exits in relation to the environment, while open have more entries and exits and are related to the environment. On the other hand, for Bertalanffy-father of the general theory of systems- his theory may represent a model of analysis of the organization, where there are parts of it that can be called subsystems -sector or areas of the company- that may be interrelated and are part of the macrosystem,ie the company, which have a direct interaction with the environment. Following the line of the above, one could say the business system can be represented by:

Figure Nº 1: Elements of the business system

Source: Own Elaboration Adapted from Martinez, 2014

According to the above figure, the company has a number of entries that when they are processed are obtained outputs, ie products or services that meet market needs. This exchange process as an open system has a constant feedback to assess the fulfillment of goals, plans or objectives proposed by the organization.
When one speaks of areas, departments or divisions in the business field, it is referring to those subsystems, which are commonly composed of:

  • Subsystem of the production area: the aim of this is to formulate and develop the most accurate way, the production of the organization through the coordination of supplies and labor, equipment, materials, facilities and other aspects required between elements.

  • Subsystem of marketing area: try to identify and consolidate the factors and more inclusive facts on the market, in order to meet consumer needs and make available at all times, in the right place and at the right price, all services or products generated by the organization.

  • Subsystem of financial area: the aim of this area is raising funds and providing the capital required for the operation of the organization, seeking to have the precise financial means for each department, so they are used in the most correct way

  • Subsystem of human management area: their purpose is the conservation and proper management of human group that meets corporate goals. The fundamental processes of this area are the recruitment, selection, training and development of the most important elements for the functioning of the company: people.

In general terms the company can be viewed as a system that works by processes which work together to fulfill the objectives set by the organization in order to meet their quality policies and its own functional approach. Therefore, is presented below a reflection of what today could be as corporate strategic direction, in order to route the above mentioned direction towards the consolidation of a process of human management that meets the needs of the organization of the XXI century.

Strategic Direction of BusinessManagement

Strategic direction seeks to define the business in a short, medium or long term, mediated by strategies key to guide the direction to be taken by the organization to determine the quality of its products, its services and the market in which you compete. Similarly, the strategic direction is seeking to create a unique, sustainable position in time, differentiated, difficult to imitate and economically profitable, which requires differentiating activities that are perceived and valued by customers, in order to achieve the goals and objectives defined to the satisfaction of the stakeholders and the projection of the organization.

We can not forget that the aim of the strategy is to be positioned in a unique way the organization in the middle, taking advantage of the opportunities in the environment, which takes into account the mission, vision and values that have been defined for the organization. In accordance with the foregoing, it could be
“in Colombia the strategic direction is defined as the product resulting from the planning stage in the strategic management process and that this arises from the definition of a vision, mission and objectives that determine the strategies followed by the organization” (Calderon, 2008, p. 55).

In general, the strategies of most companies are focused on obtaining a favorable growth, why, strategic planning constitutes a tool that would allow managers to carry out monitoring against the objectives and identify strengths that will enable the organization to have a competitive advantage in the development of their activities in the best way, this because the challenge they face today's organizations is becoming more efficient and effective to respond to the needs of your target audience and as such, the strategic approach must be consistent with such needs as otherwise this attitude would focus regarding the true achievement of its objectives.
It is important that the organization haS clear that all processes are defined in it and must be strategically addressed, so that there is a gear and can achieve efficiency and competitiveness is increasingly demanded by the market. It is for this that the human management process should begin restructuring its operation and stop being a simple operational support area, to become a strategic process that generates value for the organization.
However, human management that takes place in the organization, can be viewed from a strategic perspective as a subsystem of the organization that necessarily requires interaction with other subsystems that are carried out in the organization, which receives stimulation from internal and external environment that allow you to determine its functionality, and can also be viewed as a unit running processes that must be aligned with the mission and vision of the organization and constitute the organizational guide.
In this line of thought, you can understand then that human management becomes the assistance centerso the organization could meet its purposes through the development of processes such as design offices, personnel selection, training and development and performance management, among others. A point to be noted is that the administration of human management has no universal laws or principles and such, we can say that is contingency, as it always depends on the organizational situation, environment, technology adopted by the organization, existing policies and guidelines, administrative philosophy, quality and quantity of human resources and the organization has conception of man and nature. Therefore, one could say that

 “a management model of human resource management that is successful when applied to an organization at a certain time, might not be in another organization or in the same organization at one time, since everything changes, needs experience changes and management of human management must take into account these constant changes that occur in organizations and in their environments. In addition, administration of this process is not an end in itself but a means to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations, through the work of people who can establish favorable conditions for them to achieve individual goals”(Chiavenato, 2001, p. 152-153).

It could be argued that depending on the location in the company of human management process, its importance to the organization would be defined. That is, ifthe organization has a chief of staff dedicated only to make reports to the managing director, would mean that this process only has the functionality of liquidating wages to employees and develop other aspects of administrative nature. Now if on the contrary, there are in the organization a manager who reports to the general direction it could understand that the organization cares and human resource is valued. Today human management has gained an important position in the various stages of the organization, roles that are characterized by:
• An administration which considers people
• Promoting teamwork as how to generate synergy where the process of individual development, collective, organizational and where the achievement of the set objectives is facilitated favors.
• Leadership is stressed at work, ie, the leader motivates employees by defining objectives that allow organizational effectiveness.
• The relations between the other functions of the organization, human resource management generate opportunities to begin a process of linking heads with administrative matters of human talent.
One thing to keep in mind is that the planning process can also be applied to human resources and this constitutes in:

“one of the key actions for personnel management develop effectively and working together across the organization is achieved, since this process involves anticipate all staffing needs that the company in its different functional areas”(Montoya, 2013, p. 29).

Undoubtedly, human management must become a true partner of the organization that contributes to the development of a better process of selection, training, welfare, compensation and relevant strategic capabilities for institutional growth, as "human resource professionals add value when their work helps someone achieve their goals" (Ulrich, 2006, p. 22).

Human Management processes

In the area of human resource management processes that lead to linking a staff that meets the needs of the organization and help to fulfill the mission, vision and established organizational objectives are developed. Then these processes are described and analyzed under a competence approach, as presented in the figure below:

Figure N° 2: Human Management Processes

Source:Own Elaboration Adapted from García, 2009, p. 15

Analysis and job design: this is a systematic process of gathering and analyzing information on aspects such as: the tasks, specific requirements, the context in which tasks are performed and the type of person who should be hired for this position. The work of analysis and design of jobs is a task performed by specialized personnel in the area of human resource management and should be performed in the company of the leader or director of the area being analyzed, since it is one who knows more accurate data the job that is intervening because it is the primary source to provide information on job duties, responsibilities, authority, relationship with other posts and in general, anything that relates to the position itself.
However, analysis and job descriptions based on competencies must be carried out in different phases, because actions should be aimed at identifying the competencies that must be present in the partner who is to run the office, this in order that has an outstanding performance from the start and ensure from the execution of the task that the results are aligned with business strategies proposed. It is important to note that this process must be complemented with the design relating to the personal characteristics of future executor of the task (Torres and Jaramillo, 2014).

Selection, recruitment and induction of staff: the selection is a process in which a number of specific procedures that are used to have arguments which applicants should be hired by the organization are developed. This process begins at the moment is presented by a person a job application and hiring ends when one of the candidates is decided. For the development of this process, it takes into account three elements:

  • The information generated by the job analysis provides a description of the tasks to be developed, like human specifications and level of performance required for the employee.

  • The short and long-term human resourcesplans allow us to know what the future vacancies are more accurately, like lead allow the selection process in a logical and orderly manner.

  • A set of candidates that constitute a group of suitable candidates, which can be selected who meets the requirements established by the organization (Montoya, 2013).

The above items are those that allow that effective arguments for the selection process. However, in the selection of personnel competency, it is intended that people not only have a place in the organization, but possess a range of skills to develop their activities in the best way. It is why we must use methods to assess such competencies so that the organization can make a selection process that meets those competencies that address the role of the institution (Gallego, 2007).
It is important to note that, today, has as selection criteria identifying those competencies that must be present in people, in order to ensure successful performance in office. It is for this that factors such as age, sex or the same education, which traditionally have become determining factors in the selection process, go to the background and given relevance to the powers of differentiation are those ensure successful performance.

Steps Competency Selection: is part of the idea that to detect those competencies that are key to a job, it must be borne in mind aspects such as mission, vision and goals of the organization, its action plan, organizational culture and its course, the required competence (Montoya, 2013).
Similarly, it should be remembered that it is necessary to detect the key features that have candidates and that have a true causal relationship with a superior job performance. In this regard, it is important to use new formats of interviews, manuals competition and group dynamics. It is equally important to constantly monitor the behavior of the powers that were observed in the selection, it must be borne in mind that the objective model of competencies not in itself the development of the person, but the competitive achievement of the organization.

Recruitment: This process consists of a series of steps that meet legal requirements and is reflected from an existing contractual document between the employee and the organization, according to some obligations and commitments under the protection of the law.

Induction: this action organizations aim to make integration of new collaborators context, through an initiation ceremony and social integration institutional practices and philosophy. This action also seeks to release the new collaborator of old habits and prejudices which are undesirable in the behavior of those who recently started. In the manner described above, the organization welcomes new members and integrated into its culture, its history and its context, this in order that their behavior the most appropriate and meets the expectations of the company
However, at the induction process will be defined the following objectives, which would have as objectives:
• Establish relationships between new employees and those who already have long been offering its services to the organization, with the firm intention that they can rely on the development of the specific tasks of the position starts.
• Develop new employees a favorable attitude towards political, culture, peers and history of the company that receives it as a new member of the organization.
• Provide new employees the opportunity to acquire a sense of belonging and acceptance by the organization, with the aim of generating more enthusiasm for the development of the activities of the office.
 It should be noted that the time spent on the induction of the new member of the organization, time constitutes a fundamental piece so that there is a good relationship between the employee and the organization, since the induction should make clear institutional policies. It is important to note that the induction process is important in the organization as the same affiliation to the social security system.

Training and development

Sometimes, not all new employees have all the skills required to perform well in the organization, this is why it is necessary to have guidance and training them, which would allow the positive attitude of staff is increased. Should be noted that the training helps for people to perform their current job and as such, its benefits can be extended throughout working life can contribute as a good performance for fulfilling future responsibilities. Some of the benefits you can get training, we can highlight:
• A driving toward high profitability and more positive attitudes
• Increasedmorale of theworkforce
• Allows employees to identify their objectives and their relationship with those established by the organization
• Better organizational image is created
• Promotes development with a view to promoting
• Future training needs are identified at all levels
• There is an increase in productivity and quality of work
• The formation of leaders
• Development of competences present and future (Werther et al., 2014)
Undoubtedly, the cost of training and development is high when considered globally and as such, affects the budget of the different areas of the organization so it is necessary that the organization makes available to its partners a range of opportunities where trainers have previously analyzed the needs for each specific course, with the aim of determining the need for training. It is necessary to bear in mind that the needs analysis the objectives of the training and development should emerge as should be planned course content from such objectives.

One of the many concerns that organizations face and especially the area of ​​human management, is the one that has to do with the contribution that this area offers the organization in training to achieve stated objectives in the organization. Traditionally, the imaginary which has the area of ​​human management is that it contributes through training to achieving the objectives and that its role has been based on planning and executing training programs, even though it is unknown whether or not the susceptible to its development potential or possible relationship with strategic business plans.
However, please note that training programs and development should be offered according to the needs of the present and the future, either collaborators or of the same organization, in that sense, your goal is to develop competencies to the needs of each process so that this increased value is achieved throughout the production chain. Finally, it is noted that the training and development programs should no longer be massive and should aim to meet specific needs, according to the areas or processes required to achieve success strengthen them (Wayne, 2010).

Performance evaluation

This process is to evaluate not only the general development of the employee, but must make an assessment from performance of the position, role behavior who holds the position -must be noted that the performance of their duties is situational and this varies from person a person and various factors that influence the performance. With performance evaluation not only seek to measure performance, but the attitudes, skills, abilities, creativity and innovation, that is, it seeks to evaluate how the employee has assumed both the responsibility and the work of the office he has held for a certain time.
With performance evaluation, can measure the potential of employees, the problems in the workplace can be presented, the strengths and weaknesses that may have the charge, as the same partner. Similarly, with performance evaluation that will determine the features you should consider the company to identify weaknesses and strengths that can have the position and the employee evaluated. The 360° performance evaluation allows assessment to be made by the immediate supervisor, the employee and a pair. This type of evaluation should be accompanied by the human resources area so that it is they who can analyze the results of that evaluation. Now, among the objectives pursued with this type of evaluation can be highlighted
• Seek treatment of human resources as a key competitive advantage for the organization.
• Provide equal opportunities, growth and participation in each of the collaborators of the company, taking into account both the objectives of the organization and the individual.
It is necessary to bear in mind that methods for evaluation are different and this can be seen in its presentation and in the same aspects to be evaluated from time to time in the company, according to your needs. Time to be used for the implementation of the assessment may vary depending on the goal you want to achieve with this assessment, ie, if it is to develop the target performance for the next period, there must be longer than if only make evaluation. On the other hand, it must be remembered that the assessment should be performed at least once every year.
When trying to make a performance evaluation based on competencies, it is necessary to distinguish performance evaluation only, since the latter is usually associated with the classification of the results is performed by the head towards his colleagues and sometimes may be related with the salary increase; while the competency assessment is geared towards increasing the level of quality in performance that may have collaborator. Now, to meet the above, it is necessary to verify the characteristics of the job and its requirements regarding academic and professional training of the employee registered in your resume, as with the degree of updating their knowledge, skills, skills and competencies, to thereby establish action plans, both positive aspects to develop potential collaborator, and those who are negative to correct (Gallego, 2007).
It is necessary to bear in mind that the action plans that result in the assessment process should be aimed at conducting courses in the case of leverage training in skills required for a job, whether that such training is of nature technical or administrative. Similarly, management indicators should be defined and evaluated jointly to track the causes of deviation, this in order to define the necessary corrective measures to improve the process target.
According to Chiavenato (2002), assessment 360° emerges as a novelty in which employees are evaluated by the people around them, and in which they can make a major gathering information since it comes from bosses, colleagues, peers, subordinates, customers and generally of all persons with whom the employee has a relationship and interaction. Companies that have implemented competency management, usually resort to the evaluation of 360°, this because this type of evaluation is based on a scheme that allows the evaluation of the person throughout their environment, ie heads, peers, subordinates and customers.
The evaluation 360° can be conceived as a process by which a group of people value to another through a series of elements, items or factors that have previously been established and are related to the observable behavior of the daily development of a collaborator their work activities.
Feedback 360° (Alles, 2008), is another name that could be found evaluation 360°, which constitutes the most novel way to assess the performance of employees, since with it you can address people toward the meeting their needs and fulfilling the expectations not only of the head against the employee, but of all those who receive the services of the person to be assessed, whether internal or external customer. The procedure is commonly used for the evaluation of 360° is:

  • Define the critical factors of organizational behavior: identify factors that commonly defined to be evaluated in the performance evaluation.

  • Design Tool: define the questionnaire to be used for the evaluation process.

  • Selection of who will act as professional assessors: ie, bosses or superiors, peers, employees, external suppliers and internal customers from other areas. It is important to note that the latter are not always included in the process. It should likewise be clear that assessments should always be made anonymously.

  • Programming and execution of the launch of the evaluation process for both stakeholders and for evaluators.

Occupational health

In general terms, occupational health can be understood as the absence of disease in the workplace, but this does not mean that there are no health risks in areas such as physical, biological, chemical, toxic and stress that can affect health employees in their work (Chiavenato I., 2002).According to the above, could set some goals for occupational health, among which are: the prevention and maintenance of well-being both physical, mental and social development of all members of the organization, regardless of occupation or occupational level they have in the organizational structure, ensuring not risky for the development of the activities of each employee conditions. Therefore, Mondy and Bandy (2010) propose that

“job descriptions are necessary to specify the conditions that can endanger the health or are considered as unsatisfactory or unpleasant by most of the people”. (p. 102).

Occupational health

This refers to the environmental conditions of work guarantors welfare and physical and mental health of all employees. Now, from physical health plays a fundamental role the workplace, since it constitutes the action area of occupational hygiene where aspects related to display some agents such as noise are treated, temperature, humidity and lighting, among others. It is important to remember that a healthy working environment should be characterized by a physical environment that ensures security in visuals, auditory, olfactory, among others.
Faced with mental health, it is necessary that psychological and sociological conditions ensure healthy positively acting collaborators to avoid stress are guaranteed. Therefore, occupational health programs should be characterized by having three important aspects such as: the physical work environment, psychological work environment and ergonomic aspects, as presented in Figure 3.

Figure N° 3 Occupation Health     

Source:Own Elaboration Adapted fromChiavenato, 2001, p. 390

Competence management

In order ro achieve a better performance, organizations have invested significant resources to the preparation of its employees, in order to ensure that they are becoming more competent and thus able to respond to constant changes in the processes taking place in the organization and contribute to their competitiveness and success. It is for this that it is necessary for competency management is characterized by having a number of specific characteristics regarding the behavior, attitude, ability and knowledge, among other things, they must have each employee, which is derived in a better definition of competency profiles job and better job performance.
Now, thanks to the need to achieve certification in ISO (International Organization for Standardization), many entrepreneurs and organizations gave more interest at the issue related to human resources. It is important to note that in recent versions presented in this standard, it has become more deepening have a list of requirements oriented in the required skills for jobs and in the process of evaluating them in reviewers. On the other hand, standards NTC-ISO 9001: 2008 in its generalities 6.2.1 states: "the professional performing work affecting product quality must be competent based on education, training, skills and appropriate experience" (Icontec -ICONTEC-, 2009, p. 7) after that, the standard states in paragraph 6.2.2 that the organization must:
Determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements.
Where applicable, provide training or take other actions to achieve the necessary competence.
Evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken.
Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to achieving the goals of quality and
Maintainappropriate records of education, training, skills and experience.
Therefore, it could set an effective way to implement ISO standards, is the combination with human resources management based on competencies, which would define what the positions are, according to traditional schemes, where you can include or add the skills required for a job to be successful, which in other words would define the skills required, as well as the training and experience necessary for effective development of the tasks in the workplace. However, one element that distinguishes today the development of human talent, is based on competence management because they "relate to the best way to achieve the objectives, the various subsystems of the company, designed to your once based on those skills that lead us to success will be the vehicle to achieve".


Competency is defined as the set of knowledge, attitudes and skills possessed by an individual and that contribute to successful performance, which will be reflected in increased productivity, since in the performance of duties you feel full identification with what they are, as with the activities carried out. The competition concept was developed in the decade of the 70's, thanks to the contributions of organizational psychologist David McClelland, who showed that skills are developed by collaborators behaviors that are observable, which lead at the effective performance and efficient a particular activity in the organization (Gonzalez, 2015).
However, it is important to note that there must be some elements in such behaviors as:
“to know, that is, have the technical knowledge necessary for the task; know-how or capacity to implement and use such knowledge by deploying the appropriate skills and abilities; the knowledge to be, that is, to adopt attitudes and develop appropriate behavior to the norms and culture of the organization; He is wanting to do, showing interest and motivation accurate; and power to do, ie, have the means and resources needed to carry out the activity”(Abad and Castillo,  2004, p. 31).

Individual skills: is one that is present in people and is what allows them to be having performance differentiator. Each individual has his own powers, which have not copied, adopted or imitated someone else. These skills are identifiable and can be measurable by reliable measuring instruments.

Labor skills:are those knowledge, skills and attitudes that are verifiable and are put into play during the work performance of employees. These skills are those real and demonstrable skills that lead to job success, and are fully identified and defined according to standards of occupational area. It is important to note that the benchmark of competence in itself is not the job, but the partner in the realization of this, as these powers point to the results and functions developed for their achievement rather than the procedure.

¿How useful are the skills?

The development of skills is useful, including some aspects can be noted that:

  • Represent effectiveness taking into account that identify accurately the needs of the organization against the performance of its employees.

  • When talking of a labor competency approach, it relates directly with the competitiveness strategy, which represents a market value differentiator for the organization, from the degree of commitment of employees.

  • The organization has the ability to be able to identify the skills needed to thereby reach an agreement on work performance and thus be a place of learning, independent of the concrete actions developed in the training process.

  • Identifying competencies will enable the organization to develop training processes only those training needs required and will help to fulfill the objectives and organizational vision.

  • Processes mobility of employees are higher when you are clear about the skills required by a certain area of ​​the organization, because some of the competences of different areas are fully transferable to new job if they are recognized and certified.

  • The development of skills that may arise allows organizations that encourage and promote innovation and continuous learning involved to have obtained highly competent groups.

  • The development of activities represents a source of knowledge and learning, to the extent that allows employees recognize the skills acquired by experience and not just academic education (Gonzalez, 2015).


Organizations are increasingly certain that is thanks to colleagues who have been able to achieve its objectives and goals, they constitute the force for competitiveness and retention in an increasingly demanding and competitive market (Montoya, 2013). It is for this, that to comply with its projections raised in its management plan, have seen the need for some organizations to modify its mission and vision in order to link its employees as the fundamental axis or essential engine to achieve its plans or proposals strategic.
There is no doubt that employees are the essential part for the development of the planning, execution and positioning of the organization. High performance is one of the characteristics of high performance organizations, where the development of both individual and organizational skills constitute evidence of a work based not only on the individual but collective welfare, equipment where internal and external customers they are an essential axle for welfare and development.
In recent times the processes related to the management of employees has undergone significant and important changes in all fields and even in their behavior inside the institution and such, human management is simply managing the company by people who provide a service that the organization has a real strategic projection, since they are the ones who make the competitive advantagebusiness and meet new challenges of internationalization and globalization.
Human management has been characterized by containing concepts, principles and universal techniques that have required adaptation to the environment where it could be applied. With these lines we have tried to make an adjustment to the environment of organizations from both concepts, such as technical and administrative strategies that are necessary to achieve a highly competitive organization.


Please refer to articles Spanish Biographical abstract.


Please refer to articles in Spanish Bibliography.

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