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Print version ISSN 0075-9481On-line version ISSN 2346-9641

Lilloa vol.54 no.2 San Miguel de Tucumán Dec. 2017


Quantifying Cardinal Temperaturas in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Cultivars

Cuantificación de las temperturas cardinales en cultivares de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)


González, Juan A.1*; Sebastián E. Buedo1; Marcela Bruno1; Fernando E. Prado2

1    Instituto de Ecología, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Miguel Lillo 251, (T4000JFE) San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
2    Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e IML, Cátedra de Fisiología Vegetal, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Miguel Lillo 205, (4000) Tucumán, Argentina.

* Autor corresponsal: jagonzá


Seed germination and plant growth are affected by temperature. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of temperature on seed germination of ten quinoa cultivars under a temperature gradient between 8 °C and 50 °C. The time course of germination was fitted using a logistic function. Aborted seeds and non-germinated seeds were also analyzed as function of temperature gradient. Cardinal temperatures were estimated by regression of the inverse time to 50% germination (germination rate) against temperature gradient. The minimum (7"min), optimum (7"opt) and maximum (7"max) temperatures for seed germination were determined using both linear (bilinear model) and polynomial (quadratic and cubic models) regressions. Based on 7"opt estimated from bilinear and cubic models, quinoa seeds can be grouped into two subgroups: one represented by Kancolla, Chucapaca, Kamiri, Robura and Sajama cultivars with values of 7"opt < 33 °C, and other represented by CICA, Sayaña, Amilda, Ratuqui and Samaranti with 7"opt values > 33 °C, respectively. Percentages of maximum cumu-lative germination calculated from the quadratic model were closely similar to those obtained in germination trials.

Keywords: Germination, germination models, abnormal germination, optimum temperatures.


La germinación de las semillas y el crecimiento de las plantas son afectados por la temperatura. Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar el efecto de la temperatura sobre la germinación de diez variedades de quinoa bajo un gradiente entre 8 °C y 50 °C. El curso de la germinación en función del tiempo fue ajustado utilizando la función logística. Las semillas abortadas y no germinadas también fueron analizadas en el gradiente de temperatura. Las temperaturas cardinales fueron estimadas por regresión de la inversa del tiempo de germinación al 50 % (velocidad de germinación) contra el gradiente de temperatura. La temperatura mínima (7"min), la óptima (7"opt) y la máxima (7"max) de germinación fueron determinadas utilizando regresiones lineales (modelo bilineal) y polinómicos (modelos cuadráticos y cúbicos). Basados en la 7"opt estimada a partir de los modelos bilineales y cúbicos las variedades de quinoa estudiadas pueden ser divididas en dos subgrupos: uno representado por Kancolla, Chucapaca, Kamira. Robura y Sajama con un valor de 7"opt de < 33 °C, y otro representado por CICA, Sayaña, Amilda, Ratuqui y Samaranti con una 7"opt > 33 °C respectivamente. Los porcentajes de germinación máxima obtenida a partir del modelo cuadrático utilizada fueron muy cercanos a aquellos obtenidos en las pruebas de germinación.

Palabras claves: Germinación, modelos de germinación, germinación anormal, temperatura óptima.

Recibido: 27/12/16 - Aceptado: 07/08/17



Seed germination is affected by different environmental factors, being the tempera-ture one of the most important to reach the successful germination (Bewley and Black, 1994). Temperature influences seed germi-nation through its impact on both physico-chemical processes (e.g. water uptake) and metabolic processes (e.g. enzyme-catalyzed reactions). At low temperatures enzymes are unable to adopt the active conformational state to catalyze reactions, while at high tem-peratures they are precipitated and cannot catalyze reactions (Dixon and Webb, 1979). Germination responses of a given seed frac-tion to temperature can be characterized in terms of cardinal temperatures: minimum or base temperature (Tmin), defined as the temperature below which germination rate is zero, optimum temperature (ropt), defined as the temperature at which germination rate is maximal, and maximum temperature (Tmax), defined as the temperature above which ger-mination rate is zero (Yan and Hunt, 1999). Cardinal temperatures are species-specific or cultivar-specific and even species origin- or cultivar origin-specific (Kamkar et al., 2012). Hence cardinal temperatures can be consid-ered as important factors to predict germi-nation performance of new cultivars and/or provenances of a determined crop in a particular environment.

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) has high tolerance to extreme conditions such as salinity, drought, low temperatures and high solar radiation (Risi and Galwey, 1984; González et al., 2015). Its grain contains high quality protein with a good provision of minerals (Prado et al., 2014) and better amino acid profile (González et al., 2011) than other crops such as wheat, rice, barley and maize (Abugoch James, 2009; Vega-Gálvez et al., 2010). According to FAO nutritional reference values, quinoa is considered today as a promissory alternative crop, especially for marginal regions where the growth of traditional cereals and legumes are limited (Choukr-Allah et al., 2016). In South Amer-ica the growth range of quinoa extends from sea level in Chile and lowland regions of Peru to over 3800 m altitude in highland regions of Bolivia and Ecuador (Bazile et al., 2013). Depending on genotype characteristics and phenological growth stage, quinoa can toler-ate a wide range of temperature (from -8 °C to 38 °C) and relative humidity conditions (from 40% to 88%) (Jacobsen et al., 2005; Bazile et al., 2013). Seed germination and seedling development of quinoa cultivars are influenced by environmental conditions, and are strongly dependent on temperature (Jacobsen and Bach, 1998; Bertero, 2001; Bois et al., 2006). González and Prado (1992) found that low germination percentages of seeds of the Sajama cultivars could be explained by an interactive effect between low temperature and soil salinity. In addi-tion, Jacobsen and Bach (1998) reported that maximum germination percentage of the Olav cultivar occurs between 30 °C and 35 °C. This temperature range is significantly higher than the temperature range recorded in the Bolivian Altiplano during quinoa seed-time (Bois et al., 2006). Beyond the body of knowledge on quinoa physiology, the ef-fect of temperature on germination of major commercial cultivars still remains unclear. Germination response tends to be linear in a limited range of temperatures. In most cultivated species the linear range of tem-peratures varies between 10 and 30 °C (Bon-homme, 2000), but at extreme thresholds of both low and high germination temperatures the germinative response tends to be curvi-linear (Hardegree, 2006). In this way, the estimation of cardinal temperatures can be made through linear and curvilinear models as long as limitations intrinsic to each model are recognized. The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of constant temperatures, on germinative traits of ten quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars in order to determine: i) differences in cardinal tem-peratures determined by curvilinear models (second-and third-order regression equa-tions) and bilinear model (linear regression equation), and ii) intracultivar variability in the percentage of germinated seeds, aborted seeds and non-germinated seeds at different temperatures. Alternative temperatures ex-periment was not considered according the results obtained by Strenske et al., (2017). Because the estimation of cardinal tempera-ture is highly dependent on the statistical model, bilinear and curvilinear regressions (White et al., 2015) were used.


Seed material

Seed of 10 quinoa genotypes (Amilda, Chucapaca, CICA, Kamiri, Ratuqui, Robura, Sajama, Samaranti and Sayaña), representa-tive of the most common available commer-cial cultivars, were evaluated in this study. Seeds were collected from plants grown dur-ing the 2014-2015 growing season at Encalilla Experimental Station (Amaicha del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina, 22°31'S latitude, 65°59'W longitude and 1980 m asl). After harvest, the seeds were bulked, cleaned manually, placed in paper bags, and stored at 6 °C until the beginning of experiments.

Germination tests

Seeds were surface-sterilized in a 2% so-dium hypochlorite solution for 2 min, washed twice with distilled water and dried on filter paper. Sterilized seeds were placed on filter paper in 5 cm glass Petri dishes (50 seeds per dish). Petri dishes were added with 2 mL of distilled water and transferred to tempera-ture-controlled cabinet under darkness condi-tion and relative humidity of 70%. Selected temperatures were 8 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C, 40 °C, 45 °C, and 50 °C.

In lab, germinated seeds (radicle protru-sion > 2 mm in length) were counted every 2 h during a 24-h period and cumulative germination percentage was plotted against time. We chose 24 h as maximum germina-tion period because under laboratory condi-tions the total germination process of qui-noa seeds occurs in a very short time period (~12-14 h) (González and Prado, 1992). Aborted seeds (hypocotyl emergence without radicle protrusion) (Prado et al., 2000) were also counted. Seeds without radicle and/or hypocotyl emergence after a 24-h incubation period were considered as non-germinated seeds. For each cultivar and each tempera-ture five 50-seed replicates were done.

From germination curves, the time to 50% germination was determined by fitting a logistic model of cumulative germination percentage (G) against time (t), as described by Eq. 1 and 2 (Covell et al., 1986; Dumur et al., 1990):

G 1 + be_at

(G - y) / (y - b-- a


y: germination percentage in each mea-sured time;

e: base of natural logarithm; t: time to each germination percentage; a and b: regression coefficient con-stants.

Field temperature measurement

The choice of the mentioned temperature range was made according to the time that quinoa is sown in Argentinean Northwest. Normally quinoa is sown in November. So field temperature data (air and soil) were obtained for this month by a device that was put in a place where quinoa usually was grown in Tucumán province (Encalilla, Amaicha del Valle). Temperature was record-ed each hour, during November 2014, using a thermocouple with temperature range be-tween -20 ± 1 °C and +70 ± 1 °C (Hobo H8 RH/Temp family Data Logger; Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA, USA). Soil and air temperature were registered at -2 cm and 150 cm respectively.

Cardinal temperatures

Since the estimation of cardinal temper-atures is highly dependent on the statisti-cal model used to describe the germination process (White et al., 2015), both bilinear and curvilinear models were used to esti-mate mínimum (Tmin), optimum (Topt), and máximum (Tmax) temperatures by regressing the germination rate (GR), calculated as the inverse of time to reach 50% germination, against the temperature gradient. In the bi-linear model Eq. 3 and 4 were employed to describe the response of germination to sub-optimal and supraoptimal temperatures:

y =    a1 + b1x (x < T0)    Eq.    (3)

y =    a2 + b2x (x > To)    Eq.    (4)

where; a1, b1, a2, and b2 are regression parameters from which the three cardinal temperatures can be derived. Germination rate (GR) is the y-value and Topt is the x-value of the breakpoint between the two lines (Kakani et al., 2002). In the curvilin-ear model Eq. 5 and 6 were used in order to model and accurately determine cardinal temperatures:

y =    a + bx + cx2    Eq.    (5)

y =    a + bx + cx2 + dx3    Eq.    (6)

where; a, b, c, and d are intercept, first, second and third-order coefficients, respec-tively. Tmin and Tmax were determined by lower and upper points were regression curve intersect the x-axis. The peak of re-gression curve was deemed as Topt (White et al., 2015).

Difference between Tmax and Tmin, known as temperature adaptability range (TAR) (Seepaul et al., 2011), showed the germina-tion ecological range of cultivars:

TAR = T - T ¦

max min

Regression analysis of cumulative


Based on results of ANOVA analysis, sec-ond-order regression equations to describe both the percentage of maximum cumula-tive aborted seeds and maximum cumula-tive non-germinated seeds as function of the temperature gradient, were established for all cultivars (SAS, 2010).


Data are means of three independent experiments. To detect differences in evalu-ated parameters (cumulative germination percentage, cumulative aborted seed per-centage and non-germinated seed percent-age) among cultivars, data were processed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared using the Tukey's test at P < 0.05.


Air AND SOIL temperature

According to our field measurements (Encalilla, Amaicha del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina at 1,995 m asl) maximum soil temperature, registered during November 2014, at - 2 cm, was 50,7 ° C and minimum one was 8.6 ° C (Fig. 1). Low temperatures can induce inhibition in the germination of quinoa seeds due to embryo death as dem-onstrated by Rosa et al (2004). It is known that protein synthesis and activation is af-fected and seed reserves start to deteriorate (Bove et al., 2001). On the other hand, stress induced by high temperature increases abnormal germination in many crop species (Pineda Mejia, 1999). Soil temperature may be an important data to take into account because water uptake by seeds is a function of temperature (Sigstad and Prado, 1999) (see discussion).

Germination time course

The germination time course of quinoa seeds shows typical sigmoidal curve with a triphasic pattern: phase I between 0 h and 4-6 h, phase II between 4-6 h and 8-10 h, and phase III between 8-10 h and 16 h (Fig. 2). In general, all cultivars showed a similar pattern of cumulative germination with a fairly constant percentage between 20 °C and 35 °C. Below 15 °C and above 45 °C the germination was sharply reduced. Over 50% of maximum germination was reached by all cultivars between 20 °C and 40 °C, but in Sajama and Samaranti cultivars values higher 50% of maximum germination were found between 15 °C and 45 °C. Maximum cumulative germination was achieved during the phase III and ranged between 72.5% (Kancolla) and 90.8% (Chucapaca) (mean = 84.1%).

Fig. 1. Air and soil temperature (A and B respectively) in Encalilla (1995 m asl, Tucumán, Argentina) during November 2014. (Max): maximal daily temperature, (Min): minimum daily temperature.

Máximum seed germination response to temperature

Among linear and polynomial regressions used to analyse the effect of temperature on cumulative germination, the quadratic model best described the response of maximum cu-mulative germination to temperature (mean R2 = 0.927) (data not shown). Maximum germination values derived from quadratic model ranged between 68.3% (Kancolla) and 92.5% (Chucapaca) (mean = 83.3%), while those derived from bilinear model fluc-tuated between 78.3% (Kancolla) and 100% (Chucapaca and Sajama) (mean = 92.2%) (Table 1). Maximum cumulative aborted seeds and non-germinated seeds are shown in Fig. 3. Aborted seeds strongly increased at highest temperatures, being significantly higher in Robura cultivar with a maximum value of 53% at 50 °C. High percentages of aborted seeds were also observed in Sama-ranti, Kamiri, Sayaña and Ratuqui cultivars. The lowest percentage of aborted seeds (8%) occurred in Kancolla cultivar. High values of the aborted seeds/germinated seeds ratio (A/G) were observed at low and high tem-peratures, but were significantly higher in these last (data not shown). Non-germinated seeds also occurred along the temperature gradient. The percentage of non-germinated seeds was significantly lower than aborted seed percentage in all cultivars. Maximum percentage of non-germinated seeds was 28% and occurred in Sajama cultivar at 50 °C. Based on second-order regression equa-tions, positive and significant curvilinear relationships between temperature gradient and both aborted seeds and non-germinated seeds were found in all cultivars. Values of R2 ranged between 0.94 (CICA) and 0.98 (Amilda and Kamiri) for aborted seeds and between 0.84 (Ratuqui) and 0.97 (Sajama) for non-germinated seeds.

Temperature adaptability range (TáR)

The value of temperature adaptability range derived from quadratic model varied between 47 °C (Kancolla) and 56.6 °C (Sa-maranti) (mean = 53.7 °C), whereas TAR value derived from cubic model fluctuated between 52 °C (CICA) and 58.7 °C (Sa-maranti) (mean = 55.7 °C). Temperature adaptability range derived from bilinear model ranged between 63 °C (Kancolla) and 67.1 °C (Ratuqui) (mean = 65 °C), higher than those estimated from both quadratic and cubic models (Table 2).

Cardinal temperatures

Quadratic and cubic models (second-and third-order polynomial regressions) and bilinear model (linear regression), used to estimate minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures for germination of quinoa cultivar seeds, are shown in Fig. 4 and 5. Minimum temperatures for seed ger-mination derived from quadratic and cubic models varied between 4.2 °C ( and Sama-ranti) and 5.8 °C (Kancolla and CICA) for the former and -2.2 °C (Sayaña) and 0 °C (Amilda) for the latter, respectively (Fig. 4 and 5). The minimum temperature derived from the bilinear model fluctuated between -2 °C (Sajama) and -0.2 °C (Sayaña) (Fig. 6 and Table 3). Minimum temperatures ob-tained from both cubic and bilinear models are correlated to remarkable adaptation of quinoa to harsh climatic conditions of the Andean regions (Bois et al., 2006). Optimum temperatures estimated from the quadratic model varied between 29.8 °C (Kancolla) and 32.5 °C (Ratuqui) and from the cubic model between 32 °C (Kancolla) and 36 °C mum cumulative aborted seeds and non-germinated seeds of 10 quinoa cultivars, ;emperatures with the fitted quadratic equations. Different lowercase letters on significant differences in maximum cumulative values of aborted seed. Different tters denote significant differences in maximum cumulative values of non-germi-Values are means ± standard error of 5 replicates.


Fig. 2. Cumulative germination of 10 quinoa cultivars at different times. Values are means ± standard error of 5 replicates (250 seeds altogether). For each cultivar large and short bars represent maximum and minimum values of Se.



(Samaranti). The optimum temperature, es-timated from the intercept of sub and su-praoptimal temperature-response functions (bilinear model), ranged between 31.8 °C (Kamiri) and 34.7 °C (Amilda), slightly low-er than the values derived from the cubic model. Maximum temperatures ranged between 52.9 °C (Kancolla) and 61 °C (Saya-ña), and between 51.5 °C (CICA) and 56 °C (Robura and Samaranti) for quadratic and cubic models, respectively. The maximum temperature estimated from the bilinear model varied between 61.2 °C (Kancolla and Kamiri) and 65.7 °C (Robura), slightly higher those obtained from polynomial re-gressions (Table 3).

As a first approximation and based on optimum temperatures derived from cubic and bilinear models, two groups of quinoa seeds can be distinguished: one represented by Kancolla, Kamiri, Robura and Sajama cultivars with Topt values between 31.8 °C and 33.2 °C and other represented by CICA, Sayaña, Amilda Ratuqui and Samaranti with Topt values between 33 °C and 36 °C, respec-tively. No clear segregation was observed between Topt values derived from quadratic model. Probably a more detailed experiment is necessary to give a conclusion in relation to these points.


Germination is of great importance be-cause represents the first step in the plants' life. Crop success has been ascribed, among other factors, to high germinative fitness of seeds, strongly temperature dependent (No-nogaki et al., 2010). Most of cereal crops exhibit maximum germination between 20 °C and 30 °C, but at lower and higher tem-perature germination values significantly decrease. In fact, longer exposure of seeds to sub- and supraoptimal germination tem-peratures may lead to increased exposure to soil pathogens, which can cause decrease of seedling emergence (Berti and Johnson, 2008). In contrary, crops with broader range of germination temperature can utilize soil minerals earlier compared with other spe-cies (Luna et al., 2012), and then will have better opportunities to grow and develop in different agroecological regions. Our results showed that, seven quinoa cultivars exhibit their highest germination percentages be-tween 20 °C and 40 °C whereas two cultivars (Sajama and Samaranti) also showed high germination percentages between 15 °C and 45 °C. The quadratic model was significantly more accurate than the bilinear model to ex-plain relationships between temperature and cumulative germination for all quinoa cultivars. Furthermore the predicted maximum cumulative germination percentages from the bilinear model were higher than those predicted for the quadratic model (Table 1). According with Yan and Hunt (1999) the overestimation of maximum cumulative germination from the bilinear model is be-cause such estimation is established from the intercept of two linear regressions, but the

Table 1. Maximum cumulative germination obtained in experimental trials and predicted by quadratic and bilinear models. Values are means ± standard error of 5 replicates.


Germination trial (%)

Quadratic (%)

Bilinear (%)


72.5 ± 6.4

68.3 ± 7.1

78.3 ± 8.2


90.8 ± 8.3

92.5 ± 9.4

100.0 ± 9.3


78.7 ± 8.5

80.8 ± 7.6

89.2 ± 9.6


80.4 ± 8.6

78.3 ± 6.4

88.3 ± 8.5


90.0 ± 9.5

90.0 ± 8.3

100.0 ± 11.0


85.7 ± 8.1

86.7 ± 9.2

93.3 ± 8.2


80.4 ± 6.9

80.0 ± 8.0

89.2 ± 9.3


90.2 ± 10.0

89.2 ± 8.9

97.5 ± 8.7


85.1 ± 8.8

80.0 ± 8.9

87.5 ± 9.0


87.2 ± 9.2

87.5 ± 8.8

99.2 ± 9.9

Table 2. Temperature adaptabiiity range [TAR] for 10 quinoa cuitivars derived from quadrat-ic, cubic and bilinear modeis. Vaiues are means ± standard error of 5 repiicates.


Quadratic (°C)

Cubic (°C)

Bilinear (°C)


47.0 ± 4.2

56.3 ± 6.2

63.0 ± 5.8


51.8 ± 5.2

56.8 ± 5.4

66.7 ± 7.2


55.9 ± 6.0

56.8 ± 6.1

66.4 ± 6.0


51.5 ± 4.9

54.8 ± 5.8

62.4 ± 6.2


55.7 ± 5.6

54.3 ± 5.0

66.8 ± 7.1


55.0 ± 5.0

53.3 ± 4.8

63.0 ± 6.5


55.6 ± 6.2

57.2 ± 6.5

67.1 ± 5.9


52.4 ± 5.5

52.0 ± 6.4

65.7 ± 6.4


55.8 ± 6.2

56.4 ± 5.8

63.7 ± 5.7


56.6 ± 5.8

58.7 ± 6.5

65.5 ± 6.8

real response of germination to temperature is curvilinear and usually smoother. In ad-dition, Hardegree (2006) showed that near the optimum temperature there is a distinct plateau (piece-wise regression model) in-stead of the sharp peak that arises from the confluence of two straight lines. Nine of ten quinoa cultivars show values of temperature adaptability range (TAR) higher than 50 °C (Table 2), which allow assuming that quinoa seeds may have a great potential to success-fully germinate under field conditions, and thus will have higher probability of success than most common cereals in extremely harsh climatic conditions.

As a consequence of the thermal meta-bolic dynamics (Essemine et al., 2010) seed germination rapidly increases between the base (minimum) temperature and optimum temperature (suboptimal range), but at temperatures higher than the optimum tempera-ture (supraoptimal range), the germination decreases sharply. According to Sigstad & Prado (1999) water uptake by Robura and Sajama varieties at 25 °C was very strong in the first 15 minutes and a thermal power (= heat production rate) decreased during the first 90 minutes of the germination process. After 105 to 120 minutes, the heat produc-tion showed an increase which was more evident between 310 and 390 minutes of imbibition, when radicule protrudes. From a thermal point of view, the imbibitions and heat production may be affected by low temperature. Obviously this hypothesis may be tested in lab, but in our experiment the germination at low temperature (8°C) only 5 varieties out of 10 achieved a radicule pro-trusion in the first 12 hs. On the contrary, high temperatures affect biochemical reac-tions of seed germination metabolism. In most species from temperate regions, when the temperature increases beyond the opti-mum, the rate of vital processes decreases and finally ceases at a temperature of > 60 °C (K'opondo et al., 2011). Thermal dena-turation of proteins, membrane dysfunction, oxidative stress, and decrease of metabolic efficiency have been proposed as factors that produce the decline of germination under supraoptimal temperatures (Hasanuzzaman et al., 2013). According to Pineda Mejia (1999) the stress induced by high tempera-tures increases the percentage of abnormal germinated seeds and dead seeds in many crop species. In agreement with this find-ing the highest percentages of aborted and non-germinated seeds were observed under supraoptimal temperatures in all quinoa cultivars (Fig. 3). Since, the occurrence of aborted and non-germinated seeds showed great variability among quinoa cultivars. Probably it can be better explained by an exponential function instead of a linear tem-perature-response. In this case we can as-sume that the interactive effect of metabolic and genetic factors instead of the thermal factor «per se» is the main responsible of the occurrence of abnormalities during the quinoa germination. However the mechanism underlying abnormal germination occurring in quinoa seeds at the supraoptimal temperature gradient needs further investiga-tion. The higher percentage of aborted and non-germinated seeds observed at supraop-timal temperatures could also explain the ancestral cropping practice applied by the Andean farmers, based on the need to sow more than 100 quinoa seeds per hole to get a maximum of 10-15 plants. Supporting this assumption, both strong rises of the diurnal temperature and wide daily thermal amplitudes as consequence of the intense solar ra-diation and low atmospheric water content, are recorded frequently in highland arid re-gions of Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina, where the quinoa cultivation is an ancestral practice (National Research Council, 1989). Caution is required when analysing relation-ships between daily thermal amplitude and quinoa germination in the field.

Germination rate(1/h)

Germination rate (1/h)

Cardinal temperatures i.e. Tmin, Topt and Tmax, are important parameters to evaluate the success of seed germination and seedling establishment (Saeidnejad et al., 2012), and then its determination becomes important when a new crop will be introduced in a given region. Regarding to quinoa, Bois et al. (2006) in a study of ten quinoa cultivars from the Andean region (Bolivian Altiplano) found a linear positive correlation between germination and temperature in a tempera-ture gradient between 2 °C and 20 °C. Val-ues of Tmin reported in this work ranged between -1.97 °C and 0.24 °C that were closely similar to reported here, derived from both cubic (-2.2 °C to 0 °C) and bilinear (-2.0 °C to -0.5 °C) models, respectively (Table 3). A value close to 0 °C has been recently communicated for the Tmin of Chenopodium pallidicaule, another Chenopodiaceae species native from the Andean region (Rodriguez et al., 2016). However, values of Tmin derived from the quadratic model were significantly higher than values reported by Bois and co-workers as well as those derived from cubic and bilinear models, indicating that these latter seem to be more reliable to establish the Tmin of quinoa seed germination. None-theless, Jacobsen and Bach (1998) using a linear model reported a Tmin value of 3 °C for a Danish quinoa cultivar. Significant differences between field and controlled condi-tions in Tmin valúes were also reported for quinoa cultivars (Bertero et al., 1999, cited by Bois et al., 2006). Disparity in Tmin valúes within the same species occurring under both field and controlled conditions appears as a common trait in most plants, but it cannot be explained by a simple factor such as seed size or seed water status (Wang et al., 2004; Naim and Ahmed, 2015). Complex maternal effects and the variation in individual seed sensitivity to temperature are interacting and trigger the disparity of germination response at intraspecific level (Vange et al., 2004).

The Topt values calculated from linear and polynomial regression models showed variation among cultivars but in all models the maximum germination occurred at Topt values from 29.8 °C to 36 °C, being slightly lower in the quadratic model. In agreement with our results, Jacobsen and Bach (1998) reported a value of Topt between 30 °C and 35 °C for maximum germination of different populations of a Danish quinoa cultivar. By contrast maximum temperature (Tmax) was higher in the bilinear model compared with both quadratic and cubic models. According with Hardegree (2006) when the regression line is forced to intercept the x-axis at supra-optimal temperatures, an overestimation of the Tmax occurs. By comparison of data, bilin-ear (mean R2 = 0.975) and cubic (mean R= 0.914) models seem to have comparative advantage over the quadratic model (mean R2 = 0.825) to estimate cardinal tempera-tures of quinoa seed cultivars.


Our results showed that high and low temperature affects not only the rate but also the maximal germination. On the basis of a cost/benefit analysis, data of this study indicates that to perform quinoa cultiva-tion in mountainous regions it is preferable planning the crop on an altitudinal ecologi-cal zoning base, that is to say, select one or more cultivars for each altitudinal level. This implies to know both thermal requirements and germinative fitness (germination per-centage, germination rate, cardinal temper-atures, non-germinated seeds and aborted seeds) of quinoa cultivars for each selected site to choose more suitable cultivars before starting the crop.


This work was supported by the Agencia de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (grant PICT 23153) and Fundación Miguel Lillo (Miguel Lillo 251, T4000JFE, Tucumán, Argentina).


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