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Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana

versión On-line ISSN 1852-4834

Acta odontol. latinoam. vol.32 no.2 Buenos Aires ago. 2019



Penetration degree of sealer in artificial lateral canal after passive ultrasonic irrigation with EDTA for different times

Grau de penetração do cimento obturador em canais laterais simulados após ativação ultrassonica passiva do EDTA em diferentes tempos


Daylana P. da Silva1, Ingrid Magna R. Silva2, Lucas F. Falcao3, Daniel F. Falcao4, Maria Ángela A.L. Ferraz 2, Carlos Alberto M. Falcao2

1 Universidade Estadual de Campiñas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Piracicaba, Sáo Paulo, Brasil,
2 Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Faculdade de Odontologia e Enfermagem, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Parnaíba, Piauí, Brasil,
Sáo Leopoldo Mandic, Faculdade de Odontologia, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Campinas, Sáo Paulo, Brasil,
4 Universidade Federal do Piauí, Faculdade de Odontologia, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Teresina, Piauí, Brasil

Received: March 2019; Accepted: June 2019



The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of penetration of obturation cement in artificial lateral canals after Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation (PUI) with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for different times. Fifty upper molar palatine roots were used, in which two artificial lateral canals were made at distances of 7 and 3 millimeters from the root apex. After instrumentation and drying the canal, the final toilet stage was performed on five groups (n = 10), as follows: G1 - EDTA 17% + PUI for 10 seconds; G2 - EDTA 17% + PUI for 20 seconds; G3 - EDTA 17% + PUI for 30 seconds; G4 - EDTA 17% + PUI for 60 seconds; G5 - EDTA 17% + activation by instrument R50 for 5 minutes (Control). The canals were sealed by the single cone technique, and after 72 hours, sectioned in two planes transverse to the artificial canal, to see the degree of penetration of the sealing cement. In the radiographic analysis, there was no statistical difference (p> 0.05) between groups in the two artificial lateral canals. However, PUI of EDTA for 60 seconds produced a significant difference in the degree of penetration of the sealing cement (p <0.05) at 7 mm from the apex. Therefore, PUI with EDTA for 60 seconds promoted a higher degree of penetration of the obturator cement in the artificial lateral canal.

Keywords: Dentin; EDTA; Root canal.


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de penetração do cimento obturador em canais laterais artficiais, após Irrigação Ultrassonica Passiva (IUP) do ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (EDTA), em diferentes tempos. Foram utilizadas 50 raízes palatinas de molares superiores, e em seguida confeccionados dois canais laterais artificiais a 7 e 3 milímetros do ápice radicular. Após a instrumentação e secagem dos canais, foi iniciada a etapa de toillet final, de acordo com os seguintes grupos (n=10): G1- EDTA 17%+IUP durante 10 segundos; G2 - EDTA 17%+IUP durante 20 segundos; G3 - EDTA 17%+IUP durante 30 segundos; G4- EDTA 17%+IUP durante 60 segundos; G5- EDTA 17%+ativação pelo instrumento R50 durante 5 minutos (Controle). Os canais foram obturados pela técnica do cone único, e após 72 horas, seccionados em dois planos transversais dos canais artificiais, para se visualizar o grau de penetração do cimento obturador. Na análise radiográfica, não houve diferença estatística (p>0,05) entre os grupos, nos dois canais laterais artificiais. Entretanto, a IUP do EDTA por 60 segundos conseguiu um obter resultado significativo, sobre o grau de penetração do cimento obturador (p<0,05) a 7 milímetros do ápice. Portanto, a IUP do EDTA no tempo de 60 segundos promoveu maior grau de penetração do cimento obturador nos canais laterais artifciais.

Palavras-chave: Dentina; EDTA; Canal radicular.



The aim of root canal endodontic treatment is to eliminate microbes and promote periapical tissue health. It involves maintaining aseptic conditions throughout canal biomechanical preparation and filling1.

During root canal instrumentation, a smear layer forms, which consists of bacteria, debris and necrotic tissue, with negative impact on dentin tubules and on penetration of drugs and intracanal sealers2. Cleaning the root canal enables better adaptation of sealer materials3 and adhesion of resin-based endodontic cements to the dentin4, and prevents apical and coronal microbial leakage 5. Complex root canal anatomy should also be considered, because it prevents complete disinfection of the lateral walls and therefore requires the use of auxiliary substances and methods with physicochemical action 6-8. Irrigation solutions should provide antimicrobial action, organic tissue dissolution, root canal debridement, and compatibility with periapical tissues9. Among the most frequently used substances are chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) 10,11.

In order to improve the smear layer removal technique, the irrigation solution may be associated with ultrasonic devices. Versiani et al. (2015)6 observed that the conventional mechanical irrigation method (CMIM) was unable to act on all the root walls and the apical area. Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation (PUI) has therefore been proposed as a technique to activate the irrigating solution, since its active tips produce mechanical-vibrating effects on the dentin walls, providing more effective cleaning and better sealing of the dentinal tubules12,13. Previous studies have shown that PUI promoted greater debris removal from the lateral canal14,15 in straight and curved roots16,17. However, complete irrigation penetration may not be achieved at all stages of root canal treatment18.

In view of the controversial data in the literature on the use of EDTA 17% and ultrasound to seal dentinal tubules, the aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of penetration of the obturation cement in artificial lateral canals after passive ultrasonic activation of EDTA for different times. The hypothesis tested was that the degree of penetration of the obturation cement is not influenced by the PUI with EDTA.


Preparation of teeth

After approval by the Research Ethics Committee of FACIME/UESPI (1,376,991), 50 human teeth with intact, straight roots and fully formed apices (palatine root of the 1st and 2nd upper molars) were obtained from the University’s Tooth Bank, Brazilian State of Piaui.

The dental crowns were sectioned with a doublefaced diamond disk (KG Sorensen®, Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil), at slow rotation, in order to facilitate canal instrumentation. Canals were measured with a K-file file (Dentsply® Maillefer, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) #15 by reaching the apical foramen and withdrawing 1 mm in order to obtain the working length. Subsequently, files #20 and #25 #30 were used with the Reciproc System R 50 instrument (VDW, Germany). Root canal preparation steps included irrigation with 2 mL of 1% sodium hypochlorite (Milton’s solution; Biodynamics®, Ibipora, Paraná, Brazil) each time instruments were changed, with metal vacuum suction (Endo Points®, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and absorbent paper points (Denstply®, Petrópolis, Brazil). A total 12 mL of solution were used.

Two lateral canals were prepared perpendicular to the long axis of the root, in the middle third (apex of 7 mm) and in the apical third (apex of 3 mm), using a rotating instrument with a Kerr file (Dentsply®, Petrópolis, Brazil) size 10 (100 micrometers diameter). This instrument was modified by beveling the tip to form a chamfer. In order to adapt it for low rotation, the other end was removed and the instrument was fixed with cyanoacrylate to a mandrel19.

After instrumentation and drying the canal, the final toilet stage was begun according to the following groups (n=10): G1-EDTA 17% + PUI for 10 seconds; G2-EDTA 17% + PUI for 20 seconds; G3-EDTA 17% + PUI for 30 seconds; G4-EDTA 17% + PUI for 60 seconds; G5- EDTA 17% + activation by instrument R50 for 5 minutes (Control).

PUI was performed using the E-1 insert (Irrisonic, Helse Sao Paulo, Brazil) coupled to an ultrasound device (CVDentus, Sao Paulo, Brazil) at a power of 20%, according to the study group. Then the canals were filled using the single cone technique, in which Sealer 26 cement (Dentsply®, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) was placed in the canal using a Lentulo spiral No. 40 (Dentsply®, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The canal opening was sealed with light-cured composite resin (Dentsply®, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and the roots were radiographed.

After 72 hours, the teeth were sectioned with diamond discs (KG Sorensen®, Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil) at two transverse planes 1 mm below the artificial canals, in order to not remove the sealant cement. Then a medium-grain diamond bur (KG Sorensen®, Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil) was used to wear away 1 mm of the cross-sectional area, revealing the degree of sealant cement penetration.

A single examiner trained for this purpose (Kappa = 0.76) used a 10x stereomicroscope to evaluate the degree of cement penetration in the lateral canal. The microscopic and radiographic results were classified into four groups: Grade 0 (without cement penetration); Grade 1 (cement penetration in the proximal third); Grade 2 (cement penetration to the middle third); Grade 3 (cement penetration to the final third).

Statistical analysis

The data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 20.0 specific for Windows. The Shapiro-Wilk and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze the normality and values of the means between groups. The level of significance was set at 5%.


Table 1 shows the descriptive results of the degree of penetration of the endodontic cement in the lateral canal, based on radiographic and microscopic analyses.

Table 1: Descriptive analysis of the degree of penetration of endodontic cement in the lateral canals, according to treatment group and distance from the apex.

Table 2 shows that for the radiographic analysis, there was no significant difference (p> 0.05) between experimental groups. However, under microscopic analysis, a difference was observed between groups (p <0.05), where the highest degree of penetration of the filler cement in the artificial lateral canals was seen in group 4 (Table 3).

Table 2: Radiographic analysis of the degree of penetration of the endodontic cement in the lateral canals (apical third).

Table 3: Microscopic analysis of the degree of penetration of the endodontic cement in the lateral canals (apical and middle third).


Several factors may influence the degree of penetration of the sealant cement, such as the root canal anatomy, the efficacy of smear layer removal, the final irrigation technique and obturation, and the physicochemical properties of the sealing materials. Under microscopic analysis, this study found the greatest degree of sealing cement penetration in lateral canals at 7 mm from the root apex for canals treated with EDTA PUI for 60 seconds. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected.

EDTA has chelating and disinfecting properties20. It removes calcium from the crystalline phosphate network, causing superficial demineralization and exposure of collagen fibers in the dentin tubules. Galler et al 21 suggest that irrigation with EDTA may potentiate cell differentiation by exposing growth factors trapped in the dentin matrix.

There was greater penetration in the middle third than in the apical third, as observed in previous studies22,23. Other authors further state that the EDTA solution is able to remove the smear layer only in the coronal and middle thirds due to the presence of a greater amount of dentin tubules and their diameter, which enable greater contact between the solution and the dentin tissue24-26. However, some studies report that the association of EDTA with sodium hypochlorite may potentiate its cleaning action and enable it to reach the apical third10,27.

Another strategy used is activation of the EDTA using the memory instrument or ultrasonic tip. This procedure induces an increase in temperature and rupture of the surface tension of the solution13, causing a high activity energy release. Thus, this mechanism acts on the smear layer, promoting its removal and greater diffusion of drugs and sealing of the dentinal tubules28. Thus, several root canal irrigation techniques and systems have been developed to improve final canal irrigation29.

Some studies, such as Jiang et al,28, Stamos et al30 and Sabins et al31 concluded that the ultrasonic system is more effective than the sonic system for cleaning root canals; however, it can damage the dentinal tissue. On the other hand, Van Der Sluis et al32 report that there is no consensus in the literature to support the idea that one form of energy is better than the other.

When comparing PUI and CMIM, Rodig et al33 and Paragiola et al34 observed that PUI showed greater efficacy in root canal cleansing. Other authors compared the degree of penetration of the filling cement through these two techniques, and showed that ultrasonic activation of EDTA 17% presented a greater number of sealed dentinal tubules35,36. Contradicting the microscopic analysis, the radiographic analyses revealed that even using PUI, there was no difference between degree of penetration in the apical and middle thirds, as observed in previous studies37,38. In addition, Costa et al39 and Ciucchi et al40 emphasize that this can occur due to the greater amplitude of displacement that occurs at the tip of the insertion, where the apical zone would probably be. These contrasts may be related to differences in the methodology, such as quantity of irrigating solution, activation time, selection of activator tip, and canal conicity after instrumentation.

Considering the foregoing discussion, further studies should be conducted combining chelating and disinfecting chemicals applied for different times and using different techniques, with the aim of increasing the cleaning and degree of penetration of the obturator materials in both the middle and apical thirds.

In view of the results, it may be concluded that the PUI with EDTA for 60 seconds promoted a higher degree of penetration of the obturation cement in the artificial lateral canals.


The authors thank Prof. MsC. Patrick Veras Quelemes and the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biotechnology (UFPI) for enabling the execution and analysis proposed in this study.




Dr. Daylana Pacheco da Silva Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba,
Universidade de Campinas
Av. Limeira, n°. 901- Areao - 13414-903,
Piracicaba - SP - Brasil.


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