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Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina

versão impressa ISSN 0041-6932versão On-line ISSN 1669-9637

Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. v.47 n.2 Bahía Blanca jul./dez. 2006


Stability of holomorphic-horizontal maps and Einstein metrics on flag manifolds

Caio J. C. Negreiros

Partialy supported by CNPq grant 303695/2005-6 and Fapesp grant 02/10246-2

Abstract: In this note we announce several results concerning the stability of certain families of harmonic maps that we call holomorphic-horizontal frames, with respect to families of invariant Hermitian structures on flag manifolds. Special emphasis is given to the Einstein case. See [23] for additional detail and the proofs of the results mentioned in this survey.

1. Introduction

Let 𝔤 be a complex semi-simple Lie algebra and Σ a simple root system for 𝔤 . If Θ is an arbitrary subset of Σ , ⟨Θ⟩ denotes the roots spanned by Θ . We have

 ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ 𝔤 = 𝔥 ⊕ 𝔤α ⊕ 𝔤 -α ⊕ 𝔤 β ⊕ 𝔤-β, + + α∈⟨Θ⟩ α∈ ⟨Θ⟩ β∈Π -⟨Θ⟩ β∈Π -⟨Θ⟩


where 𝔥 is a Cartan subalgebra of 𝔤 and, 𝔤α is the root space associated to the root α .


 ∑ ∑ ∑ 𝔭Θ := 𝔥 ⊕ 𝔤α ⊕ 𝔤-α ⊕ 𝔤β, α∈⟨Θ ⟩ α∈⟨Θ⟩ β∈Π+ -⟨Θ⟩


the canonical parabolic subalgebra determined by Θ . Thus,

 ∑ 𝔤 = 𝔭Θ ⊕ 𝔤- β. β∈Π+-⟨Θ⟩


The flag manifold is defined as 𝔽 Θ = G ∕P , where G has Lie algebra 𝔤 and PΘ is the normalizer of 𝔭Θ in G .

𝔽Θ for Θ = ∅ , is called the full flag manifold and is denoted by 𝔽 . This case is nowadays well understood. Starting with the work of Borel (cf. [3]), the classification of all invariant Hermitian structures is known and it was described in [25].

The main purpose for this note is to announce some results discussing the stability phenomenon for the energy functional for to a special class of maps ψ : (M 2,J,g) → (𝔽Θ,J,ds2Λ) , called holomorphic-horizontal frames. The energy functional is taken with respect to several families of invariant Hermitian structures on 𝔽 Θ . These maps are deeply connected with the study of harmonic/minimal surfaces in  n 𝕊 ,  n ℂℙ ,  n 𝔾k(ℂ ),  n ℍℙ , Twistor Theory and so on (cf. [27], [8], [4], [15]).

The layout of the paper is as follows. In the first two sections, we state general results on the invariant Hermitian geometry of 𝔽Θ , and state the holomorphic and harmonic map equations. We give in this note, examples of families holomorphic-horizontal frames only in the (A ) l case, but in [23] we also discuss the cases (B ) l , (C ) l and (Dl ) .

We generalize and give additional results to the approach initiated by Black  in [2] and the author in [21]. As a reference for harmonic maps theory we suggest the Eells-Lemaire [14] article.

In Section 3 we compute the second variation of energy for an arbitrary harmonic map on 𝔽 Θ . We state a basic perturbation lemma and a result for holomorphic-horizontal frames on 𝔽 Θ .

According to the classification results in [25], among all Hermitian invariant structures there are two main classes. Thus, in the last section we state results concerning the stability of holomorphic-horizontal frames regarding metrics in such classes and in particular, the case of metrics that are Einstein and non Kähler on the geometrical flag manifold 𝔽 .

2. Generalities on invariant Hermitian geometry of flag manifolds

Let Π be a root system and Σ a simple root system for a simple Lie algebra g . If Θ is a subset of Σ , ⟨Θ ⟩ denotes the roots generated by Θ . We have the root decomposition :

 ∑ ∑ 𝔤 = 𝔥 ⊕ 𝔤α ⊕ 𝔤 -α ⊕ (4 ) α∈⟨Θ⟩ α∈ ⟨Θ⟩ ∑ ∑ 𝔤β ⊕ 𝔤-β, (5 ) β∈Π+ -⟨Θ⟩ β∈Π+- ⟨Θ ⟩

where 𝔥 is a Cartan subalgebra of 𝔤 and 𝔤α is the root space associated to the root α .


 ∑ ∑ ∑ 𝔭Θ := 𝔥 ⊕ 𝔤α ⊕ 𝔤-α ⊕ 𝔤β. + α∈⟨Θ ⟩ α∈⟨Θ⟩ β∈Π -⟨Θ⟩


The space 𝔽Θ = G ∕PΘ is called a flag manifold, where 𝔤 and 𝔭Θ are the Lie algebras of G and P Θ , respectively.

Each manifold 𝔽 Θ has families of complex geometries, i.e., families of invariant Hermitian structures denoted by  2 (𝔽 Θ,J,dsΛ ) .

We denote by ⟨⋅,⋅⟩ the Cartan-Killing form of 𝔤 , and fix once and for all a Weyl basis of 𝔤 , which amounts to take X α ∈ 𝔤α such that ⟨X α,X -α ⟩ = 1 , and [X α,X β] = m α,βX α+β with m α,β ∈ ℝ , m -α,-β = - m α,β , and m α,β = 0 if α + β is not a root.

We define the compact real form of 𝔤 , as the real subalgebra

𝔲 = spanℝ {i𝔥 ℝ,Aα, iS α : α ∈ Π }

where Aα = Xα - X -α and S α = X α + X - α .

Let xΘ be the origin of 𝔽 Θ . TxΘ𝔽 Θ is identified with

TxΘ𝔽Θ ≈ ηΘ =∑ span ℝ{A α,iS α : α ∕∈ ⟨Θ ⟩} = = 𝔲α, α∈Π \⟨Θ⟩=Π Θ

where 𝔲α = (𝔤α ⊕ 𝔤-α) ∩ 𝔲 = span {A α,iSα} ℝ . Complexifying ηΘ we obtain Tℂ 𝔽 Θ xΘ , which can be identified with

𝔮 = ∑ 𝔤 . Θ β β∈Π\⟨Θ⟩

We denote the irreducible components of 𝔮Θ as 𝔤σ , where σ is the set of roots α with 𝔤α ⊂ 𝔤σ , thus 𝔤σ = Σα∈ σ𝔤α .

Let Π(Θ ) be the collection of sets σ originating the irreducible components. We write

𝔮Θ = ⊕ σ∈Π(Θ )𝔤 σ = ⊕α ∈ΠΘ𝔤α.

Each σ ∈ Π (Θ ) defines a field of complex subspaces (Eσ)σ∈Π (Θ) such that   ℂ ∑ T x 𝔽 Θ = σ∈Π (Θ )Eσ (x)  for each x ∈ 𝔽Θ .

A U -invariant almost complex structure J on 𝔽Θ is completely determined by a linear map J : ηΘ → ηΘ . The map J satisfies J2 = - 1 and commutes with the adjoint action of K Θ on ηΘ . We denote also by J its complexification to 𝔮Θ .

The invariance of J entails that J(𝔤σ) = 𝔤σ for all σ ∈ Π (Θ) . The eigenvalues of J are  √ --- ± - 1 , and the eigenvectors in 𝔮Θ are X α , α ∈ Π Θ . Hence, in each irreducible component 𝔤σ ,  √ --- J = - 1εσid with εσ = ±1 satisfying ε- σ = - εσ . A U -invariant almost complex structure on 𝔽Θ is completely determined by the numbers ɛσ = ±1 , σ ∈ Π (Θ ) .

A U -invariant Riemannian metric ds2 Λ on 𝔽 Θ is completely determined by the following inner product ⟨⋅,⋅⟩ on ηΘ  

⟨X, Y ⟩ := - ⟨ΛX, Y ⟩ Λ


with Λ : ηΘ → ηΘ definite-positive with respect to the Cartan-Killing form. On each irreducible component of 𝔮Θ , Λ = λ σid with λ-σ = λ σ > 0 .

Consider τ the conjugation of 𝔤 relatively to 𝔲 . Hence, ⟨⟨X, Y⟩⟩Λ = ⟨X, τY ⟩Λ is a Hermitian form on 𝔤 , that originates a U -invariant Hermitian form on 𝔽Θ .

If Ω = Ω J,Λ denotes the corresponding Kähler form then

 √ --- Ω (X α,X β) = - - 1λ αεβ⟨Xα, Xβ⟩.


We recall that an almost-Hermitian manifold is said (1,2) -symplectic if dΩ (X,Y, Z ) = 0 when one of the vectors X , Y , Z is of type (1,0) , and the other two are of type (0,1) . If J is integrable and d Ω ≡ 0 , we say (𝔽 Θ,J,ds2Λ) is a Kähler manifold.

3. Maps on 𝔽Θ

From now on, for abuse of notation we will denote a map φ : M → 𝔽Θ by (φσ)σ∈Π(Θ) where φ σ : M 2 → E σ , despite φ and (φ σ)σ∈Π(Θ) being completely different objects.

Black for the cases Bl , Cl and Dl (see [2]) and the author in the case Al (see ([21]), obtained the Cauchy-Riemann equations in our situation:

Proposition 3.1. A map φ : M 2 → (𝔽Θ, J ) is J -holomorphic on p ∈ M if and only if for every σ ∈ Π (Θ ) , φ (p ) ⁄= 0 σ implies φ (p) = 0 -σ .

We define the energy of φ as:

 1 ∫ ( ⟨⟨∂φ, ∂φ⟩⟩ + ) E (φ) = -- ⟨∂⟨z∂φ ∂z∂φ⟩Λ⟩ υg 2 M ∂¯z, ∂¯z Λ 1 ∑ ∫ ( ⟨⟨φ εσ(p),φ εσ(p)⟩⟩ + ) = -- ⟨⟨ σ σ Λ⟩⟩ υg 2 σ∈Π(Θ)+ M φ ε-σσ(p),φ ε-σσ(p) Λ

To deduce the harmonic map equations, a basic remark is that

∫ ⟨ ⟨ ∂q ⟩⟩ M2 ( --1-, q2 + ∂z ⟨⟨ ∂q ⟩ ⟩ q1 ,---2 ) ∂z υg = 0 , for any perturbations

 2 q1,q2 : M → g . In fact, every map f :  2 M → ℂ satisfies

df (p) = ∂f(p) ∂x dx + ∂f-(p)dy = ∂y

 √ --- = 1(∂f-(p)dz + - 1 2 ∂z  √ --- ∂f-(p)d( - 1z ) ∂z ) =

 1∂f = 2---(p)dz+ ∂z  √--1√ ---∂f (- -2--) - 1---(p) = ∂z ∂f ---(p)dz ∂z .

We now consider the map f = ⟨⟨q , q ⟩⟩ 1 2 : M 2 → ℂ . ∂f- = -∂- ⟨⟨q , q ⟩⟩ = ∂z ∂z 1 2

 ⟨ ⟩ ∂--⟨q1 , q2⟩ = ∂q1-, q2 + ∂z ∂z ⟨ ⟩ q1 ,-∂-(q2) = ∂z ⟨ ⟨ ⟩⟩ ∂q1-, q2 + ∂z ⟨ -----⟩ q1 ,(∂q2) = ∂z

⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟩ ∂q1-, q2 + ∂z ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟩ q1 , ∂q2 ∂ z . According to Stokes' Theorem we have

∫ ∫ M2 df(p)υg = ∂(M2)f (p)υg = 0 . Thus,

 ⟨ ⟨ ⟩⟩ ∫ ∂q1- M2 ( ∂z , q2 + ⟨⟨ ⟩ ⟩ ∂q2- q1 , ∂z- ) υg = 0 .

We now perturb the map φ in the following natural way

 t tq(p) φ (p ) := e ∘ φ(p) - ε < t < ε

We are considering here the natural action of Gl (n,C ) on 𝔽Θ and taking an arbitrary  ∞ C map  2 q : M → 𝔤𝔩(𝔫, ℂ) .

In [23] we deduce the following Euler-Lagrange equations for our variational problem

Proposition 3.2. A map φ : (M 2,g) → (𝔽 ,ds2) Θ Λ is harmonic if and only if -d| E (φ ) = 0 dt t=0 t if and only if

 ( ∑ ) Re λ ∇ -φ (p) = 0, for every p ∈ M α z α α∈Π


We will use a generalization of J  to an f -structure following Yano ([29]). An f -structure F on 𝔽Θ is a section of End (T (𝔽Θ)) such that F 3 + F = 0 .

An invariant f -structure is given by the matrix ε(F) = (fα)α∈Π Θ with fα = 1 , - 1 or 0 , according to the eigenvalues of F .

We now state the Cauchy-Riemann equations in the case of f -structures

Proposition 3.3. A map φ : (M 2,J) → (FΘ, F ) is F -holomorphic if and only if it is subordinate to ε(F ) .

Definition 3.1. Consider an invariant f -structureF  on 𝔽 Θ . Let

 ∑ F+ := fα α∈ΠΘ fα=1


 ∑ F- := fα. α∈ΠΘ fα=- 1

F is said horizontal if [F ,F ] ⊂ 𝔭 + - Θ .

The following theorem due to Black ([2]) is essential in our study

Theorem 3.4. Let φ = (φ α) : (M 2,J,g) → (𝔽Θ,F ,ds2 ) Λ be subordinate to a horizontal f -structure F . Then φ is equi-harmonic.

Consider now ∂φ ∑ ---(p) = α∈ΠΘ xα(p)X α ∂z . We can prove that  φ H := { α ∈ Π Θ, x α(p) = 0} is a horizontal f -structure, and we will call it by f -structure associated to φ .

We will now exhibit families of equi-harmonic and holomorphic maps  2 2 ψ : (M ,J,g) → (𝔽Θ,J,ds Λ) subordinate to an horizontal f -structure, thus all of them are equi-harmonic according to Theorem 3.4. Any map in these families, is called a holomorphic and horizontal frame.

Let h : M 2 → ℂP n-1 be a holomorphic and non-degenerate map. We consider its associate curve θ : M 2 → G (ℂn) k k , where θ (p) := h(z) ∧ ∂h(p) ∧ ⋅⋅⋅ ∧ ∂(k-1)h(p) k ∂z ∂z and  ⊥ Πk := θk ∩ θk-1 .

We define the map Ψ = (Π1, Π2, ...,Πn ) : M 2 → F (n ) . We can prove that  ∑ ∂Ψ∂z = α∈Π xα (p )X α , with xα ≡ 0 if  ∑ α ∈ Π - , where ∑ = {α12,α23,...,α (n-1)n} denotes a simple root system for sl(n + 1,ℂ ) .

We can prove that any such map Ψ is holomorphic and subordinate to H Ψ , thus, again according to Theorem 3.4, it is an equi-harmonic map.

More generally, we will now construct families of holomorphic and equi-harmonic maps Ψ : M 2 → 𝔽(n;n1, n2,...,nk) .

Let 𝔽 be the geometric flag manifold 𝔽 = -------U(n)--------= 𝔽(n; n1,n2,..., U(n1)×U(n2)×...×U (nk) nk) , where ni > 0 , k ≥ 3 and n1 + n2 + ...+ nk = n .

A root system of height one with respect to Θ , is given by:

 ( ) ||| α1(n1+1),...,α1(n1+n2),...,αn1(n1+1),..., ||| ||{ α ,...,α ,...,α(n1+1)(n1+n2+n3 ), ||} ∑ n1(n1+1) (n1+1)(n1+n2+1) (Θ) = || ,...,α(n1+n2)(n1+n2+1),...,α (n1+n2)(n1+n2+n3),..., || ||| ...,α(n1+n2+...+n )(n1+...+n +1),..., ||| ( ...,α k-1 k-1 ) (n1+n2+...+nk-1)n

Let h : M 2 → CP n-1 any holomorphic and nondegenerate map, and Ψ = (Π ,...,Π ) : M 2 → F(n ) 0 1 n as we have defined above.

We define the map  2 Ψ = (Ψ1, ...,Ψk ) : M → F (n; n1,...,nk) by: Ψ1 = Π1 + ...+ Πn1,...,Ψk = Πnk- 1+1 + ...+ Πnk .

We prove in [23] that any such Ψ is a holomorphic-horizontal frame.

4. The second variation of energy and stability on 𝔽Θ

We compute now the second variation of the energy in our situation.

Theorem 4.1. Consider a harmonic map φ : (M 2,g) → (𝔽 Θ,ds2) Λ .


 ( ∫ ⟨[ ] ⟩ ) d2 || ( q(p), ∂q(p) , ∂φ(p) + --2|| E(φt) = IφΛ(q) = Re ( M ⟨[ ∂∂qz ] ∂∂φz ⟩ Λ ) (10 ) dt t=0 + q(p),∂z(p) ,∂z(p) Vg ( ∫ ⟨ ⟩ ) Λ + 1-Re ∂q-(p), ∂q-(p) νg (11 ) 2 M ∂z ∂z Λ 1 ( ∫ ⟨ ∂q ∂q ⟩ ) + 2-Re ∂z-(p),∂z-(p) νg (12 ) ( ∫ M⟨ [ ] Λ ⟩ ) M ( q(p ), ∂∂qz(p) , ∂∂φz(p) + = Re ( ⟨[ ∂q ] ∂φ ⟩ Λ ) , (13 ) + q(p),∂z(p) ,∂z(p) Λ )υg 1 ∑ ∫ + --Re( λα(⟨qα(p),qα (p)⟩ + ⟨q- α(p),q- α(p)⟩)υg) (14 ) 2 α∈Π M

where the map q : M → 𝔤 𝔩(𝔫,ℭ ) is defined by ∂q ∑ ∂z(p ) = α∈Π qα(p)X α .

Definition 4.1. A harmonic map φ : (M 2,g) → (𝔽 ,ds2) Θ Λ is said stable if  φ IΛ(q) ≥ 0 , for any variation  2 q : M → g . Otherwise, φ is said unstable.

The following Theorem due to Lichnerowicz ([19]) is fundamental in our study of stability on flags.

Theorem 4.2. Let φ : (M 2,J,g ) → (𝔽 ,J,ds2) Θ Λ be a J -holomorphic map and  2 (𝔽 Θ,J,dsΛ ) a Kähler structure. Then φ is stable.

Definition 4.2. We say that  ′ Λ ′P = (λσ )σ∈Π (Θ ) is a P -perturbation of Λ = (λσ)σ subordinate to ψ = (ψ σ) : M 2 → 𝔽Θ σ∈Π(Θ) if

  1.  P ⊂ Π(Θ ) ;
  2.  λ′ = λ σ σ if σ ∈ P ;
  3.   ′ λσ = ξσ + λσ > 0 , ξσ ∈ ℝ if σ ∈ Π (Θ ) - P ;
  4.  ψσ = 0 if σ ∈ Π (Θ ) - P .

Regarding the families of the holomorphic and horizontal frames we have just defined, we can simply consider P =Σ (Θ ) .

Using the above definition of perturbation we derive the following basic lemma.

Lemma 4.3. Let ψ  (ψσ)σ : (M 2,g) → (𝔽Θ,ds2Λ ) Θ a holomorphic and horizontal frame. Then,

Iψ′(q) = IψΛ(q) + (15 ) ΛP ( ∫ ) ∑ M λσ(⟨qσ(p),qσ(p)⟩+ + ξσ ⟨q-σ(p),q-σ(p)⟩)υg . (16 ) σ∈ Π(Θ )- P

According to Gray-Hervella ([16]) the almost Hermitian structures can be decomposed into four irreducible components. For instance, {0} corresponds to Kähler metrics, W1 ⊕ W2 to the (1,2) -symplectic ones and, so on. See [25] and [26].

Lemma 4.4. A necessary and sufficient condition for  2 (𝔽,J, dsΛ) to be in W1 ⊕ W3 is: λ α = λβ = λγ if {α, β,γ} is a (0,3) -triple.

As an immediate consequence of this lemma we notice that the Cartan-Killing structure is in W1 ⊕ W3 . We will now consider perturbations of the Cartan-Killing structure.

We consider a J = (εα) and denote by C (J) the subset of roots α such that there exists a (0,3) -triple { α,β,γ } .

Let ds2 Λ0=(λ0α) given by λ0 = k > 0 α for each α ∈ Σ ∪ C (J) , and 0 < λ0 ≤ k α otherwise. According to Lemma 4.4,  2 (𝔽,J, dsΛ0) ∈ W1 ⊕ W3 . We can prove the following theorem.

Theorem 4.5. Let ψ = (ψ ) : M 2 → 𝔽 α be an arbitrary holomorphic-horizontal frame. Then,  2 2 ψ : (M ,g ) → (𝔽,dsΛ0) is unstable.

5. Stability results on 𝔽

According to the results obtained in [25], among all the invariant Hermitian structures, the main cases are W1 ⊕ W2 and W1 ⊕ W3 . We will now discuss the stability phenomenon of holomorphic-horizontal frames in these two main classes.

Based on a crucial result derived in [25] we present the following definition.

Definition 5.1. Let  ′ ′ ε = (εα)α∈Π ,  ′ εα = ±1 and  ′ ′ ε-α = - εα . We fix a Kähler structure (𝔽,(εα)α∈Π,(λ α)α∈Π) . The metric  ′ ′ Λ = (λα )α ∈Π is said a perturbation of type (1,2)-symplectic of Λ = (λ α)α∈Π if

  1. for each α ∈ Π+ with ε′ = +1 α and, α = α + ⋅⋅⋅ + α 1 s we have  ′ λ α = λα1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + λ αs .
  2. for each α ∈ Π+ with  ′ εα = - 1 and if α = μ - α1 - ⋅⋅⋅ - αk , where μ is the highest root, and each αi ∈ Σ , then λ ′α = λμ + λα1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + λs .

We now are ready to discuss the W1 ⊕ W2 case. We consider  ′ 2 (𝔽, (εα),dsΛ′) equipped with an invariant Hermitian structure that comes from a perturbation of type (1,2)-symplectic of a Kähler structure (𝔽,(εα),ds2Λ) . Thus, in [23] we prove

Theorem 5.1. Let ψ : (M 2,g) → (𝔽,ds2 ′) Λ be a holomorphic-horizontal frame. Then ψ is stable.

We will now concentrate our attention on the family of invariant Hermitian structures on 𝔽 that are in W1 ⊕ W3 . We begin our discussion mentioning the classification of Einstein metrics on 𝔽 (3 ) and 𝔽(4) derived in [17] and [22], exploiting these results and obtaining (see [23])

Theorem 5.2. Let ψ : (M 2,g) → (𝔽(n),ds2 ) Λ= (λij) a holomorphic and horizontal frame with n = 3 or 4 and  2 dsΛ=(λij) a Einstein  and non-Kähler metric. Then, the map ψ is unstable.

A basic result due to Arvanitoyeorgos [1] and Kimura [17] is the following one.

Theorem 5.3. The  space 𝔽 (n )  for n = 3 admits as Einstein metrics only the normal and the Kähler-Einstein metrics. If n ≥ 4 it admits at least n2!+ n + 1  Einstein metrics. The n2!  metrics are the already mentioned Kähler-Einstein metrics described by Borel, one is the usual normal metric and the remaining n are given explicitly as follows:

  1. λsi = λsj = n - 1 ,i ⁄= s, j ⁄= s
  2. λkl = n + 1 ,k,l ⁄= s (1 ≤ s ≤ n) .

More generally, in his Ph.D. thesis ([12]), dos Santos has found new families of Einstein non-Kähler metrics on arbitrary 𝔽 (n) . See also [9] and [13] for additional details.

We notice that any known invariant Einstein metric on 𝔽(n ) has a common feature: either it is Kähler or is in W ⊕ W 1 3 . In fact, we believe that this fact is true for any Einstein metric on 𝔽 (n) .

Using an appropriate Cartan-Killing perturbation (as in Theorem 4.5) we can prove.

Theorem 5.4. Let (𝔽(n),ds2 ) Λ= (λij)  equipped with any of the known Einstein non-Kähler metrics above described, and ψ : (M 2,g ) → (𝔽(n ),ds2Λ=(λij))  be any arbitrary holomorphic-horizontal frame. Then, ψ is unstable.


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Caio J. C. Negreiros
Department of Mathematics.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Cx. Postal 6065 13081-970, Campinas-SP, Brasil

Recibido: 5 de octubre de 2005
Aceptado: 19 de septiembre de 2006

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