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Latin American applied research

versão impressa ISSN 0327-0793versão On-line ISSN 1851-8796

Lat. Am. appl. res. vol.43 no.3 Bahía Blanca jul. 2013


Evaluation of a new model for vowels synthesis with perturbations in acoustic parameters

G.A. Alzamendi, G. Schlotthauer, H.L. Rufiner and M.E. Torres†‡

Laboratorio de Señales y Dinámicas no Lineales (FI-UNER) -CONICET
Centro de I+D en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional (FICH-UNL) -CONICET

Abstract — Voice signal contains intrinsic irregularities which become more evident in the presence of pathologies. The acoustic parameters are very useful for the clinical assessment of voice and pathologies detection. Most existing voice models handle irregularities as additive noise and not as information carriers. In this work, a new model is proposed allowing to generate synthesized voices with previously selected acoustical parameters shimmer and jitter. Artificial voices are generated from a glottal source signal, obtained by conveniently disturbing amplitudes and periods, and then filtered using an auto-regressive linear filter. Models were developed for amplitude and period perturbations based on statistical methods. Several signals were generated and the performance of the model was analyzed. The quality of synthesized voices was evaluated using an objective quality measurement. The obtained jitter and shimmer values mostly agreed with the theoretically predicted values. These results suggest that this model is useful for artificial voices generation.

Keywords — Irregular-Voice; Voice Synthesis Model; Acoustic Parameters; Jitter; Shimmer.


Study and modeling of voice generation mechanisms cover diverse scientific fields and demand interdisciplinary points of view, due to the complexity and diversity of the involved elements. The main issues are the analysis of the anatomical structures and the phenomena involved in the speech processes, considering dynamical behaviors and structural relationships.

Applications of speech models include methods for speaker recognition, techniques to improve the quality of artificial voices, strategies applied to man-machine interfaces and a variety of techniques for modeling, conditioning, synthesis, compression and transmission of speech signals. The different models developed to analyze and imitate the process of voice generation differ on the employed strategies and methods, and depend on the considered application. Recently, voice models have been applied to the study and synthesis of pathological voices. This made possible to develop a knowledge and understanding of the etiologies and alterations that can be found in different voice disorders (Schlotthauer, 2010; Torres et al., 2009). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that even normal voices present intrinsic irregularities and that they are responsible of the degree of perceived naturalness (Baken and Orlikoff, 2000; Schlotthauer, 2010).

Acoustical parameters are usually employed in the practice of clinical medicine. Added to perceptual analysis and specific tests, they allow specialists to characterize the voice of an individual and to determine the presence of pathologies (Schlotthauer, 2010). Shimmer and jitter are the parameters most frequently used for quantifying instantaneous alterations in amplitude and frequency, respectively. It has been proved that these parameters are useful to characterize different types of voice and are sensitive to voice disorders (Baken and Orlikoff, 2000; Brockmann et al., 2011; Velasco García et al., 2011).

The purpose of this study is to propose and develop a simple voice synthesis model based on acoustical parameters of interest in the voice clinical practice. Particularly, here the focus is centered in the quantities shimmer and jitter, considering both healthy and pathological voices. For the validation of the proposed model two approaches are followed. First, the quantities estimated from the synthesized signals will be contrasted with the theoretical values. Also, the synthesized speech quality will be evaluated by means of an objective quality measure, with high correlation with psycho-acoustic perception.

This article is organized as follows: in Section II the proposed model is introduced, the methodology is presented and the used materials are detailed. In Section III the experimental results are shown and discussed. In Section IV the conclusions and future works are presented.


In this work, we propose a voice synthesis method based on the source-filter speech production model. This approach possesses a simple theoretical framework and has proved to be useful in a variety of applications (Proakis et al., 1993). The model is inspired on the physiology of the voice system and the phonation process, where the air flow coming from the lungs is modified by the actions of the vocal folds producing regular pulses, called Glottal Pulses (GP). Those are acoustically transmitted through the Vocal Tract (VT), giving as result the proper voice signal (Rufiner, 2009). Each component of our model is detailed in the following sections.

A. Glottal source

The morphology of the Glottal Source (GS), considered in the model, depends on the speech sounds to be analyzed or generated. In particular, only the synthesis of sustained vowels will be considered in this work. The vowels exhibit a regular morphology and, in case of healthy voices, a semi-periodic behavior. These emissions are the most widely used in acoustic tests. Considering these properties, here we propose to generate the GS from an impulse train with variable amplitude and period, represented by:


where Ai and Pj are respectively the amplitude and period of each impulse (Proakis et al., 1993). The value 1/Pj determines the instantaneous frequency (F0) of j-th impulse. The main advantages of the representation of GS as in Eq. (1) are that it allows: i) to achieve the regularity and periodicity needed for the application, and ii) to freely modify the values Ai and Pj, thus introducing controlled alterations in the speech signal. Ruinskiy and Lavner (2008) used similar perturbations such as random noise added to the GS in voice synthesis processes. Here we propose to generate artificial voices from statistical models of jitter and shimmer parameters. Therefore, it is needed an appropriate connection between these quantities and the parameters of GS.

The measure of the amplitude perturbation is usually called shimmer. This quantity takes into account instantaneous alterations in the amplitude of a voice signal, considering two consecutive pulses (Baken and Orlikoff, 2000). The shimmer factor (shimmer%) is computed as follows:


where Ai is the amplitude of the i-th pulse and N is the number of pulses in the signal.

Period perturbation measures in the voice signal receive the name of jitter (Baken and Orlikoff, 2000). Among all existing quantities, the most widely used is the jitter factor, given by:


where Pj is the period of the j-th pulse and N is the number of pulses.

Variations in amplitude and period in the GS pulses are assumed statistically independent. This fact allows to use Eq. (1). Furthermore, we consider that the series Ai and Pj obey a Gaussian behavior with probability density functions and respectively, where the quantities A0 and P0 are the corresponding mean values, and σA and σP are their standard deviations. These hypothesis have been previously used both in the analysis of the voice signal dynamics (Titze, 1995) and in classification of healthy and pathological voices (Torres et al., 2009).

From the density functions, the series ΔAi=Ai+1-Ai and ΔPj=Pj+1-Pj, with i,j=1,..., N-1, were generated. These series possess probability distribution functions given by and , respectively. Therefore, the absolute values series obeys a hemi-Gaussian behavior and possesses a probability density function given by:


It can be shown that the expected value of is determined by


It is known that

converges to and that

converges to A0, under the condition N→∞. Finally, replacing Eq. (5) into the Eq. (2) σA is obtained:


In a similar way, it can be demonstrated that:


Equations (6) and (7) allow to synthesize vowels with desired values of shimmer%, jitter%, A0 and P0. To this end, the series Ai and Pj must be generated as random Gaussian noise with mean A0 and P0 and standard deviation σA and σP, respectively.

B. Vocal tract

The filtering properties of the VT can be represented by an auto-regressive model, where the voice signal at a particular instant depends on its past values and the current value of the GS (Proakis et al., 1993; Rufiner, 2009). It can be expressed by the following difference equation:


where s[n] represents the voice signal, u[n] corresponds to GS, ak are the linear prediction (LP) coefficients and G is a constant.

The system behavior in the frequency domain can be analyzed by taking the Z-transform on both sides of Eq. (8). As a result, the system transfer function is given by:


where and .

The result of filtering a speech signal using the inverse VT filter is defined as prediction error or residual. It is considered that this residual represents the actual behavior of the GS, and it has been proved that its application to voice synthesis improves the acoustical and perceptual properties of artificial signals (Proakis et al., 1993).

C. Database

The used database (MEEI, 2009) consists of sustained vowels /a/ phonated by 53 healthy speakers and by 654 speakers with disturbed voices due to a variety of pathologies. These signals were used to obtain the LP coefficients needed for VT modeling, according to Section B. Each signal was accompanied by a detailed information gathered from a variety of test and opinions of professionals. Table 1 shows mean, maximum and minimum of shimmer% and jitter% of the analyzed population. It can be noted that the pathological voices present higher values and greater dispersions in the acoustic parameters.

Table 1: Mean, maximum and minimum of shimmer% and jitter% of healthy and pathological voices corresponding to the analyzed database

In this application 22 LP coefficients were used. In Fig. 1a, 25 ms of a real vowel signal and in Fig. 1b its residual are displayed, corresponding to a healthy voice from a male individual.

Figure 1: Voice signal corresponding to a healthy voice from male person (F0=189.295 Hz, jitter% =0.269% and shimmer% =1.826%). a) Sustained vowel /a/, b) Residual.

D. Synthesized signals

An impulse train was generated with unitary amplitude and fundamental period P0, with P0=1/F0. Amplitude and period of each impulse were modified independently according to Section A in order to obtain the set jitter% and shimmer% values. The GS was obtained as result of the convolution between the disturbed impulse train and a residual period. This procedure improved the naturalness of the synthesized signal. Finally, each artificial vowel was obtained from the VT filter, as explained in Sections B and C. In Fig. 2a, 25 ms of a synthesized vowel with a sampling frequency Fs=50 kHz is shown and in Fig. 2b its residual is displayed. For comparison purposes, signals were synthesized estimating the VT filter from the sustained vowels records, and using the parameters F0, jitter% and shimmer% reported in the previously described database.

Figure 2: Synthesized voice signal corresponding to healthy voice from a male person (F0=189.295 Hz, jitter% =0.269%, shimmer% =1.826% and Fs = 50 kHz). a) Sustained vowel /a/, b) Residual.

A collection of signals was synthesized taking different jitter% and shimmer% values into the ranges 0.00≤jitter%≤3.00 and 0.00≤ shimmer %≤5.00, respectively, with step size of 0.05. These ranges were chosen according to the maximum and minimum values of each acoustical parameter for healthy voices, taken from the database (see Table 1). Hereafter, these parameters are referred as the theoretical jitter% and shimmer% values.

E. Perceptual evaluation of speech quality

In order to evaluate the perceptual quality of the synthesized voices, an objective measure called perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) was used. This measure is defined in the standard ITU P.862 as an objective method designed to evaluate the quality of speech transmitted over communication channels (ITU-T, 2001). It has been extensively studied and it has shown a high correlation with subjective quality measures in different situations (Kokkinakis and Loizou, 2011).

In an attempt to imitate human perception, this method employs several levels of analysis. The first step consists in gain/delay compensation. Next, a transformation to a perceptual domain is performed and a density distortion is obtained from the difference between the signal to be analyzed and a reference signal. In the final step, cognitive models are applied (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Flow chart of different steps in the PESQ method.

The used PESQ algorithm takes values in the range [1, 4.5] given by nonlinear regression with subjective tests (Hu and Loizou, 2008; available online at Based on healthy voices of the database, 53 sustained vowels were synthesized and the PESQ values were obtained, using real signals as reference. For each signal, the used values of F0, jitter% and shimmer% were extracted from database information.


In this section, the performance of the proposed model and the perceptual quality of the synthesized vowels are analyzed, considering different values of the acoustic parameters jitter and shimmer.

Figures 1 and 2 display a real and a synthesized signal respectively. Figures 1b and 2b show that the behavior of both residual signals were very similar. Moreover, small oscillations can be noted in the real residual amplitude corresponding to intrinsic irregularities in the speech system, but these oscillations are not observed in the synthesized residual. On the contrary, the morphology of the synthesized vowel considerably differs from the real one (see Figs. 1a and 2a), but it is not the case for its regularity. This occurs because the VT filter only provides an approximated model of the spectral behavior of the vocal tract, and consequently the obtained signal is not an exact copy of the real voice (Proakis et al., 1993). The pre-emphasis filter and the convolution between the impulse train and the residual improve the quality of the synthesized signal.

In order to analyze the model performance, a set of sustained vowels were synthesized using Fs=50 kHz. For each signal, jitter% and shimmer% quantities were obtained from Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively. Signals were grouped according to the theoretical value of eachacoustical parameter separately and statistical measures were obtained in each group. In Figs. 4a and 4b the estimated values of shimmer% and jitter% are respectively represented in function of their theoretical values. It is presented in solid black line the mean for each group, in solid gray line the standard deviation and in dotted gray line the theoretical value. The estimated correlation coefficient was 0.999986 for shimmer% and 0.999939 for jitter%. In both cases, it can be seen that the estimated parameters cannot be distinguished from the theoretical values over most of the analyzed range. Furthermore, it can be seen that the dispersion of each acoustic parameter increases with higher perturbation values.

Figure 4: Estimated acoustical parameters in function of the theoretical values. It is presented in solid black line the mean, in solid gray line the standard deviation and in dotted gray line the theoretical value. (a) shimmer%, (b) jitter%.

In particular for jitter%, the proposed model slightly differs from the theoretical behavior for values less than 0.2. This phenomenon can be appreciated in the zoom at Fig. 4b. In order to explain this behavior, we assume that it is due to the discrete nature of synthesized signals. Observe that, in Eq. (3), for small values of jitter% the estimation of |Pj+1-Pj| is difficult, because the capacity to resolve as different two consecutive periods depends exclusively on the sampling frequency. Therefore, at low values of jitter%, the impulse periods are very similar. For this reason, jitter values will be underestimated. So, at certain point it will no longer be possible to distinguish differences between consecutive periods, and the estimated value of jitter will tend to zero.

In order to confirm this hypothesis, the experiment was repeated by setting F0 = 189 Hz and varying Fs in the synthesized signals. In Fig. 5a the jitter% performance of synthesized voices is shown, using Fs=35 (diamonds), 50 (crosses), 75 (circles) and 100 kHz (asterisks). The theoretical values are displayed in dotted gray line. As it can be seen, the performance of the proposed method improves with higher values of Fs, but simultaneously the computational costs increases significantly.

Figure 5: (a) jitter% of signals with F0 = 189 Hz and different Fs values: 35 (diamonds), 50 (crosses), 75 (circles) and 100 kHz (asterisks). (b) jitter% of signal with Fs =50 kHz and different F0 values: 189 (circles) and 230 Hz (asterisks.)

From Eq. (3), it can be seen that jitter% also depends on the mean period P0 of the analyzed voice. When F0 increases then P0 decreases, and as a consequence, the estimated value moves away from the theoretical value for a wider range of jitter%. This phenomenon was experimentally confirmed, as can be appreciated in Fig. 5b. Two sets of artificial voices were synthesized, one of them using F0=189 Hz (circles) and another with F0=230 Hz (asterisks). The model performance was analyzed and it was contrasted with the theoretical one (dotted gray line). The signals of these two sets correspond to typical male and female healthy voices, respectively. All signals were synthesized using Fs=50 kHz.

The performance at low values of jitter% could be considered as a model deficiency. Nevertheless, it can be observed from Table 1 that the minimum value of jitter in the database is 0.175. An analysis of the database reveals that most of the values are greater than this critical value. Therefore, we can assume that the proposed model can be applied to synthesize both healthy and pathological voices (considering jitter% values greater than 0.2). If the synthesis of signals with jitter% less than 0.2 is required, then an appropriate Fs must be chosen

PESQ values were obtained from artificial signals in order to evaluate its perceptual quality, considering real vowels as references. This algorithm was designed to analyze continuous speech signals and, in this situation, speech information is usually considered to remain stable for periods of 20-30 ms. For this reason, rectangular windows of 2500 samples were used in this work. Sustained vowels of long duration present intrinsic oscillations which could influence PESQ. In Fig. 6 a histogram of obtained PESQ values is shown. It can be seen that most synthesized signals have a PESQ value greater than 3.0, with a mean of 3.9 and a standard deviation of 0.4. This result suggests that the perceptual quality of synthesized signals using the proposed model is considerably high.

Figure 6: Histogram of PESQ values obtained from the synthesized vowels, using the real signals as references.


In this article a model for generation of artificial voices with controlled perturbations was proposed. This model differs from previous models by including acoustical parameters shimmer and jitter in the synthesis process, which are of great interest in the voice clinical practice.

For this purpose, a set of rules for amplitude and period modification in the GS were developed taking into account statistical models. Based on real voice signals, the model was applied to the synthesis of sustained vowels for a wide range of shimmer and jitter.

It was shown that synthesized signals have a behavior similar to the real vowels and the obtained parameters correspond with the theoretical values, over most of the range of interest. Furthermore, the capability of the proposed model to generate high quality artificial voices was confirmed with the obtained PESQ values.

Future works in this area include the application of this model to synthesize pathological voices, the incorporation of additional acoustic parameters of clinical interest, and the use of advanced signal processing techniques to analyze the synthesized voices.

This work was supported by ANPCyT, CONICET and UNER. The authors thank Dra. María C. Jackson Menaldi from Lakeshore Ear, Nose and Throat Center, St. Clair Shores (USA), and Wayne State University, Detroit (USA), for her important comments.

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Received: May 24, 2012
Accepted: October 5, 2012
Recommended by Subject Editor: José Luis Figueroa

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