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Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

versão On-line ISSN 1851-2372

Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. vol.53 no.1 Córdoba mar. 2018


Micología - Mycology

Two new records of the family Lobariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales) from Argentina

Dos nuevos registros de la familia Lobariaceae (Ascomycota liquenizados: Peltigerales) para la Argentina.



1 INIBIOMA, CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Quintral 1250, 8400 S.C de Bariloche, Argentina.
* Autor para la correspondencia:

Summary: As part of long term studies focused in the lichenized mycobiota diversity from southern Argentina, two species of the family Lobariaceae (Peltigerales), Pseudocyphellaria pluvialis and Sticta longipes, are registered for the frst time in Argentina. These species were previously reported as endemic from southern Chile. Brief descriptions, illustrations and information about the distribution and ecology of the species are provided.

Key words: Distribution, diversity, Pseudocyphellaria, Sticta, South America.

Resumen: Dos nuevos registros de la familia Lobariaceae (Ascomycota liquenizados: Peltigerales) para la Argentina. Como parte de estudios a largo plazo enfocados en la diversidad de hongos liquenizados del sur de Argentina, se registran por primera vez para el país dos especies de la familia Lobariaceae (Peltigerales), Pseudocyphellaria pluvialis y Sticta longipes. Estas especies fueron citadas previamente como endémicas del sur de Chile. Se presentan descripciones breves, ilustraciones e información sobre la distribución y ecología de las especies.

Palabras clave: Distribución, diversidad, Pseudocyphellaria, Sticta, América del Sur.



Lichenized fungi are a conspicuous and relevant element of Andean-Patagonian forest in southern South America, both in terms of diversity, epiphytic biomass and nutrient cycling (Galloway, 1996). Among this, Lobariaceae Chevall. (Peltigerales) are a remarkable example. This Ascomycota family, with 13 genera and more than 500 species worldwide (Kirk et al., 2008; Moncada et al., 2013), is well known due to their ofiten prominent thalli. Traditionally, the species included within this family are characterized by a foliose thallus, with a tomentose lower surface (and sometimes also upper surface), with pseudocyphellae or cyphellae on lower surface [Pseudocyphellaria Vain. and Sticta (Schreb.) Ach. respectively] or without them [Lobaria (Schreb.) Hoffm. s. lat.], and with a diverse complex of secondary metabolites (Galloway, 1992; Moncada et al., 2013). Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta are the two largest genera of this family. There are about 170 species of Pseudocyphellaria, distributed mainly in temperate regions in the Southern Hemisphere, with ca. 53 species reported for southern South America (Galloway, 1992). Sticta is a subcosmopolitan genus which includes ca. 114 species present in both hemispheres, but studies by Moncada (2012) and Moncada et al. (2013) mentioned that the genus has a centre of diversity in tropical South America and the number of species could increase up to 500. In Argentina and Chile, 12 species of Sticta have been cited (Galloway et al., 1995).

Although both genera have been monographed for southern South America and intensively surveyed by different authors (Galloway, 1986; Galloway & Pickering, 1990; Galloway, 1992, 1994, Galloway et al., 1995; Bjerke et al., 2003; Bjerke & Elvebakk, 2004; Caldiz, 2005), there are still many aspects that remain unresolved. Moreover, in Argentina, where these taxa have been less intensely collected, and therefore their diversity and intraspecific variability are underestimated. The aim of the present work was to identify specimens of the genera Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta collected in Patagonia, in order to register new records of the family Lobariaceae for Argentina.

Materials and methods

The present study was based on specimens of the genera Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta collected by the authors during 2014 and 2015 in different areas of the Nahuel Huapi National Park (north-western Patagonia, Argentina), which are housed at BCRU herbarium. A few additional collections were also revised from Dr. S. Calvelo personal herbarium (Hb. Calvelo). Specimens were studied using standard techniques for lichenology (Nash III et al., 2002). Secondary metabolites were identifed using spot test and thin-layer high performance chromatography (HPTLC) as described in Arup et al. (1993) and Orange et al. (2001).

Results and discussion

The Nahuel Huapi National Park is particularly interesting as includes almost all of the Patagonian vegetation units, with exception of the Magellanic forest. Thus, represent a potential source of new records in the family Lobariaceae, especially considering the high number of species considered as endemic to Chile (Galloway, 1996). In this sense, we report for the frst time the presence of two species of the family Lobariaciaceae whose morphological and chemical characteristics fit well with Pseudocyphellaria pluvialis and Sticta longipes.

Pseudocyphellaria pluvialis R. Sant., in Galloway, Lichenologist 18(2): 150. 1986. Fig. 1 A-C.

Fig. 1
. Morphology and distribution of the species. A-C, Pseudocyphellaría pluvialis (BCRU 05424). A, habit. B, detail of the upper surface with tomental hairs. C, detail of lower surface with sparse pseudocyphellae. D-F, Sticta longipes (BCRU 05429). D, habit. E, detail of margins with isidia. F, detail of thelotremoid cyphellae. G, known geographic distribution in Argentina and Chile of P. pluvialis (•) and S. longipes (■). Scales = 2.5 cm in A; 2 cm in D; 4 mm in B & C; 3 mm in E & F

Type: Chile. Prov. Valdivia; Lago Riñihue, Enco, corticicola in silva mixta humida, 12-X-1940, Santesson 3872 (Holotypus S!, Isotypus B, BM, C, FH, G, H, LD, LIL, MSC, O, R, S, UPS, US, W).

Synonym: Pseudocyphellaria nitida var. mollis Räsänen, Revta. Univ. (Santiago) 22: 205. 1937.

Thallus rosette-forming to irregularly spreading. Lobes slightly convex, irregularly laciniate, subdicotomously branched, imbricate to the centre. Margins entire, ofiten thickened, sinuous, tomentose at lobes ends, tomentum conspicuous. Upper surface whitish to bluish grey, centrally glabrous, smooth to uneven. Soredia, isidia and phyllidia absent. Medulla white. Lower surface yellowish brown to dark brown centrally, tomentose. Pseudocyphellae yellow, scattered, round to irregular. Photobiont cyanobacterial (Nostoc). Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia frequent.

Chemistry: Calycin, pulvinic acid and unidentifed triterpenoids.

Distribution: Known for Chile from the VIII Región del Bío-Bío to the XI Región de Aisén (Galloway, 1986, 1992; Quilhot et al., 2010, 2012). It is here cited for the frst time to Argentina, from Provincia de Neuquén and Provincia de Río Negro (Fig. 1 G).

Specimens examined: ARGENTINA. Prov. Neuquén: San Martín de los Andes, río Chachin, XI-1992, Calvelo SC 830 (Hb. Calvelo). Prov. Río Negro: Puerto Blest, S 41° 01´ 35.2´´ W 71° 49´13.5´´, picada Los Cántaros, 27-III-2014, sobre roca, Messuti et al. (BCRU 05424).

Sticta longipes (Müll. Arg.) Malme, Bih. K. svenska Vetensk Akad. Handl., Afd. 3 25(no. 6): 11. 1899. Fig. 1 D-F.

Basionym: Stictina longipes Müll. Arg., Flora, Regensburg 65 (19): 303. 1882. Type: Chile. Valdivia (ex Hb. Hampe 1877) (Holotypus G001993, n.v.)

Synonym: Stictina flicinella var. pallescens Räsänen, Revta. Univ. (Santiago) 22: 303. 1937.

Stictina flicinella var. roseola Räsänen, Revta. Univ. (Santiago) 22: 303. 1937.

Thallus + erect and spreading, frmly attached to substratum by a holdfast, with a short conspicuous stalk. Lobes elongated to laciniate, + radiating and subdicotomously branched to irregularly spreading and overlapping. Margins entire, commonly eroded and isidiated. Soredia and phyllidia absent. Upper surface smooth, matt, minutely isidiate. Isidia small, granular to erect and terete, concolorous with thallus, ofiten congested. Medulla white. Photobiont cyanobacterial (Nostoc). Lower surface pale to yellow-buff centrally, mainly glabrous to patchily-velvety. Cyphellae scattered, thelotremoid, small. Apothecia rare, marginal or laminal. Pycnidia sparse, swollen, papillate.

Chemistry: No secondary metabolites.

Distribution: Sticta longipes is distributed from IX Región de la Araucanía to XI Región de Aisén, Chile (Galloway, 1994; Quilhot et al., 2010, 2012); and in Argentina, the species has only been registered for Provincia de Río Negro (Fig. 1 G).

Specimens examined: ARGENTINA. Prov. Río Negro: Puerto Blest, picada Los Cántaros, S 41° 01´ 03.9´´ W 71° 49´ 29.2´´, 25-IX-2015, sobre roca, Passo & Messuti (BCRU 05429).

Notes on habitat and ecology

Pseudocyphellaria pluvialis and S. longipes were previously reported as endemic to southern Chile (Galloway, 1986, 1994; Quilhot et al., 2010, 2012). These foliose lichens are common elements of the Valdivian rainforest, growing in the shaded and humid areas of the evergreen Nothofagus forest either epiphytic, terricolous and/or muscicolous. In Argentina, they were found in similar habitats, on rocks covered with mosses, in the restricted ingressions of the Valdivian rainforest (such as Puerto Blest), east of the Andes (Fig. 1 G).


This study was financially supported by UNComahue (B0207) and CONICET (PIP 11220120100564). We wish to thank M. F. Artola del Pozo for her assistance with the herbarium material.


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Recibido el 12 de mayo de 2017, aceptado el 4 de septiembre de 2017. Editor: Leopoldo Iannone.

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