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Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina

versão impressa ISSN 0041-6932versão On-line ISSN 1669-9637

Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. v.46 n.2 Bahía Blanca jul./dez. 2005


The left part and the Auslander-Reiten components of an artin algebra

Ibrahim Assem, Juan Ángel Cappa, María Inés Platzeck and Sonia Trepode

Dedicated to the memory of Ángel Rafael Larotonda

This paper was completed during a visit of the first author to the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahía Blanca (Argentina). He would like to thank María Inés Platzeck and María Julia Redondo, as well as all members of the argentinian group, for their invitation and warm hospitality. He also acknowledges partial support from NSERC of Canada. The other three authors gratefully acknowledge partial support from Universidad Nacional del Sur and CONICET of Argentina, and the fourth from ANPCyT of Argentina. The second author has a fellowship from CONICET, and the third and the fourth are researchers from CONICET.

Abstract. The left part LA  of the module category of an artin algebra A  consists of all indecomposables whose predecessors have projective dimension at most one. In this paper, we study the Auslander-Reiten components of A  (and of its left support Aλ  ) which intersect LA  and also the class E of the indecomposable Ext-injectives in the addditive subcategory addLA  generated by LA  .

Key words and phrases. artin algebras, Auslander-Reiten quivers, sections, left and right supported algebras
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16G70, 16G20, 16E10


Let A  be an artin algebra and modA  denote the category of finitely generated right A - modules. The class L   A  , called the left part of modA  , is the full subcategory of modA  having as objects all indecomposable modules whose predecessors have projective dimension at most one. This class, introduced in [15], was heavily investigated and applied (see, for instance, the survey [4]).

Our objective in this paper is to study the Auslander-Reiten components of an artin algebra which intersect the left part. Some information on these components was already obtained in [23]. Here we are interested in the components which intersect the class E of the indecomposable Ext-injectives in the full additive subcategory add LA  having as objects the direct sums of modules in LA  . We start by proving the following theorem.

THEOREM (A). Let A  be an artin algebra, and Γ  be a component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A  . If Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then:

(a) Each τA   -orbit of Γ ∩ LA   intersects E exactly once.

(b) The number of τA   -orbits of Γ ∩ LA   equals the number of modules in Γ ∩ E .

(c) Γ ∩ L       A   contains no module lying on a cycle between modules in Γ  .

If, on the other hand, Γ ∩ E =  ∅ , then either Γ ⊆ LA   or else Γ ∩ LA = ∅ .

We recall that, by [3] (3.3), the class E contains only finitely many non-isomorphic modules (hence only finitely many Auslander-Reiten components intersect E ).

As a consequence, we give a complete description of the Auslander-Reiten components lying entirely inside the left part.

We then try to describe the intersection of E with a component Γ  of the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ (modA)  . We find that, in general, Γ ∩ E is not a section in Γ  (in the sense of [2023]) but is very nearly one. This leads us to our second theorem, for which we recall that a component Γ  of Γ (modA)  is called generalised standard if    ∞ radA (X, Y ) = 0  for all X, Y  ∈ Γ  , see [23].

THEOREM (B). Let A  be an artin algebra and Γ  be a component of Γ  (modA  ) such that all projectives in Γ  belong to LA   . If  Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then:

(a) Γ ∩ E is a section in Γ  .

(b) Γ  is generalised standard.

(c) A ∕Ann( Γ ∩ E )  is a tilted algebra having Γ  as a connecting component and Γ ∩ E as a complete slice.

In particular, such a component Γ  has only finitely many τA  -orbits.

The situation is better if we look instead at the intersection of E with the Auslander-Reiten components of the left support A λ  of A  . We recall from [324] that the left support A λ  of A  is the endomorphism algebra of the direct sum of the indecomposable projective A  -modules lying in LA  . It is shown in [324] that every connected component of A   λ  is a quasi-tilted algebra (in the sense of [15]). We prove the following theorem.

THEOREM (C). Let A  be an artin algebra and Γ  be a component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the left support A λ   of A  . If  Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then:

(a) Γ ∩ E is a section in Γ  .

(b) Γ  is directed, and generalised standard.

(c) A λ∕Ann( Γ ∩ E )  is a tilted algebra having Γ  as a connecting component and  Γ ∩ E as a complete slice.

We then apply our results to the study of left supported algebras. We recall from [3] that an artin algebra A  is left supported provided addLA  is contravariantly finite in modA  . Several classes of algebras are left supported, such as all representation-finite algebras, and all laura algebras which are not quasi-tilted (see [34]). It is shown in [1] that an artin algebra A  is left supported if and only if LA  consists of all the predecessors of the modules in E . We give here a proof of this fact which, in contrast to the homological nature of the proof in [1], uses our theorem and the full power of the Auslander-Reiten theory of quasi-tilted algebras. Our proof also yields a new characterisation: an algebra A  is left supported if and only if every projective A  -module which belongs to LA  is a predecessor of E . We end the paper with a short proof of the theorem of D. Smith [25] (3.8) which characterises the left supported quasi-tilted algebras.

Clearly, the dual statements about the right part of the module category, also hold true. Here, we only concern ourselves with the left part, leaving the primal-dual translation to the reader.

We now describe the contents of the paper. After a brief preliminary section 1, the sections 2,3  and 4  are respectively devoted to the proofs of our theorems (A), (B) and (C). In our final section 5  , we consider the applications to left supported algebras.


1.1. Notation. For a basic and connected artin algebra A,  let modA  denote its category of finitely generated right modules and indA  a full subcategory consisting of exactly one representative from each isomorphism class of indecomposable modules. We sometimes consider A  as a category, with objects a complete set {e1,⋅⋅⋅ ,en} of primitive orthogonal idempotents, and where eiAej  is the set of morphisms from ei  to ej  . An algebra B  is a full subcategory of A  if there is an idempotent e ∈ A  , which is a sum of some of the distinguished idempotents ei  , such that B =  eAe  . It is convex in A  if, for any sequence ei = ei0,ei1,⋅⋅⋅ ,eit = ej  of objects of A  such that eil+1A eil ⁄= 0  (with 0 ≤ l < t)  and ei  , ej  objects of B  , all eil   are in B  .

Given a full subcategory C of modA  , we write M  ∈ C to indicate that M  is an object in C , and we denote by addC the full subcategory with objects the direct sums of summands of modules in C . Given a module M  , we let pdM  stand for its projective dimension. We also denote by Γ (modA)  the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A  and by τA =  DT r  , τ-A1 = T rD  the Auslander-Reiten translations. For further notions or facts needed on modA  , we refer to [722].

1.2. Paths. Let A  be an artin algebra and M,  N ∈ indA  . A path M  ⇝  N  is a sequence

(*)    M  =  M  -f1→  M  -f2→  ⋅⋅⋅ -→ M     -f→t M   = N                0       1               t-1       t
where the fi  are non-zero morphisms and the Mi  lie in indA  . We call M  a predecessor of N  and N  a successor of M  . A path from M  to M  involving at least one non-isomorphism is a cycle. An indecomposable module M  lying on no cycle is called directed . A path (*)  is called sectional if each fi  is irreducible and τAMi+1  ⁄=  Mi- 1   for all i  . A refinement of (*)  is a path
       ′  f′1   ′  f′2           ′   f′s    ′ M  = M 0 -→  M 1 -→  ⋅⋅⋅ - → M s-1- →  M s = N
such that there exists an order-preserving injection σ : {1,⋅⋅⋅ ,t - 1} - → {1,⋅⋅⋅ ,s - 1} with Mi  = M ′σ(i)   for all i  . A full subcategory C of indA  is convex if, for any path (*)  with M  , N ∈ C , all the Mi  lie in C .


2.1. Let A  be an artin algebra. The left part L   A   of modA  is the full subcategory of indA  defined by

LA =  {M  ∈ indA ∣ pdL  ≤ 1 for any  predecessor L of M  }.

An indecomposable module M  ∈ LA  is called Ext-projective (or Ext-injective) in addLA  if Ext1 A(M, - )∣LA =  0  (or Ext1 A(- ,M  )∣LA =  0  , respectively), see [9]. While the Ext-projectives in addLA  are the projective modules lying in LA  (see [3] (3.1)), the Ext-injectives are more interesting. Before stating their characterisations we recall that, by [9] (3.7), M  ∈ LA  is Ext-injective in addLA  if and only if τ- 1M  ∕∈ L  A        A  .

LEMMA [5] (3.2), [3] (3.1). Let M  ∈ LA   .

(a) The following are equivalent:

  1. There exists an indecomposable injective module I  such that

    HomA  (I,M ) ⁄= 0  .

  2. There exist an indecomposable injective module I  and a path I ⇝  M  .
  3. There exist an indecomposable injective module I  and a sectional path I ⇝  M  .

(b) The following conditions are equivalent for M   ∈ LA   which does not satisfy conditions (a):

  1.  There exists an indecomposable projective module P ∕∈ LA    such that

    HomA  (P,τ -1M ) ⁄= 0     A  .

  2. There exist an indecomposable projective module P ∕∈ LA   and a path        -1 P  ⇝  τA M  .
  3. There exist an indecomposable projective module P  ∕∈ LA   and a sectional path P  ⇝  τ-1M        A  .

Letting E1   (or E2   ) denote the set of all M  ∈ LA   verifying (a) (or (b), respectively), and setting E = E1 ∪ E2   , then M  is Ext-injective in addLA   if and only if M  ∈ E . □

2.2. The following lemma will also be useful.

LEMMA [3] (3.2) (3.4). (a) Any path of irreducible morphisms in E is sectional.

(b) Let M  ∈ E and M  ⇝  N  with N  ∈ LA   . Then this path can be refined to a sectional path and N  ∈ E . In particular, E is convex in indA  . □

2.3. The following immediate corollary will be useful in the proof of our theorem (A).

COROLLARY All modules in E are directed.

Proof. Assume M  = M0  →  M1  →  ⋅⋅⋅ → Ms  = M  is a cycle in indA  , with M  ∈ E . By (2.2) above, such a cycle can be refined to a sectional cycle with all indecomposables lying in E . Now compose two copies of this cycle to form a larger cycle in E of irreducible morphisms. By (2.2), this cycle is also sectional, in contradiction to [1112] . □

2.4. THEOREM (A). Let A  be an artin algebra, and Γ  be a component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A  . If Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then:

(a) Each τA   -orbit of Γ ∩ LA   intersects E exactly once.

(b) The number of τA   -orbits of Γ ∩ LA   equals the number of modules in Γ ∩ E .

(c) Γ ∩ LA   contains no module lying on a cycle between modules in Γ  .

If, on the other hand, Γ ∩ E =  ∅ , then either Γ ⊆ LA   or else Γ ∩ LA = ∅ .

Proof. Assume first that Γ ∩ E ⁄=  ∅ , that is, the component Γ  contains an Ext-injective in addLA  .

(a) If Γ  contains an injective module, then the statement follows from [3] (3.5). We may thus assume that Γ  contains no injective. But then Γ ∩ E =  ∅      1 , and therefore Γ ∩ E2 = Γ ∩ E ⁄=  ∅ . Thus, by (2.1), there exist an indecomposable projective P  in Γ  such that P  ∕∈ LA,  a module M  ∈ Γ ∩ E2   and a sectional path       -1 P ⇝  τA M  . Now let X  ∈ Γ ∩ LA.  Since Γ  contains no injective, there exists s > 0  such that τ-AsX  is a successor of P.  Hence τ-AsX  ∕∈ LA.  Since X  itself lies in LA,  there exists j ≥ 0  such that τ-jX  ∈ L  A       A  but τ- j- 1X ∕∈ L  ,  A          A  so that τ-jX  A  is Ext-injective in add LA.  This shows that every τA- orbit of Γ ∩ LA  intersects E at least once.

Furthermore, it intersects it only once: if Y  and τA-tY  (with t > 0  ) both belong to Γ ∩ E then, by (2.2), all the modules on the path

Y  →  * → τ-A 1Y →  ⋅⋅⋅ → τ-A tY
belong to L   A  . In particular, τ-1Y ∈  L A        A  and this contradicts the Ext-injectivity of Y  . This completes the proof of (a).

(b) It follows from (a) that the number of τA  -orbits in Γ ∩ LA  does not exceed the cardinality of Γ ∩ E (note that by [3] (3.3), the cardinality of E is finite and does not exceed the rank of the Grothendieck group K0(A)  of A  ). Since clearly, any element of Γ ∩ E belongs to exactly one τA  -orbit in LA  , this establishes (b).

(c) Let     (*)       f1       f2      ft M0  -→  M1  -→  ...- →  Mt =  M0

be a cycle with M0 ∈  Γ ∩ LA  and all Mi  in Γ .  Clearly, all Mi  belong to Γ ∩ LA.  By (2.2) and (2.3), none of the M   i  belongs to E and none of the f  i  factors through an injective module. Indeed, if fi  factors through the injective I  , then some indecomposable summand of I  would belong to LA  and thus Mi  would lie in E , contradicting (2.3). Then the cycle (*)  induces a cycle τ-A 1M0 - →  τA-1M1  -→  ⋅⋅⋅ - → τ-A1Mt =  τ-A1M0   ,  and every module in this cycle belongs to Γ ∩ LA.  We can iterate this procedure and deduce that, for any m  > 0  , the module τ-m M0  A   lies on a cycle in Γ ∩ LA  . However, as shown in (a), there exists s > 0  such that τ-sM  A   0   does not belong to L   A  , and this contradiction proves (c).

Now assume that the component Γ  contains no Ext-injective, that is, Γ ∩ E =  ∅.  If Γ  contains both a module in LA  and a module which is not in LA  , then there exists an irreducible morphism X  -→  Y  with X  ∈ Γ ∩ LA   and Y ∈  Γ \ LA.  Since Γ ∩ E =  ∅,  then τ-1X  ∈ LA.  A  But this is a contradiction, because Y  ∕∈ LA  and HomA(Y,    -1 τA  X)  ⁄= 0.  This shows that either Γ ∩ LA = ∅ or Γ ⊆  LA,  as required. □

We observe that part (c) of the theorem was already proven in [3] (1.5) under the additional hypothesis that Γ  contains an injective module.

2.5. COROLLARY [3] (1.6). Let A  be a representation-finite artin algebra. Then LA   is directed. □

2.6. We have a good description of the Auslander-Reiten components which completely lie in LA  . We need to recall a definition. The endomorphism algebra A λ  of the direct sum of all the projective modules lying in LA  is called the left support of A  , see [324]. Clearly, A λ  is (isomorphic to) a full convex subcategory of A  , closed under successors, and any A  -module lying in LA  has a natural Aλ  -module structure. It is shown in [3] (2.3), [24] (3.1) that Aλ  is a product of connected quasi-tilted algebras, and that L  ⊆  L  A     A λ   . The following corollary generalises [3] (5.5).

COROLLARY. Let A  be a representation-infinite not hereditary artin algebra, and Γ  be a component of Γ  (modA)  lying entirely in LA   . Then Γ  is one of the following: a postprojective component, a regular component (directed, stable tube or of type ℤA ∞ ), a semiregular tube without injectives, or a ray extension of ℤA  ∞ .

Proof. Indeed, the component Γ  lies entirely in modAλ  and thus is a component of Γ (  modA  )   λ  . Since L  ⊆ L  A     Aλ   , then Γ  is a component of Γ (  modA  )   λ  lying in the left part LA λ   . The statement then follows from the well-known description of the Auslander-Reiten components of quasi-tilted algebras, as in [1318]. □


3.1. We recall the following notion from [2023]. Let A  be an artin algebra and Γ  be a component of Γ  (modA  ). A full connected subquiver Σ  of Γ  is called a section if it satisfies the following conditions:

(S1   )  Σ  contains no oriented cycle.

(S2   )  Σ  intersects each τA  -orbit of Γ  exactly once.

(S3   )  Σ  is convex in Γ  .

(S4   )  If  X  →  Y  is an arrow in Γ  with X  ∈ Σ  , then Y  ∈ Σ   or  τAY  ∈ Σ  .

(S5   )  If  X  →  Y  is an arrow in Γ  with Y ∈  Σ  , then X  ∈ Σ  or  -1 τA X  ∈ Σ  .

As we show next, the intersection of E with a component of Γ  (modA  ) satisfies several of these conditions (but generally not all).

PROPOSITION. Assume Γ  is a component of Γ  (modA  ) which intersects E . Then Γ ∩ E satisfies (S1   ), (S3   ), (S5   ) above, and the following conditions

(S ′2   )  Γ ∩ E intersects each τA   -orbit of  Γ  at most once.

(S ′   4   )  If  X  →  Y  is an arrow in Γ  with X  ∈ Γ ∩ E and Y  non-projective, then Y  ∈ E or  τ Y ∈ E  A .

Proof. (S1   ) follows from Theorem (A) (c).

(S ′   2   ) follows from Theorem (A) (a).

(S3   ) follows from (2.2).

(  ′ S 4   ) If Y  ∈ LA  , then X ∈ E and (2.2) imply Y  ∈ E . Otherwise, since Y  is non-projective, there exists an arrow τAY  → X  . Since X  ∈ E , then τAY  ∈ LA  . Since Y  = τ-A 1(τAY ) ∕∈ LA  , we get τAY  ∈ E .

(S5   ) If X  is injective then, since it lies in LA  (because it precedes Y  ), it belongs to E . So assume it is not and consider the arrow Y  →  τ-1X        A  . If τ- 1X ∈∕L  A        A  then, again, X  ∈ E while, if  - 1 τA X  ∈ LA  , then Y  ∈ E and (2.2) imply  -1 τA X  ∈ E . □

3.2. EXAMPLE. Let k  be a field and A  be the radical square zero k  -algebra given by the quiver

       2    //    \\ 1  ----------3

Here, A  is representation finite and E consists of the two indecomposable projectives P1   and P2   corresponding to the points 1  and 2  , respectively. Clearly, E = {P1, P2} is not a section in Γ  (modA  ) : indeed, there is an arrow P1 →  P3   with P3 ∈∕ E and, moreover, E does not intersect each τA  -orbit of Γ  (modA  ).

3.3. We are now in a position to prove our second main theorem.

THEOREM (B). Let A  be an artin algebra and Γ  be a component of Γ  (modA  ) such that all projectives in Γ  belong to L   A   . If  Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then:

(a) Γ ∩ E is a section in Γ  .

(b) Γ  is generalised standard.

(c) A ∕Ann( Γ ∩ E )  is a tilted algebra having Γ  as a connecting component and Γ ∩ E as a complete slice.


(a) We start by observing that, if X  →  P  is an arrow in Γ  , with X  ∈ E and P  projective then, by hypothesis, P ∈  LA  . Thus, (2.2) implies P  ∈ E . This shows that (S4   ) is satisfied. In view of the lemma, it suffices to show that Γ ∩ E cuts each τ -  A orbit of Γ  .

We claim that if M  ∈  E and N ∈  Γ  lie in two neighbouring orbits, then E intersects the τA  -orbit of N  . This claim and induction imply the statement. We assume that E does not intersect the orbit of N  and try to reach a contradiction. There exist n ∈ ℤ  and an arrow τnAM  →  X  or X  →  τnAM  , with X  in the τ  A  -orbit of N  , where we may suppose, without loss of generality, that ∣n ∣ is minimal.

Suppose first that n < 0  . If there exists an arrow       n X →  τAM  then there exists an arrow  n+1 τA  M  →  X  , a contradiction to the minimality of ∣n∣ . If, on the other hand, there exists an arrow τnAM  →  X  , then there is a path in Γ  of the form M  →  * →  τ-1M  ⇝  X             A  . Since M  ∈ E then τ-1M  ∈∕LA  A  . Hence X ∈∕ LA  . In particular, X  is not projective, so there exists an arrow τ n+1M  →  τ X  A          A  , contrary to the minimality of ∣n∣ .

Suppose now that n > 0  . If there exists an arrow  n τAM  →  X  , then there exists an arrow X →  τnA- 1M  , a contradiction to the minimality of ∣n∣ . If, on the other hand, there exists an arrow X  →  τnAM  , then there is a path in Γ  of the form X  →  τnM  ⇝  M        A  . Hence X  ∈ LA  . In particular, X  is not injective (otherwise, X ∈  E , a contradiction). Hence there exists an arrow τ- 1X  →  τn- 1M  A        A  , contrary to the minimality of ∣n∣ .

We have thus shown that necessarily n =  0  , that is, there is an arrow M  →  X  or X  →  M  . If M  →  X  then, by (S4   ), X  ∈ E or τAX  ∈ E , in any case a contradiction. If X  →  M  , then (3.1) yields X ∈  E or τ-A1X  ∈ E , again a contradiction in any case. This completes the proof of (a).

(b) By [23], Theorem 2, it suffices to show that for any X,Y  ∈ Γ ∩ E , we have HomA(X, τAY ) = 0  . But Y  ∈ E implies pdY ≤ 1  . Therefore the Ext-injectivity of X  in addLA  implies that

HomA(X,   τAY ) ≃ D Ext1A(Y, X)  = 0.

(c) This follows directly from [20] (2.2). □

3.4. EXAMPLE. Let k  be a field and A  be the radical square zero algebra given by the quiver


Let Γ  be the component containing the injective I1   corresponding to the point 1  . Clearly, I1 ∈ E , so that Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ . On the other hand, the only projective lying in Γ  is P3   , and it belongs to LA  . Thus, the hypotheses of the theorem apply here. Note that A ∕Ann( Γ ∩ E )  is equal to the left support A λ  of A  , that is, the full convex subcategory with objects {1,2,3} .


4.1. In this section we study the intersection of E with the components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the left support Aλ  of the artin algebra A  .

We observe first that if Y  is an A λ  -module and τAY  ∈ LA  then τAY  =  τAλY  . In particular, Y  is not projective in modA λ  . Indeed, since modA λ  is closed under extensions in modA  , then the inclusion LA ⊆  indA λ  implies that the almost split sequence in modA  ending at Y  is entirely contained in modA   λ  (See also [7], p. 187). Similarly, if  -1 τA Y  ∈ LA  , then  -1      - 1 τA Y  = τAλY  , and Y  is not an injective A λ  -module.

LEMMA. If an indecomposable injective A λ   -module I  is a predecessor of E , then I ∈ E .

Proof. This is clear if I  is an indecomposable injective A  -module. So assume it is not. Since I  precedes E , then I ∈ LA  . By the above observation we obtain that τ- 1I∈∕ L  A       A  , because I  is A  λ  -injective. This proves that I ∈ E , as desired. □

4.2. The following is an easy consequence of (3.1) and the results in [3].

LEMMA. Let E  = ⊕X ∈EX  . Then E  is a convex partial tilting A λ   -module . In particular, ∣E∣ ≤ rk K0(A λ)  .

Proof. Indeed, since LA  ⊆ LA λ   (see [3], (2.1)), E ⊆  LA  implies pdAλE  ≤ 1  . Since Ext1A  (E, E) =  0  and Aλ  is a full convex subcategory of A  , we also have Ext1 (E, E) = 0 Aλ  . Finally, the convexity of E  in indA λ  follows from its convexity in indA  (see (2.2)). □

4.3. THEOREM C. Let A  be an artin algebra and Γ  be a component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the left support A λ   of A  . If  Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then:

(a) Γ ∩ E is a section in Γ  .

(b) Γ  is directed, and generalised standard.

(c) A λ∕Ann( Γ ∩ E )  is a tilted algebra having Γ  as a connecting component and Γ ∩ E as a complete slice.

Proof. (a) In order to show that Γ ∩ E is a section in Γ  , we just have to check the conditions of the definition in (3.1). Clearly, (S1   ) follows from (2.3) and the observation that any cycle in indAλ  induces one in indA  . Also, (S3   ) follows from (4.2). We start by proving (S4   ) and (S5   ).

(S4   ) Assume X  →  Y  is an arrow in Γ  , with X  ∈ E . If Y  ∈ LA  , then (2.2) implies Y  ∈ E . Assume Y  ∕∈ L        A  . Then, in particular, Y  is not a projective A   λ  -module. Since Y  is an Aλ  -module, it is not a projective A  -module either, so there is an irreducible morphism τAY →  X  in modA  . Then τAY  precedes X  ∈ E and therefore lies in LA  . Thus, as we observed in (4.1), τAY  = τAλY  . Since  -1 τA (τAλY ) = Y ∈∕ LA  , we conclude that τAλY  ∈ E , as required.

(S5   ) Assume X  →  Y  is an arrow in Γ  , with Y  ∈ E . If X  ∕∈ E , then τ -1X ∈  LA  A  and, again by the observation in 4.1, we know that X  is not an injective A   λ  -module. Hence  -1       -1 τAλX  = τA  X ∈  LA  . Since there is an arrow       -1 Y →  τAλX  , we conclude that  - 1 τAλ X ∈ E , as required.

There remains to prove (S2   ), that is, that E intersects each orbit of Γ  exactly once. We use the same technique as in the proof of Theorem (B). Clearly, the situation is different and so the arguments vary slightly.

We start by proving that E intersects each orbit of Γ  at least once. We claim that if M  ∈ E and N  ∈ Γ  lie in two neighbouring orbits, then E intersects the τAλ   -orbit of N  . This claim and induction imply the statement. We assume that E does not intersect the orbit of N  and try to reach a contradiction. There exist n ∈ ℤ  and an arrow τnAλM  →  X  or X  →  τn M        Aλ  , with X  in the τA   λ   -orbit of N  , where we may suppose, without loss of generality, that ∣n ∣ is minimal.

Suppose first that n < 0  . If there exists an arrow        n X  →  τAλM  then there exists an arrow τnA+λ1 M  →  X  , a contradiction to the minimality of ∣n∣ . If, on the other hand, there exists an arrow τn M  →  X  Aλ  , then there is a path in Γ  of the form M  →  * → τ -1M  ⇝  X            A λ  . Now, M  ∈ E implies  -1 τA M  ∕∈ LA  . By [7] p. 186, there exists an epimorphism  - 1       -1 τA  M  →  τAλM  . Hence  -1 τAλM  ∈∕LA  and so X ∕∈ LA  . In particular, X  is not a projective A λ -module, so there exists an arrow τnA+λ1M  →  τAλX  , contrary to the minimality of ∣n∣ .

Suppose now that n > 0  . If there exists an arrow   n τAλM   → X  , then there exists an arrow        n-1 X  →  τAλ M  , a contradiction to the minimality of ∣n∣ . If, on the other hand, there exists an arrow X →  τnAλM  , then there is a path in Γ  of the form X  →  τnAλM  ⇝  M  , hence X  is a predecessor of E . Since X ∈∕ E , by hypothesis, then we know by (4.1) that X  is not injective in modA   λ  . Hence there exists an arrow τ-1X  →  τn-1M  Aλ       Aλ  , contrary to the minimality of ∣n∣ .

This shows that necessarily n = 0  , that is, there is an arrow M  →  X  or X  →  M  . If M  →  X,  then (S4   ) yields X ∈  E or τAλX  ∈ E , in any case a contradiction. If X  →  M  , then (S5   ) yields X  ∈ E or τ-A 1X ∈ E   λ , again a contradiction in any case.

We proved that E intersects each τ  Aλ   -orbit of Γ  . Suppose now that M  ∈ E and  - t τAλM   ∈ E with t > 0  . Then the epimorphism  -1       -1 τA M  →  τAλM  yields a path τ-A 1M  →  τ-A1λM  ⇝  τ-AtλM  , so that τ-A1M  ∈ LA  . This is a contradiction because M  ∈ E . Thus (a) is proven.

(b) Since, by [13], directed components of quasi-tilted algebras are postprojective, preinjective or connecting, thus always generalised standard (see [2023]), it suffices to show that Γ  is directed. If this is not the case then, by [18] (4.3), Γ  is a stable tube, of type ℤA ∞ or obtained from one of these by finitely many ray or coray insertions.

We first notice that by (2.3), any E0 ∈ Γ ∩ E is directed in indA  , hence in indA λ  . In particular, Γ  is neither a stable tube, nor of type ℤA ∞ . Therefore Γ  is obtained from one of these by ray or coray insertions.

Assume first that Γ  is an inserted tube or component of type ℤA ∞ , and let E0 ∈  Γ ∩ E . We claim that E0 ∈ E2   . Indeed, if this is not the case, then there exists an injective A  -module I  such that HomA  (I,E0) ⁄=  0  , by (2.1). However, I ∈ LA  implies that I  is an Aλ  -module, so that I  is an injective Aλ  -module. But this is impossible because no injective Aλ  -module precedes an inserted tube or component of type ℤA ∞ . This establishes our claim. Thus, there exists an indecomposable projective module P ∕∈ LA  such that HomA      -1 (P, τA E0) ⁄=  0  , by (2.1). On the other hand,  - 1 τAλ E0 ∈ Γ  , therefore there exist a non-directed projective P ′ ∈ Γ  and a path τ-A1E0 ⇝  P ′   λ in Γ  . This is clear if Γ  is an inserted tube, and follows from [1017] if Γ  is an inserted component of type ℤA    ∞ . Hence there exists a path        -1       - 1        ′ P  →  τA E0 →  τAλ E0 ⇝  P in indA  . Since P ∕∈ LA  , then   ′ P  ∕∈ LA  . However,   ′ P  ∈ Γ  , hence   ′ P is a projective A  -module lying in LA  , a contradiction.

Assume next that Γ  is a co-inserted tube or component of type ℤA ∞ , and let E0 ∈  Γ ∩ E . Then, among the predecessors of E0   lies a cycle M0  →  M1  →  ⋅⋅⋅Mt =  M0   , with all M   ∈ Γ    i  . Since all M   i  precede E   0   and, by hypothesis, E  ∈ E ⊆ L   ⊆ L  0         A     Aλ   , then this cycle lies in LAλ   . This contradicts Theorem (A) (c) (also [3] (1.5) (b)).

(c) This follows directly from [20] (2.2). □

4.4. EXAMPLE. It is important to underline that, while the components of Γ (mod A  )          λ  which cut E are directed, and even generalised standard, the same does not hold for the components of Γ (modA)  . Indeed, let k  be a field and A  be given by the quiver


bound by γδ =  0  , γ ε = 0  and α β = 0  . Letting, as usual, P  i  and S   i  denote respectively the indecomposable projective and the simple modules corresponding to the point i  , we have an almost split sequence 0 →  P3 →  P4 → S4 →  0  .

Moreover, radP5 =  S4 ⊕ S2   , where S2   lies in a regular component of type ℤA ∞ in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the wild hereditary algebra H  which is the full subcategory of A  with objects the points 1  , 2  and 6  . Now, the projective P4   is also injective and lies in L   A  (because its unique proper predecessor is P  3   ), hence in E . Therefore, the component of Γ (modA)  containing it is neither directed, nor generalised standard.

4.5. LEMMA. Let Γ  be a component of Γ (modA λ)  .

(a) If Γ  is a non-connecting postprojective component, then Γ ∩ E = ∅.

(b) If Γ  is a non-connecting preinjective component, then Γ ∩ E = ∅.

(c) If Γ  intersects E , then Γ  is connecting.

(d) If a connected component B  of Aλ   is not tilted, then modB   ∩ E = ∅.

Proof. (a) Assume that Γ  is a non-connecting postprojective component ofΓ (modA   )         λ  such that Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅.  Let B  be the (unique) connected component of A λ  such that Γ  consists of B  -modules. We claim that Γ  does not contain every indecomposable projective B - module. Indeed, if this is not the case, then the number of τB- orbits in Γ  coincides with rk K0(B)  . By Theorem (C) (a), E intersects each τB - orbit of Γ  exactly once. Hence Γ ∩ E has rk K0(B)  elements. From this and (4.2) we deduce that E  =  ⊕       X   0     X ∈Γ ∩E  is a convex tilting B  -module. By [6], (2.1), Γ ∩ E is a complete slice in modB  . But this is a contradiction, because Γ  was assumed to be non-connecting. This establishes our claim.

Now, let Q  ∕∈ Γ  be an indecomposable projective B - module. Since B  is a connected algebra, there exists a walk of projective B - modules P  = P0 - P1 - ...- Ps = Q,  with P  ∈ Γ .  Thus there exists i  such that Pi ∈ Γ  and Pi+1 ∕∈ Γ .  Since Γ  does not receive morphisms from other components of Γ (modB),  then Hom  (P  ,P   ) ⁄= 0. B   i  i+1  By [21] (2.1) there exists, for each s > 0  , a path

          f1      f2              fs           f Pi =  M0 - →  M1 - →  M2 - →  ⋅⋅⋅-→  Ms  = L - →  Pi+1

with fi  irreducible. Since s  is as large as we want, and E intersects each τB - orbit of Γ ,  we may choose s  so that L  is a proper successor of Γ ∩ E .  On the other hand, P   i+1   is a projective B - module, hence a projective A - module lying in LA.  Thus L ∈  LA.  Since L  is a successor of E ,  by (2.2), L  ∈ E,  a contradiction which proves (a).

(b) Assume that Γ  is a non-connecting preinjective component of Γ (modA  λ)  such that Γ ∩ E ⁄=  ∅.  Using the same reasoning as in (a), there exist M  ∈ Γ ,  which is a proper predecessor of Γ ∩ E,  and an indecomposable injective A  -   λ module I ∕∈ Γ  such that HomAλ(I,M  ) ⁄= 0.  Since I  precedes E then, by (4.1), I ∈ E.  The convexity of E yields the contradiction M  ∈ E.  This establishes (b).

(c) It is shown in [324] that every connected component of A λ  is quasi-tilted. By Theorem (C), E intersects only directed components of Γ (modA λ).  Furthermore, directed components of quasi-tilted algebras are necessarily postprojective, preinjective or connecting. Now the result follows from (a) and (b).

(d) Is a consequence of (c). □

4.6. PROPOSITION Let B  be a connected component of the left support A λ,  such that modB   ∩ E ⁄= ∅.  Then B  is a tilted algebra and modB   ∩ E is a complete slice in modB  .

Proof. Let Γ  be a component of Γ (modA  λ)  such that Γ ∩ E ⁄=  ∅ . By (c) of the previous lemma, we know that Γ  is a connecting component. Since, on the other hand, E intersects each τB  -orbit of Γ  exactly once (by Theorem (C) (a)), we have ∣Γ ∩ E∣ = rkK0(B)  . But by (4.2), ∣Γ (modB)  ∩ E∣ ≤ rkK  (B)                       0  . Hence Γ ∩ E = Γ (modB)   ∩ E and the direct sum of the modules in Γ (modB)  ∩ E is a convex tilting B  -module. The result then follows from [6](2.1). □

Observe that if Γ  is a component of Γ (modB)  such that Γ ∩ E ⁄= ∅ , then it follows from the proof of (4.6) that Γ ∩ E is a complete slice in modB  . Therefore, by [23], B  = A  ∕Ann( Γ ∩ E).        λ

4.7. EXAMPLE. It is possible to have             ′ A λ = B ×  B , and E ∩ modB   ⁄= ∅ , while E ∩ modB  ′ = ∅ . Indeed, let A  be given by the quiver


bound by α1 β1γ1 + α2β2γ2 + α3β3γ3 = 0  , λ α1 = 0  , λα2 =  0  ,, λ α3 = 0  , μσ =  0  , σ ρ = 0  . Let B  denote the (tilted) full subcategory of A  having as objects 9  , 10  and 11  , and B′ denote the (tubular) full subcategory of A  having as objects 1  , 2  , 3  , 4  , 5  , 6  , 7  , 8  . Then A λ = B × B ′ , E ∩ modB   ⁄= ∅ (it consists of the indecomposable modules P10   , P11   and S10   ) while E ∩ modB  ′ = ∅ (because B ′ is a tubular algebra).


5.1. An artin algebra A  is left supported if addLA  is contravariantly finite in modA  , in the sense of [8]. It is shown in [3] (5.1) that an artin algebra A  is left supported if and only if each connected component of A λ  is tilted and the restriction of E to this component is a complete slice. Several other characterisations of left supported algebras are given in [13]. In particular, it is shown in [1] that A  is left supported if and only if LA =  Pred E , where PredE denotes the full subcategory of indA  having as objects all the M  ∈ indA  such that there exists E0  ∈ E and a path M  ⇝  E0   . Our objective in this section is to give another proof of this theorem, using the results above. Our proof also yields a new characterisation of left supported algebras.

THEOREM. Let A  be an artin algebra. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(a) A  is left supported.

(b) L   =   A  Pred E .

(c) Every projective A- module which belongs to LA   is a predecessor of E.

Proof. (a) implies (b). Assume that A  is left supported. By [3](4.2), LA  is cogenerated by the direct sum of the modules in E . In particular, L   ⊆   A Pred E . Since the reverse inclusion is obvious, this completes the proof of (a) implies (b).

Clearly (b) implies (c). To prove that (c) implies (a) we assume that every projective A - module which belongs to LA  is a predecessor of E.  Let B  be a connected component of Aλ  and P  be an indecomposable projective B  -module. Since P ∈  LA  , there exist E0 ∈  E and a path P ⇝  E0   in LA  , hence in modB  . Therefore, modB ∩ E ⁄=  ∅ . By (4.6), B  is a tilted algebra and modB   ∩ E is a complete slice in modB  . Hence A  is left supported. □

5.2. We end this paper with a short proof of a result by D. Smith.

THEOREM.([25] (3.8)) Let A  be a quasi-tilted algebra. Then A  is left supported if and only if A  is tilted having a complete slice containing an injective module.

Proof. Since A  is quasi-tilted, then A  = A λ  . Assume that A  is left supported. Then L   = P red E   A . By (5.1), A  is tilted and E is a complete slice in Γ  (modA  ). Furthermore, since A  is quasi-tilted, then all projective A  -modules lie in LA  , so that E2 = ∅ and E =  E1   . Thus E must contain an injective module.

Conversely, if A  has a complete slice containing an injective, then there exists a complete slice Σ  having all its sources injective. By (2.1), Σ ⊆  E . Since ∣Σ ∣ = rkK0(A)  , it follows from [3] (3.3) that A  is left supported. □


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Ibrahim Assem
Département de Mathématiques,
Faculté des Sciences,
Université de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Québec,
Canada, J1K 2R1

Juan Ángel Cappa
Instituto de Matemática,
Universidad Nacional del Sur,
8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina

María Inés Platzeck
Instituto de Matemática,
Universidad Nacional del Sur,
8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Sonia Trepode
Departamento de Matemática,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
Funes 3350,
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata,
7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina

Recibido: 26 de enero de 2006
Aceptado: 7 de agosto de 2006

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