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Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina

versão impressa ISSN 0041-6932versão On-line ISSN 1669-9637

Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. v.46 n.2 Bahía Blanca jul./dez. 2005


Principal eigenvalues for periodic parabolic Steklov problems with L weight function

T. Godoy, E. Lami Dozo and S. Paczka

Partially supported by Fundacion Antorchas, Agencia Cordoba Ciencia, Secyt-UNC, Secyt UBA and Conicet


Abstract: In this paper we give sufficient conditions for the existence of a positive principal eigenvalue for a periodic parabolic Steklov problem with  a measurable and essentially bounded weight function. For this principal eigenvalue its uniqueness, simplicity and monotone dependence on the weight are stated. A related maximum principle with weight is also given.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35K20, 35P05, 35B10, 35B50

1. Introduction

Let Ω  be a C2+ θ  and bounded domain in ℝN  with N  ≥ 2  and θ ∈ (0,1),  let T  > 0  and let {aij}1≤i,j≤N  , {bj}1≤,j≤N  be two families of real functions defined on -- Ω × ℝ  and Ω ×  ℝ  respectively, satisfying for 1 ≤  i,j ≤ N  that a  = a  (x,t)  ij    ij  and b  = b (x, t)  j    j  are T  periodic in t,  aij = aji,  ∂aij         (--    )  ∂xi ∣[0,T] ∈ C Ω × ℝ and       ∞ bj ∈ L   (Ω  × ℝ) .  Let a0 : Ω × ℝ →  ℝ  be a nonnegative and T  periodic function belonging to Ls (Ω × ℝ)  for some s > 1 +  N.          2  Assume in addition that  for some γ ∈ (1-,1)       2 and for all i,j

         (    ( -)) aij ∈ C γ ℝ,C   Ω   ,    bj ∈ Cγ (ℝ,L ∞ (Ω))


and that

       γ     s a0 ∈ C  (ℝ,L  (Ω))


where aij (t) (x) := aij (x,t),  bj (t)(x) := bj (x,t)  and a0(t)(x) :=  a0(x,t).  Let b = (b1,...,bN)  and let A  be the N ×  N  matrix whose i,j  entry is aij.  Assume also that A  is uniformly elliptic on -- Ω × [0,T]  , i.e., that there exists a positive constant α  such that

∑                      2     aij (x,t)ξiξj ≥ α ∣ξ∣  i,j


for all         -- (x,t) ∈ Ω × ℝ  , ξ = (ξ1,...,ξN ) ∈ ℝN .  Let L  be the periodic parabolic operator defined by

Lu := ut - div(A ∇u) +  〈b,∇u  〉 + a0u


where 〈,〉 denotes the standard inner product on   N ℝ  . Finally, let b0   be a nonnegative and T  periodic function in   ∞ L   (∂Ω ×  ℝ)  and let ν  be the unit exterior normal to ∂ Ω.  Under the above hypothesis and notations (that we assume from now on) we consider, for a T  periodic function (that may changes sign) m ∈  L∞ (∂Ω ×  ℝ) ,  the periodic parabolic Steklov principal eigenvalue problem with weight function m



the solutions understood in the sense of the definition 2.1 below. In order to describe our results let us introduce, for m  ∈ L ∞ (∂Ω × ℝ) ,  the quantities

          ∫ T                                 ∫  T P (m)  :=      ess sup m (x,t)dt,     N (m) :=     ess  inf m  (x,t)dt            0     x∈∂Ω                           0     x∈∂Ω


In this paper we prove (cf. Theorem 6.1) that if either a0 > 0  and b0 ≥ 0  or a0 =  0  and b  > 0  0  and if P (m) >  0  (respectively N  (m)  < 0  ) then there exists a positive (resp. negative) principal eigenvalue for (5), that is, a λ  whose associated eigenfunction u  satisfies (5). Under an additional assumption on m  a similar existence result is also given for the case a0 = 0,  b0 = 0  .

Our approach, adapted from [4] and [8], reads as follows: If we change λmu  in (5) by λmu  +  μu,  we have the following one parameter eigenvalue problem: given λ ∈ ℝ  find μ ∈ ℝ  such that this modified (5) has a solution. We prove in section 4 that this problem has a unique solution μ = μm (λ) ∈ ℝ  which satisfies that λ →  μm  (λ)  is real analytic and concave. We also obtain an expression for  ′ μm (0)  which allows us to decide the sign of μ ′m (0) .  In section 5 we prove that P (m)  > 0  (respectively N  (m) <  0  ) implie lim λ→∞ μm  (λ) = - ∞ (resp. lim λ→- ∞ μm (λ) = - ∞ ). From these facts, and since the zeroes of the function μm  are exactly the principal eigenvalues for (5), our results will follow.

Sections 2 and 3 have a preliminar character. In section 2 we collect some general facts about initial value parabolic problems and in section 3 we study existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for parabolic problems and we prove some compactness and positivity properties of the corresponding solutions operators related.

2. Preliminaries

Let us start introducing the notations to be used along the paper. For a topological vector space E  we put E* for its topological dual and 〈,〉E*,E  for the corresponding evaluation bilinear map 〈Λ,e〉 *   = Λ (e).      E ,E  If E  ,   1  E   2   are normed spaces and if S : E  →  E      1     2   is a bounded linear map we denote by ∥S ∥E1,E2   (or simply by ∥S ∥ if no confusion arises) its corresponding operator norm. If E  is a real Banach, - ∞  ≤ t0 < t1 ≤ ∞ and 1 ≤  p < ∞ we put Lp(t0,t1;E)  for the space of the measurable functions (in the Bochner sense) f : (t0,t1) → E  such that                (∫ t1      p   )1p ∥f∥Lp(t0,t1;E) :=   t0 ∥f (t)∥E dt   <  ∞.  We define also L ∞ (t0,t1;E)  and, for 1 ≤  p ≤ ∞,  the space Lp  (t0,t1;E)  loc  , similarly (with the obvious changes) to the corresponding usual Lebesgue's spaces. For 1 ≤ p ≤  ∞ we put   p L T (ℝ, E)  for the space of the T  periodic functions f :  ℝ →E  satisfying that f∣(0,T) ∈ Lp (0,T ;E) .  We write also    (--    ) CT  Ω × ℝ (respectively CT  (∂ Ω × ℝ)  ) for the space of the T  periodic functions belonging to   (--    ) C  Ω × ℝ (resp. to CT  (∂ Ω × ℝ)  ). The spaces   p L  (t0,t1;E) ,    p L T (ℝ, E) ,     (--    ) CT  Ω × ℝ and CT (∂Ω ×  ℝ) ,  equipped with their respective norms ∥∥Lp(t0,t1;E),  ∥∥Lp(0,T ;E),      -- ∥∥C(Ω)×[0,T]   and ∥∥C(∂Ω)×[0,T]   are Banach spaces. For t0 < t1   we will identify (writing f (x, t) = f (t)(x)  ) the spaces


and also the corresponding spaces of functions defined on ∂ Ω × (t0,t1)

Let X,V  be the real Hilbert spaces X  = L2 (Ω) ,  V =  H1 (Ω)  equipped with their usual norms. For t0 < t1   let D =  C∞c (t0,t1;V)  be the space of the indefinitely differentiable Frechet functions from (t0,t1)  into V  , D  equipped with the topology of the uniform convergence on each compact subset of (t ,t)   0 1  of the function and all its derivatives. Let   ′ D be its dual space. For       1 u ∈ L loc(t0,t1;V) ,  let  ′ u be its distributional derivative defined by   ′            ∫t1 〈u,φ 〉D′,D =  -  t0 〈u (t) ,φt(t)〉X dt  for all φ ∈ D  where 〈,〉X  denotes the inner product in X.  We will say that u′ ∈ L2 (t0,t1;V *)  if there exists a function (denoted by t → u′(t)  ) belonging to L2 (t0,t1;V *)  such that   ′          ∫t1  ′ 〈u,φ 〉D′,D =   t0 〈u (t),φ (t)〉V*,V dt  for all φ ∈  D.

For t ∈ ℝ,  let aL,b0 (t,.,.) : V × V → ℝ  be the bilinear form defined by

∫                        aL,b0 (t,g, h) =           ∫     [〈A (.,t)∇g, ∇h 〉 + 〈b(.,t),∇g 〉h + a0 (.,t)gh] +     b0(.,t) gh  Ω                                                  ∂Ω

(the values on ∂Ω  of g  and h  understood in the trace sense) and let AL,b (t) : V → V *     0 be the bounded linear operator defined by

AL,b0 (t) g = aL,b0 (t,g,.)


For t0 < t1,  f ∈ L2 (Ω  × (t0,t1)),  Φ ∈  L2(∂ Ω × (t0,t1))  and t ∈ (t0,t1),  let Λf,Φ (t) ∈ V * be defined by

                  ∫            ∫  〈Λf,Φ (t),h〉V*,V =    f (.,t)h +     Φ (.,t)h,     h ∈ V.                    Ω             ∂Ω


So Λf,Φ ∈ L2 (t0,t1;V *)  and

                    (                                ) ∥Λf,Φ∥L2(t0,t1;V *) ≤ c ∥f ∥L2(Ω×(t0,t1)) + ∥Φ∥L2(,∂Ω ×(t0,t1))


for some positive constant depending only on t ,t ,  0  1  Ω  and N.  We set also

W     :=  {u ∈ L2 (t ,t;V ) : u′ ∈ L2 (t ,t ;V*)}   t0,t1              0 1               0  1


and                              ′ ∥u∥Wt0,t1 := ∥u∥L2(t0,t1;V) + ∥u∥L2(t0,t1;V*).  So Wt0,t1,  equipped with the norm ∥.∥W     ,     t0,t1  is a Banach space. With these notations we can formulate the following definition

Definition 2.1. For - t0 <  t1   ,      2 f ∈ L  (Ω × (t0,t1))  and      2 Φ ∈ L  (∂Ω × (t0,t1))  we say that u : Ω × (t0,t1) → ℝ  is a solution of the problem



if u ∈ Wt0,t1   and u′(t) + AL,b0 (t)u (t) = Λf,Φ (t)  a.e. t ∈ (t0,t1).

¿From now on, a solution of a boundary problem like (12) (except if otherwise is explicitely stated) will mean a solution in the above sense.

Remark 2.2. For k,  l,  t ∈ ℝ  with k > 0,  standard computations on the quadratic form g → aL+k,l(t,g,g)  give, for all g ∈ V,

               (                  )                      ∥ ∣b∣∥2∞                 ∫ aL+k,l(t,g,g) ≥   k - -----L--(Ω×-ℝ)  ∥g∥2X +  l    g2                           4α                  ∂Ω

and also

               (                  )                       ∥∣b∣∥2∞                   ∫ aL+k,l(t,g,g) ≥   α -  ----L--(Ω-×ℝ)  ∥∇g ∥2X +  l    g2                           4k                    ∂Ω

where α  is the ellipticity constant of A.  So, for           ∥∣b∣∥2∞ k > k0 := ---L4α(Ω×ℝ)  and l ≥ 0,  there exists a positive constant β  depending only on α  and ∥ ∣b∣∥L∞(Ω× ℝ)   such that

                     2 aL+k,l(t,g, g) ≥ β ∥g ∥V


for all t ∈ ℝ   and g ∈ V.  Moreover, for such k  and l,  the assumptions on the coefficients of L  imply that there exists a positive constant c  such that

aL+k,l(t,g,h) ≤ c ∥g∥V ∥h∥V


and that

∣aL+k,l(t,g, h) - aL+k,l(s,g,h) ∣ ≤ c ∣t - s∣γ ∥g∥ ∥h ∥                                              V     V


for all s,t ∈ ℝ  and g,h ∈ V.■

For k0   as in Remark 2.2, k ≥ k0,  - ∞  < τ < t < ∞ and u0 ∈ X  consider the problem



Note that W τ,t ⊂ C ([τ,t],X)  (cf. ([12], Lemma 5.5.1) and so the initial condition u (τ) = u0   makes sense. Taking into account the facts in Remark 2.2, ( [12], Theorem 5.5.1) applies to see that (16) has a unique solution u.  Let UL+k,l(t,τ) : X →  X  be the linear operator defined by UL+k,l(t,τ)u0 =  u(t).

Let us recall the following properties (cf. [12], Theorem 5.4.1) of the evolution operators UL+k,l(t,τ)

Remark 2.3. i) Given t0,t1 ∈ ℝ  with t0 < t1   there exists a positive constant c  such that, for t0 < τ < t ≤ t1,

                             1 ∥UL+k,l(t,τ)∥X,V ≤ c (t - τ)- 2 .


ii) Since             *     * V  ⊂ X  ≃ X   ⊂ V (the isomorphism        * X  ≃ X given by duality) we can consider        * X  ⊂ V  .  In this setting, it holds that for t0,t1   as above there exists a positive constant  ′ c such that

                              1 ∥UL+k,l(t,τ)u0 ∥X ≤ c′(t - τ)-2 ∥u0∥V*


for t < τ <  t ≤ t 0            1   and u  ∈ X.  0  Since V  (and then also X  ) is dense in V *,  it follows that UL+k,l(t,τ) : X →  V  has a unique bounded extension to an operator (still denoted UL+k,l(t,τ)  ) from  * V into X  which satisfies, for  ′ c as in (18),

                              1 ∥UL+k,l(t,τ)∥V *,X ≤ c′(t - τ)-2 .


Finally, we recall also that for τ ≤ s ≤ t  it holds that

UL+k,l (t,τ ) = UL+k,l (t,s) UL+k,l(s,τ).


For - ∞  <  t0 < t1 < ∞ ,Λ ∈ L2 (t0,t1;V *)  and u0 ∈ X  consider the problem



Taking into account (13), (14) and (15), ([12], Theorem 5.5.1) applies to see that (21) has a unique solution vk  given by

                         ∫ t vk (t) = UL+k,l (t,t0)u0 +    UL+k,l(t,τ )Λ (τ)dτ.■                           t0


Remark 2.4. Observe that u ∈  Wt0,t1   is a solution of the problem



if and only if vk (t) := e-k(t-t0)u (t)  solves



with Λk  defined by Λk (t) := e- k(t-t0)Λ (t)  . Thus (23) has a unique solution u  given by

                      ∫ t u (t) = U   (t,t )u  +    U   (t,τ) Λ(τ )dτ          L,l    0  0    t0  L,l


with UL,l(t,τ)  defined by

UL,l(t,τ) := ek(t-τ)UL+k,l (t,τ) .


Moreover, for t ∈ [t ,t ]      0  1  we have (cf. [12], Lemma 5.5.2)



¿From (27), standard computations show that there exists a positive constant c   independent of Λ   and u0   such that

             (                        ) ∥u∥Wt ,t ≤ c  ∥Λ ∥L2(t ,t,V*) + ∥u0∥L2(Ω) .■      0 1             0 1


Remark 2.5. The estimates (17), (18), (19) and (20) still hold (with another constants) for the operators UL,l(t,τ)  given by (26) and u(t) :=  UL.l(t,τ )u0   satisfies



for       2 u0 ∈ L  (Ω).■

Remark 2.6. For l ≥ 0,   - ∞  < t0 < t1 < ∞,   f ∈ L2 (Ω × (t0,t1)),   Φ ∈ L2 (∂Ω  × (t0,t1))   and u0 ∈ L2 (Ω)   the problem



has a unique solution which satisfies in addition that

             (                                            ) ∥u ∥Wt0,t1 ≤ c ∥f ∥L2(Ω×(t0,t1)) + ∥Φ ∥L2(∂Ω ×(t0,t1)) + ∥u0∥L2(Ω) .


 for some positive constant c   independent of f,  Φ   and u0.  Indeed, the solutions of (30) are those of (23) taking there Λ = Λ   ,       f,Φ  and Remark 2.4 applies.■

Remark 2.7. It is easy to check that the constant c  in (28) and so also in Remark 2.5 and Remark 2.6 can be chosen depending only on Ω,  N,  γ,  α  and on an upper bound of Σi,j ∥aij∥L∞(Ω×(t0,t1)) + Σj ∥bj∥L ∞(Ω×(t0,t1)) + ∥a0∥Ls(Ω×(t0,t1)).■

Lemma 2.8. Let t0,t1,   f,   Φ   and u0    be as in Lemma 2.4 and let { L(n)}  be a sequence of operators of the form

                   (       )   〈       〉 L(n)u ==  ut - div  A(n)∇u  +   b(n),∇u   + a(0n)u

with        (    ) A(n) =  a(nij)  ,         (           ) b(n) =  b(n1),...,b(nN)  and a(n0)    satisfying for each n   the conditions stated for L   at the introduction with the same γ,   α   and s   given there for L.   Assume also that for each i   and j,   { (n)}  aij  and { (n)}  bj  converge uniformly on -- Ω ×  (t0,t1)   to aij   and bj   respectively and that { (n)}  a0  converges to a0    in Ls (Ω × (t ,t ))           0  1  . Let {f(n)}  and {Φ(n)}  be sequences in L2 (Ω × (t ,t ))           0  1   and in   2 L  (∂Ω ×  (t0,t1))   respectively and assume that they converge to f   and Φ   in their respective spaces. Let {    }   u(0n)  be a sequence in L2 (Ω)   that converges to u0    in   2 L  (Ω)   and let l ≥ 0.  Thus the solution   (n) u    ∈ Wt0,t1    of the problem


converges in the Wt0,t1    norm to the solution u   of (30).

Proof. For k0   as in Remark 2.2, k ≥  k0   , l ≥ 0  and n ∈ ℕ  , let v(n)∈ Wt  ,t  k       0 1   be the solution of pict

and let v  k  be the solution of (24). We have






Our assumptions imply that         ∥                 ∥ limn →∞ ∥∥ Λf(n),Φ(n)-  Λfk,Φk∥∥          =  0             k   k           L2(t0,t1;V*)  and that        ∥                        ∥ limn →∞ ∥AL+k,l (t) - AL(n)+k,l(t)∥V.V * = 0  uniformly on t ∈ [t0,t1].  From Remarks 2.6 and 2.7 we have that {               }   ∥∥ (n)∥∥   ∥vk  ∥ 2         L (t0,t1;V) is a bounded sequence. Then from (33)        ∥∥     ∥∥ limn →∞ ∥ ^Λ(n)∥          = 0.               L2(t0,t1;V*)  Thus from Remark 2.6 applied to (32) we obtain        ∥         ∥ limn →∞ ∥∥v(nk) - vk∥∥      = 0.                   Wt0,t1  Since u(n)(t) = ek(t-t0)v(kn)  and u (t) = ek(t- t0)vk  the lemma follows.■

Lemma 2.9. Assume that      2                     2 f ∈ L  (Ω × (t0,t1)), Φ ∈  L (∂ Ω × (t0,t1))   and u0 ∈ L2 (Ω)   are nonnegative. Then the solution u   of (30) is nonnegative.

Proof. We pick sequences {L },   n  { f(n)} ,  { Φ(n)} and {    }   u(n)    0 as in Lemma 2.8 satisfying in addition that f (n) ≥ 0,  Φ(n) ≥ 0,  u(0n)≥  0  and such that  (n) aij ,   (n) bj ,   (n) a0   and  (n) f   belong to   ∞ (--        ) C    Ω × [t0,t1] ,    (n) Φ   belongs to C ∞ (∂Ω ×  [t0,t1])  and u(0n)∈ C ∞c (Ω) .  Let {    }  v(nk) be as in the proof of Lemma 2.8. Thus  (n)          σ vk  ∈  C2+σ,1+2 (Ω  × (t0,t1))  (cf. e.g., Theorem 5.3 in [9], p. 320)). The classical maximum principle gives v(n)≥ 0  k  and since by Lemma 2.8 limn →∞ v(n)=  vk          k  in L2(Ω ×  (t0,t1))  we get v  ≥ 0.  k  Since the solution u   of (30) is given by u (t) = ektv (t)            k  the lemma follows.■

Remark 2.10. Let us recall some well known facts concerning Sobolev spaces (see e.g. [9], Lemma 3.3, p 80 Lemma 3.4, p. 82)

i): For - ∞  <  t0 < t1 < ∞ and u ∈ W 2q,1(Ω × (t0,t1))  with 1 ≤ q < ∞ we have                2- 1q,1-21q u ∣∂Ω×(t0,t1) ∈ W q       (∂ Ω × (t0,t1))  and the restriction map (in the trace sense) u →  u∣∂Ω ×(t0,t1)   is continuous from    2,1 W q  (Ω ×  (t0,t1))  into    2- 1q,1- 12q W  q       (∂ Ω× (t0,t1)).

ii) For u ∈ W  2q,1(Ω ×  (t0,t1))  with 1 ≤ q < ∞ it holds that              2 u(.,t) ∈ W 2-q,q (Ω)  for t ∈ [t ,t ]      0  1  and for such t  there exists a positive constant c  independent of u  such that ∥u(.,t)∥W2- 1q,q(Ω) ≤ c ∥u∥W 2q,1(Ω ×(t0,t1)).

iii) For q > N  + 2  the following facts hold:

W 2,1 (Ω ×  (t,t )) ⊂ C1+ σ,1+2σ (Ω-× [t,t ])   q        0  1                    0  1 for some σ ∈ (0,1) ,  with continuous inclusion.

  2- 1,1- 1                      1+σ W q q   2q(∂Ω ×  (t0,t1)) ⊂ C1+ σ, 2 (∂ Ω × [t0,t1])  for some σ ∈ (0,1)  and with continuous inclusion.

iv) For 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞ let r* be defined by (r*)-1 = r-1 - (N  + 1)-1   if r < N  + 1  and  * r  = ∞ if r ≥ N +  1.  Thus    2,1                 r* W  r (Ω ×  (t0,t1)) ⊂ L  (Ω ×  (t0,t1))  if  * r  < ∞ and    2,1                 q W r  (Ω × (t0,t1)) ⊂ L (Ω ×  (t0,t1))  for all q ∈ [1,∞)  if   * r  = ∞,  in both cases with continuous inclusion.■

Remark 2.11. For q > N  + 2  it holds that     2              (-) W 2-q,q (Ω) ⊂ C1+ σ Ω continuously for some σ ∈  (0, 1).  In this case, for τ ∈ ℝ  , let   2- 2q,q W Bl(τ) (Ω)  be the space of the functions h ∈ W 2- 2q,q (Ω)  that satisfy (in the pointwise sense) B  (τ )h = 0   l  where

Bl (τ )h :=  〈A (.,τ) ∇h, ν〉 + lh.


Let us recall that for such q  and for -  ∞ <  t0 < t1 < ∞,  f ∈  Lq (Ω × (t0,t1)),         2- 1q,1- 12q Φ  ∈ W q       (∂Ω ×  (t0,t1))  and         2- 2q,q u0 ∈ W Bl(t0) (Ω)  there exists a unique       2,1 u ∈ W q  (Ω × (t0,t1))  satisfying almost everywhere


(for a proof, see [9], Theorem 9.1, p. 341, concerning the Dirichlet problem and its extension, to our boundary conditions, indicated there (at the end of chapter 4, paragraph 9, p. 351). Moreover, there exists a positive constant c  independent of f,Φ  and u0   such that


Lemma 2.12. i) For τ <  t,   UL,l(t,τ) : L2(Ω) → L2 (Ω)   is a compact and positive operator.

ii) Let t0,  t1 ∈ ℝ  with t0 < t1.  For 1 ≤  q < ∞,   t0 < τ ≤ t1    and        2 u0 ∈ L  (Ω)  the restriction of UL,l(.,t0) u0    to Ω ×  (τ,t1)  belongs to   2,1 W q  (Ω × (τ,t1))   and there exists a positive constant c   such that ∥UL,l (.,t0)u0∥W 2q,1(Ω×(τ,t1)) ≤ c∥u0∥L2(Ω)   for all u0 ∈ L2 (Ω) .

iii)             2          2- 2,q UL,l(t,τ) (L  (Ω)) ⊂  W   q  (Ω)   for τ < t   and 1 ≤ q < ∞  and UL,l(t,t0)   is a bounded operator from L2 (Ω)  into      2 W  2- q,q (Ω) .

iv) For τ <  t   it hold that U   (t,τ )(L2 (Ω)) ⊂  C1 (Ω)  L,l   and U   (t,τ )  L,l   is a bounded operator from  2 L (Ω)   into   1(--) C   Ω  .   Moreover, if       2 u0 ∈ L (Ω) ,   u0 ≥ 0,   and u0 ⁄= 0   then minΩ-UL,l(t,τ)u0 > 0.

v) For N + 2 <  q < ∞  and τ < t,                        2- 2q,q        2- 2q,q UL,l(t,τ)∣W 2- 2q,q(Ω) : W Bl(τ) (Ω) → W Bl(τ) (Ω)            Bl(τ)  is a compact and strongly positive operator .

Proof. By Lemma 2.9              2        2 UL,l(t,τ) : L (Ω) →  L  (Ω)  is a positive operator. It is also compact because              2         1 UL,l(t,τ) : L (Ω) →  H  (Ω)  is continuous (cf. Remark 2.5) and   1 H   (Ω)  has compact inclusion in L2 (Ω) .  Thus (i) holds.

To see (ii) we pick a strictly increasing sequence of positive numbers { ηj}j∈ℕ   such that t  < t + η  < τ  0    0    j  for all j ∈ ℕ  and we pick also a sequence of functions {φ }   j j∈ℕ   in   ∞ C   (ℝ)  satisfying φj (s) = 0  for s ≤ t0 + ηj,  φj (s) = 1  for s ≥ t0 + ηj+1.  Let u (t) := UL+k,l(t,t0)u0   and let {vj}j∈ℕ   and {wj}j ∈ℕ   be the sequences of functions on Ω ×  (t0,,t1)  inductively defined by v1 := u φ1,  vj+1 :=  φj+1vj  and by w1 :=  φ′1u,  wj+1 =: φ ′  vj + φj+1wj           j+1  respectively.  Then, for all j,



Let {qj}     j∈ℕ   be defined by q1 = 2  and by qj+1 = q *        j  (with q*  j  as in (iv) of Remark 2.10) and let          {    *     } j0 = min  j : qj = ∞  .  For the rest of the proof c  will denote a positive constant independent of u0   non necessarily the same at each occurrence (even in a same chain of inequalities). We claim that for j ≤ j0

        2,1                                2,1 vj ∈ W qj (Ω × (t0 + ηj+1,t1)) and  wj ∈ W qj (Ω × (t0 + ηj+1,t1))


with their respective norms bounded by c∥u0 ∥L2(Ω)   .

If (36) holds, for 1 ≤ q < ∞ Remark 2.10 (iv) gives ∥w  ∥                  ≤ c∥u  ∥     .    j0 Lq(Ω×(t0+ηj0+1,t1))       0 L2(Ω)  Taking into account that u =  vj0   on Ω × (τ,t1),  Remark 2.11 gives


and so (ii) holds.

To prove the claim we proceed inductively. Since u  satisfies 29, Remark 2.6 gives ∥u∥L2(Ω×(t0+η1,t1)) ≤ ∥u ∥L2(Ω ×(t0,t1)) ≤ c∥u0 ∥L2(Ω)   and so ∥w1∥L2(Ω×(t0+ η1,t1)) ≤ c∥u0∥L2(Ω).  Then, by Remark 2.11, ∥v1∥W 2,1(Ω×(t+ η,t)) ≤ c ∥u0∥L2(Ω)       2     0  1 1   and so ∥v1∥W 2,1(Ω×(t+η ,t )) ≤ c ∥u0∥L2(Ω).       2     0  2 1  Since u =  v       1   on Ω × (t + η ,t )       0    2 1  and w  = uφ  1      1   we get also that ∥w  ∥  2,1            ≤ c∥u  ∥     .    1 W 2 (Ω ×(t0+η2,t1))       0 L2(Ω)  Thus (36) holds for j = 1.  Suppose that it holds for some j < j0.  Then


and so (since u = v      j+1   on Ω × (t + η   ,t )       0   j+3  1  )



Since             ∑         ∏ wj+1 =  u        φ′k        φr           1≤k≤j+1    1≤r≤j+1                      r⁄=j+1  it follows that ∥wj+1 ∥W 2,q1 (Ω ×(t0+ηj+2,t1)) ≤ c∥u0∥L2(Ω)          j+1   and so, from (35), a similar estimate holds for vj+1.  This complete the proof of the claim.

The imbedding theorems for Sobolev spaces and (ii) imply (iii). The first part of (iv) is again obtained applying (ii) with q > N  + 2.  To see the second part of (iv), we observe that if u0 > 0  and u := UL,l(t,τ)u0   then u ⁄= 0  and, by Lemma 2.9, u ≥  0.  Let φ1   and v1   be as in the proof of (ii), Since               2,1                 1+σ,1+σ v1 = φ1u ∈ W q  (Ω ×  (t0,t1)) ⊂ C     2 (Ω ×  [t0,t1]) ,  the boundary condition for v1   holds in the pointwise sense. Now, the Hopf parabolic maximum principle applied to


jointly with the fact that v1 = u  on Ω  × (τ,t1)  gives (iv).

To see (v), let s ∈ (0,τ),  q > N  + 2  and let ^q > q.  Since   2-2∕q,q        2 W Bl(τ)  (Ω) ⊂  L  (Ω)  (with Bl (τ)  given by (34)), from (ii) we can consider the bounded operator S : W 2-2∕q,q(Ω) →  W  2,1(Ω × (τ,t))       Bl(τ)           ^q  defined by Su0 =  (UL,l(.,s)u0)       .                    ∣Ω×(τ,T)  Since the operator u →  u (t)  is continuous from    2,1 W q^ (Ω ×  (τ, t))  into   2-2∕^q,^q W       (Ω)  and the inclusion map i : W 2- 2∕^q,^q (Ω) → W 2-2∕q,q (Ω)  is compact, we obtain the compactness assertion of (v). Finally, the strong positivity in (v) follows from (iv).■

Lemma 2.13. i) If Λ ∈ H1  (Ω) *  and Λ ≥  0   then U   (t,τ) Λ ≥ 0   L,l   for τ < t.

ii) If       2 f ∈  L (Ω ×  (t0,t1))   and       2 Φ ∈ L  (∂Ω ×  (t0,t1))   are nonnegative functions and if either f ⁄= 0   or Φ ⁄=  0   then

∫   t1     UL,l(t1,τ)Λf,Φ (τ )dτ > 0  t0

Proof. Let P  2  ,   L (Ω)  P  1  H  (Ω)   , P  1  *   H (Ω) be the positive cones in L2 (Ω) ,  H1 (Ω)  and   1   * H  (Ω) respectively and let -- P H1(Ω)   be the closure of PH1(Ω)   in   1    * H   (Ω)  .  Observe that if Λ ∈ PH1( Ω)* ∪ {0} then     -- Λ ∈ P H1(Ω)   . Indeed, if not, the Hann Banach Theorem gives η ∈ H1  (Ω) ** such that η--     = 0  ∣P H1(Ω)  and η(Λ) =  1.  For       1 g ∈ H   (Ω)  let        1    * λg ∈ H   (Ω) be defined by          ∫ λg (f) =  Ω fg.  Thus λg ∈ PH1(Ω)* for all g ∈ PH1(Ω).  Since H1 (Ω)  is reflexive there exists φ ∈ H1 (Ω)  such that η (λ) = λ (φ)  for all λ ∈ H1 (Ω)* .  In particular we have              ∫ 0 = η (λg) =   f g               Ω  for all g ∈ P  1  .       H (Ω)  This implies that φ = 0  and so η = 0  which contradicts η (Λ)  = 1.  Thus      -- Λ ∈  PH1(Ω).

Let Λ ∈ PH1(Ω)*,  so     -- Λ ∈ P H1(Ω)   and then there exists a sequence {u0,j}j∈N  of nonnegative functions in H1  (Ω)  that converges to Λ  in H1 (Ω)* .  Since              1    *     2 UL,l(t,τ) : H (Ω)  →  L  (Ω)  is continuous and, by Lemma 2.12 (i), it is a positive operator on   2 L  (Ω) ,  we have UL,l(t,τ) Λ = limj → ∞ UL,l(t,τ )u0,j ≥ 0  and so (i) holds.

To see (ii), observe that Λf,Φ ≥  0  and so (i) gives

UL,l(t,τ )Λf,Φ(τ) ≥ 0 a.e. τ ∈ (t0,t1).



        ∫ t u(t) :=     UL,l(t,τ)Λf,Φ (τ)dτ          t0


is the solution of the problem


Then, by (i), u ≥ 0  in Ω × (t0,t1)  and since u ⁄= 0  (because either f ⁄= 0  or Φ ⁄=  0  ) we conclude that for some - t ∈ (t0,t1)  the set

 -   {    (  -)      (-  )                 } Jt =  τ ∈  0,t  : UL,l t,τ Λf,Φ(τ) ∈ PL2(Ω)

has positive measure. Then, since                 (   -)    (-  ) UL,l(T,τ) = UL,l T, t UL,l t,τ , Lemma 2.12 (iv) gives UL,l(T, τ)Λf,Φ (τ ) > 0  for all τ ∈ Jt.  Now (ii) follows from (38) and (39).■

Remark 2.14. Let us recall the following version of the Krein Rutman Theorem for Banach lattices and one of its corollaries (for a proof, see e.g., [5], Theorem 12.3 and Corollary 12.4)

i) Let E   be a Banach lattice with cone positive P   and let S : E →  E   be a bounded, compact, positive and irreducible linear operator. Then S   has a positive spectral radius ρ (S)   which is an algebraically simple eigenvalue of S   and S *.   The associated eigenspaces are spanned by a quasi interior eigenvector and a strictly positive eigenfunctional respectively. Moreover, ρ(S)   is the only eigenvalue of T   having a positive eigenvector.

ii) For E   and S   as above and for a positive v ∈ E  the equation ru - Su  = v   has a unique positive solution if r > ρ (S),   no positive solution if r < ρ(S)   and no solution at all if r = ρ (S) .  In particular this implies that if Sv  ≥ ρ (S) v  for some positive v  then Sv  = ρ(Sv) .

We recall also that a point a ∈ E  is a quasi interior point if and only if a ∈ P  and the order interval [0,a]  is total (i.e. the linear span of [0,a]  is dense in E  ) and that for a measure space Z  equipped with a positive measure dσ  on Z  and 1 ≤ p < ∞ the quasi interior points in Lp (Z, dσ)  are the functions that are strictly positive almost everywhere. Moreover, for such p,  a bounded and positive linear operator S : Lp (Z, dσ) → Lp (Z, dσ)  satisfying that S (f) (x) >  0  a.e.  x ∈ Z  for all f > 0  is an irreducible operator (cf [13], Proposition 3, p. 409).■

Lemma 2.15. For l > 0  and τ < t,                2        2 UL,l(t,τ) : L (Ω) →  L  (Ω)   is a positive irreducible operator and its spectral radius ρ   satisfies 0 < ρ < 1.

Proof. By (i) and (iv) of Lemma 2.12, UL,l(t,τ)  is a positive, irreducible and compact operator. Thus, by the Krein Rutman Theorem, ρ  is positive and that is the unique eigenvalue with positive eigenfunctions associated. Moreover, by Lemma 2.10 (iii), these eigenfunctions belong to   2- 2,q W   q  (Ω)  for 1 ≤ q < ∞ . Take q > N +  2.  By Lemma 2.12 (v),                 2             2 U    (t,τ) : W 2- q,q (Ω)  → W  2-q,q(Ω)   L,l        Bl(τ)          Bl(τ)  is a compact and strongly positive operator which, by the Krein Rutman Theorem, has a positive spectral radius ρq.  Since the eigenfunctions of UL,l(t,τ)   belong to     2 W 2-q,q(Ω)   Bl(τ)  we have ρ = ρq.  Thus, to prove the lemma, it is enough to see that ρq < 1.

We proceed by contradiction. Suppose ρq ≥ 1  , let φ  be a positive eigenfunction with eigenvalue ρq  and let w = UL,l(.,τ)(φ)  . Since UL,l(t,τ)(φ) =  ρφ ≥ φ,  .  By Lemma 2.12 (ii), w ∈ W 2q,1(Ω × (τ,t))  and since w (t) ≥ w (τ )  the maximum principle gives that either w  is a constant or max --     w (x, t)     Ω ×[δ,T ]  is achieved at some point (x*,t*) ∈ ∂Ω × (τ,t).  If w  is a constant, since l > 0  the boundary condition (which is satisfied in the pointwise sense because q > N  + 2  ) implies w =  0  which is impossible and if the maximum is achieved at some point (x*,t*) ∈ ∂ Ω × (τ,t)  we would have 〈A ∇w, ν 〉(x*,t*) > 0  in contradiction with the boundary condition.■

3. Periodic solutions

Let W  be the Banach space

       {       (         )          (          )} W   :=   u ∈ L2T  ℝ, H1 (Ω)  : u ′ ∈ L2T ℝ, H1 (Ω) *


with norm ∥u∥   = ∥u∥  2        + ∥u ′∥ 2       * .    W        LT(ℝ,H1(Ω))      LT(ℝ,H1(Ω) )

Lemma 3.1. For l > 0,       2 f ∈ LT (Ω × ℝ)  and       2 Φ ∈ L T (∂Ω × ℝ)   the problem

       Lu =  f in Ω ×  ℝ 〈A ∇u, ν〉 + lu =  Φ on ∂ Ω × ℝ,      u (x,t) T periodic in t

 has a unique solution u ∈ W  .

Proof. Let δ > 0.  For        2 u0 ∈ L  (Ω)  the solution of

       Lu =  f in Ω × (0,T + δ)  〈A ∇u, ν〉 + lu =  Φ on ∂Ω  × (0,T + δ) ,               u (0) = u0

is given by

                     ∫                         t u(t) = UL,l(t,t0)u0 +     UL,l(t,τ )Λf,Φ(τ )dτ.                        t0


By Lemma 2.15, I - UL,l(T,0) : L2 (Ω) → L2 (Ω)  has a bounded inverse. From (25), u (0) = u(T )  if and only if

                       ∫                     -1   T u0 = (I - UL,l(T,0))      UL,l (T, τ)Λf,Φ (τ)dτ                         0


then there exists a unique solution u  of Lu = f  in Ω × (0,T + δ) ,  〈A ∇u, ν〉 + lu =  Φ  on ∂ Ω × (0,T + δ)  and u (0) = u(T )  . For such a u  and for t ∈ [0,T +  δ],  let v (t) = u (t + T ).  Thus Lv = f  in Ω × (0,δ),  〈A ∇v, ν〉 + lv = Φ  on ∂Ω ×  (0, δ)  and v (0) = u(0) .  Then v (t) = u (t)  (i.e., u(t + T) = u (t)  ) for [0,T +  δ].  Thus u  can be extended to a solution of (41) which is unique by (44).■

Let tr : H1 (Ω) →  L2(∂ Ω)  be the trace operator on H1 (Ω)  and for v ∈ W  let T r(v) ∈ L2T (∂Ω × ℝ)  be the trace operator defined by Tr (v)(t) = tr(v(t)).

For l > 0  we define the linear operators



 l S1(f,Φ) =  u  where u  is the solution of (41) given by Lemma 3.1,

 l            ( l      ) S2(f,Φ) =  Tr  S1 (f, Φ)  ,

Sl(Φ) = Sl2(0,Φ)


Remark 3.2. Let B,  B0   and B1   be Banach spaces, B0   and B1   reflexive. let i : B →  B      0  be a compact and linear map and j : B → B           1   an injective bounded linear operator. For T  finite and 1 < pi < ∞,  i = 0,1

       {                                              }               p0           d-              p1 W   :=   v ∈ L   (0,T;B0)  :dt (j ∘ i ∘ v) ∈ L (0,T ;B1)

is a Banach space under the norm                ∥            ∥ ∥v∥Lp0(0,T;B0) + ∥ ddt-(j ∘ i ∘ v)∥Lp1(0,T;B ).                                     1  A variant of an Aubin-Lions ´s theorem (for a proof see [10], p. 57 or Lemma 3 in [6]) asserts that if V ⊂ W  is bounded then the set {i ∘ v : v ∈ V} is precompact in   p L  0 (0,T;B) .

We will apply this result to B =  L2 (∂ Ω) ,  B0  = H1 (Ω)  and              * B1  = H1 (Ω)  .  The map i  is the trace map, j : L2 (∂Ω) → H1 (Ω)* is defined by

                       ∫ 〈j (g) ,h〉H1(Ω)*,H1(Ω) =   tr (h)g,     g ∈ L2 (∂ Ω)                         ∂Ω

and p  = p  = 2.  0    1  Hence W  above is a special case of W  in (11) for (t ,t ) = (0,T )   0  1  which is naturally isometric to the space W  of (40).■

Lemma 3.3. i) For l > 0,   l S1   and  l S2    are bounded linear operators and  l S2    is also compact

ii) If f ∈  L2T (Ω × ℝ)   and Φ ∈ L2T (∂Ω × ℝ)   are nonnegative and if either f ⁄= 0   or Φ  ⁄= 0   then essinfΩ×ℝ Sl (f, Φ) > 0            1   and ess inf∂Ω×ℝ Sl(f,Φ) >  0.              2   Moreover, if Φ  > 0   then essinf     Sl(Φ) >  0.       ∂Ω×ℝ

iii)   l S   is a bounded, positive, irreducible and compact operator on   2 L T (∂ Ω × ℝ) .

Proof. For       2 f ∈ L T (Ω × ℝ)  and       2 Φ ∈ L T (∂ Ω × ℝ)  the T  periodic solution of (42) is given by (43) with u0   given by (44). Remark 2.6 gives

          (                                     ) ∥u∥W  ≤ c  ∥f∥L2T(Ω ×ℝ) + ∥ Φ∥L2T (∂Ω× ℝ) + ∥u0 ∥L2(Ω) .

So, to see that  l S1   is a bounded operator, it is enough to obtain see that

              (                          ) ∥u0 ∥L2(Ω) ≤ c  ∥f ∥L2T(Ω×ℝ) + ∥Φ∥L2T(∂Ω× ℝ)


(for the rest of the proof c  will denote a positive constant independent of f  and Φ,  non necessarily the same at each occurrence, even in a same chain of inequalities). Let v (t) := ∫t U     (t,τ )Λ   (τ ).          0  L+k,l      f,Φ  Thus v  solves (L + k)v = f  in Ω × (0,T ),  〈A∇v, ν 〉 + lv = Φ  on ∂Ω ×  (0,T)  and v(0) = 0.  Since

                      (                          ) ∥Λf,Φ∥ 2     1  * ≤  c  ∥f∥ 2      + ∥Φ ∥ 2       L (0,T,H (Ω) )         LT(Ω× ℝ)      LT(∂Ω×ℝ)

(27) (applied to this problem and used with t =  0  0  and t = T  ) gives


the last inequality by Remark 2.6. So

                (                         ) ∥v(T )∥     ≤ c  ∥f∥        + ∥ Φ∥          .        L2(Ω)          L2T(Ω ×ℝ)      L2T (∂Ω× ℝ)



and so

∥∥∫ T                     ∥∥         (                          ) ∥∥    UL,l(T,τ )Λf,Φ(τ )dτ∥∥      ≤ c  ∥f∥L2(Ω× ℝ) + ∥Φ ∥L2(∂Ω×ℝ) .   0                       L2(Ω)          T             T


By Lemma 2.5, I - U   (t,τ) : L2(Ω) → L2 (Ω)      L,l  has a bounded inverse, and so (44) and (46) give (45). Then  l S1   is bounded and this implies the boundedness, first of  l S2,  and then of   l S .

To see that Sl2   and Sl  are compact, we consider a bounded sequence {(fn,Φn)} ⊂  L2T (ℝ;L2 (Ω)) × L2T (ℝ; L2 (∂ Ω)) .  Then, from Remark 3.2 {           }   Sl2(fn,Φn) is bounded in W,  so {T r(Sl (f ,Φ  ))}        1  n   n has a convergent subsequence in L2  (ℝ; L2 (∂Ω)) .   T  From   l       l S  (Φ)  = S2 (0,Φ)  we have that  l S  is also compact.

Suppose now that either f > 0  or Φ > 0  and let u0   be given by (44). For δ > 0.  Lemma 2.13 (iv) gives essinf UL,l(t,0)u0 > 0  for δ ≤ t ≤ T +  δ  and, by Lemma 2.12 (ii), we have                 (--           ) UL,l(.,0) u0 ∈ C  Ω × (δ,T + δ)  .  Then UL,l(.,0)u0   has a positive minimum M  on -- Ω ×  [δ,T +  δ].  Now,

                            ∫  l                            t S1(f, Φ)(t) = UL,l(t,0)u0 +    UL,l(t,τ) Λf,Φ (τ)d τ ≥ UL,l(t,0)u0 ≥ M                              0

for t ∈ [δ,T + δ]  and so, by periodicity, Sl1(f,Φ) ≥ M.  Since Sl2(f,Φ) =  Tr(Sl1(f,  Φ))  and            (         ) Sl(Φ) = T r  Sl1(0,Φ) we get that Sl2(Φ) ≥  M  and also that Sl(Φ) ≥  M.  Then (ii) holds and Sl  is irreducible.■

Lemma 3.4.        ∥∥  l∥∥ liml→ ∞  S   =  0  .

Proof. For l > 0  consider Φ ∈ L2T (∂ Ω × ℝ)  and let u = Sl2(0,Φ) .  Let u1 = Sl1 (0,Φ+) ,  u2 = Sl1(0,Φ - )  with Φ+  = max  (Φ,0) ,  Φ - = max  (- Φ,0) .  Thus u1 ≥ 0,  u2 ≥ 0  and u =  u1 - u2.

Along the proof c  will denote a positive constant independent of f  and Φ  (non necessarily the same even in a same chain of inequalities). Since Lu1  = 0  in Ω ×  ℝ  ,                     + 〈A ∇u1, ν〉 + lu1 = Φ   ≤ ∣Φ∣ and u1   is T  periodic, Remark 2.6 gives 0 ≤ u1 ≤  Sl1(0,∣Φ ∣).  So


and a similar estimate hold for u  ,   2  and then also for u.  Now, u  solves Lu  = 0  in Ω ×  ℝ,  〈A ∇u, ν 〉 + lu = Φ  on ∂Ω ×  ℝ  and u  is T  periodic. Then, from (27) used with t0 = 0  and t = T  we get




                    ∫                   -         [〈A ∇u, ∇u 〉+ 〈b,∇u〉 u+ a u2]                      Ω×(0,T)                         0     ∫      〈   (      1     )        1     〉   ∫      [〈 1       〉     ] = -          A  ∇u  + -A -1b  ,∇u +  -A- 1b  +           --A-1b,b  - a0  u2      Ω×(0,T)  ∥〈       2 〉∥           2          Ω×(0,T)   4              ∥  1  -1    ∥           ∫        2       2            ≤ ∥∥  4A   b,b ∥∥  ∞                u ≤ c ∥Φ∥L2T (ℝ× ∂Ω) .                           L  (Ω×(0,T)) Ω×(0,T )

the last inequality by Remark 2.6. Lemma 3.3 (iii) and Remark 2.6 give also

∫          uΦ  ≤ ∥u∥            ∥Φ∥            ≤ c ∥Φ ∥2         .   ∂Ω×(0,T)          L2(∂Ω×(0,T ),)    L2(∂Ω×(0,T ),)        L2(∂Ω×(0,T ))

Thus  ∥      ∥2 l∥Sl (Φ) ∥L2(∂Ω×(0,T))           2 ≤  c∥Φ ∥L2(∂Ω ×(0,T),)   and the lemma holds.■

We will use the multiplication operator M ζ  given by

M ζ (Φ) = ζΦ,   ζ ∈ L∞ (∂ Ω × ℝ) , Φ ∈ L2 (∂Ω ×  ℝ) .                      T                   T


For       ∞ ζ ∈ L T (∂Ω × ℝ)  and       2 Φ ∈ L T (∂Ω × ℝ)  let us observe that u ∈ W  satisfies

            Lu = 0 in Ω × ℝ, 〈A ∇u, ν〉 + lu = ζT r(u) + Φ on  ∂Ω × ℝ

(in the sense of the definition 2.1) if and only if for each R ∈ ℝ  it satisfies Lu  = 0  in Ω ×  ℝ,  〈A ∇u, ν 〉 + (l + R) u = (ζ + R) Tr (u) + Φ  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  , i.e., we can "add" Ru  to both sides in the boundary condition of (50).

Lemma 3.5. i) For each R >  0   there exists l0 = l0(R)   such that for l ≥ l0    and ζ ∈ L ∞ (∂Ω × ℝ)       T  such that ∥ ζ∥ ∞       ≤ R     LT (∂Ω×ℝ)   the problem (50) has a unique solution u ∈ W   for all       2 Φ  ∈ LT (∂Ω ×  ℝ).   Moreover, it satisfies ess infΩ ×ℝu >  0   if Φ  > 0.

ii) For such R,   l   and ζ,   the solution operator Φ →  u  is a bounded linear operator from L2T (∂Ω × ℝ)   into W   whose norm is uniformly bounded on ζ  for ∥ζ∥ ∞       ≤  R.    LT (∂Ω× ℝ)

Proof. Let       ∞ ζ ∈ L T (∂Ω × ℝ)  such that ∥ζ ∥L∞T (∂Ω×ℝ) ≤ R.  By Lemma 3.4 there exists l0 = l0 (R)  >  0  such that ∥     ∥ ∥Sl+R ∥ ≤  1--            4R  for l ≥ l0.  For l ≥ l0 (R)  we have ∥∥Sl+RM     ∥∥ ≤  1         ζ+R      2   and so I - Sl+RM            ζ+R  has a bounded inverse. If u ∈ W  solves (50), it solves Lu = 0  in Ω ×  ℝ,  〈A∇u, ν 〉 + (l + R) u = (ζ + R) Tr (u) + Φ  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  and so

           l+R                                   (     l+R      )-1  l+R T r(u) = S    (M ζ+R (T r(u) + Φ)) ,i.e.,Tr (u) =  I - S    M ζ+R    S    (Φ).


         (        ((               )           )    ) u = Sl1+R  0,M ζ+R    I - Sl+RM ζ+R  -1Sl+R (Φ)   + Φ  .


Thus the solution of (50), if exists, is unique and given by (51).

To prove existence, consider the function u  defined by (51). It solves

                             Lu = 0 in Ω × ℝ,                                (              ) 〈A ∇u, ν〉 + (l + R) u = (ζ + R)  I - Sl+RM  ζ+R  -1Sl+R (Φ) + Φ  on ∂Ω × ℝ                            u(x, t) T  periodic in T

and so



Then (52) can be rewritten as

                  Lu = 0 in Ω × ℝ, 〈A∇u,  ν〉 + (l + R) u = (ζ + R) Tr (u) + Φ on ∂Ω × ℝ                 u(x, t) T  periodic in T

and so u  solves (50).

Suppose now Φ >  0.  By (ii) and (iii) of Lemma 3.3, Sl+R   1   and Sl+R  are positive operators and also             l+R essinfΩ× ℝS 1  (Φ) >  0.  Thus (51) gives ess inf Ω×ℝ u > 0  and so (i) holds. Finally, from (51) and since Sl+R  and  l+R S1   are bounded and ∥          ∥ ∥Sl+RM  ζ+R∥ ≤  12   and ∥M ζ+R ∥ ≤ 2R,  we obtain (ii).■

We will need to introduce two news operators. For R  > 0,  l ≥ l0 ((R)) ,  ∥ ζ∥ ∞       ≤ R     LT (∂Ω×ℝ)  let



be defined by Sl,1ζ(Φ) = u  where u  is the solution of (50) given by Lemma 3.5 and by              (        )   l,ζ            l,ζ S   (Φ) = T r  S1  (Φ) respectively.

Corollary 3.6. For R,   l   and ζ   as in Lemma 3.5, Sl,ζ   is a bounded, compact, positive and irreducible operator.

Proof. By (53) we have

             (       )      (              ) Sl,ζ (Φ) = Tr  Sl,1ζ(Φ)  =  Sl I - Sl+RM  ζ+R - 1Sl+R (Φ) + Sl (Φ  )

and the corollary follows from Lemma 3.3 (iv)■ .

4. A one parameter eigenvalue problem

Lemma 4.1. i) For m  ∈ L ∞ (∂Ω × ℝ)        T   and λ ∈ ℝ   there exists a unique μ =  μm (λ) ∈ ℝ   such that the problem

            Lu = 0 in Ω × ℝ,  〈A ∇u, ν〉 + b0u = λmu  + μu  on ∂Ω ×  ℝ,          u (x,t) T periodic in t

has a positive solution. Moreover, for l   positive and large enough let   (        ) ρ  Sl,λm -b0 be the spectral radius of  l,λm -b0 S       .  It holds that           ( (  l,λm-b0))-1 μm  (λ) =  ρ S            - l   (where   ( l,λm -b ) ρ  S      0  is the spectral radius of   l,λm -b S      0   ).

ii) The solution space for this problem is one dimensional and for l  positive and large enough (l + μm (λ))-11   is an algebraically simple eigenvalue of Sl,λm-b0.

iii) Each positive solution u  of (55) satisfies essinf    u > 0.       Ω×ℝ

Proof. Let R  > ∥λm  - b0∥L∞(∂Ω× ℝ),  let l0 = l0 (R)  be as in Lemma 3.5 and for l ≥ l0,  let ρ  be the spectral radius of Sl,λm-b0   . From Lemma 3.6 Sl,λm- b0   is a compact, positive and irreducible operator on L2T (∂ Ω × ℝ) .  Then, by the Krein Rutman theorem, ρ  is a positive eigenvalue of Sl,λm -b0   with a positive eigenfunction w  associated. Let       l,λm -b0 u =  S1      (w) .  Thus u  is a T  periodic solution of Lu  = 0  in Ω ×  ℝ,  〈A ∇u, ν 〉 + lu = (λm - b0)u + w  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  . It is also positive because, by Lemma 3.5,   l,λm-b S 1    0   is a positive operator. Since             (              ) T r(u) = T r  Sl,+ λm -b0(w)   = Sl,+ λm-b0 (w) = ρw                1  it follows that u  solves (55) for μ =  1ρ - l.

On the other hand, if v  is a positive solution of (55) then Lv  = 0  in Ω × ℝ  and 〈A ∇u, ν〉 + (b + l)u = λmu  +  (μ + l) u               0  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  . So, for l ≥ l (R)     0    l,λm-b0           -1- S       (T r(u)) = μ+lT r(u) .  From Corollary 3.6 and the Krein Rutman theorem it follows that μ1+l = ρ  and so μ =  1ρ - l.  Thus (55) has a positive solution if and only if μ =  1 - l.      ρ  In particular, this gives that μ  does not depend on the choice of R  and l  . If v  is another positive solution of (55), for R  and as above, and since Tr (v) > 0  and Tr (v)  is an eigenfunction of Sl,λm -b0   with eigenvalue ρ,  the Krein Rutman theorem gives Tr (v) = ηTr (u)  for some η ∈ ℝ \{0} . Thus


then the solution space for (55) is one dimensional. Again by the Krein Rutmnan theorem,            -1 (l + μm (λ)) is an algebraically simple eigenvalue of Sl+R,λmb0   .

Finally, each positive solution u  of (55) satisfies

      l,-b0 u =  S1   ((λmT  r(u) + (μ + l)T r(u))),

and so Lemma 3.5 (iii) gives essinf    u > 0.■       Ω×ℝ

The aim of the rest of this section is to given some properties of the function μm (λ),  λ ∈ ℝ  defined, for       ∞ m  ∈ LT (∂ Ω × ℝ)  , by Lemma 4.1. Each zero of μm  provides a principal eigenvalue with weight m  and the corresponding solutions u  in (55) are the respective positive eigenfunctions. We will prove that the map m  → μm  (λ)  is strictly decreasing in m  (Lemma 4.6) and continuous for the a.e.  convergence in m  (Lemma 4.7) hence continuous in L ∞ (∂Ω × ℝ) .   T  μ  (λ)  m  is concave and analytic in λ  (cf. Corollary 4.9 and Remark 4.11).

Remark 4.2. For q > N  + 2  let    2,1 W q,T (Ω × ℝ)  be the space of the T  periodic functions on Ω ×  R  whose restriction to (0,T )  belongs to W q2,1(Ω ×  (0, T))  and for γ ∈ (0,1)  let   1+γ1+2γ C T      (∂ Ω × ℝ)  be the space of the T  periodic functions on ∂ Ω × R  belonging to C1+ γ1+2γ (∂ Ω × ℝ)  .

We recall that if

       γ,γ∕2(--    ) aij ∈ C      Ω ×  ℝ ,       1 (--    ) bj ∈ C   Ω × ℝ for 1 ≤ i,j ≤  N ;         γ,γ∕2( --    ) a0 ∈ C       Ω × ℝ  ,

m,            1+γ b0 ∈ C1+T γ 2 (∂Ω  × ℝ)

for such a γ  , then (cf. Remark 3.1 in [8]) the solutions u  of (55) belong to    2,1 W q,T (Ω × ℝ)  and so                     1+η1+η λmu  +  μm (λ)u ∈ C T   2  (∂ Ω × ℝ)  for some η ∈ (0,1).  Thus Theorem 2.5 in [8] gives         (--    ) u ∈ C2,1 Ω × ℝ  .■

In order to make explicit the dependence on m,  L  and b ,  0  we will write sometimes μm,L,b0   or μ,m,L  for the function μm.

Lemma 4.3. Let       ∞ m ∈  LT (Ω × ℝ)  and suppose that v ∈ W   satisfies



for some λ,μ ∈  ℝ  f ∈ L2T (Ω × ℝ)   and Φ ∈ L2T (∂ Ω × ℝ) .   If f ≥ 0   and Φ  ≥ 0   then μ  (λ) ≥ μ.  m   If in addition either f > 0   or Φ >  0   then μ  (λ) > μ.  m

Proof. If f = 0  and Φ = 0  then, by Lemma 4.1, μ = μm  (λ) .  Assume that either f > 0  or Φ >  0.  Since μm,L,b0 (λ) = μm+ σ,L,b0+σλ (λ)  for all λ, σ ∈ ℝ  , it suffices to prove the lemma in the case m  ≥ 0.  For R  > 0  let l0 (R)  be as in Lemma 3.5 and let l ≥ l0(∥b0∥∞) +  l0(∥ λm -  b0∥ ∞)  . Let w =  Sl1,-b0(f,0) ,  and let z = Sl,-b0(0,(λm  + μ + l)T r(v) + Φ) .       1  Thus w ≥  0,  z ≥ 0  and, since v = w + z,  v ≥ z.  So also T r(v) ≥ T r(z).  Now,



      l,λm-b0                                        l,λm- b z = S 1     (Φ +  λmT  r(v - z) + (μ +  l) Tr (v)) ≥ S      0 ((μ + l)T r(z)).


If Φ  > 0  since m ≥  0  we have Φ + λmT  r(v - z) + (μ + l)Tr (v) > 0.  If f > 0  then (by Lemma 4.3) essinfΩ×ℝ w >  0  and so T r(w) > 0.  Then T r(v - z) > 0  and thus, from (57), essinfΩ×ℝ z > 0.  Then Tr (z) > 0.  Also, from (57),

T r(z) ≥ Sl1,λm -b0((μ + l)Tr (v)) = (μ + l) Sl,λm- b0 (Tr (z)) .

Let   (       ) ρ  Sl,λm -b0 be the spectral radius of Sl,λm -b0.  Remark 2.14 (ii) gives         (        ) -1- ≥ ρ  Sl,λm -b0 =  ---1--- μ+l                  μm(λ)+l  and so μm (λ) ≥ μ.■

Lemma 4.4. Suppose v ∈ W   satisfies



for some λ,μ ∈  ℝ  f ∈ L2T (Ω × ℝ)   and Φ ∈ L2T (∂ Ω × ℝ) .   If f ≤ 0   and Φ  ≤ 0   then μ  (λ) ≤ μ.  m   If in addition either f < 0   or Φ <  0   then μ  (λ) < μ.  m

Proof. Consider first the case when λ ≥  0  and m  ≥ 0.  For R  > 0  let l0 (R)  be as in Lemma 3.5 and let l ≥ l0(∥λm  - b0∥∞) .  Let w  be the T  periodic solution of Lw  = f  in Ω ×  ℝ  , 〈A ∇w,  ν〉 + (b0 + l)w =  0  on ∂Ω  × ℝ  and let z  be the T  periodic solution of Lz  = 0  in Ω × ℝ  , 〈A ∇z, ν〉 + (b0 + l)z = Φ + λmv  + (μ + l)v  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  . Thus v = z + w  and, by Lemma 3.3 (iv), w ≤ 0.  Then 0 < ess inf Ω×ℝ v ≤ v ≤ z  and so also 0 < T r(v) ≤ T r(z) .  Let

^Φ := (λm  + l + μ (λ))(T r(v) - T r(z)) + (μ - μ(λ)) Tr (v) + Φ.

Since z  is T  periodic and


we have                  (                     ) T r(z) = Sl,λm -b0 (μ (λ) + l) Tr (z) + Φ^ .  Thus

    1                     (             1      ) ---------Tr (z) = Sl,λm -b0 T r (z) + ---------^Φ μ (λ) + l                           μ (λ) + l


If μ(λ) > μ  then ^Φ ≤  0  and so                      (       ) Sl,λm-b0 (T r(z)) ≥ ρ Sl,λm -b0 T r(z)  where   ( l,λm -b0) ρ  S is the spectral radius of  l,λm- b0 S      .  Thus, Remark 2.14 (ii) gives --1-- μ(λ)+l× T r(z) = Sl,λm-b0 (T r(z))  and so         (  ) Sl,λm-b0  ^Φ  =  0.  Then, by Lemma 3.3 (iii), ^Φ = 0.  This implies μ = μ (λ)  in contradiction with the assumption μ(λ) >  μ.  Thus μ (λ) ≤ μ.

Assume now that either f < 0  or Φ  < 0  and that μ(λ) < μ.  If f < 0  then supw  < 0  and so 0 < v < z  and 0 < Tr (v) < Tr (z)  This implies ^Φ < 0  and if Φ  < 0  the same conclusion is obtained. So, in both cases, (59) gives now   l,λm-b              ( l,λm- b) S      0 (T r(z)) > ρ S     0  Tr (z)  in contradiction with Remark 2.14, (ii).

Since for σ ∈ ℝ  we have μL,m,b0 (λ) = μL,m+ σ,b0+σλ(λ) ,  the case λ ≥ 0  and m  arbitrary follows from the previous one and, finally, the case λ < 0  follows from the case λ >  0  by considering the identity μ  (λ) = μ    (- λ) .■  m         -m

Let L0   be the operator defined by        ∂u L0u =  ∂t - div(A ∇u) +  〈b,∇u  〉.  We have

Corollary 4.5. i) Suppose a0 > 0.   Then μm,L,b0 (λ) > μm,L0,b0 (λ)  for all λ ∈ ℝ.

ii) Suppose b0 > 0.   Then μm,L,b0 (λ) > μm,L,0(λ)  for all λ ∈ ℝ.

Proof. let u  be the solution of (55). Thus



If a0 > 0,  since ess inf u > 0  we have -  a0u < 0,  then Lemma 4.4 gives (i). If b0 > 0  then - b T r(u) < 0.    0  Since


(ii) follows again from Lemma 4.4.■

Lemma 4.6. For m1, m2 ∈ L ∞T (∂Ω ×  ℝ) ,  m1 ≤ m2    with m1 ⁄=  m2    imply μm1 (λ) > μm2 (λ)   for all λ > 0   and μm1 (λ) <  μm2 (λ)   for all λ <  0  .

Proof. Suppose λ > 0  and μm1 (λ) ≤ μm2 (λ) .  Let u1   be a positive and T  periodic solution of


Since λm1u1  + μm1 (λ) u1 < λm2u1  + μm2 (λ) u1   on ∂Ω  × (0,T)  and essinfΩ× ℝu1 > 0,  Lemma 4.4 applies to give μm2 (λ) < μm2 (λ)  which contradicts our assumption μm1 (λ) ≤ μm2 (λ) .  The case λ <  0  follows from the case λ >  0  using that μm  (λ) =  μ-m (- λ)  .■

Lemma 4.7. Let {mn}  be a bounded sequence in L∞ (∂Ω  × ℝ)  T   which converges a.e.  to m   in ∂ Ω × ℝ  . Then lim      μ   (λ) = μ   (λ)    n→ ∞  mn         m   for each λ ∈ ℝ  .

Proof. To prove the lemma it suffices to show that for each {mn} as in the statement of the lemma there exists a subsequence {mnk } such that limk →∞  μmk (λ) = μm (λ).

Let M  be a positive number such that ∣mn ∣ ≤ M  for all n  and let λ ∈ ℝ.  Thus, by Corollary 4.5,

μM (λ) ≤ μmn  (λ) ≤  μ-M (λ) .


Let un  be the positive T  periodic solution of



normalized by ∥T r (un)∥L2T(∂Ω×ℝ) = 1.  We observe that {λmnun  +  μmn (λ)un} is a bounded sequence in L2T (∂ Ω × ℝ)  and so, by Lemma 3.3 (i), {un} is bounded in W.  Thus {un} is bounded in L2  (ℝ,H1 (Ω))   T  and {(j ∘ i ∘ un)′} is bounded in   2      1    * L T (ℝ, H (Ω)  )  where      1        2          2 i : H (Ω) →  L  (∂Ω) × L  (Ω)  and     2          2         1   * j : L (∂ Ω) × L  (Ω) →  H  (Ω) are the linear maps defined in Remark 3.2 Then there exists a subsequence {unk} that converges in L2T (∂Ω × ℝ)  to some u.  From (61), after pass to a furthermore subsequence, we can assume also that limk →∞ μmnk  (λ) =  μ  for some μ ∈  ℝ.  Thus { λm   u   + μ    (λ)u   }      nk nk    mnk      nk converges in L2 (∂Ω ×  ℝ)  T  to λmu  + μu.  Since        l,-b0 un =  S2   (λmnun  +  μmn (λ)un)  and   l,-b0 S2   is continuous we obtain that {unk} converges in W  to Sl,2-b0(λmu  + μu) .  It follows that u = Sl,2-b0(λmu  + μu)  i.e., that u  is a T  periodic solution of Lu  = 0  in Ω × ℝ,  〈A ∇u, ν〉 + b0u = λmu  + μ  in ∂ Ω × ℝ  . Since u   >  0   nk  and {Tr (u  )}       nk converges in L2 (∂Ω ×  ℝ)  T  to u  and since ∥Tr (unk)∥L2T(∂Ω×ℝ) = 1  we get u >  0.  Then μ = μm (λ) .■

Corollary 4.8. For each λ ∈ ℝ   the map m →  μm (λ)   is continuous from L ∞T (∂Ω × ℝ)  →  ℝ  .

Corollary 4.9. μm   is a concave function.

Proof. Choose a sequence {mn} in  ∞ CT  (∂ Ω × ℝ)  that converges a.e.  to m  in ∂ Ω × ℝ  and such that ∥mj ∥∞  ≤ 1 + ∥m ∥∞ for all n.  By ([8], lemma 3.3), each μmn   is concave and the corollary follows from Lemma 3.8.■

Let B (L2T (∂Ω × ℝ))  denote the space of the bounded linear operators on L2T (∂ Ω × ℝ)  and for ρ > 0,  ζ ∈ L ∞T (∂Ω × ℝ) ,  let B ρ(ζ)  be the open ball in L∞T (∂Ω  × ℝ)  with center ζ  and radius ρ.

Lemma 4.10. Let R > 0   and let l0 = l0(R)   be as in Lemma 3.5. For l ≥ l0    the map       l,- b0+ζ ζ →  S   is real analytic from BR  (ζ)   into      2 B (L T (∂Ω × ℝ)) .

Proof. Let l ≥ l0,  ζ0 ∈ BR  (0)  and       2 Φ ∈ L T (∂Ω × ℝ) .  For ζ ∈ BR -∥ζ0∥(ζ0),  the solution uζ = Sl,ζ (Φ)  of (50) is T  periodic and solves Lu ζ = 0  in Ω × ℝ,  〈A∇u ζ,ν 〉 + (b0 + l) uζ = Φ + ζ0T r(uζ) + (ζ - ζ0)Tr (uζ)  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  , Then T r(u ) = Sl,ζ0-b0Φ + Sl,ζ0- b0M     T r(u )      ζ                        ζ-ζ0     ζ  , i.e., we have

Sl,ζ-b0 = Sl,ζ0-b0 + Sl,ζ0-b0M ζ-ζ0Sl,ζ-b0


Also, ∥∥  l,ζ0- b0      ∥∥            ∥∥  l,ζ0-b0∥∥   S     M ζ- ζ0  ≤ ∥ ζ - ζ0∥  S        < 1  and then, from (63), ∥∥  l,ζ-b0∥∥     ∥∥ l,ζ0-b0∥∥   S       ≤ 2  S       .  An iteration of (63) gives, for n ∈ ℕ  ,

  l,ζ-b     l,ζ -b ∑n (  l,ζ- b      )j    l,ζ -b (       l,ζ -b )n+1 S     0 = S  0 0     S   0 0M ζ- ζ0   + S  0  0 M ζ-ζ0S  0  0                  j=1

Since ∥  l,ζ -b      ∥ ∥S   0  0M  ζ- ζ0∥ <  1  we have         ∥∥ l,ζ -b (        l,ζ -b )n+1∥∥ limn → ∞ ∥S  0  0 M ζ-ζ0S  0  0    ∥ = 0.  Thus

                 ∞ Sl,ζ-b0 = Sl,ζ0- b0 ∑ (Sl,ζ0- b0M     )j = Sl,ζ0-b0 (I - Sl,ζ0-b0M    )-1.                               ζ-ζ0                          ζ-ζ0                  j=1

Since ζ →  M ζ-ζ          0   is real analytic the lemma follows.■

Remark 4.11. Corollary 4.9 implies that μ   m  is continuous. So, taking into account Corollary 3.3 and Lemma 4.10, ([3] lemma 1.3) applies to obtain that μm (λ)  is real analytic in λ  . Moreover, a positive solution uλ  for (55) can be chosen such that λ → u λ∣∂Ω×R  is a real analytic map from ℝ  into L2T (∂Ω ×  ℝ).

Observe also that if a0 =  0  and b0 = 0  then μm (0) = 0  and that, in this case, the eigenfunctions associated for (55) are the constant functions. Finally, for the case when either a  > 0  0  or b  ⁄= 0,  0  applying Lemma 4.3 with v = 1,  λ = 0  and μ = 0  we obtain that μm  (0) > 0.■

Remark 4.12. Assume that a0 =  0,  b0 = 0  and for l  large enough, consider the spectral radius ρl  of the operator Sl,λm- b0 : L2T (∂Ω × ℝ) → L2T (∂Ω × ℝ) .  Since Φ  = 1  is a positive eigenfunction associated to the eigenvalue 1, l  the Krein Rutman Theorem asserts that ρ =  1  l   l  and that there exists a positive eigenvector Ψ ∈  L2 (∂Ω × ℝ)       T  for the adjoint operator ( l,λm -b0)*  S satisfying ( l,λm -b0)*  S         Ψ =  Ψ.  Moreover, such a Ψ  is unique up a multiplicative constant.■

Lemma 4.13. Suppose that a0 = 0,   b0 = 0    and let Sl,λm- b0    and Ψ   be as in remark 3.7. Then μ′ (0) = - 〈Ψ,m-〉.  m         〈Ψ,1〉

Proof. For λ ∈ ℝ  , let uλ  be a solution of (55) such that λ →  uλ  is real analytic and u λ = 1  for λ =  0.  Since

( {                     Lu λ = 0 on Ω × ℝ    〈A ∇u  ,ν 〉 + (b + l) u  = (λm  + μ  (λ) + l)u  on ∂Ω  × ℝ (       λ        0      λ           m          λ                     uλ(x,t) T  periodic in t

we get              l,λm- b0                            l,λm -b0 T r(uλ) = λS        (mT  r(u λ)) + (μm (λ) + l)S       (T r(uλ))  and so

λ〈Ψ, mT r (uλ)〉 + μm (λ)〈Ψ, T r(uλ)〉 = 0.

Taking the derivative with respect to λ  at λ =  0  and using that μm (0) = 0  and that u λ = 1  for λ =  0,  the lemma follows.■

5. The behavior of μm  at ±  ∞

We fix        ∞ m  ∈ L T (∂ Ω × ℝ) ,  ∂Ω  seen as compact Riemannian   2 C   manifold of dimension N  - 1.  For ρ > 0  fixed in ℝ  , we will find a closed curve Γ ∈  CT (ℝ;∂ Ω)  of class C2   and δ = δ(ρ)  such that the tube

       {                                     } B Γ ,δ = (x,t) ∈ ∂Ω ×  [0,T ] : x ∈ exp Γ (t)D δ,Γ (t)



           ∫             ∫      1                     b ω----δN--1      md σdt ≥     sup m (x, t) dt - 2ρ.   N-1       BΓ,δ           a  x∈ ∂Ω


To do let us introduce some additional notations to explain        (      ) exp Γ (t) D δ,Γ (t) . For x ∈ ∂Ω  let T (∂Ω)  x  denote the tangent space to ∂ Ω  at x  as a subspace of ℝN  with the usual inner product of  N ℝ  .  This Riemannian structure gives an exponential map expx : Tx (∂Ω) → ∂Ω  and an area element dσ (x).  For each X  ∈ Tx (∂ Ω) ,  expxX  = η (1)  where η(t)  is the geodesic satisfying η(0) = x,  η′(0) = X.  We have also the geodesic distance d ∂Ω   on ∂Ω  and geodesic balls Br (x) ,  x ∈ ∂Ω,  r > 0.  We denote d  the distance on ∂ Ω × (0,T )  given by

d ((x, t),(y,s)) = max (d   (x,y),∣t - s∣)                         ∂Ω


and, for (x,t) ∈ ∂Ω × (0,T )  and r > 0  we put Br (x,t)  for the corresponding open ball with center (x,t)  and radius r.  So we have that Br (x, t) = Br (x) × (t - r,t + r)  is a cylinder. Concerning the measures dσ  on ∂Ω  and dσdt  on ∂Ω ×  (0, T)  we denote indistinctly ∣E ∣ the measure of a Borel subset of ∂Ω  or of ∂ Ω × (0,T ).

For x ∈ ∂Ω  let {X    ,...,X     }    1,x     N -1,x be an orthonormal basis of T  (∂ Ω)  x  and let      {                  } φx :  z ∈ ℝN -1 : ∣z∣ < r → ∂ Ω  be the map defined by                       (∑N  -1      ) φx (z1,...zN -1) = expx     j=1  zjXj,x  .  From well known properties of the exponential map there exists ɛ > 0  such that φ  : {z ∈ ℝN -1 : ∣z∣ < r} → B (x)   x                           r  is a diffeomorphism for 0 < r < ɛ,  x ∈ ∂Ω.  For such r  and x ∈ ∂Ω  let y →  (z1(y) ,...,zN-1 (y))  be the coordinate system defined by φx  on Br (x),  let {             }   ∂∂z-,..., ∂z∂--    1      N -1 be the corresponding coordinate frame, let           〈          〉 gij (y) :=   ∂-- , ∂-   ,             ∂zi∣y ∂zj∣y  1 ≤ i,j ≤ N -  1,  y ∈ Br (x)  and let (gij (y))  be the (N - 1) × (N  - 1)  matrix whose i,j  entry is gij.(y).  Finally, we put ωN- 1   for the area of the unit sphere SN - 1 ⊂ ℝN .

Lemma 5.1. i) For x ∈  ∂Ω   it holds that        --∣Br(x)∣-- limr →0 ωN- 1rN-1 =  1   uniformly in x ∈ ∂ Ω.

ii) dσ  is doubling, that is ∣B2r (x)∣ ≤ c ∣Br (x)∣  for some c > 0  independent of x ∈ ∂ Ω   and r > 0.

iii) Let E  ⊂ ∂Ω  × R   be a Borel set. Then lim ∣B∣→0, (x,t)∈B ∣E∩B∣=  1                 ∣B∣   a.e. (x,t) ∈ E   (the limit taken on balls B  in ∂Ω ×  ℝ  )

Proof. To obtain (i) we consider an orthonormal basis {X1.x,...XN - 1.x} of Tx (∂ Ω)  and z ∈ ℝN - 1.  For ɛ  small enough and 0 < r < ɛ  we have

 ∣B  (x)∣            1     ∫ ----r-N--1 - 1 = ------N--1      (f (x, z) - 1) dz1...dzN- 1 ωN -1r           ωN -1r      ∣z∣<r

where               12 (   (     (∑N  - 1      ))) f (x,z) := det   gij expx     j=1 zjXj,x    .  Since (x,z) →  f (x,z) - 1  is uniformly continuous on ∂Ω × D1   and f (x, 0) = 1,  x ∈ ∂Ω  we obtain (i) by taking limits.

As ∂Ω  has finite diameter for d   ∂Ω   we have (ii).

Finally, dσdt  is also doubling in ∂Ω ×  ℝ  and so (iii) holds (cf. e.g. [11]).■

Lemma 5.2. For each ρ > 0  there exists δ > 0,   a partition {t0,}  of [0,T ]   and points x1,....,xn  in ∂Ω   with xn =  x1   such that {B δ (x1) × (ti-1,ti)}1≤i≤n   is a family of disjoint sets and

           ∫                                   ∫ -----1----                                       T ω    δN -1   n              m (x,t)d σ(x) dt ≥     ess sup  m (x,t)dt - ρ   N- 1      ∪i=1B δ(xi)×(ti-1,ti)                    0     x∈∂Ω

Proof. Without lost of generality we can assume that ∥m ∥   ≤ 1.     ∞  For t ∈ [0,T ]  let m^ (t) = ess supx∈∂Ω m (x,t)  and for η > 0  let

E  (η) = {(x,t) ∈ ∂ Ω × ℝ : m (x,t) > ^m (t) - η}.


and let E (η)d  be the set of the density points (in the sense of Lemma 5.1, (iii)) in E  (η).  We fix     (   1) α ∈   0,2 .  For k ∈ ℕ,  let      (k) E (η)   be the set of the points              d (x,t) ∈ E (η)  such that

∣B ρ(y,s) ∩ E (η)∣ ----------------->  1 - α    ∣B ρ(y,s)∣

for all open ball B ρ(y,s) ⊂ ∂ Ω × ℝ  containing (x,t)  and with radius ρ <  1.      k  Observe that      (k)        (s) E (η)   ⊂ E  (η)   for k < s  and that (from Lemma 3.16 (iii)                   (k) E (η) = ∪k∈ ℕE (η)  .  Thus         ∣  (       ) ∣ limk→ ∞ ∣∣π  E (η)(k)  ∣∣ = ∣π (E (η))∣ = T  where π(x,t) :=  t.

Given ɛ > 0  we fix k ∈ ℕ  such that ∣ (        ) ∣ ∣∣π  E (η)(k)  ∣∣ ≥ T - ɛ.  For n ∈ ℕ  let l = T2n  and let {t0,} be the partition of [0,T]  given by ti = 2il.

Let     {                                             } I =   i ∈ {1,2,...n}: (∂Ω ×  (ti-1,ti)) ∩ E (η)(k) ⁄= ∅ and let Ic = {1,2,...n} \I.  Denote     -T δ = 4n.  For i ∈ I\{n} let      *                          (k) (xi,ti) ∈ (∂Ω × (ti-1,ti)) ∩ E (η)   and let Qi =  Bδ (xi) × (ti- 1,ti)  and, for j ∈ Ic\ {n} let xj ∈ ∂Ω  and let Qj =  Bδ (xj) × (tj-1,tj).  We also set x  = x  n     1   and Q   = B  (x ) × (t   ,t) .   n     δ  n     n- 1 n  Since ∣ (        )∣ ∣π   E (η)(k) ∣ ≥ T - ɛ ∣           ∣  we have ∑   i∈Ic (ti - ti-1) ≤ ɛ.

Consider the case i ∈ I.  We have ∫                      ∫                         ∫     m (x,t)dσ (x) dt =        m  (x,t)dσ (x)dt +        c m (x,t)dσ (x)dt.  Qi                     Qi∩E(η)                    Qi∩E(η)  Also,

  ∫                          ∫     Q ∩E(η)m (x, t) dσ (x) dt ≥  Q ∩E(η) ^m (t)dσ (x) dt - η ∣Qi ∩ E (η)∣   ∫  iti                          i         ∫ ti ≥      ^m (t)(∣(Q  ∩ E (η))∣ - ∣(Q  )∣)dt +      ^m (t)∣(Q  )∣dt - η ∣Q  ∣     ti-1         i         t      i t       ti-1         i t         i                                     ∫  ti      ≥ ∣Q  ∩ E (η)∣ - ∣Q  ∣ + ∣B (x )∣     ^m (t)dt - 2lη∣B  (x )∣.           i             i     δ   i   ti-1                δ  i

Since (xi,t*i) ∈ E (η)(k)   and                    (                   ) (xi,t*i) ∈ B δ (xi) × ti+ti--1- l, ti+ti-1 + l                       2          2 we get ∣Q  ∩ E (η)∣ ≥ (1 - α)∣Q  ∣   i                     i ). So, the above inequalities give

∫                          (               ∫ t         )                                               i   Q ∩E(η) m (x,t)dσ (x)dt ≥   - 2l(α + η) +  t   ^m (t)dt  ∣Bδ (xi)∣.    i                                         i-1

Moreover, ∫  Qi∩E(η)c m (x,t)dσ (x)dt ≤ ∣(Qi ∩ E (η))c∣ = ∣Qi∣ - ∣Qi ∩ E (η)∣ ≤ 2lα ∣B δ (xi)∣.  Thus

∫                     (                ∫ t    )                                           i  Q m  (x,t)dσ (x)dt ≥   - 2l(2α + η) +  t   ^m   ∣B δ (xi)∣.   i                                      i-1


Also, for      c j ∈ I ,

∫     m (x, t) dσ(x) dt ≥ - ∣Qj∣ = - 2l∣Bδ (xj)∣   Qj


For i ∈ I  let ɛi (δ) =  -∣Bδ(xNi)∣-1 - 1.          ωN-1δ  From (68) and (69) we have

                           ∫                                   m (x,t)dσ (x)dt                             ∪ni=1Qi     ∑    ∫                     ∑    ∫                    ∫ =           m (x,t)dσ (x)dt+            m (x,t)dσ (x)dt+     m (x,t)dσ (x)dt    i∈I\{n} Qi                  i∈Ic\{n}  Qi                  Qn           ( ∫ t                    )   ≥  ∑        i m^ (t)dt - 2l(2α+  η) ∣B  (x)∣- ∑   2αl∣B  (x)∣-  T-∣B  (x )∣              ti-1                        δ  i      c     δ   i    n   δ  n     i∈I\{n}                                     i∈I

            (                                                             )               ∫ T            ∑    ∫ ti =  ωN- 1δN -1(     ^m (t)dt-             ^m (t) dt- 2l# (I)(2α + η)- 2l# (Ic)α)                0           i∈Ic\{n} ti-1                                            T                                 - ωN -1δN -1-               (            (               n         )                  )           N-1    ∑                        ∫ ti             ∑   + ωN- 1δ    (       ɛi(δ)  - 2l(2α + η)+      ^m (t) dt  -        2αlɛi(δ))                i∈I\{n}                      ti-1            i∈Ic\{n}                                         T                              - ωN -1δN -1-ɛn(δ).                                         n



where # (I)  and # (Ic)  denote the cardinals of I  and Ic  respectively. Since δ = 4Tn  and Lemma 3.11 gives that lim      max      ∣∣ɛ (T-)∣∣ = 0,    n→ ∞     1≤i≤n  i 4n  taking n  large enough and α, η  and ɛ  small enough the lemma follows.■

For a T  periodic curve Γ ∈ C2 (ℝ, ∂Ω)  and δ > 0,  let B Γ ,δ  defined by (64). We have

Lemma 5.3. Assume that ∂Ω   is connected. Then for each ρ > 0   there exist Γ ∈ C2  (ℝ,∂ Ω)       T   and δ > 0   such that

          ∫                       ∫ T ----1----- ωN -1δN- 1 B   m  (x, t)d(x) σdt ≥  0  ess sx∈up∂Ω m (x, t) dt - 2ρ              Γ,δ

Proof. Let ρ > 0  and let x1,...,xn,  t0,...,tn  and δ  be as in Lemma 5.2. For θ <  T2n  and i = 1,...,n - 1,  let γ  : [t - θ,t + θ] → ∂ Ω  i   i      i  be a C2   map satisfying γ (t -  θ) = x   ,  i  i         i- 1  γi(ti + θ) = xi  and  (j) γi  (t) = 0  for j = 1,2  and t = ti ± θ.  Let       2 Γ ∈ C T (ℝ, ∂Ω)  be defined by Γ (t) = x1   for t ∈ [t0,t1 - θ],  Γ (t) = xn  for t ∈ [tn + θ,tn]  and by


for i = 1,...,n - 1.  For θ  small enough Γ  satisfies the conditions of the lemma.■

Corollary 5.4. Assume that ∂Ω   is connected and let P  (m)  be defined by (6). If P (m)  > 0  then for δ  positive and small enough there exists Γ ∈ C2  (ℝ,∂ Ω)       T   such that ∫   m  > 0.  BΓ,δ

Remark 5.5. Let        (      ) Γ ∈ C2T ℝ, ℝN as in Lemma 5.3. Since the map t →  ν (Γ (t))  belongs to      (      ) C1+ θ ℝ, ℝN there exists a C1+ θ  and T  periodic map t → A (t)  from ℝ  into SO  (N )  such that A (t)ν (Γ (0)) = ν (Γ (t))  for t ∈ ℝ  . Let {X   ,...,X     }    1,0      N-1,0 be an orthonormal basis of TΓ (0)(∂Ω)  and let Xj (t) = A (t)Xj,0,  for j = 1, 2,...N - 1,  t ∈ ℝ  . Thus each Xj  is a T  periodic map,         1+ γ (   N ) Xj  ∈ C     ℝ, ℝ and for each t,  {X1 (t),...,XN -1 (t)} is an orthonormal basis of TΓ (t)(∂Ω) .  For z ∈ ℝN  and t ∈ ℝ  we set

                               x (z, t)           (                )          (       (                 ))               ∑                                   ∑ := expΓ (t)        zjXj (t)  -  zN+1ν   expΓ (t)         zjXj (t)    ,             1≤j≤N -1                             1≤j≤N -1


Λ (z,t) :=  (x(z,t),t).


For δ > 0  let       {     N -1        } D δ =  z ∈ ℝ     : ∣z∣ < δ and Q δ :=  Dδ × (0,δ) × ℝ  . Thus, for δ  positive and small enough Λ  is a diffeomorphism from Q δ   onto an open neighborhood W δ ⊂ ℝN  × ℝ   of the set {(T (t),t) : t ∈ ℝ}  satisfying

Λ(Q δ) = W δ ∩ (Ω × ℝ) ,

Λ(Q δ) = W δ ∩ (∂ Ω × ℝ) ,

Λ(D   × {0} × {t}) = B  (Γ (t)) × {t},     δ                  δ

Λ(0,t) = (Γ (t) ,t),

Λ(.,t)   is T   periodic in t.

Moreover, Λ : Q δ → W δ   and its inverse Θ  : W δ → Q δ   are of class C2,1    on their respective domains. For δ,Λ, Θ,W δ  as above, with Θ (x,t) = (Θ1 (x,t),...,ΘN+1(x,  t))  we have ΘN+1  (x,t) = t  and also (cf. (3.13) and (3.14) in [8])

∇ ΘN  = - gν     on W δ ∩ (∂ Ω × ℝ)

for some       1 g ∈ C  (W δ ∩ (∂Ω × ℝ))  satisfying g (x,t) ⁄= 0  for (x,t) ∈ W δ ∩ (∂Ω × ℝ)  and g (Γ (t),t) = 1  for t ∈ ℝ  . Moreover, if Λ ′(Γ (t),t)  denotes the Jacobian matrix of Λ  at (Γ (t),t),  from the definition of Λ  and taking into account that the differential of expx  at the origin is the identity on Tx (∂Ω) ,  we have that detΛ ′(Γ (t),t) = 1  for t ∈ ℝ  .

Lemma 5.6. Assume that ∂Ω   is connected and that P (m) > 0.   Then lim λ→ ∞ μm  (λ) =  - ∞.

Proof. Let {mn} be a sequence in C∞T  (∂ Ω × ℝ)  that converges to m  a.e in ∂Ω × ℝ  and satisfying ∥mn ∥∞  ≤ 1 + ∥m ∥∞ for n ∈  ℕ,  let {    }  L(n) be a sequence of operators as in Lemma 2.8 and let   (n) A   be the N ×  N  matrix whose i,j  entry  (n) aij  , let {   (n)}   b0 be a sequence in      1   1- W  2- q,1- 2q   q,T  for some q > N + 2  and such limn →∞ b0(n) = b0   a.e.  in ∂ Ω × ℝ  .

For δ  positive and small enough let Γ  be as in Corollary 5.4 and let Q δ,  W δ,  Λ  and Θ  be as in Remark 5.5.

For (s,t) ∈ Q δ  let

 (n)          ∑                ∂Θi          ∂Θj ^aij (s,t) =        alr (Λ (s,t))----(Λ (s,t)) ----(Λ (s,t)),            1≤l.r≤N             ∂xl          ∂xr

let  (n)        ( (n)          (n)     ) ^b   (s,t) =  ^b1  (s,t) ,...,^bN  (s,t) with


and let   (n) A^  (s,t)  be the N  × N  symmetric and positive matrix whose (i,j)  entry is ^a(inj)(s,t),  let ^a(0n)   be defined on Q δ  by ^a0 = a0 ∘ Λ,  let ^mn,  ^b0   be defined on D δ × {0} × [0,T]  by m^n  = mn  ∘ Λ  and ^  b0 = b0 ∘ Λ.  For λ > 0  let un,λ  be a positive and T  periodic solution of


normalized by ∥un,λ∥W  = 1.  Let ^un,λ ∈ C2,1(Q δ)  be defined by ^un,λ = un,λ ∘ Λ.  Then, a computation shows that


Let β ∈ (0,δ)  (to be chosen latter), let       ∞ h ∈ C   (ℝ)  such that 0 ≤ h ≤ 1,  h (ζ) = 1  for ζ < δ - β,  h (ζ) = 0  for ζ ≥ δ  and let          (     ) G  ∈ C ∞  ℝN+! be defined by G (z,s,t) = h (∣(z,s)∣)  for (z,s,t) ∈ ℝN - 1 × ℝ × ℝ.  Finally, we set ^g = g ∘ Λ  and, for a definite positive matrix P ∈ M   (ℝ)       N  and w  ∈ ℝN  we put ∥w ∥  :=  〈Pw, w 〉.     P  With these notations we have, as in the proof of Lemma 3.11 in [8],

                                  ∫                                        (  2 )                  μmn,L(n),b(n0)(λ)         G  ^g  (ξ, 0,t) dξdt                                D δ×(0,T)                             ∫    (       )                     ≤  - λ        G2 ^gm^n   (ξ,0,t)dξdt                     [      Dδ×(0,T)                              ]   ∫                 ∥∥ (       G        ) ∥∥2 +                   ∥∥  ∇G   + --A^(n)^b(n) ∥∥       + ^a(n0)(s,t)G2   (s,t) dsdt.    {s∈ℝN:∣s∣< δ:}×(0,T)           2           A^(n)(s,t)


                  ┌│ ----(---(--------(------------)))--- ∫                 │                    N∑- 1                    ∫         m^ (z,0,t)∘ det   gij  exp Γ (t)     zjXj (t)      dzdt =      m  > 0.  Dδ×(0,T)                               j=1                      BΓ,δ

Thus, since ∘ ---------------   det (gij (Γ (t))) = 1  and      ∘ ---(----(-------(--------------)))--                         ∑N  -1 z →    det  gij  expΓ (t)  j=1 zjXj (t) is continuous, we get ∫        ^m (z,0,t) dzdt > 0  D δ×(0,T)  for δ  positive and small enough. Then (for a smaller δ  if necessary) and some positive constant c  we have

∫           ^mn (z,0,t)dzdt >  c,  D δ×(0,T)

for n  large enough. Since ^g  is continuous on D δ × {0} × ℝ  and ^g (0,t) = 1  we can assume also (diminishing δ  and c  if necessary) that, for n  large enough,

∫                                   ∫           (^mn ^g)(z,0,t) dzdt > c and          ^g (z, 0,t)dzdt > c   Dδ×(0,T)                             Dδ×(0,T)

¿From these inequalities it is clear that we can pick β  small enough in the definition of G  such that for n  large enough




We have also


so, from (73), we get positive constants c1   and c2   independent of n  and λ  such that μmn,L(n),b(n0)(λ) ≤ - c1 - c2λ  for all n  large enough. Also, since


Lemma 4.3 gives μ      (λ) ≥ - (1+ ∥m ∥  )λ - (1+ ∥b ∥  ).  mn,L(n)                ∞            0 ∞  Thus {           }  μ       (λ)   mn,L(n) is bounded, and so, after pass to a subsequence we can assume that {           }  μmn,L(n) (λ) converges to some μ ≤ - c1 - c2λ  . Since {                                    }  λmnT  r(un,λ) + μ    (n) (λ) T r(un,λ)                   mn,L is bounded in   2 L T (∂ Ω × ℝ) ,  by Lemma 3.3 and after pass to a furthermore subsequence, we can assume that {un,λ} converges in W  to some u λ ≥ 0.  By Lemma 2.8 u  satisfies Lu  = 0  in Ω ×  ℝ  , 〈A ∇u, ν 〉 + b0u = λmu +  μu  on ∂Ω × ℝ.  Thus μm,L,b0 (λ) = μ  and so μm,L,b0 (λ) ≤ - c1 - c2λ  .■

6. Principal eigenvalues for periodic parabolic Steklov problems

Let P (m)  and N (m)  be defined by (6). We have

Theorem 6.1. Suppose one of the following assertions i), ii), iii),  holds.

i) P (m) >  0   (respectively N (m)  < 0  ) and either a0 > 0   or b0 > 0

ii) a0 =  0,  b0 = 0, P (m) > 0   (respectively N (m)  < 0  ), 〈Ψ, m 〉 < 0   (resp. 〈Ψ,m 〉 > 0  ) with Ψ   defined as in remark 3.7.

Then there exists a unique positive (resp. negative) principal eigenvalue for (55) and the associated eigenspace is one dimensional.

Proof. Suppose a0 =  0,  b0 = 0,  P (m)  > 0  and 〈Ψ, m 〉 < 0.  Since μm  (0) = 0  and, by Lemma 3.14, μ′m (0) > 0  the existence of a positive principal eigenvalue λ = λ1 (m)  for (55) follows from Lemma 5.6. Since μm  does not vanish identically, the concavity of μm  gives the uniqueness of the positive principal eigenvalue.

Moreover, if u,v  are solutions in W  for (55), then, from Lemma 4.1, u = cv  on ∂ Ω × R  for some constant c.  Since, for l ∈ R  , L (u - cv) = 0  on Ω × R,  Bb0+l (u - cv) = λm (u - cv) + μm (λ) (u - cv)  and u - cv = 0  on ∂Ω × R  . Thus, taking l  large enough, Lemma 2.9 gives u = cv  on Ω × R.

If either a0 > 0  or b0 > 0  then (by Remark 3.12) μm (0) > 0  and so the existence follows from Lemma 5.6. The other assertions of the theorem follow as in the case a0 = 0.  Since μm (- λ) = μ -m (λ)  and N  (m) = - P (- m) ,  the assertions concerning negative principal eigenvalues reduce to the above.■

Theorem 6.2. Let λ ∈ ℝ   such that μm  (λ) >  0.   Then for all       2 Φ ∈ L T (∂Ω × ℝ)   the problem



has a unique solution. Moreover Φ >  0   implies that essinfΩ×ℝ u > 0.

Proof. Since μm (λ) > 0  for l  large enough we have  (        )   1 ρ Sl,λm-b0  < l  and so , (1I - Sl,λm -b0)-1  l is a well defined and positive operator. If u  is a solution of (75) then       l,-b0 u = S λm+lΦ  so the solution, if exists, is unique. To see that it exists, consider

      1        (1             ) -1 w :=  -Sl,λm -b0  -I - Sl,λm-b0    Φ.       l          l

and observe that u = Sl,-b0((λm  + l)w + Φ)       1  solves (75). Finally, if Φ > 0,  then w  > 0  on ∂ Ω × ℝ  and since

u = Sl+R,-b0((λmT  r(u) + (μ + l + R) Tr (u))),       1

Lemma 2.18 (iii) gives essinfΩ×ℝ u > 0.■

Let λ1(m)  (respectively λ- 1(m)  ) be the positive (resp. negative) principal eigenvalue for the weight m  with the convention that λ1(m) =  + ∞ (respectively λ- 1(m) =  - ∞ ) if there not exists such a principal eigenvalue. From the properties of μm,  Theorem 6.2 gives the following

Corollary 6.3. Assume that either a0 > 0   or b0 > 0.   Then the interval (λ-1(m) ,λ1 (m))  does not contains eigenvalues for problem (55). If a0 = 0   and b0 = 0,   the same is true for the intervals (λ-1 (m)  ,0)   and (0,λ1 (m)) .


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T. Godoy
Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física and CIEM - Conicet,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,
Ciudad Universitaria,
5000 Córdoba, Argentina

E. Lami Dozo
Département de Mathématique,
Université Libre de Bruxelles and
Universidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet,
Campus Plaine 214, 1050 Bruxelles

S. Paczka
Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física and CIEM - Conicet,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,
Ciudad Universitaria,
5000 Córdoba, Argentina

Recibido: 16 de diciembre de 2005
Aceptado: 7 de agosto de 2006

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