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Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina

versão impressa ISSN 0041-6932versão On-line ISSN 1669-9637

Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. v.46 n.2 Bahía Blanca jul./dez. 2005


Geometric Methods in Wavelet Theory

C. Cabrelli and U. Molter

To the memory of our teacher and colleague Pucho Larotonda, who taught us much more than Mathematics.

The authors are partially supported by Grants: PICT 15033, CONICET, PIP 5650, UBACyT X058 and X108

Abstract: In this paper we present an overview of how geometric methods can be successfully used to solve problems in Analysis. We will focus on self-similar objects and use their structure to construct frames, Riesz bases and wavelet bases in   d ℝ  with a single generator function. Further, we show that the generating functions for these systems are dense in      d L2(ℝ  )  .

Key words and phrases. Self-Similarity, Wavelets, Affine Systems, Wavelet Sets, Riesz basis wavelets
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 42C40, Secondary: 42C30

1. Introduction

In this article we review some geometric methods that have proven to be very successful in different contexts and we show their application to wavelet construction (sections 5 and 6).

We describe the notion of self-similarity as developed by Hutchinson [Hut81] and its characterization in terms of contraction mappings in general metric spaces. We show that when these results are applied to affine functions in the euclidean space using a fixed expanding matrix, they can produce a self-similar tiling of the space. In other words, given an expansive matrix        d×d M  ∈ ℝ  and an admissible lattice Γ  , it is in general the case that there exists a self-similar set associated to M  that tiles the plane by Γ  -translates.

Tilings by lattice translates are associated to local Fourier orthonormal bases, which leads to the notion of spectral sets and to the "Fuglede Conjecture", as we describe in section 4.

When the property of tiling by Γ  -translates is linked to the self-similarity of the tile by an expansive matrix, a beautiful construction of wavelet bases is obtained. This is the theory of wavelet sets (section 5).

Finally, a careful choice of the expanding matrix and the lattice in the wavelet set construction, allows to approximate any function in L2(ℝd)  by a generator of a Riesz wavelet system. We develop this density result in section 6.

2. Self-similarity

Throughout this section the concept of self-similarity in a very general way will play a fundamental role. In ℝd  , a similarity is a function of the type Ax  + b  where b  is a point in ℝd  and A  is a d × d  isotropic matrix, i.e. all eigenvalues have the same magnitude. The name reflects the fact that this transformation copies objects into similar objects, just smaller, bigger or simply translated or rotated, depending on the matrix A  and the point b  .

In this sense, an object could be called self-similar if you can write it as the finite union of copies of itself, i.e.

      r B =  ⋃  Ai(B) +  bi.      i=1
A trivial example is the unit square in  2 ℝ   (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Self-Similar square

Not so trivial, but still simple, is the well known middle third Cantor set, which we will denote by C1 ∕3   . If you look at the Cantor set, you realize, that you can write it as the union of two shrunken copies of itself, one in the [0, 1]    3  interval and the other one in the [2 ,1] 3  interval.

Both examples are examples of compact sets in   d ℝ  . They also share the property, that they are the (almost) disjoint union of smaller copies of themselves. This allows to virtually see the self-similarity.

We will also be interested in self-similar functions, or measures. Self-similar objects are interesting for us, since the self-similarity allows us to recover information of the whole object by looking only at some part, since one can think that the properties are "translated" into each part. Therefore self-similar objects may be easier to study than "arbitrary" objects. This is one of the reasons why we are interested in finding and characterizing self-similar objects. The fact that they are simple to describe and in many cases they are dense, in the sense that they approximate arbitrary objects, makes this characterization extremely useful.

One of the main tools to construct self-similar objects, will be by resort to the fixed point theorem or Banach contraction principle. Since we will try to apply it to very different scenarios, we will state it here in its most general way. The proof can be found in may textbooks, such as [Rud64].

Theorem 2.1 (Generalized Banach Contraction Principle). Let (X, d)  be a complete metric space, and let f : X - → X  be a function such that there exists a metric d1   which is equivalent to d  , for which there exist 0 < c < 1  , and n >  0  such that for all x, y ∈ X

     n     n d1(f  (x),f (y)) ≤ cd1(x,y).

Then there exists a unique point x* in X  , such that f(x*) = x* .

2.1. The space of compact sets in ℝd   . To describe the setting for the theory, we start defining an appropriate structure for the space of non-empty compact sets in ℝd  . Precisely, we define H  by

             d H  = {K  ⊂ ℝ  ,K  ⁄= ∅,Kcompact}.

We want to transform H into a metric space, and therefore we need to define an appropriate metric on H . We would like that this metric takes the similarity of the shapes into account. For example, a point P  and a segment S  should not be close with the appropriate distance.

One distance that performs this task in a reasonable way, is the so-called Hausdorff distance.

Definition 2.2. Let A, B ⊂  ℝd  be non-empty compact sets, then the Hausdorff distance between A  and B  is

d  (A, B) =  inf{A ⊆  B   and    B ⊆  A },   H           ɛ        ɛ               ɛ


       ⋃                   d A ɛ =     B(x, ɛ) = {x ∈ ℝ  : d(x,A) < ɛ}.       x∈A

The following Theorem is straightforward (see for example [Hut81].

Theorem 2.3. The space H  of all non-empty compact subsets of   d ℝ   equipped with the Hausdorff distance is a complete metric space.

3. Attractors and self-similar sets

The following theorem, due to Hutchinson ([Hut81]), is a key result in the theory of self-similar sets and provides a simple way to construct them.

Theorem 3.1. Let s1,...,sm   be m  contraction-mappings in ℝd   , with contraction factors ci   . There exists a unique non-empty compact set A satisfying

      m A =  ∪i=1si(A)
(i.e. A is self-similar with respect to s1,...,sm   ). Furthermore, if s : H →  H is the map defined by s(B) =  ⋃m   si(B),           i=1  for each compact set B0 ⁄= ∅ , the sequence {B  }    k k∈ℕ   given by B  = s(B    )  k       k-1  converges to A in (H, d )      H  .

Proof. The proof is immediate noting that

dH(s(A), s(B)) ≤ (1m≤aix≤m ci) dH (A,B).

Examples of Self-Similar Sets:

  • Examples in ℝ
    •         1            1    1 s1(x) = 2x   s2(x) = 2x + 2   A = [0,1]
    • s1(x) = 13x   s2(x) = 13x + 23   A = C1 ∕3
  • Examples in   2 ℝ
    • s1(x) = 12I2x   s2(x) = 12I2x + (12,0)
      s (x) = 1I x + (0, 1)  s (x) =  1I x + (1, 1)  3      2 2       2     4      2 2     2 2
      A =  [0, 1] × [0,1]  (see Figure 1).
    •           - 1             - 1 s1(x) = M    x  s2(x) = M    (x + (1,0))  where
           [        ]                 [        ]         1   1                      1  - 1 M  =    1  - 1       or    M  =    1   1 In this case, the attractors A are shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Self-Similar parallelogram and twin dragon attractors

    Focusing on the application we have in mind, we will look at a particular case of Theorem 3.1 which is satisfied by all our examples so far.

    For this, let Γ  be a full rank lattice, i.e.         d Γ = R ℤ  with R  any invertible matrix. Let γ1,...,γd  be a set of generators for the lattice Γ  , i.e., independent vectors such that

    Γ =  {m1 γ1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + md γd : mi ∈ ℤ}.
    Then the rectangular parallelepiped
    P  = {x1γ1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + xdγd : 0 ≤ xi < 1}
    is a fundamental domain for the group   d ℝ  ∕Γ  . A matrix        d×d M  ∈ ℝ  is said to be expansive, if all the eigenvalues have absolute value bigger than 1  . If        d×d M  ∈ ℝ  is expansive, and Γ  is a lattice such that M  Γ ⊂ Γ  , a set of representatives of the quotient Γ ∕M (Γ )  is called a full set of digits for that lattice. Note that, since M Γ ⊂ Γ  , detM  ∈ ℤ  . A full set of digits always has ∣det M ∣ elements. We have the following result.

    Proposition 3.2. Let        d×d M  ∈ ℝ   be an expansive matrix and let Γ  be a lattice such that M  Γ ⊂ Γ  , m =  ∣detM ∣ , and D  = {d1,...,dm} be a full set of digits. There always exists a non-empty compact set A  ⊂ ℝd   satisfying

    A =  ∪m  M - 1(A + di).       i=1

    The following properties of A will be useful [Ban91], cf. also [GM92]. For a general description see also [CHM04]. If        d X  ⊂ ℝ  , we will denote by ∣X ∣ the d  -dimensional Lebesgue measure of X  .

    Lemma 3.3. Let A be as in (3.1). Then the following statements hold.

    1. A  + Γ = ℝn   .
    2. A has nonempty interior, A is the closure of A ∘ , and ∣∂A ∣ = 0  .
    3. ∣A ∩ (A  + k)∣ = 0  for all k ∈ Γ \ {0} if and only if ∣A ∣ = ∣P ∣ . In this case, A  ∩ (A + k) ⊂ ∂A for each k ∈ Γ \ {0} .
    4. #   ∘ (A  ∩ Γ ) ≤ 1  .

    In other words, part (c) above says that if ∣A ∣ = ∣P ∣ , then A is a tile in the sense that the Γ  -translates {A +  k}k∈Γ   cover   d ℝ  with overlaps of measure zero.

    A long-standing open problem was the question of whether for each dilation matrix M  there exists a full set of digits D  such that the corresponding attractor A is a tile. Lagarias and Wang proved that this is the case if n = 1,2,3  or if m  = ∣det(M  )∣ > d  [LW95], [LW96], [LW97]. Potiopa [Pot97] however showed that if d = 4  and

          ⌊   0   1   0   0 ⌋       |                 | M  =  |   0   0   1   0 | ,       ⌈   0   0  - 1  2 ⌉         - 1   0  - 1  1
    then there is no set of digits D  = {d ,d  }         1  2 such that the unique self similar set A associated to (M, D)  i.e.        -1            -1 A =  M   A  + d1 ∪ M   A +  d2   is a tile, cf. [LW99]. Note that this matrix M  has determinant 2  .

    4. Spectral sets

    Let Ω ⊂  ℝd  a measurable set such that 0 <  ∣Ω ∣ < + ∞ . The set Ω  is called a spectral set if there exists a discrete set Λ = { λk : k ∈ ℤ} ⊂ ℝd  such that the set of exponential functions

    {   1         }   --1∕2-e2πiλkx   ∣Ω ∣           k∈ ℤ

    is an orthonormal basis of L2(Ω)  . In this case, Λ  is called the spectrum of Ω  . Many results on spectral sets can be found in the work of Jörgensen et. al ([JP91JP92JP98aJP98bJP99BJR99]), Wang ([Wan02PW01]) and others.

    In 1974 Fuglede ([Fug74]) proved the following theorem.

    Theorem 4.1. Ω  is a spectral set with spectrum   ′     -1 * d Γ  = (R   ) ℤ   if and only if Ω  tiles   d ℝ   by translations on         d Γ =  Rℤ   (the dual lattice of Γ ′ ).

    He further conjectured that his theorem was still true, if one removes the condition that the spectrum of Ω  has to be a lattice. Terence Tao ([Tao04]) proved in 2003, that - at least for dimension d ≥ 5  - this is false.

    However, Fuglede's Theorem allows us to add an additional equivalence to item (c) of Lemma 3.3 above:

    Proposition 4.2. Let        d×d M  ∈ ℝ   be an expansive matrix and m  = ∣det M ∣ . Let Γ  be a lattice such that M Γ ⊂ Γ  and let                      d D =  {d1,...,dm} ⊂  ℝ   be a full set of digits. We have

                                     {             }                                    --1--- 2πiγ′x                          2 A  = ∪ γ(A  + γ)  if and only if    ∣A ∣1∕2 e          is an o.n. basis of L (A).                                                  γ′∈Γ ′

    5. Minimal supported (in frequency) wavelets

    For a lattice Γ  , an expansive matrix M  ∈ ℝd×d  such that M  Γ ⊂ Γ  , m =  ∣detM ∣ , and ψ ∈  L2(ℝd)  we consider the set

         {                                      } F  =   ∣det(M )∣j∕2ψ(M  jx - γ) : j ∈ ℤ,γ ∈ Γ .

    The question we are addressing now, is for which       2  d ψ ∈ L  (ℝ )  , F is an orthonormal basis for      d L2(ℝ  )  . Such a function will be called a wavelet.

    The following Theorem, whose proof is straightforward, characterizes those wavelets whose Fourier transform has support with smallest possible measure.

    Theorem 5.1. Let Γ  and M  be as before, and let        d Q  ⊂ ℝ   be such that

    •        ′   ′    ′ {Q  + γ  : γ ∈ Γ } tiles   d   ^d ℝ (=  ℝ )  (i.e. Q  is a tile for  ′ Γ , the dual lattice of Γ  )
    • {M  jQ : j ∈ ℤ} tiles ℝd(=  ^ℝd)  , i.e.
           j      d               j       k ∪jM   Q = ℝ  \ {0}and    ∣M  Q ∩ M   Q∣ = 0, j ⁄= k.

    Then if ψ  is such that ˆψ =  χQ   we have

         {         j∕2    j                    } F =   ∣det(M  )∣   ψ(M  x - γ) : j ∈ ℤ, γ ∈ Γ
    is an orthonormal basis of L2( ℝd)  . ψ  is called a
    Minimal Supported in Frequency wavelet (MSFW).

    5.1. Construction of Q  . Therefore, in order to obtain MSFW, we need to construct a set Q  that satisfies the conditions above. Sets of this type are called wavelet sets and have been studied by many groups of researchers ([BL01BMM99BS02BS04DLS97DLS98ILP98SW98Wan02Zak96]. We will illustrate the construction given by Benedetto [BL01BS02BS04] for a particular case, which will be useful in the next section.

    Assume that M  = λId  with ∣λ∣ ≥ 3  and that        d Γ = γℤ  , for 0 < γ < + ∞ . (The choice of λ > 3  is only to simplify the construction.) Set         γ d    - 1   γd Q0 = [0,2] \ M    [0, 2]  (see Figure 3).

    Figure 3
    Figure 3: The annulus tiles by dilations by M  but not by Γ  translates

    This set tiles by dilation by M  , but not by Γ  -translates. We need to fill the hole.

    We define pict

    where ξ  j  is the vertex of the cube [- 1,1]d  that lies in the jth  -quadrant.

    Let us call

            -1   γ-d      --γ--d A0 =  M   [0,2 ] = [0,(2λ) ]

    and define

    Ai :=  (M -1 ∘T^)i(A0), i = 1,2,...

    It will be convenient to use the notation   j A 0   for the intersection of the set A0   with the  th j  -quadrant. With this notation, note that


    Here Ty  denotes the usual translation by y  in      d L2(ℝ  )  . Therefore we have that

     ∞                 ∞  (   )i   (   ) ∑   μ(A ) = μ(A  )∑     1--  =   γ- d---1---.        i        0       λd       λ   λd - 1 i=1               i=1

    We define the set

            ( ∞    )   ( ∞    ) Q := M    ⋃  A   \   ⋃  A   ,               i          i           i=0         i=0

    Figure 4: Q  tiles by dilations by M  and by Γ  translates

    Observe that:

    • By construction, Q  tiles   d ℝ  \ 0  by dilations by M  .
    • Furthermore Q  tiles ℝd  by translations on Γ  . For this, we first note that if x ∈  An  then
            (     (  )n)                   (     (  )n (      )) --γ---  1 -   1-    ≤  ∥x∥∞ ≤  --γ---  1 -  -1     1-+-λ-   . λ - 1         λ                λ - 1        λ       2λ

      This fact allows us to conclude that:

      1. Ai ⊂ ([0, γ2]d \ A0),  for i ≥ 1  ,
      2. Ai ∩ Aj = ∅ if i ⁄= j  ,

      which allows us to rewrite Q


      This shows that Q  is in fact Γ  -congruent to [0, γ]d    2  .

    Therefore, using Fuglede's Theorem (Theorem 4.1) we have that

    {                          }   -1-- 2πiγkω              d   γd∕2e     χQ( ω) : k ∈ ℤ
    is an orthonormal basis for KQ  , and using that           d∕2 DM f := m    f(M  ⋅)  is a unitary operator, we conclude that
         {                                       } F =   ∣det(M )∣j∕2ψ(M  jx - γk) : j ∈ ℤ, k ∈ ℤd
    is an orthonormal basis of   2  d L  (ℝ )  .

    6. Riesz basis are dense

    In this section we will outline, how we can use the construction of the previous section, to answer an open question posed by D. Larson. For details, we refer the reader to [CM06].

    The question we are going to address now is the following:

    Given          d f ∈ L2(ℝ  )  , and ɛ > 0  , does there exist a function           d ψ  ∈ L2(ℝ  )  , an expansive matrix M  ∈ ℝd×d  , and a lattice Γ  , such that

    • ∥f -  ψ∥2 < ɛ  and
    •      {                                        } F  =   ∣det(M )∣j∕2ψ(M  jx - γk) : j ∈ ℤ,k ∈ ℤd is a Riesz basis for L2( ℝd)  ?

    Here we are relaxing the condition of being an orthonormal basis, to the Riesz basis condition.

    We recall that a set {vk}k ∈ℤ   is a Riesz basis for a Hilbert space H , if it is complete in H and there exist constants 0 < A ≤  B < + ∞ , such that for every n ∈  ℕ  and every finite sequence of scalars c = (c ,...,c )       1      n  ,

       n           n             n A ∑   ∣c ∣2 ≤ ∥ ∑  cv ∥2 ≤ B ∑   ∣c∣2.        i           ii             i   i=1         i=1            i=1
    The constants A  and B  are called Riesz basis bounds.

    In order to show, how the previous results can be used to give a positive answer to this question, we need the following result.

    Lemma 6.1. Let       d Ω ⊂  ℝ   be a set of finite measure. If             d {λk}k∈ℤ ⊂  ℝ   satisfies that { 2πiλ ω              }  e   k χ Ω(ω) : k ∈ ℤ is a Riesz basis for K Ω   with bounds A  and B  and      2   d h ∈ L (ℝ  )  satisfies that 0 < p < ∣h(ω) ∣ < P < + ∞ then

           2πiλkω {h(ω)e       : k ∈ ℤ}

    is a Riesz basis for K Ω   , with Riesz bounds pAμ( Ω)  and P B μ(Ω)  .

    If        d×d M  ∈ ℝ   is an invertible matrix and Ω  satisfies that       j      d ∪j ∈ℤ a Ω = ℝ   up to a set of zero measure, with the union being almost disjoint, and {gk : k ∈ ℤ} is a Riesz basis for K Ω   , then

    {DjM gk : k,j ∈ ℤ}

    is a Riesz basis for L2( ℝd)  with the same bounds. (Here DM   is the dilation operator defined in the previous section.)

    Proof. The first assertion is immediate, and the second one follows from the fact that the dilation is a unitary operator in L2(ℝd)  . □

    In view of this Lemma, if we are given a function in L2(ℝd)  , we need to find the right lattice and the appropriate dilation matrix. For this we proceed in the following way:

    • Let g ∈ L2( ℝd)  , such that ∥fˆ- ˆg∥22 < ɛ ∕2  and ˆg  is continuous.
    • Choose R  ∈ ℝ  such that ∫                 2   d        ∣ˆg(ω) ∣dω  < δ  ℝ \B(0,R∕2)
    • We now select r > 0  small enough such that:



    Let now

    Γ = R ℤd   and  M  =  R-I   .                       r  d×d
    Note that by the choice of r  , we have that R- r ≥ 3  and we are therefore in the previously described situation.

    We define the set Q  as in (5.6), and for        ɛ α =  8(R)d∕2   , the function h  by

            (         |{ ˆg(ω)  x ∈ Q  ∩ Eα h(ω) :=    α     x ∈ Q  \ E  .         |(                 α           0     else
                  d E α := { ω ∈ ℝ : ∣ˆg(ω)∣ > α}.

    Then the function ψ  , with ψˆ=  h  satisfies that

         {         j∕2     j                     d} F =   ∣det(M )∣  ψ(M   x - γk) : j ∈ ℤ, k ∈ ℤ
    is a Riesz basis for L2(ℝd)  (see [CM06] for the details of the proof).

    7. Acknowledgments

    We thank Gustavo Corach for inviting us to be part of this volume in memory of our fond colleague Pucho Larotonda.


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    Carlos Cabrelli
    Departamento de Matemática,
    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
    Universidad de Buenos Aires,
    Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I,
    1428 Capital Federal, ARGENTINA
    and CONICET, Argentina

    Ursula M. Molter
    Departamento de Matemática,
    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
    Universidad de Buenos Aires,
    Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I,
    1428 Capital Federal, ARGENTINA
    and CONICET, Argentina

    Recibido: 27 de marzo de 2006
    Aceptado: 7 de agosto de 2006

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