
ISSN 1851-1732
online version
ISSN 0327-5841
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and editorial policy


Articles are anonymously refereed and authors are wholly responsibility for article content. The editorial team will take all available measures to ensure that the content of this publication is correct. Therefore, it takes no responsibility for consequences arising from an incorrect or misleading interpretation.
Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo considers articles for publication on varied aspects of tourism: economic, social, geographic, anthropological, ecological, psychological, etc.
Work received will be submitted to an anonymous referee and hence should be accompanied by a separate page stating authors’ details (brief CV, postal address and e-mail address). Authors also undertake not to send the same work to other media for publication at the same time.
Articles will be published in Spanish with an abstract in Spanish and English. However, originals may be sent in Portuguese, English, German and French. The journal directors reserve the right to make changes to the article. If the journal decides not to publish the work, the journal will notify the author(s) but does not undertake to return original work.

Form and preparation of manuscripts


Articles should be written on A4 size pages, on a single side, 1.5 spaced and leaving ample margins. The ideal length is 20 pages, making reference to specific studies and leaving rhetoric aside. Use of the first person, whether singular or plural (I or we), is not permitted. Originals must include an abstract with key words, an introduction, the body of the text with subheadings, a conclusion or final commentary and bibliographical references. Acknowledgements, where used, should be included before bibliographical references.
Quotations in the text should be indicated with the following order: author, date and page(s), e.g. (Schlüter 2000:143). Footnotes are not accepted. Charts, graphs and maps should be included at the end and numbered with Arabic numerals in order, making a clear reference in the text to the place where these should be inserted. They should be produced in such a way as to not require any later retouching, and fit the page measurements of Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo.
Bibliographical references –in the case of books-  should be indicated following alphabetical order of authors’ surnames, year published, full title, publisher, city. E.g:
Schlüter, R.
 2005 Investigación en turismo y hotelería. Ciet, Buenos Aires
For journals the order is: surname and name of author(s), year, article title, publication name, issue number, journal number in parentheses, page numbers of article. E.g:
César Dayary, A. y Araniz Burne, S. M.
 2006 El estudio del turismo ¿Un paradigma en formación? Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo 15(2):179-192


Sending manuscripts


Originals should be sent by e-mail (Word format) to: cietcr@uolsinectis.com. ar



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2014 Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Turísticos

Av. del Libertador 774 - Piso 6 "W"
C1001ABU - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel./Fax: (54 11) 4522-3222, 4815-3222


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