
ISSN 2250-4184
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Processing Fee Policy

Intersecciones en Comunicación does not charge any type of Article Processing Charges (APCs), at any stage of the editing and marking process. The authors will also not receive any type of monetary compensation from the journal.

Arbitration system

Editor's Responsibility

The works are evaluated through the review process by peers external to the publishing unit under the double -blind peer review protocol. Once the result of the evaluation is obtained, the decision to accept or reject the manuscript is the responsibility of the Editorial Committee, who will inform the authors of the estimated time for the evaluation and publication processes is six months. It reserves the right to reject works that do not meet the expected quality or that do not comply with the Editorial Standards.

Peer evaluation process

All text-manuscripts received are reviewed by the Editorial Committee and only those articles that meet the scientific and editorial standards of Intersecciones en Comunicación are evaluatedunder the double-blind arbitration system. Each article will be evaluated by at least two external university experts who will determine whether to a) accept and publish, b) review, rework and accept, c) reject because it does not meet the conditions. If the same opinion is not reached, a third evaluator will be called. Estimated time from shipping to publication is 24 weeks.

Policy regarding plagiarism. Principle of ethics in the publication process

Intersecciones en Comunicación analyzes all the articles it receives for the possibility of plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism and uninformed use of AI through the plagiarism detector  and the plagiarism and grammatical errors tool 

When authors send their works they must be original, they must not have been previously published in other publications. The  editors  receive the applications and subject them to anti-plagiarism analysis in order to corroborate that it is an original work and can be evaluated. During the evaluation process, reviewers are asked   to detect possible plagiarism based on their expertise. If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, the editorial committee will follow the steps proposed by COPE. What to do if you suspect that a publication is redundant or duplicate

Therefore, Intersections in Communication adheres to international standards and practices regarding the ethical aspects that must be followed in the process of publishing original articles. In this sense, it adheres to what the Committee on Publications Ethics COPE suggests (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing ) .

Responsibility of the Authors

The signing authors will be responsible for the content of their articles, the accuracy of the information and bibliographic citations.

By sending the work to Intersecciones en Comunicación the authors will agree not to publish it in other journals. Articles previously presented at Congresses, publications or dissertations will not be admitted. The submission of manuscripts will imply the granting of copyright and editorial rights to the Journal. Authors who use unpublished material from other professionals must send written permission to the Committee. All services linked to the publication (copying, retyping, preparation of abstracts, translations, preparation of illustrations, etc.) will be the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Once the editing test has been carried out, the accepted contributions will be sent to the authors to examine typographical errors. Rewriting of the text will not be allowed in this instance. Authors will be asked to accept the principle of authorizing style corrections that will facilitate the reading of the works without modifying their contents.

The authors have permission to make their work visible and share online (for example: In institutional repositories, website, social networks, online profiles of the researcher, etc.) after having been published in Intersecciones en Comunicación.

About the use of AI

According to COPE's recommendation, those authors who use AI tools in the writing of the manuscript, the production of images or graphic elements of the document, or in the collection and analysis of data, should indicate in the Materials and methods (or similar section) how the AI tool was used and which was used. It is recalled that authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, including those parts produced by an AI tool, and are therefore responsible for any violation of publication ethics.

Non-sexist language and good practices for gender equality

It is recommended to read carefully the guidelines proposed in the Guide for non-sexist language prepared by the Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) for proper use in the articles sent.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Shipping Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.

  • The text has single spacing; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.

Author contribution roles

Intersecciones en Comunicación  adheres to the use of CRediT ( Contributor Roles Taxonomy )  to make visible, differentiate and recognize the participation of each author with their respective roles in the completion of the research document.


  1. Project administration:  Responsibility for the management and coordination of the planning and execution of the research activity.

  2. Funding Acquisition:  Acquiring financial support for the project that led to this publication

  3. Formal analysis:  Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data

  4. Conceptualization:  Ideas, formulation or development of general objectives and goals of the research

  5. Data curation:  Management activities related to annotating (producing metadata), deleting and maintaining research data, in use and reuse phases (including writing software code, where these activities are necessary to interpret the data itself)

  6. Writing - review and editing:  Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work by those in the research group, specifically, critical review, comments or revisions, including pre- or post-publication stages

  7. Research:  Development of a research process, specifically, experiments or data collection/tests

  8. Methodology:  Development or design of methodology, creation of models

  9. Resources:  Provision of study materials, reagents, materials of any type, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analysis tools

  10. Writing - original draft:  Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically, the writing of the initial draft (includes, if relevant in terms of the volume of translated text, the translation work)

  11. Software:  Programming, software development, computer program design, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code components

  12. Supervision:  Responsibility for supervision and leadership for the planning and execution of the research activity, including external mentoring

  13. Validation:  Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replication/reproducibility of the results/experiments and other research results

  14. Visualization:  Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically, the visualization/presentation of data

Bibliographic references

Once the editing test has been carried out, the accepted contributions will be sent to the authors to examine typographical errors. Rewriting of the text will not be allowed in this instance.
Authors will be asked to accept the principle of authorizing style corrections that will facilitate the reading of the works without modifying their contents.


Articles must be unpublished. The authors will be responsible for the content of their articles, the accuracy of the citations and bibliographic references. Intersecciones en Comunicación journal will not provide services such as typing, printing, photocopying, design, assembly of illustrations, these are the responsibility of the author(s).
Manuscripts that do not comply with the following standards will be rejected:
They must not exceed twenty (20) pages (including summary, text, bibliography, photos, tables and graphs) written single spacing with 12 size letters in all sections, on numbered sheets, A4 size. The top and left margins must be 4cm and the bottom and right margins 2cm.

Manuscript sections:

Title in Spanish

English title





References cited


Author contribution roles

Figures Tables

Order of sections:

Title in capital letters, centralized, without underlining.

Authors, on the left margin, indicating place of research under each author. Institutional or academic membership in extenso and acronym if it has one. Email address, country, and orcid. (you must upload the same anonymized file for the evaluation)

Summary of approximately 150 words and five keywords in Spanish and English (Keywords).
Text, with primary subtitles in the left margin, in capital letters without underlining; Secondary subtitles in the left margin, in lower case, italics.
Paragraphs will begin with an indent. The right margin may or may not be justified, but words should not be separated into syllables. It is requested not to use abbreviations, not to exaggerate the use of quotation marks and to avoid the reference «op. cit.”, as well as the use of bold or bold in the text. The words or phrases that the author considers necessary to highlight and the words in Latin or foreign languages ​​will be written in italics/bastardilla.


Textual quotes of more than three lines must be written in paragraphs with an indentation order on the left margin, and will be separated from the rest of the text by double spacing before and after. It is recommended to use single quotes ('') only when it is necessary to use them within a textual quote.
In the case of an interview appointment, at the end of the interview, parentheses must be added that record the following data: name and surname of the interviewee, personal communication and date. If the author considers it important to preserve the identity of the interviewee, he or she may use fictitious names, clarifying this in advance.
Tables, graphs and photos will not be included in the text, but their location in each case will be indicated in parentheses. They must be delivered numbered according to the order in which they should appear in the text, with their titles and/or epigraphs typed. Photographic images must be in JPG format. They must not exceed the box measurements of the publication (13 x 20 cm), and must be cited in the text.
For the composition of references, the style guidelines established by the American Psychological Association (APA 7 ed) are taken.

Direct quote + mentioned author

(year of the work, after the author's last name, and page number, after the quote)
In this direction, Romero and Gutiérrez (1987) affirm that clubs belong to relatively autonomous areas where The popular sectors “find the possibility of active and equal participation” (p. 325).

Direct quote + author not mentioned

(author's last name, year of the work and page number after the quote) Few users know how the engine that sets social networks in motion works. There is less knowledge about the way in which Twitter or Facebook decide which posts reach our wall, which events are trending, or the way in which algorithms decide what is within or out of our reach (Calvo, 2015: 13).

Indirect quote / paraphrase + author mentioned (only the year of the work after the author's last name

For this case Boltanski (2000 [1990]) the disputes will develop in relation to demands that need to be expressed and recognized in the public space through its interpellation
Indirect quote/paraphrasing + unmentioned author
(last name of the author and year of the work after the corresponding idea)
Indeed, as already observed in another work (Álvarez Gandolfi, F., 2017), within the fandom there is a distinction that indicates “posers” as those younger fans from popular sectors who supposedly only consume the most commercial titles. or well-known people – criticizing “the classics” – and say “they are otakus” for following a trend, not knowing “what it really means” and “making otakus seen as weirder than they already are” because they take fanaticism towards an “extreme” and “they make a fool of themselves” by “not respecting social limits”

Supporting quotes

(last name of the authors and year of the works after the corresponding fragment)
Some claim both sociology and anthropology to found a specific area that under the name of “sociology of the body” (David Le Breton, 2002) or “anthropology of the body” (S. Citro, 2009; ML Esteban, 2004) claims to position itself on the horizon of the social sciences.

Bibliographic references cited in the body of the text must be incorporated in the Bibliography section alphabetically, ordered according to the last name of the first author. Two or more works by the same author, arranged chronologically. Several works by the same author and year, with the addition of a lowercase letter with the following criteria for all:

Last name, First name. (Year) Title. City: Editorial

Books by one or more authors

Villanueva, E.
2004. Approaches and periods of communication theory. Norma-FLACSO. Buenos Aires.
Bourdieu P. and JC Passeron
2002. Things Said. XXI Century Editors. Buenos Aires.

Articles in a Periodical Publication

Díaz, C.
2003. Dangerous relationships. The eternal disagreement between political power and freedom of expression in Latin America. The Argentine case in the '70s. Communication Dialogues 66: 28 – 41

Magazine article, no author

The Indian Homeland 1991 US News and World Report. July 8: 27-28.
Quotes from newspapers:
(Le Monde Diplomatique [LMD], July 18, 2006: number of pages).

Items in a newspaper

In cases where the author does not appear:
El Popular (EP) [Olavarría, Buenos Aires]
2007 *brief description of what is cited, for example: “Advertising notice from the local Municipality”+ July, 7: 14. Olavarría, Buenos Aires.

Electronic articles

The date on which the page was consulted must be indicated in parentheses WEB Sites
Ferrand, A.
2002. «Local communities as meso structures», Networks. Hispanic Magazine for the Analysis of Social Networks, 3 (4). Consult [06-14-2006] at http://revista-redes.rediris.es
Note numbers will appear in the text as a superscript, without parentheses.

Data Citation

Remittance Betlloch, X., Antelo, A., Llivina, C., Albà, E., Berdié, L., Agnelli, S., Alemany, M (2015). Influence of a hyperlipidic diet on the composition of the non-membrane lipid 6 pool of red blood cells of male rats. [dataset]. Version of June 22, 2015 Digital archive of UAB documents. http:hdl.handle.net/2445/66010

Notes must be numbered consecutively at the end of the document.



Sending of manuscripts


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2024 Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

Avda. Del Valle 5737 Complejo Universitario Olavarria
(B7400JWI) - Olavarría, Pcia. de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel.: (+54 2284) 450115/331


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2250-4184&lng=pt&nrm=iso