
ISSN 1515-5994
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Peer evaluation process

The works are preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Board in order to establish whether the themes fit the scope declared by the magazine. If you do not respond to this requirement, the contributions are rejected. When the first evaluation is positive, two external referees who are specialists in the area are chosen to judge the quality of the work. The evaluation system adopted by the journal is double blind (the anonymity of the authors and evaluators is preserved).

Ethical aspects and conflicts of interest

The publication of Mundo Agrario is the collective result of the work and effort of authors, editors and evaluators who are interested in the development of science for social and cultural development. The editors of the magazine undertake to avoid the existence of any conflict of interest between the actors participating in the production. All submitted text will be evaluated for its intellectual content, preventing the ethnic or national belonging of the authors, their gender, their sexual orientation, their religious beliefs or their political philosophy from interfering in the process. Likewise, external evaluations that interfere with any personal position on the quality of the work will be rejected.

Authors and evaluators are asked to declare in advance any relevant conflicts of interest they may have, so they can be considered when assigning evaluations. If any conflict arises after the publication of the contribution, if necessary, a retraction or statement of the fact will be made.

A “conflict of interest” is understood to be the situation in which a divergence occurs between the personal interests of an individual and their responsibilities with respect to the scientific activities they carry out, whether as author, reviewer, or committee member. editorial, that may influence their critical judgment and the integrity of their actions. 

The editors of the journal will consider guidelines and guides that have been agreed upon internationally to solve the specific problems of scientific editorial practice. The instructions provided by COPE | Committee on Publication Ethics . Likewise, guidelines from other organizations of recognized international prestige such as the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the Council of Science Editors will be considered.

Authors, researchers and reviewers are invited to familiarize themselves with the international guidelines linked to ethics in publication to avoid errors that could be generated by their ignorance.

Plagiarism policy

The magazine's policy is to publish original works, written by those who declare their authorship, and unpublished, they cannot have been previously published in any printed or electronic media. When presenting their works, the authors declare that they respect these conditions.

The specific procedures implemented are: 

  1. When submitting an article, the authors are asked to declare that it has not been previously published or sent to other journals for evaluation. In addition, they are asked to declare that they are following the Guidelines for Authors, which establishes that the articles to be nominated must be original.

  2. Upon receiving it – and prior to beginning the evaluation process – Internet search tools are used in order to track down other works by the authors and compare the title, fragments of the summary, the methodological section and the results. of the article submitted for review, in order to corroborate the originality and avoid plagiarism practices.

  3. When sending it to peer reviewers for evaluation, they should pay attention to possible indicators of plagiarism, since they are the ones who know the sources and literature on the topic.

The journal considers the practices listed and explained below as plagiarism:

  1. Direct plagiarism : there is an omission of authorship and what is taken from another text is not indicated with quotation marks; or minimal changes are made to another's text and it is presented as original.

  2. Plagiarism due to inappropriate use of paraphrase : although the authorship of another is noted, the original text is reproduced with a few changes that do not constitute paraphrases.

  3. Complex plagiarism using a reference : the original authorship reference exists, but the source pages are inaccurately indicated; paraphrasing in which extensive texts are summarized, but with little or no indication that they correspond to paraphrases; absence of quotation marks in words and phrases from the original text that are reproduced verbatim.

  4. Plagiarism with single quotation marks : a textual quotation continues to be reproduced once quotation marks have been closed or the fact that the previous phrases correspond to the same quotation is omitted.

  5. Paraphrasing as plagiarism : it is when there is paraphrasing and the reference to the original source is not noted; The paraphrasing is continuous and extensive, no material is added that allows interaction or enriches the information, even though the source is mentioned. Also when academic works – which demand original thoughts and critical reflections on other people's points of view – become texts that do not surpass the repetition of other academic texts. Paraphrased passages are not clearly identified as such.

  6. “Self-plagiarism” or recycling fraud : the appearance of a work is changed and presented as if it were a different one, and the indication that the work is being recycled is omitted, that is, that it is a previously published work. but with corrections or new additions.

It is not considered plagiarism when : it does not dominate the work of the writer; used to allow the author to critically engage with another person's views; or the argument of the original text is rewritten in different words.

Self-plagiarism is not considered when : previous work is the basis for a new contribution, and key parts must be repeated to explain and defend the new arguments. Or the author considers that what he already said cannot be said in a better way for the new publication, and the repetition does not exceed 30% of the original work.

Digital preservation

Agrarian World  uses  PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN). This storage system allows journals managed on the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform to digitally safeguard their content by creating permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration purposes.

Since 2012, Mundo Agrario  's numbers were preserved through the PKP Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PLN) .



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  •  The submission is original. It cannot have been published previously or be pending publication in another journal.

  •  Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

  •  A4 paper size (29,7 x 21 cm), 2,5 margin, unnumbered pages . The text is 1,5 spaced; Arial 12-point font used.

  •  The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Authors Guidelines.

  •  If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, instructions in File for double-blind peer review (Authors Guidelines) have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Mundo Agrario accepts unpublished works in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French. All manuscripts must be Word documents. The page size will be A4 (29.7 x 21 cm), portraits, 2.5 cm margins (left, right, top and bottom). Arial font, size 12 will be used, 1.5 line spacing, without page numbers. The number of pages allowed for a manuscript varies according to contribution type:

· Original and unpublished research articles: 30 pages
. Communications: 15 pages.
. Bibliographic reviews and reviews: 5 pages.

The text (including title, authors, filiation, etc.) should begin on the left margin. Use only regular fonts, avoiding block capitals, bold or italics, underlining text, except for the forms allowed for highlighting.

Two files must be submitted with the aforementioned standards. File one (1) with author/authors data and file two (2) prepared for double-blind peer review. This means without author data, autocite and institutional references.

File with author data
The article will include the title and the name of the author / authors. It will be preceded by a the following data:
A. Article title.
B. Translated title.
C. First and last name(s) of the author(s).
D. Email address of the author(s) and Institutional filiation.

File for double-blind peer review
It will include:
A. Title.
B. Translated title.
C. Without author's name(s).
D. Replacing ALL author data, autocite and institutional’s references  with the following paragraph:
extracted data  for evaluation purpose.

2. Title

A. The title should be representative of the content, not more than 10 words. If necessary, a subtitle of similar length can be added.

B. Translated title: if the title indicated in 2.a is in Spanish or Portuguese or French, an English translation will be added. If it is in English or French, a Spanish translation will be added.

3. Author/s

It shall state:
A. Author/s full name(s) and surname(s).
B. Filiation data (in extenso); using subscripts for each one.
C. Author’s/authors country.

4. Summary and keywords

to. On a separate page, a summary of up to 150 words will be written in the language of the text. For original research articles, research notes and case studies, the objective, methodology, results and conclusions must be indicated in the summary, duly summarized. For essays, review articles or state of the art, the main aspects discussed in the text will be included in the summary.

b. No more than five keywords will be added in the language of the text, each in capital letters and separated by commas.

5. Translated summary and keywords

to. If the summary mentioned in 4.a is in Spanish, Portuguese or French, a translation into English will be added. If it is in English, a Spanish translation will be added.

b. If the keywords mentioned in 4.b are in Spanish, Portuguese or French, an English translation of all of them will be added. If they are in English, a Spanish translation of all of them will be added.

6. Text

a. Tables: They will be numbered consecutively and with Arabic numerals. Reference will be made to them from the text (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each table should have its own title at the top. The column title will also be indicated in each column. All tables must be included in the text file.

b. Figures: All illustrations (photographs, diagrams, graphs, drawings, etc.) will be designated with the term figure and will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Reference will be made to them from the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). All figures must be included in the text file.

c. Acknowledgments: not required. If necessary, they will be included at the end of the text, before the bibliographic references and should be brief (Arial 10). Authors are responsible for requesting permission to mention the names of people or organizations who, in their opinion, deserve thanks.

d. Abbreviations: Abbreviations will be clarified the first time they are used in the text, for example: United Nations Organization (UN). From this clarification onwards, only the abbreviation will be used. It is recommended not to abuse them.

e. Units of measurement: the units of the decimal metric system will be used. Units will be indicated with symbols accepted by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (http://www.bipm.org/en/bipm/), for example: cm, m, h, g, kg (centimeter, meter, hour, gram, kilogram). Note that they are symbols and not abbreviations, so they do not end in a period.

f. Numbers: Every three digits the period will be used as a separator (2,284, 13,527). The comma will be used to indicate decimal numbers (17.2 or 3,543.8). It is recommended to indicate only one decimal (35.7 and not 37.68).

g. Notes to the text: They will be made using the "end note" command. It is recommended not to include notes unless it is essential.

h. Textual quotes: Textual quotes should be included in quotes and it is recommended not to abuse them. If there are more than four lines, they will be written in a separate paragraph with a double indentation of 1 centimeter and separated by a blank line from the previous and subsequent text so that it is visible.

i. Bibliographic citations: It is recommended not to abuse bibliographic references and include only those that are necessary to substantiate the arguments of the article. In the text, the author's last name, or the institutional author's initials, will be indicated in parentheses, followed by a comma and the year of publication. For example (Mannino, 2005), (IFLA, 2009).

If there are between two and five authors, the surnames will be separated with the conjunction & (González & Campanario, 2007; González, Pérez, Rodríguez & Salomoni, 2009). For six or more authors, the first one followed by et will be indicated. to the. (Golubic et al., 2008).

When two or more works are cited, they are separated by a semicolon (Kaplan, 2008; Neuberger and Counsell, 2002; Buela Casal et al., 2006). When the author and the year coincide, it will be distinguished with a letter (Zeng and Zummer, 2009a,b). If the author's last name is mentioned as part of the text, it is not repeated within the parenthesis of the bibliographic citation, for example “According to Foskett (1996)…”. (According to Apa citation style ).

j. Highlighting: except as indicated in this section, highlighting (block capitals, underlining, bold, italics, etc.) will not be accepted. The only cases allowed are the following:

Section titles (Introduction, Methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, Bibliographic references, or others): bold font.

Section titles: regular font.

Term that is defined in the text, neologism or term in a foreign language: italics.

7. Bibliographic references

For writing references, Mundo Agrario accepts the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). APA citation style can be found in the Guide to Citations and References . Examples of the usual formats are added below:

Book : Surname followed by a comma and the initial of the name (or names) preceded by a comma.
Author, A. (year). Title of the book . Place: Editorial. [if online version is cited add: Retrieved from https://www.xxxxxxxxx ]
Compiler, C. (Comp.). (year). Title of the book . Place: Editorial.


Zanetti, S. (2002). The golden claw of reading: Novel readers in Latin America . Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo.
Solas, S. (Comp.) (2018). Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Thought of Merleau-Ponty (2016: La Plata). La Plata: UNLP-FAHCE. Recovered from https://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/105

Book chapter : No quotation marks are used for the chapter title. It is used (pp. xx-xx) to indicate pages and “In” to introduce the title of the book.
Author, A. (year). Chapter title. In B. Last name of the editor (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xxx). Place: Editorial. [if online version is cited add: Retrieved from https://www.xxxxxxxxx ]


Vidal, A. (2018). Science, philosophy and nature in the late Merleau-Ponty. In S. Solas (Comp.), Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Thought of Merleau-Ponty (2016: La Plata) (pp. 153-167) . La Plata: UNLP-FAHCE. Recovered from https://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/105

Articles from periodical publications and Magazines : If the magazine has a volume , write it in italics and then, in parentheses, indicate the number of the publication without italics and in Arabic numbers, without space between one and the other. If the magazine does not have a volume, indicate the number in Arabic numerals, in italics without parentheses. If the journal is electronic or has a digital version, indicate the URL or DOI (digital object identifier) ​​that will allow the digital object to be identified. Do not use the abbreviation “p.” when indicating the pages in journal references. Do not use En when entering the title of the magazine.

  • On paper or we have the pages:

Author, A. (year). Article title. Publication title, volume (number), xx-xxx.

Pastormerlo, S. (1997). About reading the adorable catalogue. Borges critic of the classics. Orbis Tertius , 2 (5), 23-28.

  • Digital with DOI

Author, AA (year). Article title. Post title, x (xx), xx-xx. doi.org/10.xxx.xxx

Cid-Aguayo, B., Vanhulst, J. and Rojas, C. (2019). Retro-innovation and socio-ecological sustainability: the case of raw milk peasant cheeses in the Gulf of Arauco, Chile. Agrarian World, 20 (44), e119. https://doi.org/10.24215/15155994e119

  • Digital without DOI but with digital address

Author, AA (year). Article title. Post title, x (xx), xx-xx. Retrieved from http://xxx.xxx.xxx .

Montenegro, R. (2020). Detours of the critical imagination. Uchrony and political fiction in Rodolfo Fogwill. Badebec , 9 (18), 1-19. Recovered from https://revista.badebec.org/index.php/badebec/article/view/448


 Last name, AA (Year). Qualification . (Unpublished master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Location.

Del Río, JP (2012). The place of social housing in the city. An analysis of housing policy from the intra-urban location market and the residential trajectories of the inhabitants. (Unpublished doctoral thesis in geography). National University of La Plata. Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences.

8. Submission of the manuscript

Shipments must be made by registering on the web platform and uploading the article in doc, as indicated in the steps to follow in the system.

Text, tables, and figures will be sent in a single document. For example: Pérez_2010.doc. If necessary, the editors will contact the authors to request figures, tables or images separately. 

9. Editorial process and evaluation system

All manuscripts sent through the journal's management system will be charged by the same system if the submission process has been successful.

The works are preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Board in order to establish whether the themes fit the scope declared by the magazine. If you do not respond to this requirement, the contributions are rejected. When the first evaluation is positive, two external referees who are specialists in the area are chosen to judge the quality of the work. The evaluation system adopted by the journal is double blind (the anonymity of the authors and evaluators is preserved).

The criteria that the referees follow in the evaluation are the following:

1. Fulfillment of the stated purpose

2. Thematic relevance

3. Methodological rigor

4. Style, terminology and expository clarity

5. Bibliography

The possible results of the evaluation are four, namely:

1. Accepted without changes.

2. Accepted without substantive changes.

3. Conditionally accepted (It is evaluated by the Editorial Board in order to verify the changes).

4. Rejected offering the author the possibility of modifying and resubmitting it, subject to new evaluation.

5. Rejected (the manuscript is returned to the author, together with the opinions of the evaluators).

When the result is "4", the manuscript is returned to the author to consider the changes suggested by the referees. The sending of the new version must be completed within a period of no more than thirty days. Then the work is put to the consideration of the referees. Up to two rounds of evaluation will be admitted. When the evaluations are opposite, the editor will be responsible for sending the work to a third referee.

Once the work is accepted, the authors will be informed of the volume and number in which it will be published. The magazine does not charge any fee for publishing in it.

The Editorial Secretariat is responsible for correcting the style and formal aspects of each work. Ediciones de la FaHCE, Prosecretaría de Gestión Editorial y Difusión FaHCE, is in charge of preparing the HTML, PDF and EPUB versions to publish them on the magazine's website ( http://www.mundoagrario.fahce.unlp.edu.ar ). The Editorial Board controls the evaluation process and changes for evaluations whose opinions have been “3”.



Sending of manuscripts


Online shipments

Mundo Agrario accepts original and unpublished works in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Authors are expected to respect good practices and codes of ethics for scientific publications, that is: avoiding double submission, ghost and honorary authorship, plagiarism, data manipulation, conflict of interest and compliance with policies on research ethics. Mundo agrario reserves the right to accept or reject contributions according to their thematic scope and compliance with publication policies and standards. The opinions expressed in articles and other texts published in Mundo Agrario are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of Mundo Agrario .

There are no charges for submission, publication or access to Mundo Agrario. Once published, the article will be available for anyone to read or download free of charge.

Login or Register to make a submission.



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2024 Centro de Historia Argentina y Americana. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación
Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Calle 51 e/ 124 y 125 (1925) Ensenada. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Teléfono: +54 221 4236671 int. 1268


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1515-5994&lng=es&nrm=iso