
ISSN 0327-4829
online version
ISSN 1995-7785
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Protocol for collaborators
To download the PDF of the protocol, click here

Propuesta Educativa  is a publication of the Programa Educación, Conocimiento y Sociedad de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Sede Argentina. The magazine is published twice a year, in June and November and, since November 2012, it is published only in electronic format, at: http://www.propuestaeducativa.flacso.org.ar/

Propuesta Educativa has a no APC (Article Processing Charges) policy, that is, it does not charge any charges for entry, processing or publication of articles.

Propuesta Educativa has been intervening in the discussion of the Argentine and regional educational field since 1989; It constitutes a space for the dissemination of reflections, analysis and critical studies that are unavoidable on the educational reality, both national and international. Its pages are aimed at presenting research and contributions that contribute to the current debate on educational problems and are open to disseminating a plurality of theoretical perspectives, approaches and methodologies, giving rise to a wide range of topics and opening to multiple disciplines. It is aimed at researchers, managers, supervisors, teachers, professors, undergraduate and graduate students, and officials.
In each issue,  Propuesta Educativa   includes a  dossier  whose theme is defined by the Editorial Staff of the magazine, seeking to reflect on current educational problems, and for which a specialist in the chosen theme is designated as responsible for the management and organization of the contributions. that will shape the  dossier . The articles that make up this section are submitted to refereeing and go through the same judging process as those contributions received to integrate the sections that present articles. In addition, each issue of the magazine includes two sections aimed at disseminating research and reflections derived from academic activity:  Articles  and  Young Researchers . Both sections are open to contributions all year round and are aimed at disseminating: a) results of ongoing or completed research; b) states of the art; c) theoretical-methodological reflections. The  Articles section  is made up of contributions from already trained researchers (Senior and Semi-senior category), while  Young Researchers  is an area for researchers in training (Junior) to disseminate their productions.
Finally, the magazine has a  Reviews section  that includes contributions of two types: a) Book Reviews; b) Thesis Reviews (Postgraduate). This section is nourished by external contributions that conform to the formal editing guidelines stipulated by the magazine and that focus on books and theses that are valid and relevant in the discussion of educational problems. They are evaluated by the magazine's editorial team.

I. About materials received by Propuesta Educativa

Only original and unpublished materials are received for publication. Sending the work will imply acceptance of this condition by its authors regarding originality and the fact that it has not been nominated for another publication.
The articles must present the elaboration of the results of an ongoing or already completed investigation, or they can be review articles that propose a new treatment proposal or approach to a topic/problem, or also contributions that adapt to the essay genre. Those that are original academic works in their subject matter and approach will be considered for publication; that account for a methodological treatment relevant to the type of problem or topic of study that they address and that respect the rules of the academic field, especially theoretical rigor. The states of the art must be exhaustive in exposing the academic treatment that a topic of relevance to social research has received.
In addition, Propuesta Educativa  receives  reviews  of Books and Master's and Doctoral Theses.
Receipt of a work does not imply any commitment from the magazine for its publication.
The collaborations aimed at the Articles and Young Researchers sections will follow the double evaluation process indicated in section II of this protocol, while the productions belonging to the Reviews section will be governed by the indications included in section VII.
All sections of the journal open to contributions, that is:  Articles,  Young Researchers and Reviews, must follow the same guidelines regarding the length of the title, the preparation of citations, bibliographic references, notes at the end of the text and the CV of the author(s) (see section VI).

II. About the ruling process:

A. Contributions addressed to the  Articles  and Young Researchers sections  are subject to two stages of judging: a) a first reading by the Editorial Team in order to verify whether they cover the requirements of the journal's profile and all its editorial guidelines. formal; b) if accepted, this body proposes two external reviewers who are specialists in the subject of the contribution received so that they can rule on the quality of said production. Throughout the process, the anonymity of referees and authors will be preserved and the affiliation of the former will be different from that of the author. Once the referees are issued and without identifying the referees, the opinions received will be sent to the author(s) in order to contribute to the improvement of the contributions.
The result of the opinion may be:

  1. Accepted  without modifications or with minor modifications

  2. Subject  to review and resubmission

  3. Rejected
    In the event that the contribution is accepted conditional on a new presentation, the updated version of the text must be sent within three weeks from when the opinion was communicated.
    In case of discrepancy between accepted and rejected, the text will be sent to a third referee whose decision will define its publication or not; In this case, the two opinions that the journal considered for the decision will be sent to the author, along with the decision letter regarding the submitted contribution.

B. The final ruling is final.

III. Regarding transfer of rights:

Propuesta Educativa is available in open access on the page: http://www.propuestaeducativa.flacso.org.ar/. All its contents can be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes, giving credits to the authors and the magazine. The magazine is guided by creative commons policies , therefore, no rights are retained from the authors. The author accepts the non-exclusive transfer of economic rights in favor of the editor, allowing its reuse and authorization for the work to be disseminated through the databases that the editor considers appropriate for indexing. Likewise, he authorizes the dissemination of the work once it is published, in order to increase the visibility of scientific knowledge.

IV. About the authors:

  1. All authors are responsible for the content; the first author assumes intellectual responsibility for the results of the editorial process; Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright to reproduce graphic or photographic material from third parties.

  2. The authors assume responsibility if data falsification or lack of authenticity is detected in the research. They also undertake not to reuse works already published, in whole or in part, to present them in another publication.

V. Declaration of conflict of interest:

V. Declaration of conflict of interest:

Individual Authors:  Authors are responsible for disclosing personal and financial relationships that could bias their work.
Project support:  authors must describe and mention, if applicable, the role of the study sponsor.
Reviewers:  evaluators or members of the Editorial Team who participate in the editorial process must disclose any conflict of interest that could bias their opinions on the report. In this case, they must notify the journal immediately and excuse themselves from participating in the peer trial in accordance with the ethical standards that govern the academic field.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Presentation of the originals:

  1. The works must be sent by email to: propuesta@flacso.org.ar In a maximum of 10 business days the author will receive proof of receipt.

  2. Contributions directed to the Articles and Young Researchers sections must have an extension of between 35,000 and 40,000 characters with maximum space, including graphs, tables, final notes and bibliographic references.

  3. Documents must be sent in Microsoft Word (with a .doc extension or in .rtf text format)

  4. The first page must include:

  • Title of the work in Spanish and English, preferably brief (maximum 15 words), which clearly refers to the content.

  • Author(s), in the order in which they should be referred to in the index, along with the main institutional affiliation - which will be stated on the first page of the article under the name of each author. For example:
    Juana Rodríguez University of Entre Ríos

  • Brief CV of the author(s) of no more than three lines, including information about their academic training and the institution and department of current work assignment, without abbreviations and indicating the country of assignment of each author. In the case of students without a job assignment, refer to the institution where they do their postgraduate studies. Also include the email address of each author, preferably institutional, which will be published. If you have a digital identifier of the ORCID type, its inclusion is recommended. 

Please prepare it following the following example:

Juana Rodríguez es Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Magíster en Educación, Universidad de Entre Ríos; Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Rosario; Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina. E-mail: jrodríguez@flacso.org.ar

Except for the cover, the manuscript should not contain  any identifying information . For the review and evaluation process by the editorial team and the referees, the submitted texts must use the word “author” and the year of publication when mentioning any work of the author or authors of the collaboration submitted both within the text and in the bibliography and notes. Make sure the author's name has been removed from the Document Properties list (in Microsoft Word it is located on the File menu: select “File”, “Properties”, “Summary” and remove the author's name; select “OK " to save).

  1. The text will begin on the second page, which must include a summary of no more than 200 words, as well as 5 (five) key words, both in Spanish and English. If the original language of the work is different from these two languages, the keywords and a third summary in its original language must be accompanied. It should be noted that Propuesta Educativa agrees to publish contributions written in Portuguese in their original language.

  2. Charts and graphs must be presented in the same file and also separately (charts and graphs in Excel and images in jpg).

  3. The notes should be located at the end of the text, after the bibliographical references and in Arabic numerals (NOT in Roman numerals); They should only be clarifying or explanatory, they will only serve to expand or illustrate what is said in the body of the text, and not to indicate the bibliographic sources, in which case they should appear in the text according to the following example (Giddens, 1997: 13- 14).

  4. About dating:

  • Citations must include as data the name of the author of the text, the year and the page(s), and can appear in two different ways, depending on how the reference to the author is introduced: a) placing all the information in parentheses, eg: (Simmel, 1985: 32), or b) removing the author's name from the parentheses, to place it in the text, eg: Simmel has instructed on this topic in his work dedicated to cultural changes (1985: 32)

  • Citations to works by two authors must include the names of both, e.g. (Bourdieu and Passeron, 1976)

  • Citations to works by more than two authors must include the name of the first author followed by the legend et al. in italics, eg: (Bourdieu et al., 1995: 34-35). In the bibliographic references the names of all the authors of the work must be replaced.

  • Textual quotes must appear between quotation marks and in italics. Whenever textual quotes occupy more than three lines, they must be separated from the body of the text by a slightly larger space and left and right margins. The citation data can appear in the text that introduces it or at the end of the cited text.

  • When an idea is referenced in several different works, the citation must be separated with a semicolon, for example: (Martuccelli, 2011; Svampa, 2012; Grimson, 2010)

  • If they refer to several works by the same author that were published in the same year, they must be distinguished with letters, following alphabetical order, e.g. (Bourdieu, 2012a; Bourdieu, 2012b).

  1. About bibliographical references:

  • They should not be extended unnecessarily, so only references cited in the text will be included and they must conform to the Harvard system.

  • The name of an author will never be replaced with a line when he or she has more than one reference. So in the final bibliographical references the name of an author must be repeated as many times as different texts of the author are used.

For articles:

Wallerstein, E. (1995) “The end of what modernity?”,  Sociológica , 10(27), pp. 13-31.

For books:

Simmel, G. (2002)  Fundamental issues in sociology . Barcelona: Gedisa.

For book chapters:

Schutz, A. (1976) “Problems of interpretive sociology” in Ryan, A. (comp.)  The philosophy of social explanation . Madrid: Economic Culture Fund, pp. 120-134.

Online documents:

Rodríguez Pineda, D. and López, A. (2006) “How are epistemological and learning conceptions articulated with teaching practice in the classroom? Three case studies of secondary school teachers”,  Mexican Journal of Educational Research , 11(31), pp. 15-35. Available at:  http://www.comie.org.mx/documentos/rmie/v11/n31//pdf/rmiev11n31scB02n06es.pdf  (last accessed August 24, 2018).

OECD (2010), Evaluation and recognition of teacher quality. International Practices, Paris, OECD Publishing. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264079717-es (last entry June 30, 2010)


Micaela, personal communication, October 20, 2018.

Unpublished academic work (Thesis, Final Degree Projects, Final Degree Projects, Final Master's Projects)

Miranda, A. (2008)  Peru: Impact of economic policy on public spending on education, 1950-2000 . Master's Thesis. Buenos Aires' University.

Academic work not published online

Miranda, A. (2008)  Peru: Impact of economic policy on public spending on education, 1950-2000 . Master's Thesis. Available at: http://cybertesis.unmsm.edu.pe/handle/cybertesis/2305 (last entry August 22, 2018).

Law  (if online, add the link at the end as it appears in the previous examples)

Law on Effective Implementation of State Responsibility at the Higher Education Level, No. 27204.

Presentation at a conference (if online, add the link at the end as it appears in the previous examples)

Pastrana Santamarta, P. and Moreno Collado, AM (2003) ”Location of biomass plants to produce electricity through geographic information systems (GIS)”, in Agüera, J., Gil, J. and López, FJ (eds.)  2nd National Agroengineering Congress . Córdoba, September 24-27, 2003. Seville: General Directorate of Agricultural Production, pp. 25-26.


Spanish National Railway Network (2011)  RENFE Annual Report . Madrid: RENFE, Directorate of Corporate Communication and External Relations.

Online reports

National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (2017) Statistical Compendium 2016. Available at: https://www.inei.gob.pe/biblioteca-virtual/publicaciones-digitales/ (last entry February 19, 2019).

  1. The editors reserve the right to make any style modifications they deem appropriate.

  2. By submitting their work, the authors accept these instructions, as well as the editorial standards of Propuesta Educativa.

VII. Presentation of the Reviews:

  • The publication of the reviews will be defined by the Editorial Committee, ensuring that the contributions comply with the academic standards of the journal and its editorial guidelines regarding formal aspects.

  • From its reception, the Editorial Committee will have a maximum of two months to inform the authors of either the publication or the need to review the materials that reach the Reviews section for publication .

  • Contributions approved for inclusion in the journal will be published in the order of arrival, so the greater or lesser delay in their appearance in the journal will depend on the flow of material received and approved for publication.

  1. Book Reviews:  They must comment on and critically and reflectively address a book dedicated to the field of education or an area of ​​knowledge or topic that represents a contribution to reflect on said field. The review must be based on a book that is new, that is, a recent publication (last two years). The complete data of the book in question (Author/s, Title, Year, Publisher, Place of Edition and Number of pages) must be included in the header of the review. The author of the review must also send the image of the book cover, in jpg format (the image must be 72 dpi if sent in real size, and 300 dpi if sent in reduced size). The length of book reviews should not be less than 9,000 characters with space or more than 10,500 characters with space.

  2. Thesis Reviews:  They must report a postgraduate level research work (master's and/or doctorate) carried out individually; It should briefly present the topic of the thesis, the theoretical framework from which it was approached and the methodology used, as well as the results obtained and the main conclusions reached. The review header must include a box detailing the following information:

  • Level of training obtained with the thesis and institution where the postgraduate degree was completed

  • Name of the Author of the thesis

  • Name(s) of the Director and Co-director of the thesis, detailing the institutional affiliation of each one

  • Names of the members of the thesis Jury, detailing the institutional membership of each one

  • Thesis defense date

The following table can be taken as a model:

Tesis de Doctorado, FLACSO Argentina
Autora: Verónica Tobeña
Directora: Mg. Guillermina Tiramonti (FLACSO Sede Argentina)

Dra. Natalia Crespo (CONICET – USal)
Dra. Silvia Finocchio (FLACSO Sede Argentina)
Dr. Carlos Skliar (CONICET – FLACSO Sede Argentina)

Fecha defensa: 12 de abril de 2013

Thesis outlines must be no less than 9,000 characters with spaces and no more than 10,500 characters with spaces.



Sending of manuscripts


The works must be sent by email to: propuesta@flacso.org.ar In a maximum of 10 business days the author will receive proof of receipt.



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2024 Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales

FLACSO Argentina
Tucumán 1966 (C1050AAN) 
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel: (54-11) 5238-9353

Fax: (54-11) 4375 1373


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0327-4829&lng=es&nrm=iso