
ISSN 2718-658X
online version
ISSN 1853-4112
printed version

About this journal


Basic Information


RECIAL is an Open Access electronic scientific journal founded in 2010 that publishes original and unpublished articles related to literary, linguistic and discursive studies, their multiple theoretical problems and articulations with different areas of culture. RECIAL also publishes interviews with authors and critical reviews of books related to the journal's fields of interest. It is distributed exclusively in digital format and is published every six months.

The aim of RECIAL is to be a platform for disseminating the scientific production of researchers from the Arts Area of the CIFFyH (Research Centre, Faculty of Philosophy, National University of Cordoba) as well as that of other scholars at the national and international level, and thus seeks to become a space that favors the exchange of knowledge between intellectuals working on related subjects.

RECIAL is published every six months: the first issue is published in January-June and the second in July-December of each year.



Information Services


The articles published in complete title of the journal are indexed or summarized by: Núcleo Básico de CONICET,  LatindexROADDOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)DialnetERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)Sherpa RomeoProQuest, REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico)REBIUN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias)Northeastern University LibraryBECyT (Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología) y Google Académico,  LatinREV (Red Latinoamericana de Revistas de Ciencias Sociales)Latinoamericana (Asociación de Revistas literarias y Culturales)MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas)Mendeley Academia.



Open Access


RECIAL is committed to the policies of Open Access to scientific information adopted by Argentina (National Law 26.899 and its regulation) and the National University of Córdoba (RHCS 1365/2017), which promote the free and unrestricted circulation of publications and research financed with public funds, in line with the regulations on Open Access academic publications in international declarations and proposals. In this way the reader can access free of charge the full text that is published.

Acceptance of the article by the journal implies no simultaneous submission to other journals or editorial bodies and the non-exclusive transfer of the authors' economic rights in favour of the publisher, who allows the reuse, after publication (postprint), under the license

 Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

That which allows sharing, copying, distributing, altering, transforming, generating a derivative work, performing and publicly communicating the work, provided that: a) authorship and the original source of publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) are cited; b) they are not used for commercial purposes; c) in the case of creating another work from original material, the same terms of the licence are maintained. The assignment of circulation rights of the authors grants the publishers authorisation for the work to be deposited in the institutional repositories of the National University of Cordoba: Portal of Journals of the National University of Cordoba and disseminated through the databases that the publisher considers appropriate for indexing and social networks with a view to increasing the visibility of the publication and its authors.

In this sense, RECIAL allows and promotes self-archiving by the authors, who are encouraged to upload the final version (post-print) of their articles once published in the journal, either on personal websites, institutional and thematic repositories, blogs or any other electronic media, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given and their first publication in RECIAL is mentioned.

The journal does not charge any charges or fees for the publication of articles and reviews.






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Centro de Investigaciones «María Saleme de Burnichon«, Pabellón «Agustín Tosco», Ciudad Universitaria.
Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Córdoba – 5000 Argentina
Teléfono IP: 5353610, interno 50070

Dirección electrónica: tecnicaciffyh@ffyh.unc.edu.ar - https://ffyh.unc.edu.ar/ciffyh/

Revista Recial. Mail: revistarecial@gmail.com

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2718-658X&lng=es&nrm=iso