
ISSN 2718-658X
online version
ISSN 1853-4112
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Original and unpublished works in Spanish or Portuguese, in the following discursive types, are accepted for publication in the Journal:

1. Original articles or essays that will be submitted for evaluation through a double anonymous refereeing system. The articles should not exceed 25 (twenty-five) pages nor have less than 12 (twelve) pages (including Notes and References) and should follow the style standards and formal guidelines for the presentation of papers.

2. Dossiers: articles grouped under a common theme or problem organized by one or several coordinators and a minimum of 5 (five) articles. These manuscripts will be submitted to a double referee evaluation and must follow the style standards and formal guidelines for the presentation of works. (See Annex: Dossier Proposals).

3. Critical reviews of texts whose publication date does not exceed 3 (three) years, with a minimum length of 2 (two) pages. They must follow the rules of style and formal guidelines for the presentation of works.

4. Unpublished interviews, duly authorized, with a total length not exceeding 30,000 (thirty thousand) characters. They must follow the rules of style and formal guidelines for the presentation of works.

The authors assume the credit of the publication and, in turn, the responsibility of the published content. Once an article has been published, the Journal allows the publication of the Errata noticed in the following edition and, when necessary, the retraction of the authors regarding a content or judgment.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Page design - Paper size: A4. - Margins: Normal Word (top, bottom, right and left 2.54 cm) - Font: Times New Roman 12. - Line spacing: Simple

2. Headlines

2.a General considerations - Title: Centered - Font: Times New Roman 12, with initial capital letter and bold. Do not use capital letters sustained or small caps. - Name of the author/s: Name and surname (in full and without bold). If there is more than one author, they should be placed in alphabetical orden according to last name, in a column aligned to the right

For example:

Virginia Paredes

Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


ORCID: 0000-0003-02213-6572


Pablo Valdivieso

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil


ORCID: 0000-0008-02213-3471

Author's data: Place name in bold, below institutional affiliation (do not use acronyms), city, country of the institutional space to which it belongs, e-mail. ORCID registration number (16 digits). Authors are requested to provide their ORCID registration number. If you have any questions or need help, please visit https://orcid.org/help.

Authors. When the case requires it, in order to accredit the roles of the different agents in the process and execution of a research project, the CRediT taxonomy (Taxonomy of Roles in Academic Collaboration), available at: http://hdlab.space/taxonomia/?q=CRediT, should be considered.

A copy of this Taxonomy can be found at the end of this document.

2.b Particular Considerations for Critical Reviews

The Reviews, after the title, must indicate the complete data of the reviewed book with the following format: Surname, N. (Year). Title of the book (number of pages). City of publication: Publisher

Example: Carballo, J. (2019). Ningún lugar más que acá (144 pp.). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Concreto.

It is required to provide an image of the book cover with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi o equivalent, aligned to the right of the text Regarding the data of the author of the Review, follow general instruction

3. Body of work


Articles must be preceded by an abstract of no more than 200 (two hundred) words, in Spanish and English, followed by 5 (five) keywords in both languages. The summary/ abstract must contain the following aspects: statement of the problem, objective (s) of the research, working hypothesis, methodology to be used and synthesis of research contributions or conclusions. Before the abstract, the title must be placed in English, and it must respect the same characteristics as the title in Spanish.


Use italics, without bold, and choose a maximum of 5 (five) words. They must all begin with a lowercase letter. Except in the case of proper nouns- and be separated by a semicolon. The use of period at the end of the series is incorrect. It is recommended that the keywords are part of the title or subtitle of the work or that they appear in the abstract. Remember that keywords help the reader or find a topic through search engines, which is why they are required to be central descriptors of the subject on which the article in about.


Subtitles should be typed in bold and left-aligned in lower case, initial capital only, with space above and below.

Paragraphs They must have a o.5 cm indentation. Avoid the use of bold and italics to highlight information, within the text or in a textual citation, if necessary, add between brackets, after the last highlighted element, the legend added bold or added italics. For example: [bold added]

End notes All “Notes” to the work (except the references with the author’s data that must be placed on the first page) must be at the end of the document: Place subtitle Notes, follow consecutive numbers (1,2, 3,…) and use Times New Roman 10. No graphics or textual citations of 40 or more than 40 words may be inserted in the endnotes.

Verbatim quotes If the citation has lees tan 40 words, it must be indicated in the text between quotations marks and the source must be included in parentheses: Author’s last name, year of edition used and page number. For example: “a quote of less than forty words” (Suárez, 1991, p. 120). If the citation covers more than one page, it is appropriate to page pp. instead of p. (This also applies to longer citations). For example: “A quote of less than forty words” (Suarez, 1991, pp. 120-121).

If the citation has 40 or more than 40 words, it does not have quotation marks and must be separated from the body of the text with two-line breaks both before and after the citation. In addition, a 2.54 cm bleed should be applied to the left margin. If said citation has more than one paragraph, an additional 0.5 cm indentation must be placed from the second onwards.

For example:

Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. Quotation of forty or more than forty words. (Suarez, 1991, p. 8).

Regarding the citation of the texts in verse (poems or musical themes), the original format must be maintained (indications, blank spaces, line breaks per stanza, etc). If it is fragment of less than 40 words, quotation marks must be used. For excerpts of forty or more than forty words, only the 1- inch indentation and double spacing before and after the citation are applied

If some of the cited material is omitted, ellipses should be used. For example: "The huge building whispers, breathes... And now the colonel has stopped, he is holding a machine gun that I did not see him take out of anywhere, and on tiptoe he walks towards the shield" (Walsh, 1965, p. 10).

Important note: Whenever an author's text is quoted or paraphrased, the source must be included. If it is a paraphrase, the correct format is (Author's last name, year). If it is a secondary source, that is, a publication where another author is retrieved, the format that should be used is: (Last name of the author of the citation, in Surname of the author who retrieves it, year). For example: (Mansilla, in López, 2005). In addition, whenever a textual citation is included, it is essential to include the corresponding page number.

Bibliographic references

Strictly governed by the criteria established in the APA Publications Manual, at the end of the article a section with the subtitle Bibliographic References will be included, which consists of including a list of the bibliographic sources that have been mentioned within the body of the text or his Notes, leaving out all other bibliography.

The elaboration of citations and references should be as complete as possible. If possible, it is recommended to include the unique identifier of the author (Orcid) and of the reference source (DOI, Handle, etc.) Specify the type of resource used (book, article, report, conference proceedings). In the case of internet sources: cite data repository, publication, Producer, geographical and temporal scope (for example: version of June 13, 2015).

References should be in alphabetical order according to the author's last name. Respect a 1.25 cm hanging indent on the first line, maintain Times New Roman 12 and single line spacing In case of having to refer to several works by the same author, the oldest should be placed first, and then the most recent. When several sources of the same author with the same year of edition are used, a letter must be placed next to the year, both in the body of the text and in the References. The assignment of the letter must respect the alphabetical order indicated by the titles of the works.

For example:

Castels, A. (2010a). Diálogos. De Sócrates a Platón. Córdoba: Cuenco.

Castels, A. (2010b). La poética de Aristóteles. Córdoba: Marea.

Castels, A. (2011). Filosofía para principiantes. Córdoba: Marea.

Year of edition: Both in References and in the body of the text, the year of edition of the text used must be indicated. When it is essential to mention the year of the first edition of the work, it will be placed, both in the text and in References, between parentheses and separated by a slash from the year of edition used. Thus, for example, if Philosophy for Beginners had been written in the year 1752, it would correspond to place in References: Castels, A. (1752/2011). Filosofía para principiantes. Córdoba: Marea.

Types of references

1. Book: Surname, N. (Year). Title in italics. City of edition: Publisher. Example: Álvarez Méndez, J. M. (2000). Didáctica, currículo y evaluación: ensayos sobre cuestiones didácticas. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila.

2. Book of eight or more authors: When a publication has eight or more authors, the names of the first six must be included, add and ellipsis and then add the name of the last author. Example Calderón, A., Cote, A., Galán, J., Lanseros, R., Rodríguez Moya, D., Ruiz Udiel, F., … Wajszczuk, A. (2011). Poesía ante la incertidumbre. Madrid: Visor.

3. Book by anonymous author: If the author of a book is Anonymous, that is, if it is actually signed under that name, this word is used in the position of the name and it is ordered alphabetically. Example: Anónimo. (1983). Poema del mío Cid. Bueno Aires: Colihue.

4. Chapter of a book: Surname, N. (Year). Chapter name. In Author [This word is placed when the author of the chapter coincides with that of the book] or A. Surname (Ed. or Comp., as appropriate), Title of the book (pp. XX-XX [chapter page range]). City of edition: Publisher. If it is necessary to include any additional data such as volume or volume, it must be indicated after the title of the book and in parentheses. Examples: Poe, E. A. (2000). El escarabajo de oro. En Autor, Narraciones extraordinarias (pp. 5-38). Barcelona: Sol 90. Ocampo, S. (1976). La sed. En R. J. Walsh (Comp.), Antología del cuento extraño (Vol. IV; pp. 157-170). Buenos Aires: Hachette.

5. Publication without author: If it is not possible to identify the author of a publication, the title should be moved to the author position and the source should be ordered alphabetically according to the initial of the first significant word of the title.

Example: La carta apócrifa de Krol. (2013). Recuperado de https://www.espn.com.ar/noticias/nota?s=futbol/mundiales&id=1867465&type=story

6. Complete magazine or complete newspaper: Complete numbers of magazines or newspapers are not placed in References, unless it is an edition or special section, in which case the reference is constructed as follows: Surname, N. (Ed.). (Year). Title of the special edition [Special Edition]. Journal name, Volume No. (Issue No.). If it is an online publication, the link must be added at the end: Retrieved from link.

Example: Díaz, C. F. (Coord.). (2019). Nuevas articulaciones entre Folclore, Política y Nación en América Latina [Dossier]. Recial, 10(16). Recuperado de https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/recial/issue/view/2017/287 If the name of the Publisher cannot be identified, the title of the special edition is placed in the author position

Example: Ecocrítica en América Latina. (2014). Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, (79).

7. Magazine article: Surname, N. (Year). Journal Name, Volume No. (Issue No.), XX-XX [Indicate full article pages].

Example: Carli, S. (1999). La cuestión de la infancia: derechos del niño y educación pública. Hipótesis sobre la historia argentina contemporánea. Sociedad, 1(15), 103-155.

8. Online newspaper article: If it is an online publication, the link must be added at the end as follows: Surname, N. (Complete date). Article title. Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from link.

Example: Calderaro, R. (29 de julio de 2020). Cuarentena: qué se debate en el Gobierno respecto de la próxima fase. Página 12. Recuperado de https://www.pagina12.com.ar/281483-cuarentena-que-se-debate-en-el-gobiernorespecto-de-la-proxi

9. Online newspaper article without author: Title of the article. (Full date). Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from link.

Example: A nivel país, Córdoba quedó cuarta en el ranking de inseguridad. (6 de julio de 2017). La nueva Mañana. Recuperado de https://lmdiario.com.ar/noticia/16803/a-nivel-paiscordoba-quedo-cuarta-en-el-ranking-de-inseguridad

10. Electronic documents: Surname, N. (Year). Title of the publication. Retrieved from link.

Example: Fundación Internacional Jorge Luis Borges. (s. f.). Biografía de Jorge Luis Borges. Recuperado de https://www.fundacionborges.com.ar/index.php/borges

11. Lecture: Surname, N. (month, year). Title of the publication. Work presented in Name of the Congress or Conference, Place. If it is an online publication, the link must be added at the end as follows: Retrieved from link.

Example: Arteaga Martínez, A. (octubre, 2008). El personaje juvenil en el teatro jesuita de Nueva España. Trabajo presentado en II Congreso de Literatura y Cultura Áureas y Virreinales, Ciudad de México. (si lo hubiera, colocar enlace)

12. Video: Author. (Full date). Title of the video [Video]. Platform. Retrieved from link.

Example: FLACSO Argentina. (4 de mayo de 2017). Narrativa de terror por Mariana Enriquez. Posgrado Escrituras: Creatividad Humana y Comunicación [Video]. YouTube. Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHdM7Wq6fe4

13. Publication in a foreign language: After the title of the publication, its translation must be added between brackets (in round letters). If it is a magazine article or a book chapter, it will only be necessary to translate the article or chapter, not the title of the book or magazine.

Example: Berger, J. (1999). After the end. Representations of post-apocalypse [Después del fin. Representaciones del posapocalipsis]. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

14. Blog: Surname, N. (Complete date). Title of the entry [Entry in a blog]. Retrieved from link.

Example: Tentoni, V. (29 de junio de 2020). María Negroni: "La poesía es la conciencia más aguda del lenguaje" [Entrada en un blog]. Recuperado de https://www.eternacadencia.com.ar/blog/contenidos-originales/entrevistas/item/marianegroni-la-poesia-es-la-conciencia-mas-aguda-del-lenguaje.html

15. Online submission: Surname, N. (Full date). Presentation Title [Online Presentation]. Website. Retrieved from link.

Example: Petrovitch, M. (11 de marzo de 2015). Literatura puertorriqueña [Presentación en línea]. SlideShare. Recuperado de https://es.slideshare.net/MariaPetrovitch/literaturapuertorriquea?qid=9519e39f-84f7-49e5-8605- 3fdd5895edc4&v=&b=&from_search=63

16. Thesis: Surname, N. (Year). Title of the thesis (Bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis, as appropriate). Institution, Place. If it is an online publication, the link must be added at the end as follows: Retrieved from link.

Example: Kohan, A. (2019). Denuncia y realismo con emergentes experimentales en la narrativa de Juan José Manauta (Tesis doctoral). Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba.

17. Film or series: Surname, N. (Dir.). (Year). Title of the movie or series. Country of origin: Studio.

Example: Muschietti, A. (Dir.). (2017). It. Estados Unidos: New Line Cinema.

18. References to images, tables or figures: - Size: No larger than an A4 page. - Title: Figure and figure number must be placed before the image (in Times New Roman 12 and in bold). Then, in the line below, the title of the figure must be placed in italics and without a final period. - Note: If you want to make a clarification (of no more than three lines) on said figure, it should be placed below it (in Times New Roman 10 font), after the word Note. - Source: Regarding the source of the figure, it is necessary to place it below the image with the format Source: Author's last name, year, p. X or link.


Figura 1.

Political connotations in Guernica


Note. This famous painting has been exhibited since 1992 at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid. Source: Picasso, 1937.

Finally, the sources of the figures must be placed in References with the corresponding format according to the type of source in question. Here are some more common examples.

• Image in a book: Surname, N. (Year). Name of the image [Image]. In Author [This is if the author of the image coincides with that of the book] or N. Surname, Title of the work (p. 15). City: Publisher.

• Image available on the internet: Surname, N. (Year). Name of the image [Image]. Retrieved from link o Surname, N. (Year). [Untitled image on...]. Retrieved from link.

• Screenshot: Surname, N. (Year). [Screenshot over brief description of the image]. Retrieved from link.

• Work of art: Surname, N. (Year). Title of the work [Painting]. City: Name of the museum.

In the case of book covers included in reviews, it is not necessary to apply the criteria described above. In addition, if these images are found within sources that have been used to develop the text, they should not have a separate entry in References either, since it is understood that they belong to said text.

19. Research data. As when texts, methods, historical archives, collections and computer programs are used in the articles, data must be cited and included in the references. For data citation, RECIAL follows the SciELO data policy, based on two principles:

• FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

• TOP (Transparency and Openness Promotion). This means that research data used in articles should be available in open access repositories, following registration patterns that ensure authorship, use and citation of the data. This contributes to the replicability of research, increases the visibility and citations of research and journals. To learn more about data policy, we suggest reading:

Criteria, policy, and procedures for the admission and permanence of scientific journals in the SciELO collection [Text file]. Retrieved from https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/Criterios-Rede-SciELO-es.pdf

Spinak, (January 15, 2015).Principles for citing scientific data [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://blog.scielo.org/es/2015/01/15/principios-para-citardatos-cientificos/#.Yujho3bMLrd

Database reference format: Name of the database (Year). Title of the information. Retrieved from: database name.

INDEC. Special topics (n.d.). National survey on access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ENTIC) [Third quarter 2011 databases]. Retrieved from https://www.indec.gob.ar/indec/web/Institucional-Indec-BasesDeDatos-5

CRediT - Taxonomy of Academic Collaboration Roles

This taxonomy aims to specify and give credit to all the roles that are part of a research project and during the whole process involved. This way, the work of all the agents that are part of a research project is credited and not only results, but also processes are made visible.

CRediT-Taxonomy of Academic Collaboration Roles

Project administration

Acquisition of funds

Formal analysis


Data curation

Writing - proofreading and editing




Writing - original draft





• Responsibility for the management and coordination of the planning and execution of the research activity.

• Acquisition of financial support for the project leading to this publication.

• Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data

• Ideas, formulation or development of overall research goals and objectives

• Management activities related to annotating (producing metadata), disposing of and maintaining research data, in phases of use and reuse (including writing software code, where these activities are necessary to interpret the data themselves)

• Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work by those in the research group, specifically, critical review, commentary or revisions, including pre or post publication stages

• Development of a research process, specifically, experiments or data collection/testing

• Development or design of methodology, creation of models

• Provision of study materials, reagents, materials of any kind, patients, laboratory specimens, animals, instrumentation, computing resources or other analytical tools

• Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically, writing the initial draft (includes, if relevant to the volume of text translated, translation work)

• Programming, software development, design of computer programs, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code components

• Responsibility for supervision and leadership for the planning and execution of research activity, including external mentoring

• Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replication / reproducibility of results / experiments and other research results.

• Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically,visualization/presentation of data.




Sending of manuscripts



The papers will be sent by e-mail as attached files in Word format (versions 97- 2003).

Identify the subject of the mail as follows: Surname and Name of the first author followed by the word RECIAL.

Send to: revistarecial@gmail.com




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Centro de Investigaciones «María Saleme de Burnichon«, Pabellón «Agustín Tosco», Ciudad Universitaria.
Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Córdoba – 5000 Argentina
Teléfono IP: 5353610, interno 50070

Dirección electrónica: tecnicaciffyh@ffyh.unc.edu.ar - https://ffyh.unc.edu.ar/ciffyh/

Revista Recial. Mail: revistarecial@gmail.com

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2718-658X&lng=es&nrm=iso