
ISSN 0000-0000
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Journal of Science Teaching is a periodic journal of the Argentine Association of Physics Teachers (APFA). Each of its yearly volumes includes two regular numbers and a special number.

Regular numbers offer original contributions for Science/Physics Education Researchers and Teaching Practitioners.

The special number compiles the work presented at either REF (Physics Education Meeting, on odd-numbered years) or SIEF (Physics Education Research Symposium, on even-numbered years), the two biannual meetings of APFA. Contributions to special numbers are double-blind revised by the evaluation committees of each conference.

Articles will be admitted provided that they address topics relevant to Physics (or Sience) Education and that they have not been published elsewhere.

We offer a space in which the community of Physics teachers and Physics Education researchers may:
- share theoretical considerations, essays, ideas, pedagogy and research results oriented to the improvement of Physics and Experimental Science teaching at all educational levels;
- share ideas, initiatives, and experiences among teachers, providing a space for them to reflect critically on their own practice and to support in-service teachers in their proffessional development
- communicate activities that occur throughout the country and abroad, in relation to teaching and educational research.

Contributions to the Journal may include:
- Research articles in the field of Physics (or Science) Education, theoretical analysis, state-of-the-art reports, which may contribute to the understanding of meaningful problems related to the learning and/or teaching of Physics/Science.
- Work addressing the needs and concerns of science teachers, including those linked to the learning of teaching of particular disciplinar content as well as those related to the design and implementation of innovative pedagogy, management of classroom practices, etc.
- Reports of activities and events, thesis, critical literature revision, proyects, etc.

Peer Review Process

Work submitted must be original and not have been submitted to other journals for publication.

Editors will decide if contributions comply with the specifications required for each section. If requirements are fulfilled, manuscripts are blind-reviewed by at least two external referees according to the specifications detailed in Information for Authors.

Editors claim right to accept, reject or request revision of each contribution as a result of the review process.
This journal is not responsible for opinions expressed by different authors in their manuscripts.

Code of Ethics

Code of ethics Revista de Enseñanza de la Física In a consonance with the guidelines provided by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics, https://publicationethics.org/files/Principles_of_Transparency_and_Best_Practice_in_Scholarly_Publishingv2.pdf), the Journal of Physics Education establishes the following Editorial Code of Ethics:


Submission of a contribution to the Journal of Physics Education implies that it has not been previously published, nor is it under evaluation by another scientific publication, and that all authors are aware of the content of the work and accept its authorship. Authors commit to submit original contributions of their own authorship. Texts resulting from minor modifications of previously published works should be avoided. Authors agree to make explicit to the editor any conflict of interest that could imply a bias or influence on the results and conclusions of their work. Authors pledge not to commit plagiarism.
All persons who have contributed significantly to the preparation of the work submitted for consideration will be included as authors. Persons who have not contributed significantly to the work will not be included as authors, avoiding authorship only through friendship or intellectual ties.
The data contained in the submitted papers must be truthful, avoiding any kind of manipulation/modification.
When a paper involves the participation of people as subjects of study, this will be an informed, free and voluntary participation in the research, maintaining the necessary protection of sensitive filiation data.
The authors are responsible for the theoretical-conceptual perspectives they adopt, as well as for the conclusions, knowledge statements and value statements they formulate, which are not necessarily shared by the Editorial Team of the Journal .


Reviewers will act on a voluntary basis, with competence and adhering to the policies of the journals evaluation process. Their most important objective will be to provide honest, ethical and constructive criticism that will allow the author to improve his/her work, strengthening the collective construction of scientific knowledge. In cases where there are conflicts of interest or impediments to the evaluation task, the reviewer agrees to communicate this situation to the Editorial Committee. The reviewer will respect the confidentiality of the information related to the editorial process.
Reviewers will respect the review guidelines suggested by Revista de Enseñanza de la Física, and will mediate the actions to perform the evaluations within the requested deadlines. In the cases in which the evaluation requires an extension of these deadlines, the same will be requested before the acceptance of the review.


The Editorial Committee pledges to respect anonymity between authors and reviewers, guaranteeing transparency in the review process and maintaining the confidentiality of the parties involved in the editorial process. The Editorial Committee will assign reviewers in an effort to guarantee the maximum expertise in the subject of the evaluated work and the greatest celerity in the evaluation process.

Digital Preservation Policies

The journal is hosted in the Portal de Revistas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. This website is oriented to all Faculty members, fostering the diffusion of scientific, academic and cultural contents in free and open access: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/

All submissions to the journals in the Portal are stored in duplicate on servers of the University's Information Technology Office in Pabellón Argentina. These servers have strict access and are protected with facilities adapted for their safekeeping and durability.

Plagiarism detection policy

Revista de Enseñanza de la Física publishes manuscripts that have not been submitted for publication in any other journal.

The Editorial Committee will submit the manuscript to an exhaustive review in order to detect possible plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

Submission of a contribution to the Journal of Physics Education implies that:

- Authors declare that the article has not been previously published or submitted to other journals for evaluation.

- The authors pledge not to commit plagiarism.

- The authors declare that the article is not only a minor modification of a previously published work.

- Upon receiving the article, the Editorial Committee will apply Internet search tools of other work by the authors, title, excerpts from the abstract, and results, to verify the similarity of content, check the originality of the article, and identify the presence of serious intellectual property infringements (inadequate citation, altered or self-plagiarism).

If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, evidence of the same will be sent to the author and a response will be requested. If this is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be rejected.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Educational Research (Investigación Didáctica)

Before preparing your manuscript, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Criteria for publication. The research problem under study, as well as the research questions or goals should be clearly described. The work must relate to previous results reported in the literature. Theoretical, as well as methodological decisions must be supported in relation to the research problem.

Essays and Special Topics (Ensayos y Temas Especiales)

Before preparing your manuscript, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Criteria for publication. The problem addressed should be clearly presented. The essay must show its potential value for teacher training or practice.

Teaching Narratives (Relatos de Aula)

Before preparing your manuscript, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Criteria for publication. The teaching problema addresses must be clearly put in context. An essential element is that teacher’s (author) decisions taken to address the problem should be clearly described and sufficiently supported. Students’ interventions must be included to allow for assessment of the potential of the activities proposed.

Graduate and post graduate thesis abstracts on PER (Resúmenes de Tesis de Grado y Posgrado en Educación en Física)

In order to send the abstract of your thesis, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Reseñas de Eventos y Material Didáctico

Las distintas plantillas se pueden solicitar de manera personalizada a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: revista@famaf.unc.edu.ar

Citation Standards (Normas de citación)

Revista de Enseñanza de la Física follows APA style for citations and bibliographic references.

Authors must correctly document other authors opinions mentioned in the manuscript, citing the original work. Any citation of 40 words or less should be placed between quotation marks. Ommited words or phrases must be replaced by (…).

Citations within text:

1) to cite a particular reference, Author’s last name and year of publication should be placed in parenthesis, or only year of publication if the author is mentioned in the phrase. Examples:

Previous research has shown correlation between these variables (Gutiérrez, 2013).

Viadero M. (2007) informs a study of over two hundred cases that exhibit this particular correlation.

Reference list (Listado de referencia):

Journal Articles: Last Name, A. A., Last Name, B. B. & Last Name, C. C. (YYYY). Article Title. Journal Name, volume (number), pp. xx-xx.

Books: Last Name(s), A. A. (YEAR). Title. City: Editorial.

Book Chapter: Last Name, A. A. & Last Name, B. B. (YYYY). Chapter title. In Last Name(s), A. A. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). City: Editorial.

Thesis: Last Name, A. A. (YYYY). Title. (MSC/PhD thesis). Institution, Location.

For further information, please refer to APA Standards here

The Revista Enseñanza de la Física adopts the authorship criteria defined by Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). The 14 roles describe the specific contribution of each collaborator to academic production: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. For more information (https://casrai.org/credit/).



Sending of manuscripts


New submission or active submissions.



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2022 Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Av. Medina Allende s/n, Ciudad Universitaria
Tel.: +54 351 4334051

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0000-0000&lng=es&nrm=iso