
ISSN 1850-6666
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy



Arbitrated Articles
They are original publications like reports of investigation or works containing general or partial results of an original research in some area of the science education, which they have not been published previously and not submitted to evaluation in another publication.

Essays or review articles.
They are works of meta-analysis and critical evaluations of previous investigations or literature related to some area or object of study in the science education field. This type of works has to offer, preferably, the state of the knowledge of the above mentioned object or area; or, has to allow the identification of relations, contradictions or inconsistencies and to propose solutions or ways for later developments.

Theoretical Articles
This kind of works analyzes the literature of research in sciences education, and contributes to the advance of the theory in some area of the field. In this type of works, the author realizes a follow-up of the theory development to extend or to refine theoretical concepts. Commonly, in this type of articles the author presents a new theory, but also, he can analyze the consistency or inconsistencies of already existing theories.

2- Conferences
Works presented in some national or international event, approaching some area of the science education research.

IMPORTANT: articles of opinion or interpretation without foundations, stories of anecdotes will not be accepted.

The articles are published exclusively in format pdf. The procedure of the original texts that are submitted to publication is only electronic web-based.



Form and preparation of manuscripts



The texts submitted to REIEC to preliminary evaluation must to accomplish the following specifications of format and content:

  • It has to be unpublished; writing in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French, and it must be elaborated according to the procedures specified in the template that could be downloaded in the web site of the journal.
  • The title of the paper must be representative of the article content allowing to the reader to be placed in the specific context approached by the text. The translation to English must be included.
  • The Abstract must be written in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French.
  • The explanatory notes must be inserted at the foot of page; numbered in consecutive order with Arabic numbers. The bibliographical references must not be included as notes, since these must appear in the list at the end of the article.


Arbitrated Articles: until to 25 pages, including tables, figures and list of references; in format A4; with single lines.
Conferences: there are no limits of extension.

Preferential structure

1. Arbitrated articles: The structure is detailed in the template -in format Microsoft Word- that can be downloaded from the web site of the journal.
2. Conferences: there is no preferential structure.


  • The Editors have the right to return to the authors the articles that do not accomplish with the publishing procedure here specified.
  • The Council of the journal is integrated by national and international researchers of recognized prestige who cover diverse thematic areas. Nevertheless, it could be possible to call other revisers according with the subject of the article. In this case, the editors will look after that they are experts qualified in your respective field.
  • All the works, including those of Council, will be submitted to the same process of review.
  • Once the work is accepted for publication, the revisers and/or the Council will do observations that must be attended by the author, who have to do the corresponding modifications in a term not bigger than 14 days. The above mentioned modifications will be realized only around the subject indicated by the revisers and/or the Council.
  • When the author delays more than 30 days in answering to the revisers suggestions, the article will be given of fall.
  • The final review of the digitalized article will be the author’s responsibility. In case of there being changes and observations to the last digitalized version, the author will have to send changes to the editor in a not major term of five days before the publication of the number of the journal.



  • Arbitrated articles
  • The Editors checks the work before, evaluating if it fulfills the publishing procedure; later two couples expert in the topic of the article check, his relevancy, quality and clarity. If there are dissents, the article will be send to a third reviser. All the articles are blind reviewed by two experts: two specialists in the subject of the article evaluate his quality, they do not know the name of the author and, in turn, the author does not know the name of the revisers.
  • After the receipt of the article is notified to the author, the time estimated of evaluation is three months approximately.
  • In order to save the anonymity of the author's identity during the review process, his Name must not appear in the text; any phrase that could lead to the identification of the author has to be eliminated temporarily.


  • Conferences.
  • The Editors checks the work before, evaluating if it fulfills the publishing procedure.


The whole correspondence will be established by the first author of the manuscript, by electronic route, excepting the authors indicate a specific speaker.

The REIEC is a product totally on line, then, the receipt, evaluation and edition is carried out by this support.

The REIEC is a publication of opened access, the opened access policy does not deny the intellectual property or the rights of the authors related to the articles; on the contrary, she respects them.

The REIEC does not reserve the rights of publication of the articles. The authors will be able to distribute your own material in any other way or support, always and when it is without commercial purposes, informing to the editors that the work will be published again and giving the corresponding credits to the REIEC.

The publication in REIEC, for his free character, does not give right to any economic remuneration to the authors.

The readers will be able to reproduce and to distribute the articles or REIEC's collaborations always that:

  • Is without commercial purposes
  • There are not done alterations to the content
  • The origin is mentioned with complete information: Name of the author, Revista Electrónica de Investigation en Educación en Ciencias, number of volume, number of copy and the exact URL of the mentioned document.

The editors will assume the commitment to notify opportunely the authors of the articles about any change in terms of his location in the Web World Wide (change of address or connections to identify the article).


The REIEC does not assume any responsibility for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors of the articles or collaborations.

The REIEC has not under her control neither assumes any responsibility of the links and hypertext that, in some articles, make possible the access to services offered by third parties in other web sites.



Sending of manuscripts


The articles will be sent to Dra. Maria Rita Otero reiec@exa.unicen.edu.ar., only by e-mail

The e-mail must include an attachment with the full text of the work. All papers have to be accompanied by a letter containing the declaration of originality signed by the authors. (http://www.exa.unicen.edu.ar/reiec/files/Declaracion_Original.doc)



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2014  Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas

Campus Universitario. Paraje Arroyo Seco
(7000) - Tandil - Pcia. de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
(54 229) 343-9650


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1850-6666&lng=es&nrm=iso